This is Us- Season four

Good night was it Kate’s best friend? My very tired mommy brain isn’t working...I’m trying to figure out who it was...ugh. Tonight’s show hit me harder than last week, and then the end got cut off and something tells me Kate’s will hit me the’s like their building up to the worst it could be. I tell my DH every time we’re watching how much I “hate” this show because I always seem to be punched in the gut with tears...most times they are ugly lol.
Good night was it Kate’s best friend? My very tired mommy brain isn’t working...I’m trying to figure out who it was...ugh. Tonight’s show hit me harder than last week, and then the end got cut off and something tells me Kate’s will hit me the’s like their building up to the worst it could be. I tell my DH every time we’re watching how much I “hate” this show because I always seem to be punched in the gut with tears...most times they are ugly lol.
Yes, it was Madison.
I called it!!! Not that I’m happy about it, but I totally knew lol

Did anyone catch the line in the beginning of the episode from M Night? He was talking to Kevin about changing the ending of the movie and he said something along the lines of he likes when there’s a predictable ending and then it turns into a huge twist. As soon as he said that, I knew 100% that it wasn’t Sophie in the bed.

Plus, if it was her, way to cheat on your fiancé.

Maybe Kevin becomes a man hoe and Madison isn’t his fiancée either lol
I called it!!! Not that I’m happy about it, but I totally knew lol

Did anyone catch the line in the beginning of the episode from M Night? He was talking to Kevin about changing the ending of the movie and he said something along the lines of he likes when there’s a predictable ending and then it turns into a huge twist. As soon as he said that, I knew 100% that it wasn’t Sophie in the bed.

Plus, if it was her, way to cheat on your fiancé.

Maybe Kevin becomes a man hoe and Madison isn’t his fiancée either lol
Maybe. Or looks like they're going back to PA...isn't that where Nicky and the vet live? Maybe she's already pregnant? I'd prefer it to be Sophie, but I feel like we're running out of time if on their next bday she's already 9 months pregnant? - or is it just that she's pregnant? For some reason I've always assumed that scene at the cabin in the future was with a very pregnant fiancee, but maybe I just put that in my head and it's really someone just in their 1st trimester...that'd give us more time.
Maybe. Or looks like they're going back to PA...isn't that where Nicky and the vet live? Maybe she's already pregnant? I'd prefer it to be Sophie, but I feel like we're running out of time if on their next bday she's already 9 months pregnant? - or is it just that she's pregnant? For some reason I've always assumed that scene at the cabin in the future was with a very pregnant fiancee, but maybe I just put that in my head and it's really someone just in their 1st trimester...that'd give us more time.
I believe it was 9 months in the future but not that she was 9 months pregnant.
Watched this morning. I admit I was disappointed that it was Madison instead of Sophie. I was kind of hoping that she'd called him when her mom died because she and the fiance had already broken up, and she needed help/support.

I love that they played the "end the movie" game so long.

I do think Kate's episode is going to be bad.
I told my husband last week when they had that scene with Madison that she and Kevin were going to hook up, and was convinced with the bed scene where they didn't show her face. I have a gut feeling though that it isn't Madison who is the pregnant fiancee, unless they start building a lot of chemistry between those two somehow, but it just isn't there. I think it is Sophie, based on the movie scenes, when you think about the ending of Good Will Hunting.
Watched this morning. I admit I was disappointed that it was Madison instead of Sophie. I was kind of hoping that she'd called him when her mom died because she and the fiance had already broken up, and she needed help/support.

I love that they played the "end the movie" game so long.

I do think Kate's episode is going to be bad.
I loved the inclusion of never watching the end of the movie and it was a game they played for most of their lives.

I honestly don't know if I'll watch Kate's episode, because we are going through something very similar with our 18 year old dd, so I may leave that episode for later down the road.
I liked it a lot. I thought he would always wind up with Sophie, now I'm not so sure after seeing this episode. There was such a big focus on "not the expected ending." Also when Kevin never got the emerald ring, it was like saying he would never get Sophie.

I loved how they tied in last weeks scenes with this weeks scenes, how they built upon the scenes we saw last week. I also loved how they took the scenes from when they were toddlers and tied them into what was goin on with them currently.

One thing that stuck out with me was the correlation between the sheep mobil that toddler Kevin was looking for. It was like the sheep was Sophie. Jack gave that speech about how he could not have the sheep and how it's difficult because he loved the sheep but that his heart would find something new to love. Then he picked up the tiger (Madison) and said, "here, this tiger would love to sleep next to you tonight." Meaning that Madison was not his forever love, but just someone to seek comfort from that night. As least that was my take on it because he didn't say, "you will love this tiger like you love the sheep" or "This tiger will be just as good as the sheep" or anything like that.
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I liked it a lot. I thought he would always wind up with Sophie, now I'm not so sure after seeing this episode. There was such a big focus on "not the expected ending." Also when Kevin never got the emerald ring, it was like saying he would never get Sophie.

I loved how they tied in last weeks scenes with this weeks scenes, how they built upon the scenes we saw last week. I also loved how they took the scenes from when they were toddlers and tied them into what was goin on with them currently.

One thing that stuck out with me was the correlation between the sheep mobil that toddler Kevin was looking for. It was like the sheep was Sophie. Jack gave that speech about how he could not have the sheep and how it's difficult because he loved the sheep but that his heart would find something new to love. Then he picked up the tiger (Madison) and said, "here, this tiger would love to sleep next to you tonight." Meaning that Madison was not his forever love, but just someone to seek comfort from that night. As least that was my take on it because he didn't say, "you will love this tiger like you love the sheep" or "This tiger will be just as good as the sheep" or anything like that.
I am not ready to give up on Sophie! I do think she is Kevin’s one true love. I have also stated before I think she is Plan A for the ending, but there are several options the show can use as necessary Even though the entire story has been sketched and planned, the writers do adapt based on organic show development and actor availability.

I also chose to hope based on Sophie’s end sgene. The imagery is there. Kevin was right. Her engagement ring is beautiful and does look like her grandmother’s ring. But it isn’t the same ring. She is happy, but Kevin isn’t her fiancé.

TLDR. My current theory is Sophie is not the fiancé/baby mama. However, I have not ruled her out (or someone totally different and “better” than we can imagine) as Kevin’s endgame love. The future scenes ask Kevin’s child only where Kevin is. Not the mother. Not Sophie. Teen Randall and Kate pretty much always said “Kevin and Sophie” as a unified whole. Spitballing here, but I don’t think the mother is an integral part of the family. I just keep paralleling Kevin and Sophie with How I Met Your Mother. Both shows have “always the one” and “true loves.“ I just haven’t finalized my decision on if Sophie is “the one true love” or just “the one” in Kevin’s life. After all, Rebecca and Miguel ended up together many years later after he pined for her even when married to someone else. Jack is Rebecca’s love story, but Miguel was ”rock” who became her love.
They like throwing in misdirects, like the Thanksgiving episode with the shifts in time for Rebecca. I think Madison is a misdirect. He’s in a tailspin. He slept with Jennifer Morrison and romanced Sophia Bush (I don’t remember the character names), now he slept with Madison. They’re trying to show that he’s trying to fill the void; that he’s not whole. They must be aware on some level that there is a LOT of fan hatred for Madison and I think they’re teasing a bit but I don’t think she’s babymama.

Personally, I kind of love that they’re doing this storyline with a male character because on most TV show it’s the female characters that are portrayed as being desperate for love, in most shows if men sleep around it’s for fun not because they’re emotionally wounded.
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They like throwing in misdirects, like the Thanksgiving episode with the shifts in time for Rebecca. I think Madison is a misdirect. He’s in a tailspin. He slept with Jennifer Morrison and Sophia Bush (I don’t remember the character names), now Madison. They’re trying to show that he’s trying to fill the void; that he’s not whole. They must be aware on some level that there is a LOT of fan hatred for Madison and I think they’re teasing a bit but I don’t think she’s babymama.

Personally, I kind of love that they’re doing this storyline with a male character because on most TV show it’s the female characters that are portrayed as being desperate for love, in most shows if men sleep around it’s for fun not because they’re emotionally wounded.
He didn't sleep with Sophia Bush.


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