This WDW vacation coming in October will truely be a blessing...

Bless her little heart. How terrifying this must have been for all of you.

I'm so glad she is doing better and is home again. I just said a quick prayer that your baby recovers quickly and 100%.

Your trip to WDW will be extra magical now.

I am so glad she is recovering well!

Pixie Dust on the way~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

This will truely be a wonderful trip!:D
WOW!! Now that is scarey!!! You sure do deserve to have a great family vacation!!!!! Hope she continues feeling better!!!
(By the way Im from Wrentham originally :))
Glad to hear that all is well! Your poor little one! It's so hard to watch your children suffer.

When DD was 8 months old she was diagnosed with kidney reflux grade 5 on both sides. She had to go through various tests and was so scared! To make a long story short, she outgrew it (after over a year on antibiotics) and now she is a happy & personable 3 & 1/2 year old.

A trip to Disney is jsut the thing for family time. Hope you have a WONDERFUL time! We will be there in November.


(hello neighbor...we are up the road (495!) from you in Mendon!)
Glad to hear your little one has made it through the ordeal ok....

I vote for the petting zoo....I littlegirl in our area got extrememly sick at a local dairy petting zoo....was your local health department contacted to make sure that everything is OK at the zoo...because if your child could contract it so could another...
Wow. That is very scary! I am so glad your little girl is better and you can enjoy your vacation. Have a wonderful time at WDW!:)
What a terrifying experience, bf!!! So happy that she is better and over the hump. Enjoy that trip, a real trip of celebration and thanks. {{Hugs}} for you all and a prayer for her continued good health and full recovery. :sunny:
Hi BeatyFamily. On the resorts thread there is a "Who's going in October" thread. You'll be able to meet up with lots of us who are going then. I hope you have a wonderful trip and lots of PD to your little angel.
Could this be from the current massive ground beef recall? The timeline seems about right:eek: !
Hope you all have a great trip and your little girl is completely well!:)
Could this be from the current massive ground beef recall? The timeline seems about right:eek: !
Hope you all have a great trip and your little girl is completely well!:)
Pixie dust and prayers to your DD and your family.

I know how wonderful it is to be able to bring your baby home.
In May, my 5 yr old DD was transferred to Children's Hospital in Boston for a viral infection. It is a terrifying experience. Now you would never know my DD had been ill. Here's wishing your DD also has a full and speedy recovery. Take care.
{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} How scary! Glad to hear that she is doing much better. I will be keeping her in my prayers for a full recovery!
Yes, my husband and I have seen the ground beef recall which is around the time I would have bought the ground beef (at Stop & Shop) but I don't know if MA is included in this recall. Time will tell.

We'll probably never know for sure whether it was the zoo or the ground beef in the Hamburger Helper (although no one else got sick). Unfortunately, I'll NEVER feel the same way about petting zoos or ground beef again. I'll probably end up being over protective till she's over this ordeal and a few years older too.

She's got an up hill battle still. Since we've been home, we've been to the ER twice for blood work and a urine test (she has a UTI from the cathider) and she's going again this Wednesday and next Wednesday for follow ups and more blood work.

She's still pale, weak and cranky. She still has puffy eyes in the mornings as I guess she still has excess fluids from her kidney being damaged. It's quite scary. I just pray they caught all of her problems and that she's completely on the mend.

I really just wanted to make other parents aware of the dangers of ground hamburg and zoos and how deadly they can be for a toddler. This syndrome, HUS, is rare but very serious and can be deadly. Most people have never even heard of it. It's quite a new desease. They only named it in 1955.

Her big sister (6) is finally coming home from her aunt's house so our family will be reunited again today, yeah!!!

I pray that I never hear of this happening to anyone else in my lifetime as it's absolutely horrific.:(

Thanks again for all the well wishes and pixie dust, she sure does need it!

Thank you.
Oh my, what a terrifying experience! I hope your DD continues to do well...she and your whole family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

My DD went through a lot of health problems last fall with no diagnosis for a while, and we thought we were going to have to cancel our trip to WDW. We were able to go, and boy, did we ever go with a whole new perspective and sense of gratitude (post-9/11, as well)...I would get teary there, just taking it all in, unlike anything I had experienced on prior trips. Here's hoping you'll have a wonderful trip as well! :D

We'll be seeing a doctor at Boston Children's Hospital soon...I hope it's as wonderful as we've been hearing.
Oh my! :( What a horriffic experience for your precious little daughter and the rest of your family to have to go through. She sounds like she's been handling it so bravely. Sending truckloads of magical sparkling Disney pixie dust to your daughter in hopes that she feels completely better really soon.
What great news that your daughter is out of the woods!

I'll keep her in my prayers, in the meantime ENJOY your trip to Disney in Oct. together!

I'm so happy for all of you that she pulled through that, what a strong little girl:)
Got to thinking about your DD today, and was hoping for an update. I hope she is continuing well on her road to recovery. :)


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