These are NOT the rooms that I paid for! 3 Resorts in 10 days - Trivia Answers 9/3

Im definetly joining in on this one!I have enjoyed your reports in the past and you and your daughter are really adorable:goodvibes
Cant wait to hear more..
Great first instalment and awesome curb side photo of you and Em looking wide awake and ready to get this adventure started. Love the picture of the plane interior, the lighting does look very high-tech. :thumbsup2

Looking forward to more! :goodvibes

Hi Carol! Thanks for joining! :goodvibes

Loving this already !!

I had to laugh when you mentioned Starbucks putting the calorie content next to all their breakfast goodies .... Why oh why!!??

Only this morning my hopes of an innocent muffin to accompany my morning coffee were dashed ....... WHAAT!!! have you seen how many calories there are in a "skinny" blueberry muffin ........ Not so innocent now my pretty :(

Ha!!! Linda, I don't think you have to worry my tiny little friend! ;)

Just subscribed to both this thread and to Emmy's dining thread. Brenda, I'm another who does not like the new Photobucket! :crazy2: It took me 3 days to finally learn it enough to post a few photos on my short trip report (which is extremely boring compared to your great writing.)

I'm looking forward to reading about the rest of your mother/daughter trip from each of you. Has Emmy caught up to you in height or do you still have a tiny edge over her?

Hi Kathy! Thank you for reading! And thanks for subbing for Em's DR. When were you in WDW in Feb??

Em is slightly taller than me... I think she's done with her growing so we'll still be shopping in the petite section. :)

What a great curbside photo; I would not have liked the turbulence you described however.

Can't wait to read the next installment.

Thanks Kathy! Yeah.... at least I didn't have an open drink during the turbulence or it would have become a water ride. :p

Subbed on Friday but didn't post. I booked "your room" on Saturday so I can't wait to read this TR!!

Oh, thanks for joining! :) THAT room? How do you book it?? I guess you have to call?? :flower3:

Yay! I follow all your dining reviews and trip reports although you would never know it since I don't post too much. I will definitely be along for the ride! :woohoo:

Hi there! Thanks for reading along - I'm glad you are here! :) I'm glad to hear you have read the early stuff. ::yes::

Count me in!!

Hi Melmel! Thanks for joining in.

Great start to the report.

I am constantly taking pics on the plane of the map and the screen and the buttons. :lmao: OOPS

Looking forward to the next installment.

Hi Scott! I think it was a testy flight attendant who was looking for some trouble. You should be fine!

I’m here to read along!!
We were there the same week too! Maybe I’ll see us in the back of your pictures, lol!

Oh my goodness the new photobucket is such a huge headache, I just want it to go back to the way it was, definitely written countless emails to them about it, it’s so bad!

Looks like a pretty good travel day so far, I’m surprised it takes that long to get there! It’s about the same for us, a total of seven hours traveling, well, then add on the DME after that too.

Excited to read more!

Hi Katt! So you were there for the lovely weather that turned freezing too? You'll have to chime in if you see yourself in any of my photos! I already posted one on the dining board when someone said they saw us at a restaurant - I said show yourself!!! :upsidedow

Yeah, about 7 hours with layovers for travel time from the West Coast to Central Florida. It can make for a loooong day.

Yay! On the Plane!!! Makes me wanna book a trip somewhere… of course… there isn't any time for that sort of thing right now! :crazy2: That plane does look pretty snazzy though! :thumbsup2

You girls look so cute for the flight! Next trip, I'll be CUTE on my flight… Those pictures came back to haunt me! You will have to help me shop before my next trip (fingers crossed! Next Spring Break!) since I have no where around me to shop…

Thanks! I do go for comfort on the plane... almost always leggings (never jeans) and a dress or something loose! And YES, I will be your personal stylist for your next trip. I'm telling ya.. mail order is wonderful!

The new plane looks awesome! The rule, however... a little weird. I feel like it would be a good thing to show what planes have to offer for people who are interested, right? That's my logic, at least! :confused:

Anyways, ICK, turbulence. Never fun! Arriving in Orlando, though, is ALWAYS FUN. :woohoo:

I like your logic Marissa! The airlines apparently not so much. I never really thought about taking photos on planes. I just don't video the take off. (I know that's a no-no!)

You will get to experience the FUN in just a couple months again. Lucky. I'm definitely joining the guessing game.

See, this is what happens when you're busy for a few days... you end up on page five!

I'm so excited that you've started your report, and I can't wait to see what you and Em did (and ate!). :banana:

Hi Jenny! I'm glad you are here! Thanks for joining in. :goodvibes
Brenda, I am so truly happy you signed our TR so I could find your TR with your beautiful Princess Emmy. Excited to read about the surprise you hinted at to me and just HAD to leave you not 1, but 2 Irish Mickeys!

Thanks Judy! I showed Emmy your cute Belle St. Paddy's day greeting and she smiled big! :goodvibes

Hi Brenda, I made it and I am joining in!!
I can't wait to hear all about this trip and its surprises ;) I think all of us who follow along the live thread were thrilled (and super jealous hehe)!!
Love the new plane, we always fly Southwest because they are the only airline that flies nonstop into Orlando from Albany and I don't mind them but spacious, new planes....they are not lol! And since I am not a fan of flying, I say boo to that turbulence too!
Great start :goodvibes:

I'm SO glad you are here Nicole! You know our little surprise and yes I was glad that Barb shared. :goodvibes

I would love a non-stop flight (and I'm a big SW fan but I mostly fly them for business) but I would have to fly out of LAX and that's too far.... sooo we just take a little longer to get there.

Lurker turned poster here! popcorn::

Sydnclairesmom - thank you for lurking AND now posting! I'm so glad that you are here. :)

Woo-hoo!!! You're on your way!

I love the curbside photo.

Too funny about the pictures on the plane! I actually have a different argument with my family. They believe that my camera is an electronic device which should be shut off during the flight, but especially during take-off and landing.

I don't think so! Isn't that the whole reason for a window seat?

Ha! YES, you must capture the view from 30,000 feet. :)

I have a been a lurker for the past few of your trip reports. I love them all! I am subscribed to your daughter's dining report as well. Can't wait to see all the fun Emmy has planned!

Hi KBrown - thank you for unlurking! It's awesome that you joined. I hope you feel welcome! (If this was a social I would have cookies and punch so we'll just have to pretend that I'm a good hostess!)

Im definetly joining in on this one!I have enjoyed your reports in the past and you and your daughter are really adorable:goodvibes
Cant wait to hear more..

Hi Patti!! Thank you so much for joining! And thanks for reading past reports. hopefully, we'll get through the boring stuff quickly and get to the exciting part!
Hang on.... update pending.... I have a few errands to run in preparation for going to VEGAS tomorrow. We will be celebrating with Joh (Wilma-Bride's) and her family for her Birthday!!!
Brenda, we checked in on the 11th and out on the 15th. We did stay at WDW through dinner time that night to eat at our favorite, Flying Fish Cafe. We had picked up a rental car on the afternoon of the 15th to have for our drive south to Sanibel Island where we spent a week with one of my two sisters and her husband. We had fabulous weather; 84 & 85 our 1st two full days at WDW, then a perfect 60 degree drizzly day for visiting Animal Kingdom on our 3rd park day.
Hey Brenda! I just read this on the tech thread.

I just found this myself! In Photobucket click the arrow at the top right by your name. Go to User Settings. Go to Albums. Near the bottom it says 'Upload Options' and you want to click on 'customize upload options'

These are the directions to upload all of your pics as the size you want in the new photobucket so if you haven't uploaded all of your pics, upload them this way and they will be the size you want. I hate the new photobucket!
Saturday February 23, 2013: Day 1 Part 2

When we boarded our connecting flight in DFW, our tickets were scanned but they didn’t get the “all clear chime” they bombed. Ok…. They asked us to stand aside while one of the agents stepped up to the computer, punched a few buttons and then handed us new boarding passes. Gosh darn it! Those aren’t the seats I selected – we had been moved. It wasn’t until we were seated that I realized that we were moved up to the extended leg-room section of the plane. No idea why but I pretty much shut up.

Exciting destination!


This sign changed my attitude!

While the plane was still boarding I availed myself of the facilities in the back. (Don’t ask me why I waited until I was on a plane where that is never my first choice!) While in the back of the plane I decided to wait until most of the passengers had been seated in the back before I made my way like a salmon spawning upstream back to my seat. While I was in the rear galley area I struck up a conversation with one of the Dallas based crew members. He was genuinely friendly and I don’t recall all that we chatted about but it had to do with his past military experience. I shared that my youngest son was in Afghanistan right now so I appreciated his past service. Eventually, I said my good-byes and rejoined my kid who I’m sure wasn’t surprised at all that I had been chatting with someone. (Who me chatty?)

By now everyone knows that if you want to eat on the plane your options are limited, either pack your own lunch or take a chance on what is served for the one, maybe two, selections on their “menu.” Since I had opted to control my own destiny by stopping at Au Bon Pain at DFW, Em had not felt the need to plan accordingly. When the flight attendants were providing beverage service we asked what types of snacks or lunch items they offered. There was a Reuben sandwich that appealed to Em - one sandwich please. I had my credit card out waiting to hand it to the flight attendant (another guy, not the one that I had chatted with.) He just waved my credit card off and said no problem. I was really confused. We were not in first class so you can’t fool me into thinking the food is gratis! After the cart had passed, the other flight attendant that I had talked to earlier came back with his hand held credit card machine dohickie. He told Em that she needed to pick a cookie and a bag of chips and offered me a cocktail… huh?? He said that due to my son’s service he was comp’ing our meals. How incredibly nice of him! I declined the cocktail (Really I did!) but Em picked a triple shot cookie and a bag of chips.

For moi:

For Em:


When the flight attendants came around to take the trash and prepare for landing I thanked the nice flight attendant again and told him I would hug him if I didn’t have to keep my seatbelt on! Actually, I shook his hand.

By 5pm we had landed andwere only about an hour and a half away from our resort. Or so I thought…..

A genuine Orlando airport clock!

Hello Mickey!!

Up Next: This isn't our bus!

Brenda, we checked in on the 11th and out on the 15th. We did stay at WDW through dinner time that night to eat at our favorite, Flying Fish Cafe. We had picked up a rental car on the afternoon of the 15th to have for our drive south to Sanibel Island where we spent a week with one of my two sisters and her husband. We had fabulous weather; 84 & 85 our 1st two full days at WDW, then a perfect 60 degree drizzly day for visiting Animal Kingdom on our 3rd park day.

Oh, we missed you by a week. I was watching the temps the weeks prior to our trip and I sure wish we had your warmer weather! Sounds like a great time at not only WDW but with family.

Vegas?? Oooh fun!!

:banana: Yeah, just a quick trip. We met Joh during our last WDW trip. (She's a moderator on the UK Board but pops into the DR area occassionally.)

Hey Brenda! I just read this on the tech thread.

I just found this myself! In Photobucket click the arrow at the top right by your name. Go to User Settings. Go to Albums. Near the bottom it says 'Upload Options' and you want to click on 'customize upload options'

These are the directions to upload all of your pics as the size you want in the new photobucket so if you haven't uploaded all of your pics, upload them this way and they will be the size you want. I hate the new photobucket!

Thanks Rachel. I saw someone else say the auto sizing option returned and I see it. Of course after I already uploaded hundreds of photos. :badpc:
What a wonderful flight attendant! I'm glad Emily got such a great deal on her food, but I must admit that your sandwich looks really tasty! I wish they had Au Bon Pain around the midwest!

How fabulous that the pixie dust started early! pixiedust:
What a super nice flight attendant to do that for you and Emmy. :thumbsup2

Your sandwich looks yummy...I've never gotten anything there before; I'll have to give it a try.
Aww, what a nice gesture from the flight attendant

Have a fab time in Vegas and give Joh a birthday hug from me :)
What a nice flight experience! Those are becoming more rare these days. Remember when all of us in the economy seats had the same amount of spacious leg room before the airlines decided to add and cram more seats in and charge extra to get back that leg room? ;) Good times.

A great flight attendant! But you did the right thing by planning ahead and purchasing your food before boarding- can't tell you how many times on a flight where they run out of food or snacks to purchase for the second half of the plane!

Awesome that you're heading to Vegas!! On the first week of March Madness!! (Ok, maybe that part isn't as important for ya). Have a good time!
What a wonderful flight attendant! I'm glad Emily got such a great deal on her food, but I must admit that your sandwich looks really tasty! I wish they had Au Bon Pain around the midwest!

How fabulous that the pixie dust started early! pixiedust:

I agree! A sprinkling of pixie dust was just a primer! ;)
I'm with you... no Au Bon Pain around here either. :sad2:

What a super nice flight attendant to do that for you and Emmy. :thumbsup2

Your sandwich looks yummy...I've never gotten anything there before; I'll have to give it a try.

It can be on your one day list... :thumbsup2

Aww, what a nice gesture from the flight attendant

Have a fab time in Vegas and give Joh a birthday hug from me :)

Thanks Linda! I told Joh to rest up because when we get there we'll go crazy. We may even stay up til 10pm!! :rotfl:

What a nice flight crew you had!! :goodvibes

Yay for arriving in Orlando!

Yes, nice guys! :)

What a nice flight experience! Those are becoming more rare these days. Remember when all of us in the economy seats had the same amount of spacious leg room before the airlines decided to add and cram more seats in and charge extra to get back that leg room? ;) Good times.

A great flight attendant! But you did the right thing by planning ahead and purchasing your food before boarding- can't tell you how many times on a flight where they run out of food or snacks to purchase for the second half of the plane!

Awesome that you're heading to Vegas!! On the first week of March Madness!! (Ok, maybe that part isn't as important for ya). Have a good time!

It's all true! I'd rather plan my meals than them plan them for me - of sorts.... yeah, no thanks!

What's this about March Madness?? Oh NOOOOO! I obviously don't follow sports so I had no idea about the timing! Not sure if my DH will be distracted at the Sports Book ... :confused3
What's this about March Madness?? Oh NOOOOO! I obviously don't follow sports so I had no idea about the timing! Not sure if my DH will be distracted at the Sports Book ... :confused3

If I were in Vegas during this week, I would be looking for a nice sports bar/restaurant and just planting myself in the seats with LOTS of food to stuff myself with! And watch basketball. ;)
That's awesome that they took care of you and Em on the plane! And you had upgrades starting already! HAHA!! You clearly have a lot of pixie dust and favor, don't you?
Brenda, I'm not even gonna lie. When you talked about the lovely flight attendant comping you because of your son's service, it honestly brought a tear to my eye. We may live in different countries, but I have such respect for all the men and women in the armed services. That was just so nice to hear. :lovestruc

BTW, Orlando clocks are just better ;)
Have a wonderful time in Vegas!

Ooh, sounds like a plane upgrade! Awesome.

Aww. What an awesome flight attendant! We all appreciate your son's service too. :goodvibes


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