This has been a tough two weeks..

Mackey Mouse

Me read the Navigator? I don't
May 21, 2000
I have not posted, I really had nothing wonderful to say.......but felt after the oncologist called today maybe I should post an update.

Chemo is usually cumulative.. but this round.. the very first round knocked him for a loop. His eyes were vacant, he was exhausted, nauseated, just not doing well at all. I think he has lost 6 lbs definitely in two weeks, I will know more on Monday exactly how much and trust me he is eating just that chemo burns calories. Today we ventured out, other than that, he has been here... no energy.. no bounceback...feeling not so good..

Anyway, oncologist is lowering the dose, I hope that it helps Tom have some energy and yet will be strong enough to make a difference.. Who knows, truly it is like a roulette wheel... it is going to work or not, it is going to work for a while and give us more time.. is what it is.. I just think the quality of life is important as well. I am not calling the shots here, it is up to Tom.
:hug: Prayers are with you both. I really don't know what else I can say.
Marsha unfortunately as you said chemo is cumulative and the more they get the more difficult it is for them to handle or get over it.
I can tell you that Sonya has been out of chemo since the end of march and she is still not herself , her stamina is still low. I have asked her oncologist and he said if it took him ten months to get her as low as he did with the chemo , it will take just as long or even longer to get her back up.
It's a good thing that the oncologist is lowering the dose , I think at some point they need to consider quantity of life versus quality but again they are not the ones calling the shots. I can only hope that they can find a balance for Tom and it doesn't make him so sick. Hugs to both of you.
You continue to be in my prayers. Please keep us posted. We are all here for you.
You're both still in our prayers, too. I know all too well how tough it can be. :hug:
Prayers to you & your DH. It's so hard dealing with chemo - you'll be in all our prayers. Best wishes.
:hug: Marsha.

I also agree with lowering the dosage. Not that I am a Dr. It justs sounds like it would make sense. Take less of a toll on Tom..

I do hope that things change for the better, and he gets his strength back somewhat.

He has the best Nurse in town. :grouphug:
You know that you guys (including Mskanga's Sonya and NHAnn's Avery) are in my prayers. There's not much else that any of us can do but continue to pray for healing and for a cure.
I wish there were something we could do for the two of you. I will be keeping your both in my prayers.
Nothing I can say except that you are in my thoughts and prayers....this is a difficult time for BOTH of you! :hug:
:hug: So sorry, Marsha. Hopefully lowering the dose will help.
When is your trip? I know he wants to have his strength back enough to enjoy being with family. :hug:
Marsha I have followed your story, lurking for a long time. I just wanted to post that you and Tom are in my thoughts. :hug:
Just wanted to let you know you are both in my prayers:hug:


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