This is Us- Season four

Ok, for what ever reason my DVR stopped taping last nights show with 10 min to go, last thing I seen was Kevin leaving the cemetary and deciding it would be creepy to leave his head shop their. What HAPPENED ?
Ok, for what ever reason my DVR stopped taping last nights show with 10 min to go, last thing I seen was Kevin leaving the cemetary and deciding it would be creepy to leave his head shop their. What HAPPENED ?
Happened to me last week and this week. Do you use a Hulu DVR by any chance? Trying to figure out if it’s an issue of NBC or Hulu for me. I’ve been having to delete my recorded version and watch the “on demand” version.
Ok, for what ever reason my DVR stopped taping last nights show with 10 min to go, last thing I seen was Kevin leaving the cemetary and deciding it would be creepy to leave his head shop their. What HAPPENED ?

He called Kate and said he was coming to see the baby. But when he got there, Kate was away and it was just Madison there to feed the dog. She made him tea, they had one of Kevin's deep conversations about her recent break-up and his patterns in relationships.

The scene cuts back to Jack and little Kevin, dealing with the loss of the sheep mobile, then briefly to teen Kevin and Sophie at the funeral, and then back to present day Kevin, picking up Randall's phone call while in bed next to a blond (we assume is Madison).

It cuts to Sophie going through some of her mom's things, and finding the ring, and then back to the guys on the phone, planning to go to the cabin.

Then it goes back in time again to set up Kate's episode - they are all going to the cabin to (it looks like) rescue teen Kate from the jerk boyfriend. It ends with the line "sad three" in the present phone call and little Kate going to Jack and saying "Dad, we have a problem" in the flashback.
Happened to me last week and this week. Do you use a Hulu DVR by any chance? Trying to figure out if it’s an issue of NBC or Hulu for me. I’ve been having to delete my recorded version and watch the “on demand” version.

No I have a spectrum one, but I tape the show after This is us also, and it didnt tape. its all nbc, I hate hate watching m demand

He called Kate and said he was coming to see the baby. But when he got there, Kate was away and it was just Madison there to feed the dog. She made him tea, they had one of Kevin's deep conversations about her recent break-up and his patterns in relationships.

The scene cuts back to Jack and little Kevin, dealing with the loss of the sheep mobile, then briefly to teen Kevin and Sophie at the funeral, and then back to present day Kevin, picking up Randall's phone call while in bed next to a blond (we assume is Madison).

It cuts to Sophie going through some of her mom's things, and finding the ring, and then back to the guys on the phone, planning to go to the cabin.

Then it goes back in time again to set up Kate's episode - they are all going to the cabin to (it looks like) rescue teen Kate from the jerk boyfriend. It ends with the line "sad three" in the present phone call and little Kate going to Jack and saying "Dad, we have a problem" in the flashback.

woooo, so much sction in such a little time, now Madison is the skinny girl that was in Kate heavy group ?
Another vote for Sophie here. Kevin will end up with her in the end is my call. Not sure that she will be the baby mama, but they showed us in this episode that he and Sophie already have the great love story Kevin wanted. It's just that he screwed it up and realizes that. What a disappointment to see that he slept with Madison though - still in his same old pattern.

Kevin Hartley did a great job in this episode. The way his face fell and looked like he wanted to cry when she said it was time for her to go home. Really well done.
Another vote for Sophie here. Kevin will end up with her in the end is my call. Not sure that she will be the baby mama, but they showed us in this episode that he and Sophie already have the great love story Kevin wanted. It's just that he screwed it up and realizes that. What a disappointment to see that he slept with Madison though - still in his same old pattern.

Kevin Hartley did a great job in this episode. The way his face fell and looked like he wanted to cry when she said it was time for her to go home. Really well done.

I don’t know if anyone else noticed background but in the first Kevin focused episode (where he gets the award and sleeps with that rando and loses his necklace) there was music in the background that was amazing that I actually bought it on iTunes. The music last night was very similar so I Shazamed it, and it was by the same artist and seems to be a continuation of the first piece. This show thinks of EVERYTHING.
I thought this was a fantastic episode. I wasn't a huge fan of the Randall one, but really liked the way they set this one up.

I really don't think Madison is going to be more than a one night stand with Kate's best friend. At the very end when Kevin is standing over to the side of the room on the phone and Madison rolled over in the bed and faced him, the look on his face was said "this was a mistake".

I loved the scenes with him and Sophie together, but I don't know if they are going to end up back together or not.
I finally watched. I always have to sort of work up to it each week. Great episode, but really not that shocking to me. I really didn't expect him to end up in bed with Sophie. She's the sort who would end the other relationship first.

Looking forward to finally filling in some of the blanks on Kate next week.
Okay so... I have to admit it. I am not an M. Night Shyamalan fan. So, I wasn't really paying attention to the beginning of the episode. I decided to rewatch it after @kimblebee posted about the music. Because I know M. Night likes to prove he's smarter than everyone (which is why I don't really like him, after "Lady in the Water" I was done with him) I figured they might pop a clue in there. So when Kevin and M. Night are discussing "the ending," M. Night says "Trust me Kevin, this is the ending that everyone wants and they still won't see it coming." I think that is a pretty clear message that he will end up with Sophie.
So when Kevin and M. Night are discussing "the ending," M. Night says "Trust me Kevin, this is the ending that everyone wants and they still won't see it coming." I think that is a pretty clear message that he will end up with Sophie.

I took that as maybe he doesn't end up with Sophie. Everyone wants Kevin to find love and be happy and stable and we expect that to be with Sophie. What if in the end he gets all that but it's with someone else?
I took that as maybe he doesn't end up with Sophie. Everyone wants Kevin to find love and be happy and stable and we expect that to be with Sophie. What if in the end he gets all that but it's with someone else?
That's a fair point. I know in my friend group, I am the only one who does NOT wanting him to end up with Sophie. I think it's great that they have their past experiences with one another, I think they have really helped each other through some very tough times, but I think they both need to move on romantically and stay friends. I also don't really believe in one soulmate, though. I think a "soulmate" is someone you have a deep connection with and you don't necessarily even know why. Someone you're drawn to, and it doesn't have to be a romantic connection. I think at a bare minimum, we can be reasonably sure that he doesn't end up with Madison because I don't know anyone that wants that. 😅
I don't like that only because she was emphatic about not wanting kids. I think it would be really crappy for them to do that. Not everyone has to want or have kids.

Otherwise, I would love for it to be Zoe, I think that was his healthiest relationship we've seen.

I was thinking it being her, that maybe she changed her mind about having kids. That does happen. In my early 20's I swore I'd never have kids when I was 26, I decided I did and had my first at 27, but after reading M. Night's quote I'm thinking it will be Sophie, mostly because I think the majority of viewers would want that.


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