Third Wave is Here...

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I have an interesting situation with a close friend and the vaccine. She qualifies both by age (40+) and medical condition (MS). But so far she has not received the vaccine. Because of health issues (in addition to MS), she is more likely to have a bad outcome if she did get COVID. Her husband does not trust the COVID vaccine. Thinks it was rushed too fast. (Also thinks we should have just mostly let COVID run its natural course to achieve herd immunity). Anyway, I have been gently encouraging her to get the vaccine (i.e., pointing out where she could register and offered to help her find an AZ appt) but basically she admitted its 'not worth dealing with' her husband and his opposition to the vaccine. But based on recent comments, I've realized that she is hoping that it will be mandated for certain situations (maybe her job or travel, etc.) because then her husband is likely to grudgingly go along with her getting it.
I would be concerned about your friend because her husband has no right to try and tell her what to do as far as her health is concerned. It sounds like a very controlling relationship. That is actually a form of abuse.

What @wdwmom3 said. Plus, given she is the one with MS, and if she gets sick, the one with the possible worst outcomes, and obviously her husband doesn't seem to care... perhaps suggest she speak to her doctor? Perhaps that could be the push to get it for her.
I've realized that she is hoping that it will be mandated for certain situations (maybe her job or travel, etc.)
This may be the case.

I have a friend in Eastern Ontario who is 50+ with multiple health issues including diabetes, obesity, serious history of life threatening blood clots (plus more complications) and she will not take AZ and likely not J&J either. She is waiting for Pfizer or possibly Moderna. Neither are available for her age group in this part of the province. Some health units have a severe health issue wait list but I haven't heard of anyone on those lists being called. She may be waiting all summer unless her family md or a treating specialist can intervene and vaccinate her in office. Her risk of death from COVID is sky high while she waits because of all of her pre-existing conditions. But she can work from home (on a temporary basis using Zoom) and has all food and meals delivered to her condo. When she finally gets her first shot, she will likely be at least 6 months behind everyone else for the second shot and then the anticipated booster. She is taking a wait and see approach. Hoping that the much promised Pfizer will suddenly flood in throughout the province and not just in the hot spots. She has great faith in the federal gov't and their news conferences. Her employer and union have suggested that her profession may be receiving private Moderna appointments like some teachers in this area who teach special needs classes. While she waits isolated in her condo, her health further declines without much incentive to exercise and the temptation to overeat and binge on Netflix. Sure there are many in this camp. This past year has probably shortened her lifespan by years through inactivity and stress. As someone who has no serious health problems, and in the same age bracket, taking AZ was a no brainer when there was no chance for Moderna or Pfizer. Hard to suggest to a friend with severe health issues that she should go line up at her local pharmacy for AZ. I'm in no way comparing her situation to an essential worker who must go into the factory or warehouse every day. But not a promising situation for her either. :sad2:
This may be the case.

I have a friend in Eastern Ontario who is 50+ with multiple health issues including diabetes, obesity, serious history of life threatening blood clots (plus more complications) and she will not take AZ and likely not J&J either. She is waiting for Pfizer or possibly Moderna. Neither are available for her age group in this part of the province. Some health units have a severe health issue wait list but I haven't heard of anyone on those lists being called. She may be waiting all summer unless her family md or a treating specialist can intervene and vaccinate her in office. Her risk of death from COVID is sky high while she waits because of all of her pre-existing conditions. But she can work from home (on a temporary basis using Zoom) and has all food and meals delivered to her condo. When she finally gets her first shot, she will likely be at least 6 months behind everyone else for the second shot and then the anticipated booster. She is taking a wait and see approach. Hoping that the much promised Pfizer will suddenly flood in throughout the province and not just in the hot spots. She has great faith in the federal gov't and their news conferences. Her employer and union have suggested that her profession may be receiving private Moderna appointments like some teachers in this area who teach special needs classes. While she waits isolated in her condo, her health further declines without much incentive to exercise and the temptation to overeat and binge on Netflix. Sure there are many in this camp. This past year has probably shortened her lifespan by years through inactivity and stress. As someone who has no serious health problems, and in the same age bracket, taking AZ was a no brainer when there was no chance for Moderna or Pfizer. Hard to suggest to a friend with severe health issues that she should go line up at her local pharmacy for AZ. I'm in no way comparing her situation to an essential worker who must go into the factory or warehouse every day. But not a promising situation for her either. :sad2:

That doesn’t sound right. I know a bunch of areas that have been vaccinating people in the high risk health conditions for weeks now. She may want to look into this a bit more and be proactive. Not just wait to be called.
That doesn’t sound right. I know a bunch of areas that have been vaccinating people in the high risk health conditions for weeks now. She may want to look into this a bit more and be proactive. Not just wait to be called.
Agree although understand the local health units are triaging with leukemia, etc top of the list. She explained that her conditions - neither singly nor in a bundle - have popped her to the top tiers for consideration yet.

Sadly, the AZ in our areas has now run low because of demand and also 50% of AZ reportedly taken for the hot spots. Only one pharmacy now in my area that still has some limited stock. Good to see the demand but we all need more vaccines.
Interesting results in Ontario testing today. The group with the highest percentage of positive cases was the 14-17 year old group. Strange since they're not even in school.

A lot of them are probably working those essential jobs (fast food, grocery stores, etc), choosing to believe it's that rather than they are all gathering together. But still rather frustrating to see since they also can't get vaccinated for the most part. :(
As the parent of a teen I can tell you that many teens are still gathering socially. My daughter (who isn’t) gets so mad cause she sees it all over social media.

And considering those ages. I blame the parents.

Absolutely I blame the parents too.

I am fortunate as I have 2 boys aged 12 and 15 and they are more than content in their social interactions being "virtual" for the time being through online gaming with their friends.

Edit: But I understand your struggles. Many of my friends are struggling with being the "bad guy" and not letting their kids go hang out physically with their friends.
As the parent of a teen I can tell you that many teens are still gathering socially. My daughter (who isn’t) gets so mad cause she sees it all over social media.

And considering those ages. I blame the parents.
I think you may be right and it certainly doesn't help that those are the ones you see. My 16 year old is not socializing at all right now but he randomly asked to see a friend as "everyone else is doing it". Of course, that's not true, but it sure makes it harder for families who are trying to follow the rules. I feel terrible for kids right now. My son has had one semester of high school in person at the start of grade 9
and he will be going back to grade 11. :(
Absolutely I blame the parents too.

I am fortunate as I have 2 boys aged 12 and 15 and they are more than content in their social interactions being "virtual" for the time being through online gaming with their friends.

Edit: But I understand your struggles. Many of my friends are struggling with being the "bad guy" and not letting their kids go hang out physically with their friends.

I’m not having any struggles. My daughter is getting mad at the teens socializing not me. She knows now isn’t the time.

I have zero issue being the bad guy. Maybe that’s why my kids respect what they are told now. I’ve always been that way. I’m their parent not their friend. Just wish more parents would actually parent, not worry about being their kids “friend”.
There are so many teens hanging out at each other’s homes and driving around together to get take out, Starbucks, etc. together in my neighbourhood. My teens know of so many who are still having family get togethers, going over to friends and relative’s homes. It‘s all posted in their Instagram and Snapchat stories, or whatever it’s called. It infuriates me that their parents allow this and are doing this when cases are rising and this pandemic seems never ending. It’s affected my teen daughter more than my son (who is content gaming online all day and night with his friends), but although my daughter understands why we aren’t letting her participate, she is definitely feeling left out and isolated through all of this.
It's probably because many of them are still hanging out socially.
Honestly it has to be this .. they are very social creatures at this age and it’s crucial to their development to have peer groups.

Add in precarious mental health and I guarantee you that parents are giving in and allowing them to gather . Plus school was safe for so long I’m sure parents aren’t as worried about this age group .

We choose to follow the rules and keep my son separated but it’s hard on him . He’s a good kid and doesn’t complain and understands his actions affect others so I don’t have a fight on my hands . But I’m sure a lot of parents do .
Interesting trending results in Ontario testing today. The group with the highest percentage of positive cases was the 14-17 year old group. 12% is a high number for such a small age span. You would hope that with the kids home from school, the cases would be going down but they are going up.
I took my 11 yo to get an ice cream cone at McDonald’s the other day and there must have been 8 teens about age 15-16 hanging out together in front of the restaurant. They were horsing around , being kids. This was early afternoon around 1:30, my kid was just done with his online learning block and I took him out for a treat. The McDs in question is in upper middle class neighborhood and guessing these kids live around there and walked over together. My kid was watching them from the drive-thru and at some point said: omg this girl there is my friend’s older sister! I inquired which friend and yes I know them. The parents are both doctors. Probably both at work.
11 and 16 yo left at home to do online schools which let’s face it, is mostly a joke. My kid for example has one learning block a day, the rest is independent work. Grade 6. What are kids to do?
Some will go out unfortunately and parents would rather the kids go out then stay inside the house. Our neighbour is a police officer who works with youth in the schools. He said to us that kids being home, especially teens is far more dangerous then being in a more structured and supervised environment at school. Lots will gather behind their parents back when they are at work.
He also was talking about kids mental health in general, he said kids have regular meltdowns, lots more than ever before talk about suicide and so parents will sometimes give in to some social interaction with peers to alleviate this. Yes I know a lot of kids are fine, but most really are not. This dad, again a police officer says to let the kids outside, maybe put on a mask and let them be with peers. Outside. Based on what he’s seeing in his work right now is scary, and he’s not talking about kids catching covid.
People need to get real, if the schools stay closed kids will find other ways to socialize.
I drove by a few neighborhoods this week, all had groups of kids playing together outside. It’s hard to say what the parents are thinking. Probably trying to allow the kids to do something, as safely as possible, outside. I don’t know.
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Some will go out unfortunately and parents would rather the kids go out then stay inside the house. Our neighbour is a police officer who works with youth in the schools. He said to us that kids being home, especially teens is far more dangerous then being in a more structured and supervised environment at school. Lots will gather behind their parents back when they are at work.

This was our local Medical Officer of Health's explanation for not closing schools before the Ministry did. I get it but for those of us who do take precautions, it is definitely safer for our family when the schools are closed (when community numbers are high).
This was our local Medical Officer of Health's explanation for not closing schools before the Ministry did. I get it but for those of us who do take precautions, it is definitely safer for our family when the schools are closed (when community numbers are high).
Oh absolutely. All I’m saying that kids gather more when schools are closed and often parents don’t even know about it (as in the case of older teens etc). The parents that do know are not necessarily ones that just don’t follow the public health guidelines, some give in thinking the likelihood of covid making their kids really sick is smaller than kids having severe mental health issues. I keep hearing this from other parents who allow some socialization, they mostly allow kids to go outside though.
If parents absolutely have no rules and allow their kids to gather inside, that’s really careless. Unforunately all this will continue to happen, especially when schools are closed.
I took my 11 yo to get an ice cream cone at McDonald’s the other day and there must have been 8 teens about age 15-16 hanging out together in front of the restaurant. They were horsing around , being kids. This was early afternoon around 1:30, my kid was just done with his online learning block and I took him out for a treat. The McDs in question is in upper middle class neighborhood and guessing these kids live around there and walked over together. My kid was watching them from the drive-thru and at some point said: omg this girl there is my friend’s older sister! I inquired which friend and yes I know them. The parents are both doctors. Probably both at work.
11 and 16 yo left at home to do online schools which let’s face it, is mostly a joke. My kid for example has one learning block a day, the rest is independent work. Grade 6. What are kids to do?
Some will go out unfortunately and parents would rather the kids go out then stay inside the house. Our neighbour is a police officer who works with youth in the schools. He said to us that kids being home, especially teens is far more dangerous then being in a more structured and supervised environment at school. Lots will gather behind their parents back when they are at work.
He also was talking about kids mental health in general, he said kids have regular meltdowns, lots more than ever before talk about suicide and so parents will sometimes give in to some social interaction with peers to alleviate this. Yes I know a lot of kids are fine, but most really are not. This dad, again a police officer says to let the kids outside, maybe put on a mask and let them be with peers. Outside. Based on what he’s seeing in his work right now is scary, and he’s not talking about kids catching covid.
People need to get real, if the schools stay closed kids will find other ways to socialize.
I drove by a few neighborhoods this week, all had groups of kids playing together outside. It’s hard to say what the parents are thinking. Probably trying to allow the kids to do something, as safely as possible, outside. I don’t know.
This is why it is important to get all school staff fully vaccinated so school can reopen safely in September. Our kids need to be in school. They need to be safe.
This is why it is important to get all school staff fully vaccinated so school can reopen safely in September. Our kids need to be in school. They need to be safe.
I agree. It’s actually mega frustrating that the vaccines haven’t been offered to school stuff as a priority. We all know (at least in Ontario) that kids are not going back this school year.
Which is extremely sad for the kids, but without teachers vaccinated I just don’t see it.
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