Three Things...Gratitude Thread

I tried Kale - several ways can’t say I hate it but I’ll eat it - I just won’t go out of my way to eat it - but if I need the vitamins from it I’m grateful I found a recipe for it I like
Thanks to an auto immune disease of the bladder I have I’m extremely limited on foods & drinks that I can consume pain free
So my days of trying new things are over

I’m grateful always & forever for my coffee even thou I'm not supposed to drink it see reference above about bladder condition - lucky for me I found a coffee that doesn’t cause me pain
I’m very grateful for my grapes - I can’t eat a lot very often - again see above but I can sneak some in every once in awhile

I’m grateful for beef 🥩❤️ I love my steak !!! Pot Roast !!! Hamburgers !! 🍔
Seafood 🦞 🦀🦐🍤🍣 I like just about all seafood huge fan of sushi 🍱 very grateful for seafood !! Wish I didn’t live inland !!
Another good chilly morning :wave:

#1 - Salmon - I started making it last year for the first time. I can’t say I love it, but I am grateful that it’s easy to make and that it’s good for you.

#2 - New recipes - I love trying new recipes and I’m grateful for the ones we like so I can add them to my meal rotation.

#3 - Flavored Tuna (the ones in pouches) - I tried the BBQ one about 5 years ago to take to softball tournaments (I’d bring a bun to put it on) and it was so good and easy to transport (we worked really hard to eat out very little at her tournaments, so we always took our own food). Then last year I started buying & trying other flavors during Lent and my DH and I really like them - I make wraps with them for lunch. We like them so much that we eat them all the time now. I need to replenish the stock with Lent right around the corner.
(Tues, 1/16) - 3 foods you're grateful for

1. Seafood - I really didn't try seafood until I was an adult. Neither of my parents like it, so we just never had it
2. Stir Fry - it never appealed to me, but I tried it recently and love it!
3. Cottage Cheese - I have eaten it my whole life, but I'm very grateful for it because I love it and because it's good for you - a quick and easy snack (except you have to keep it cold)
1. Another vote for seafood - Saltwater fishing is one of my dad's favorite hobbies. He also enjoyed crabbing on non-fishing days. So, seafood was sort of a family affair. Go catch fish/crabs as a family, help clean/cook/prep fish or crabs as a family, and spend summer nights eating your catch outside as a family. If you had a good catch, invite the neighbors and have a feast with friends.

2. Tart Cherries - My dad used them for joint inflammation before eventually going for replacement surgery, I've used it for inflammation from random joint pain and running soreness, and most recently...DD15 has been consuming the fruit and juice for soreness and inflammation from her practices.

3. Chicken - It's one of those foods that can go into just about anything. Pretty much every culture has poultry dishes, it can be made super healthy or in super rich dishes, with the exception of dessert- it can easily work into every meal and course, it's relatively inexpensive, it freezes well, and it's an easy way to add in protein.
Real Ramen...I thought to myself "what's the hype all about?-It's soup" I was happily proved wrong

Baked Brie-I always thought it was too I have my own private little fancy cheese parties 🤣

Roasted vegetables...I always had bland steamed veggies when I was younger...tried roasting some brussels sprouts once and now I will have various roasted veggies for dinner by themselves many nights
(Tues, 1/16) - 3 foods you're grateful for

Taco Tuesdays! I like quite a few mexican dishes but tacos and quesadillas are my fave. My middle ds always asked for "ka sah dillas" pronouncing the l's. He was such a cutie before the terrible teens, lol. He's a wonderful 30 year old now.

Pizza - probably my very favorite food


I'm not a particularly adventurous eater so a little spice goes a long way for me. The only thing I can think of that I recently had that I was surprised to enjoy was hot honey wings.
I love most seafood, but within the past 5 years I finally tried steamed mussels, octopus, and oysters on the half-shell. Love them all!

I will second "real" ramen, especially tonkotsu. So satisfying and delicious!

Homemade macaroni and cheese, most specifically, my mother's recipe. I grew up on this and it's my ultimate comfort food. My mom died almost 20 years ago, but I have her recipe and I can make it every bit as good as hers.
3 foods you're grateful for - especially ones you weren't sure about, tried, and found you liked!

My wife's cooking.......😁 that was early on during our marriage. Just having a little fun

Sushi - when it is fresh it is amazing. Have to say that I can wield some mean chopsticks

Grilled onions - I never knew what I missing until about 10 yrs ago.
Extra Sweet Dreams wish to all of dear you with love. Thank you all always for keeping this beautiful thread of kind faith and cheer going! Each of you has indeed become dear to me. Thank you:grouphug:

As one of two P.S. I still have extra blank postcards from the states to follow. Should any of you have travel memories from visiting one of them please PM me asap. Second, and also dad postcard surprise related, is to ask whether any of you sent me (lor know who did send me) a postcard from NH? I received one that contains a few great quotes. I feel badly to admit to forgetting who sent it. I am not positive on the signature on it either :thanks:

Extra blank postcards: Alaska (2), Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Montana (3), and New Jersey (1--Dear Bobbi extra XO for all the postcards in general and from your home state you have gotten for me)!
Agree with you WDWEPCOT :)

Old fashioned pony express and phones that allow easier faith, connection, and love to be shared and grown across the country. For that matter, this very thread, too :)
DVR is a great invention.

I prefer physical books however Kindle is so handy for me to much more enjoyably read heavier paperback or hardcover books.
Good Morning! :wave:

I love the history of the every day products we use - how they started, when they started and how they changed to what we know today.

#1 - Clocks - all types of clocks, especially alarm clocks. It’s incredible how far clocks have come since the 1800s

#2 - Phones - it’s amazing how positively the phone and phone lines impacted the world. Many back then were against it, but they eventually came around to appreciate it.

#3 - Iceboxs, which of course led to the refrigerator - Back in the 1800s people loved their icebox - I’d love to know what they would think of today’s refrigerators
(Wed, 1/17) - 3 inventions you're grateful for

1. Automobiles - so grateful to be able to easily go places!
2. Airplanes - so grateful to be able to visit far away places!
3. WiFi - so grateful to be able to do things online with more freedom (less wires)!


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