This is the dawning of the rest of our lives... AT DISNEY WORLD!!!! COMPLETED 1/6!!!!

My butt was wet because there were hardly any people in the park, so they kept sending out empty or only partly full logs on Splash, so the water would just splash into the log, resulting in us sitting in puddles basically. SO WORTH IT ANYWAY. hahaha.

Hahah, I was quoting you! "Why is my a** so wet?"


Hahaha oh my goodness, I want some of that space ice cream. I remember loving space food when I was little too. My first grade teacher was OBSESSED with Space so 80% of our class said they were going to be astrounauts when they grew up. I don't think anyone followed through. :lmao:

Did you know they close Splash during EMH now? :( Yeah. I'm still crying.


Your Main Street pictures just make me happy. Main Street USA is my home. Like, I'm convinced I live there.

Oh and I love children. They're fantastic.

GAH can they please bring the old voice back? If they started calling it the Peoplemover again after all these years, maybe there is hope!

That's funny! I didn't think many people remembered the space food! I think they are phasing it out, cause I see it less and less. I don't think they had it this time.

Wait...WHAT? It was open when I was there! It was really windy out though, so I didn't go on.

AHH Jess, I wish we lived there. Ah well, soon you'll live VERY close to there! And I will be up here living vicariously though you!!

Hahah, I was quoting you! "Why is my a** so wet?"


Oh, LOL. Missed that one. :upsidedow
Wait...WHAT? It was open when I was there! It was really windy out though, so I didn't go on.

AHH Jess, I wish we lived there. Ah well, soon you'll live VERY close to there! And I will be up here living vicariously though you!!

Ah really!? Well, maybe they haven't started yet. I saw that they were going to start doing that soon. I hope it's a lie but I don't think so. :confused3

ME TOO. We will soon though. :) I have no doubt!
Ah really!? Well, maybe they haven't started yet. I saw that they were going to start doing that soon. I hope it's a lie but I don't think so. :confused3

ME TOO. We will soon though. :) I have no doubt!

Yeah, it just REALLY doesn't make sense that they would close one of the most popular attractions when EMH promises shorter lines on them! Sheesh Disney.

I wish!!!! pixiedust:
DECEMBER 13, 2011
Day 9, Part 1 In Which I Calm Down... A Little

"OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" was my internal dialogue upon waking up that morning.

Not just because this was our last full day in Disney, but also because I had SLEPT THROUGH Stitch's phone call!

Eh... sort of. I literally picked up the phone and fell back asleep. With it off the hook. In my hand.

This threw a wrench into my "SPEND EVERY POSSIBLE SECOND I CAN IN THE PARKS" plan of the day.

Mom wanted to sleep in. NOT I. I had my tried and true "last full day, must do EVERYTHING" anxiety.

I always experience this. It's why I never book ADRs for our last full day or last day. Because I need to have the time free to do whatever.

Anything and everything. Whatever I didn't have time for during the rest of the trip. Whatever I have to see again before I leave. Freedom to run around Disney doing whatever I feel like... soaking every last bit in.

I wanted to get to Hollywood for rope drop so I could, AGAIN, engage in many Toy Story Mania marathons during which I would, AGAIN, kick everyone's butts and make them run home, crying for their mothers. Alas, it was now too late for that now.

So... I decided to just relax a bit. Or at least try to. Because yes, I was leaving Disney the next day. But I would be back.

The great thing about Disney is that it's always there waiting for you. Ever-changing and yet somehow, always the same. So there was really no reason for me to run around the World in a panic. I wasn't going to fit everything into the day. So why try?

This is kind of my new philosophy on life. Whatever you're doing, it's not gonna be flawless. Appreciate it for what it is instead of being disappointed it isn't perfect. You'll save yourself a lot of frustration!

So yeah, after I talked myself out of being insane (I often have to do this), I felt a lot better, and I'm sure the day ended up being a lot better for it.

Even though we had already spent a ton of time there and I knew I would be back the next day, I headed to the Magic Kingdom in the hopes that a very popular attraction would have less than a 100 minute wait so that I could finally experience it. You all know which one I'm talking about. The big one.

The Hall of Presidents!

So, as I was getting on the MK bus, the driver announced that he was cutting off the line and people behind a certain point would have to wait for the next one.

Then he said, "Don't worry folks, another one will be right along. All buses go to the magic." :smickey:


Good morning, my glorious kingdom of magic!!! I missed you!!!



I love this poster. How cute are Mickey and Minnie in their teacup? And the Queen of Hearts in the back sitting alone cracks me up. Where's that tiny little King?



I love being up on the second level of the train station watching the goings on of Main Street.


Whew! Actual people! And lots of 'em. Wasn't used to seeing that sight this trip.

Drat, I hope I can make it to the Hall of Presidents in time to actually get in! I thought. Seriously, that place is like Le Cellier sometimes.





Did ya know this is a real mailbox? Your mail will be sent if you drop it in here. Same with the one in America at Epcot. I feel like there's one in Hollywood too, but who can remember?




It sure was a beautiful day that day. The weather was perfect.

However, I had to get a move on. I chanted "Hall of Presidents! Hall of Presidents!" to myself as I hoofed it on over to Liberty Square.




WHEW. I made it inside. Just barely. If only it wasn't so stressful to get in here and on Maelstrom, I'd come to Disney a lot more. Between this and the Swiss Family Treehouse, the waits are usually just too much for me.

Ok... all jokes aside: The Hall of Presidents rocks.

And I never say "all jokes aside" b/c 90% of what I say is a joke or sarcastic comment. (I am Chandler Bing. Or, should I say, could I BE any more like Chandler Bing?).

BUT SERIOUSLY!!!! All jokes ASIDE. I loved it.

I had never seen this attraction before. It's not that I wasn't interested, but I just... never really want a history lesson while at the Magic Kingdom. You know? But I am SO glad I finally saw it!

It was amazing. I really enjoyed the movie and seeing all 44 presidents together was surreal. I definitely got chills when JFK (one of my faves) stood up. Same with Obama, especially because he did a recording for it and so that mixed with how much the animatronic looked and moved like him, ahh it's so surreal! It was really beautiful.

YAY AMERICA, and all that. I will definitely be back. Maybe not every single trip, but it's an excellent attraction. Sure, it may not have drunk bears singing about their regrets, but it's still pretty good.


Next, I headed over to the Haunted Mansion. This is just one of those attractions I have to do multiple times each trip. One of my all-time faves I will never ever get bored of.





I always have to say hi to Mr. Toad on the way out. And I always take a picture.



At Disney...always look up. And always look down... for more details. I know I sound like a broken record... but seriously, DO IT.


Up Next: Meeting up with mom and going to one of our favorite restaurants from my childhood!​
GOD your pictures are SO pretty. :love: They just make me want to go to Magic Kingdom so bad. I miss Christmassy Main Street and the Haunted Mansion and even the Hall of Presidents! :rotfl: AHH 72 more days. Come on.
GOD your pictures are SO pretty. :love: They just make me want to go to Magic Kingdom so bad. I miss Christmassy Main Street and the Haunted Mansion and even the Hall of Presidents! :rotfl: AHH 72 more days. Come on.

JESS!! You seem to be my only reader left! LOL. Thanks for hanging in. I miss it SO MUCH TOO! I am awfully sad I will not be seeing a Christmassy Main Street this year. I will again be living vicariously through you!!
I'm here!

The last full day is bittersweet. I always want to run around like a manic too. The problem with that plan is that the day goes by in a blink from all the running. I think a slower pace is the best way to really enjoy your last day.
I was going to wait until I got to the end of the TR to reply, but I have to do it now!!! I saw your title about becoming Clark Griswold and I KNEW it had to be about a squirrel attack!!!! THOSE THINGS ARE EVIL!!!!!!!!!! I was attacked by one when I was a little girl and ever since then, they have been out to get me! Ugh I hate those things!!!! Then, fast forward about 20 years, when I was in college, somehow one got into the football stadium. It was running around peoples feet and when it got to me, it decided to jump in my lap and then to my shoulders and start running around on everyone's shoulders! I WAS FREAKING OUT! OMG I hate those evil evil creatures!!

I am sorry that happened to you lol but I am loving your TR, though!! :)
Yay! I'm so glad that you finally discovered the wonderfulness that is the Hall of Presidents! I love Morgan Freeman's narration. Seriously, that man could read the menu at a McDonald's and make it sound good! Plus, an attraction that makes me teary-eyed (or weepy, depending on the day) over U.S. history is clearly doing something right.
I'm not what you would call a "patriotic person" but I always have to do the Hall of Presidents and American Adventure. I am a person who is impressed by the human spirit and what we can accomplish. <sheds tear>

You know, I always forget to look for Mr. Toad... And this time when I remembered, it was too dark to see and I had a Castle Stageshow/Holiday Wishes/Christmas parade to stake out a seat for. Oh well, there's always next time;).

I'm so looking forward to this and your subsequent TR, as I am currently sitting at MCO experiencing a severe case of PDD.:crazy2::scared::sad2::guilty::sad:
I'm here!

The last full day is bittersweet. I always want to run around like a manic too. The problem with that plan is that the day goes by in a blink from all the running. I think a slower pace is the best way to really enjoy your last day.


You are 100% right. It's way better to just accept you're not gonna get everything done and pick a select few things to enjoy.

I was going to wait until I got to the end of the TR to reply, but I have to do it now!!! I saw your title about becoming Clark Griswold and I KNEW it had to be about a squirrel attack!!!! THOSE THINGS ARE EVIL!!!!!!!!!! I was attacked by one when I was a little girl and ever since then, they have been out to get me! Ugh I hate those things!!!! Then, fast forward about 20 years, when I was in college, somehow one got into the football stadium. It was running around peoples feet and when it got to me, it decided to jump in my lap and then to my shoulders and start running around on everyone's shoulders! I WAS FREAKING OUT! OMG I hate those evil evil creatures!!

I am sorry that happened to you lol but I am loving your TR, though!! :)

AHHH! Wow, that is totally crazy! I can't believe that happened. They are really aggressive. It was scary!

I'm glad you're enjoying the TR so much, Thanks!

Yay! I'm so glad that you finally discovered the wonderfulness that is the Hall of Presidents! I love Morgan Freeman's narration. Seriously, that man could read the menu at a McDonald's and make it sound good! Plus, an attraction that makes me teary-eyed (or weepy, depending on the day) over U.S. history is clearly doing something right.

That is so true. He is amazing. It totally made me tear up too!

I'm not what you would call a "patriotic person" but I always have to do the Hall of Presidents and American Adventure. I am a person who is impressed by the human spirit and what we can accomplish. <sheds tear>

You know, I always forget to look for Mr. Toad... And this time when I remembered, it was too dark to see and I had a Castle Stageshow/Holiday Wishes/Christmas parade to stake out a seat for. Oh well, there's always next time;).

I'm so looking forward to this and your subsequent TR, as I am currently sitting at MCO experiencing a severe case of PDD.:crazy2::scared::sad2::guilty::sad:

I don't think I'm that patriotic either but I totally loved it too. It was very, very impressive to me.

I forgot to do it for so long, and now I can't walk by there without waving at Mr. Toad, so I'm sure you'll remember eventually! :D AHHH I want to go to MVMCP so bad!

Thank you so much! Ahh, I'm sorry your trip is over. But, don't cry because it's over... smile because it happened. I know that's super cheesy but hey, it's true! I can't wait to hear all about your trip!
We saw the Hall of Presidents for the first time in 2010. We liked it so much, we went again in 2011! Now with 2 little ones, we probably won't be back there for awhile, but for sure will again in the future!

(And I thought you were joking that is where you were headed! LOL!)
We saw the Hall of Presidents for the first time in 2010. We liked it so much, we went again in 2011! Now with 2 little ones, we probably won't be back there for awhile, but for sure will again in the future!

(And I thought you were joking that is where you were headed! LOL!)

Yeah, I'm sure young children probably wouldn't find it as fascinating but definitely something that would be cool once they start to learn about the presidents in school! :thumbsup2 I just love that attraction.

LOL I do often make fun of attractions like this... but I still do them!
DECEMBER 13, 2011
Day 9, Part 2 In Which I Mourn Toontown and Meet Up With Mom

While walking away from the Mansion, I noticed my mom had called while I was on the ride. I sat down on a nearby bench to call her back, and we decided to meet up in about an hour at Hollywood Studios.

The next call I made was to Disney Dining. I was a changin' my "no-ADR-on-the-last-full-day" tune. I really felt like eating at 50's Prime Time, so I called to see if they had availability, and they did! Woo! My mom loves it there (she just calls it Mom's Kitchen), so I figured it would be good to surprise her with that once we got to Hollywood.

I mosied on into Frontierland...






I went up to the train station so I could catch a ride on the good ol' Walt Disney World Railroad.


Look what I found in my purse! Lady bugs are good luck, you know.

Well... they're supposed to be.

Unfortunately, I was once BITTEN by one when I was a child. Yes... lady bugs bite. And it hurts. A lot. Just a life tip: EVERYTHING BITES.

So instead of touching the Disney ladybug, I got a piece of paper from my purse and picked it up using that, and left it there in Frontierland for a life of magic at the Kingdom. What could be better? I wish someone would pick me up and leave ME there.




Look, teepees! (Tipis? ...Who can be sure?)

I posted on Twitter:
WDW Railroad isn't the same, I miss Toontown... But I am unbelievably excited for the expansion of Fantasyland. I can't even.

Yeah, it was really weird seeing Toontown mostly gone with all the walls up. It made me kinda sad at the time. It's crazy to think of how different things are now having seen Storybook Circus New Fantasyland on my most recent trip. I know I've said this before but it was truly beyond my wildest dreams! Now I don't miss Toontown so much anymore.

I got off the WDW Railroad once we hit Main Street so I could head out and meet my mom. As I walked down the steps I spotted Snow White skipping down Main Street while singing, humming, and waving at people. It was the most adorable thing ever. She spotted me and said "Oh! Oh, hello!" in her sweet little voice. It was a big moment for me.

I love when characters are just wandering around like that. They do that a lot more at Disneyland than at WDW for some reason, and watching the videos is so fun. If you've never heard of "Spieling Peter Pan" (Andrew Ducote), look him up. Make sure you have hours free before you do this though, because trust me, you will fall in love. I mean, the guy married a girl who played Wendy. It's just too adorable and magical.

From the Main Street of Walt's hometown Marceline, Missouri... I hopped a bus to Hollywood, and was there within minutes. Magic, I tell ya!

I took a photo of this window display:


I LOVE Huey, Dewey, and Louie. At the time, I couldn't remember Dewey's name, so when I showed my mom the window display on the way out, I said "Look! It's Huey, ...something... and Louie. What's the middle one's name? Why do I feel like it's Dewey? It's Dewey, right?"

She shrugged. I'm sorry, Dewey! We couldn't remember. But I do remember that you're in a really cute Christmas special and an even cuter Halloween one and I love you.

I also took a picture of these lambs? What is this?


We're running on the fumes at this point in the TR.


I don't think I've ever actually been inside Oscar's. I was going to go in but then I noticed the "strollers and wheelchairs" sign. Being that I need neither, I kept walking, but I probably should have went in cause knowing Disney, it's decorated to the nines with awesome stuff. Next time!

I met up with my mom near this puppy...


LIKE THE HAT? :bitelip:

We were ready to ride one of our ALL TIME FAMILY FAVORITE ATTRACTIONS...


The Great Movie Ride!

On my childhood trips, my dad was never super crazy about going to Disney World. I mean, he enjoyed himself, but he took us because we loved it.

There were several things throughout the parks he did find very special though, and the Great Movie Ride was one of them. He's a huge classic movie fan, in fact he finds most films made after the 40's to be absolute crap.

He'd always say, "Let's go see James Cagney!" and often wanted to ride more than once. My mom and I adore this attraction too, so this was one of those things we'd all get really excited as a family to go and do, so I have lots of good memories of that. And contrary to a lot of opinions I hear, I don't think they should change it. Like at all (I'd definitely be in favor of an additional GMR with more recent films, or a Great Television Ride!). I love the classic films they feature and I think it captures a certain unrepeatable moment in time in Hollywood. I just love this attraction so much.



This attraction features a few of my all-time favorite Hidden Mickeys, including the ever-elusive Hidden Minnie that is in this mural. I have been looking for this Minnie for 10 years now. I just never have enough time to find her. I refuse to ask a CM to point her out... I MUST find her on my own! I'm sure I will someday.


Here's a favorite Hidden Mickey of mine. Can ya spot him? Crappy pic I know, but if you look closely, he's there! I love the Mickeys that aren't just the classic three circles. If you haven't seen this one before, I'll give you a hint... only a small part of Mickey's body is visible, but you can sure tell it's him.


I took this during the western scene because I never noticed the Pocahontas newspaper before, which I thought was a nice touch. I know they mean the real one and not the Disney one. But still, yay!



I LOVE this scene! Right before we left for Disney, I had just watched Alien after not having seen it in years, so I appreciated it even more. I really hate when people say this scene doesn't fit in with the rest of the ride. Yeah, it may not be on the same level as some of the other classics, but they had to include horror, and it's definitely one of the most widely praised and well crafted horror films at all time. I love this movie and think it deserves to be there.


We welcome you to munchkin land! I really have to re-watch this movie too. I haven't seen it from beginning to end in years!

I was SO excited during this ride because I finally spotted the Hidden Mickey and Donald in the hieroglyphics. It's hard to spot because there are so many and you don't have that much time to look, but I finally caught them and got SO EXCITED! haha, it's just so fun when you finally find one you've been searching for!


There they are! This is such a creative HM. Obviously this isn't my pic (shoutout to Jack Spence, whoever you are!). If you want to find this, It's to your left right before the Egyptian scene ends. I never knew that because I like to find them without much guidance, so I would just endlessly look all around in a panic, but it's pretty easy to spot if you know where you're looking!

I'm curious... what's your favorite Great Movie Ride scene? Mine is probably Casablanca, but it's hard to choose!

Up Next: Our ADR in Hollywood and one of the best times we had the entire trip!

P.S. All of you probably know but I figured I should mention it... I started my new TR! The link is in my signature!!! STUCK IN DISNEY BABY!!!!!!​
Those lambs look vaguely familiar, but I can't think of where I've seen them. Fantasia, maybe?

I've been looking for that hidden Minnie for forever! I don't spend enough time in that front room to get a good look at that mural.

I don't really like the scene from Alien. I don't think it needs to be removed, but it's probably my least favorite. I do think that the Great Movie Ride could use an update to include movies from the past 20some years. Or at least redo some of the old scenes (like Tarzan & Jane... it makes me so sad to see that scene at a place where they're known for amazing audio-animatronics!). My favorite scene is probably the Wizard of Oz scene. It's so immersive!
I hope they never replace it! Add to it, yes, but no replacing! It's a family favorite in this house, too! It will forever remind me of my childhood.

My favorite scene is definitely the Wizard of Oz. Did the Wicked Witch used to be a live cast member? Or is that just my childhood memories believing too much?!
I am in love with Disney’s window displays. They are just perfect.

I know where the hidden Minnie is on GMR and have seen it before…. But you said you want to find it yourself so I won’t give any hints!

And I have seen Mickey and Donald in the hieroglyphics too. I love finding stuff like that!
I have nightmares about ladybugs because my first dorm room was infested (most likely an exaggeration) with them. They'd hang out on the ceiling. I was on the top bunk. Sometimes I'd try to spray air freshener on them. They would not die. They are invincible. Their bites are terrible. (AND none of the other rooms in the hall had that problem. NONE!) So yeah, I don't like ladybugs.


I don't think the Great Movie Ride should be changed. I don't have a big personal attachment to it or anything, but it's a classic. And I know how I'd feel if one of my favorite rides were to change. Plus, my dad says "UNGAWA" a lot and if they removed the Tarzan part of the ride it just wouldn't be the same! :laughing:

I had no idea that Hidden Mickey and Donald existed! That is too cool!
Those lambs look vaguely familiar, but I can't think of where I've seen them. Fantasia, maybe?

I've been looking for that hidden Minnie for forever! I don't spend enough time in that front room to get a good look at that mural.

I don't really like the scene from Alien. I don't think it needs to be removed, but it's probably my least favorite. I do think that the Great Movie Ride could use an update to include movies from the past 20some years. Or at least redo some of the old scenes (like Tarzan & Jane... it makes me so sad to see that scene at a place where they're known for amazing audio-animatronics!). My favorite scene is probably the Wizard of Oz scene. It's so immersive!

Hmm, I don't know. I haven't watched Fantasia in ages! I have the tape sitting right here though, so I should really watch it.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't find it! It's the most elusive HM ever for me. Usually I'm pretty good at finding them, but that one is hidden very well!

I don't really want them to add more movies because I feel like they'd have to remove something to do that and I don't want them to :( If they could just add on, that would be okay, but I mean, like I said I really love how they represent the classic era of film, but of course they do have films that came out way past that time.

I agree, Tarzan definitely needs a bit of a refurb! Overall, though, I think most of the animatronics have held up very well... I mean, it's crazy how real Judy Garland looks. I don't know why she looks so perfect and some of the other ones don't.

I hope they never replace it! Add to it, yes, but no replacing! It's a family favorite in this house, too! It will forever remind me of my childhood.

My favorite scene is definitely the Wizard of Oz. Did the Wicked Witch used to be a live cast member? Or is that just my childhood memories believing too much?!

Me too!:)

Hmmm... I don't know! I do know that at some point they replaced the witch animatronic with a more technologically advanced one so that she would move more fluidly, but that's all I've heard about it.

I am in love with Disney’s window displays. They are just perfect.

I know where the hidden Minnie is on GMR and have seen it before…. But you said you want to find it yourself so I won’t give any hints!

And I have seen Mickey and Donald in the hieroglyphics too. I love finding stuff like that!

Me too! It must be so fun to be the people who get to design that. I wonder if it's the imagineers or a different creative team.

AHH I'm jealous. I swear, one of these days I'm just gonna have to step aside from the line and examine that mural until I see it.

So do I! It's so much fun, especially when it's something super unique like that and not just a regular Hidden Mickey.

I have nightmares about ladybugs because my first dorm room was infested (most likely an exaggeration) with them. They'd hang out on the ceiling. I was on the top bunk. Sometimes I'd try to spray air freshener on them. They would not die. They are invincible. Their bites are terrible. (AND none of the other rooms in the hall had that problem. NONE!) So yeah, I don't like ladybugs.


I don't think the Great Movie Ride should be changed. I don't have a big personal attachment to it or anything, but it's a classic. And I know how I'd feel if one of my favorite rides were to change. Plus, my dad says "UNGAWA" a lot and if they removed the Tarzan part of the ride it just wouldn't be the same! :laughing:

I had no idea that Hidden Mickey and Donald existed! That is too cool!

AHH! Sleeping on the top bunk makes me nervous for that very reason! Well, bugs in general... not just ladybugs. Mostly spiders. GAH.

Hahaha, what is it with dads and the GMR? I love it.

Isn't it? It's definitely one of my favorites. Oh, those imagineers. :lovestruc


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