Thursday Thilly ThRiddle

Originally Posted by Loubon
Hey Angel, tell her it's MENCA.

Cantw8 said:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: poor Angel


Everything is a word apparently.
L107ANGEL said:
Zip it Tooty :rolleyes:

ya know, with all that eye rolling you're getting get your eyes stuck up in your head :rolleyes:
Cantw8 said:
ya know, with all that eye rolling you're getting get your eyes stuck up in your head :rolleyes:
I think a pic would be appropriate :teeth:
Why does this seem appropriate for this thread today? :teeth:

Well, you don't know what we can find
Why don't you come with me little girl
On a magic carpet ride
You don't know what we can see
Why don't you tell your dreams to me
Fantasy will set you free
Close your eyes girl
Look inside girl
Let the sound take you away
Did I ever tell any one what my DS6 used to say when we approached a closed elevator door?

"Open-the-messofme." :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

That should be a piece-of-a-cake to a MENSA like you, Gram.
GeorgiaAristocat said:
What other jocularity have I missed?

I don't know, but I just had to see the word jocularity again :rotfl: That's a cool word. It's fun to say. Kind of like spatula. That's a fun one also.
I like to say curmudgeon.

Speaking of which, has Spike/Chappie/Chapstick been around here today?
I had to read through four pages to get it, but I am in baby.

Has anyone told Grammy the story about why "Mensa" named itself "table" yet???


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