TigerCheer2009's Lose 30 and Not Gain It Back Plan! (Add comments please!! Welcome!)

Hi Jen!

Just wanted to come by and say hi!! Send you some pixie dust to help cut out that junk food! :wizard:

Mike :goodvibes
Thanks, Mike!!!

Yesterday went pretty well until dinner. We're getting a new stove, so we ordered pizza, and breadsticks. I ordered a chef salad. I ate that along with three breadsticks and two slices of pizza. Much better than before though!!

7 bottles of water, 15 minutes of exercise and too many phone calls have led me to a brand spankin' new day!!
Hi Jen,

You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work and do be too hard on yourself for the pizza! All in all, not bad!

Hope you have a great Monday!
Hey, Jen! Don't feel bad about the pizza. Look how far you've come!

You're still doing great, and managing a busy HS schedule as well.

Hang in there!
Hi Jen!!!

You are doing a great job! Don't worry about the pizza it is okay!

Hope you are having a great Thursday!
I also think you are doing great. You are recognizing what isn't working for you or when you have a bad food day. That's a good thing. And you are trying to get your water in and some exercise - again a good thing. Hang in there. You'll do it.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hey, thanks. I have to make this quick because in 15 mins homecoming parade starts. Eating this week stunk it up...horrible choices, a piece of candy and a juicey box. Needless to say, it was a splurge week, I'm not proud of it, but I am proud that I am making better snack choices!!! And better lunch choices!! And better meal choices (2 out of 3 ain't bad!!)

Exercise has been little if any, water tanked too, stress is high, hormones running higher (TOM's coming later this weekend UGH), and Jess is back in town. I have been trying to isolate the positive each day though...and today was that there was a pep rally today!!! And my awful squad leader gave us treat bags and I get to play Squad Leader tonight!~!!!!!

This is the first I've gotten to check in-life has become so busy that it's not funny!!!

I've had Powderpuff games, band, Student Council stuff after school, homework, prep for the dance tomorrow...ay yi yi!!! I'm going to need this Disney vacation!!!

Toodles and huggings!
Miss you kiddo! Take care of yourself so you don't get worn out and sick!
Enjoy your wonderful weekend!

Wow! You are doing a great job too! I'm going to keep hanging around with all of you hard workers & hope if starts to rub off on me!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:
I got a SUPER night's sleep last night and I loved it!!!! Tonight is the dance...and last night was the homecoming crowning. The head drum major was queen and we are all so proud of her!!

But, we got smeared in the game. We lost with style though...31-6 by the 5-and-0 team in the league. It was SO COLD last night, and I forgot to bring my flappy hat and my ears got chilly! :cold: :cold: :cold: Our halftime routine kicked bum. I tried eating a soft pretzel but it was still frozen!

I am so so so times ten excited for the dance tonight A) because Jess will be there, B) I don't have to dress up (the theme is Fall Harvest and the dress code is nice casual, like jeans and a flannel shirt) and C) I only have to decorate for student council, then I can enjoy the night!!

I think I'm going to finish out this cheat-eat week and start afresh Sunday. Again 2 out of 3 is not bad at all! Snacks have been better too.
Hi Jen,

Glad to see you are hanging in there!! I hope that tonight's dance is a blast!!!

Mike :goodvibes
Eating choices through the weekend: much better. Still kind of snacky behavior, but I did manage to avoid lots of NO NOs...water was down though.

The dance was the absolute best night of my life. Yet. I have a HUGE crush on this year's Homecoming King (have since ALIVE) and he danced with me!!!!!!!!!! Let me have my moment :love: :love: :love: . Okay, I'm done. I am obsessed with him and it scares me a tibble bit.

(And I avoided cookies! :cheer2: :cheer2: )

Today was really really good! I went shopping and got some new jeans with my friends and they notice that I've lost a lot!! I think it's safe to say that it was the best weekend ever. I ate dinner at that friend's house. We had a dinner fight.

The band members have discovered a new game called You're It...it's hard to explain but fun to play!

And the homecoming king still owes me a dance. Goshdarn hormones!!!!!!!!!

Jess was home this weekend...she's changed a lot.

Another one of my best friends, Holli, dressed me for the dance. And did my makeup and hair, and I got a lot of compliments for looking nice.
Thanks Mike!

B: 2 cups cereal (4)
L: grilled cheese and ham sandwich (5), 1/2 bowl tomato soup (2)
S: soft pretzel (3), seven sips of Sprite (actually, its Pepsi equivilent...Sierra Mist, but I am a Sprite girl...). An apple at my friend's house
D: biscuits, sausage gravy, eggs, and potatoes. Lots of Raspberry Peach Crystal Light. ?????

Exercise; 11 minutes of raking leaves and a 15 minute walk to my friend's house

**Crystal Light-my friend's mom is on a diet and was looking out for me too!

Things I avoided:
Candy from assorted places
Extra food
Water :sad2:
Thanks Kate.

It's been cold and crummy, but I have been doing it! It's taken all I have not to run and hide under a billion blankets because it is so freezing and rainy here!!

I haven't been doing well on water or exercise, though. I'll get it next time. TOM came yesterday (finally!!!)

Today was a very gloomy day...okay on all other terms...

I avoided cookies and soda pop and juice!!

B: 1 cup homemade mashed potatoes (5)
L: 1/2 baked potato (.5)
S: 2 PB and J's (10)

Water: 0, exercise: 0...it's a cold and crummy day outside!!! not even pretty!! I did rake the leaves though yesterday, in the pouring down rain!

My dad says we might go to Panera for dinner...yummy nummy.

Talk to you all later!! Es la llueve y hace frio!!! *It's raining and cold!*
HI Jen!!!

Way to go on resisting the cookies!!!That is great.

Try and get some water in. I know with a busy schedule it is hard, but try!

Keep up the great work
Have a good weekend, and hope the weather is better so you can try to get out and get some exercise! (I hate that rain and cold stuff!!)
I hate TOM!!!!!

A stupid excuse I know, but that coupled with the rain and the cold=Jen overeating because there was nothing else to do. Well, it was a pretty bad eating day yesterday (2 cups cereal=4, 1 slice 2-point toast...1 slice Domino's Cheese Pizza=4, Jen's Special Sauce-age 10, and a couple of hotdogs at the game). We lost the game...pretty badly. 6-38...against a pretty good team. Band was good.

Band-the band teacher almost made us cancel our Disney trip!!!! We are going over a concert. My brother is the only clarinet in his section of the band...and I am in first section, which means he could have legally failed us. We talked to the principal, superintendent-I was so furious. My family had been wishing for this for years! To think that he could crush my dreams was heartbreaking. But he didn't!!! I love K (principal!!)

Exercise: Marching, I guess. It's been cold and rainy and busy here.

Water: At least something I did great on. 40 ounces last night!

Today is going to be very busy...I can feel it!
Hey Jen,

Here's a cheer for you!!!

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Jen! Jen! She's our gal!
Her winning spirit will never fail!

She drinks that water, and does those cheers,
To make those extra pounds disappear!

Though times get tough and skies get gray,
She keeps up her chin, the smile never goes away!

She'll beat those snacks and junk at school,
For Jen we know is not a fool!

When all is said, and all is done,
This a game that Jen will have won!!!

Go Jen!!!
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Hope you like it! Glad the principal helped so your trip was not cancelled!!!
Have a great weekend and a great next week!

Mike :goodvibes


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