Tiggerific04's DFTW Trip Report 8/10-8/25

I just found your TR this morning. I've spend most of this morning and early afternoon reading and catching up! It's been amazing reading about your experience and your pictures are beautiful. Keep up the great TR. Can't wait to hear more!
I just found your TR this morning. I've spend most of this morning and early afternoon reading and catching up! It's been amazing reading about your experience and your pictures are beautiful. Keep up the great TR. Can't wait to hear more!

Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it!

I love your TR! All of your little thoughts are the same things I would be thinking too! You looked great!

Aww, thanks!!
Day Thirteen: Ohana, AK, Epcot, and Alfredo's

I had this all typed up this afternoon and then the computer froze and I lost it all. :ohno:

So, our alarm went off at 7:00am this morning but we stayed in bed until 7:45am. I figured we would be woken up by someone dropping off our new room keys, but that obviously didn't happen. I checked the door and we had received our express checkout packet, so I got dressed as fast as I could and called down to the front desk at 7:50am. I explained that I had requested our keys at 7:30am because we had to leave at 8am to make it to our ADR at Ohana. The CM told me not to worry, someone was on their way right now.

Almost exactly 5 minutes later there was a knock at the door and it was a CM with our keys! He had taken his Segway, how awesome!

It was right now that it occured to me that maybe I should find out what happens with the dining credits left on our old room keys. Can we still use them? I had to call the front desk THREE times to get someone who knew what they were talking about, and I was informed that anything left on the old cards would expire at midnight tonight. But we have 6 TS, 8 CS, and a bunch of snacks left!! There's no way we can use that all up in one day! And that means we're short a TS now for all of the ADRs I planned. This would have been nice to know in advance from my TA who INSISTED on booking two reservations. Another reason why I got my own certification and will be booking everything else myself from now on.

I was so bummed about choosing which meal to drop, but I ultimately decided on Wolfgang Puck. We were supposed to have lunch there on our very last day before making the drive home, but we had never done this before so it wasn't a big deal. It's actually better for us to just grab breakfast, do some last minute shopping and start the drive.

Depressed and annoyed, we made our way over to the Polynesian and ran up to Ohana. The line stretched almost allll the way around the upstairs level, but we had no choice but to get on line and hope that they would hold our seating for us. After about 5 minutes of waiting, a CM came over and announced that only one person per party is allowed to wait in line and everyone else must go have a seat in order to keep the line moving. That worked out much better and I was at the podium in no time. They had run out of pagers so the CM was attempting to enter my description into the computer and she could not for the life of her figure out what color my shirt was. I told her pink and she didn't seem to believe me! She was very old.



We declined the photo opportunity and just hung around and waited. In our rush out the door this morning, we had forgotten our pins and now I was totally depressed about that as well. I thought I would probably have enough time to run downstairs and ask at the front desk to see if they had any. DH thought I was nuts, but it was our honeymoon and it was important! Luckily they did have some and gladly handed them over to me so that crisis was averted.

We were seated shortly after and given leis and congrats (see? The pins are important!!). The hostess pointed out the chef making all of the Mickey waffles on the way to our table. Once we were seated, our server appeared and took our drink orders and brought our bread (pineapple and cinnamon raisin). The bread was ok but definitely not my favorite.



We had the "Lilo's Juice" which is suspiciously similar to the frunch at Boma. Hmm...


We were brought a fresh fruit bowl and then the platter with all of the main food: scrambled eggs, potatoes, sausages, bacon, and biscuits. No waffles. Hmph. I was nervous about this meal because of the lack of veggie-friendly options, but it ended up being totally fine and I stuffed myself full of fruit, potatoes, and biscuits.




We got to meet all of the characters and they even did a little parade that was cute. There was a family a couple tables down from us with two young boys. Lilo headed their way and they screamed and hid under the table using their chairs as a barricade. The parents were so embarassed and I think Lilo was a little hurt.









Someone finally came around with a basket of waffles and offered us some. We each got ONE stinkin' waffle. I couldn't figure out why they were being so stingy with them, but I guess they can't keep up with the demand? Oh well, it was yummy either way.


We were stuffed and decided to get going so that we could cram in everything else we wanted to do today. We stopped and took some pictures on our way back to the parking lot. The Poly is sooo beautiful! I would love to stay here someday.




We got to the parking lot and we could NOT find the car. We walked up and down row after row and nothing. We split up (accidentally) and I ended up at the car, but I had lost DH. Making sure to keep the car in sight, I started walking away to look for him but had no luck. I was ready to give up when I saw his head a few rows over and started waving frantically to get his attention.

We drove back to Pop and DH wanted to take a shower, so I took a nap while he did that. We ended up watching tv for a little while and then I was antsy to get to the parks.

Day Thirteen -- Continued

After showers and naps, DH and I decided to get some lunch at the food court since we had to use up our credits anyway. We weren't overly hungry since we had a big breakfast, and we had dinner at Alfredo's that evening, but I didn't want our CS to go to waste!

He had a meatball sub and a *gasp* SUGAR COOKIE! No brownie, you ask? No! Unfortunately there weren't any left so he had to make do with a cookie instead. It was huge and very tasty.


I had pizza! I can't remember what I had for dessert, but I didn't take a picture of it so it must be something I had already. I'm going to guess it was a cheese danish.


We got the car and drove over to AK so that we could see the new Nemo attraction. We got there just in time and only had to wait a few minutes before being let into the theatre. The line was a little intimidating as it stretched all the way into Dinoland, but the theatre is HUGE and holds a ton of people.



Dark, but you get the idea.

The show was really good, we both liked it a lot. Our biggest complaint is that the performers "act" out their parts. I know that doesn't make a lot of sense, but they carry around these props of the character they are playing, but they also act and do the facial expressions, so we found ourselves watching them instead of the prop characters. Does that make sense? I thought it would be like The Little Mermaid show where you don't really see the performers, but this show puts them right out there.

There wasn't really anything else in AK we wanted to do, so we started making our way to the exit. The parade was either about to start or had just ended because all the ropes were up, so we had to maneuver our way through the shops.

We stopped to get some Photopass pics and some of our own:







Waiting for the tram


Being silly

Continued... off to Epcot!
Day Thirteen -- Epcot

We left AK and drove straight over to Epcot. It was early, our ADR at Alfredo's wasn't until 8:00pm, but there was other stuff we wanted to do before that.





We got to the park and the first place we went was Club Cool. I cannot emphasize how much we LOVE this place. We had a bet going on the way over about the name of the drink from Japan. DH said it was VegiBeta and I said it was VegitaBeta.



Me, gloating that I was right. Ha!

We filled up on our favorites and grabbed a cup to go. Everytime we go in there we always comment that one day someone is going to try and fill up a water bottle. We laugh because it seems like such an outrageous idea. As I turned around to leave, I caught a glimpse of a teenager with her water bottle under the dispenser, trying to fill it up! I poked DH and pointed and we just shook our heads and laughed. I couldn't believe it, but I guess people must try it all the time. FYI, it didn't seem to be working because there wasn't enough space for the bottle.

Drinks in hand, we left and made our way back to WS.




We stopped for some Photopass pics. We had a great photographer who had us do all different poses:


It was really bright that day!



We just kind of wandered and took lots of pictures. We were on our second memory card and were trying to see if we could fill two (almost, but not quite!).





We debated stopping in Mexico but decided against it because we wanted to see some of the other performances and I really wanted to get to Norway to try out the bakery before it got too late and I ruined my appetite completely.



We walked inside and the cast members there were all so nice and pleasant. They were shocked that we had gotten married at Disney and asked us a bunch of questions that I was more than happy to answer. It was great being able to tell so many about the wedding! I knew exactly what I wanted: a cloudberry horn. I had seen pictures of these online and knew that it was something I would enjoy. I know most people go for the school bread, but I don't like custard, and the other popular items just didn't do it for me.


I used a snack credit for my horn and we got a table outside. The Norwegian musicians (I can't remember their name...) were playing, so we had some entertainment while we rested.

The horn was sooo good! The pastry was nice and flaky and sugary, but not too sweet, and the cream inside was light and slightly fruity. The only part I didn't like, and it was no big deal, was that there were chunks of fruit in the cream. Other than that, it was great and I will definitely be getting another one when we go back!


When I was finished eating, we walked over to China and caught the acrobats. They were great as usual, and it was nice to see some new elements in their performance this time. DH pointed out that the oldest female performer looked very unhappy, and she really did when she was sitting on the bench. As soon as she got up at the end of the show, she was all smiles!


We didn't know what to do with ourselves, so we just walked around and enjoyed the atmosphere and took pictures.




We thought we would go try to see the next British Invasion show, but when we got to the UK we noticed it was very empty. We pulled out our times guide and realized that they were not playing that day. We tried to see what else we could catch and thought that Matsuriza would be cool, so we went back to Japan.


Quick stop in France:


This is why DH is not allowed to take the self-portrait pics.


We got to Japan and wandered through the stores there. Have you guys ever stopped to look at some of the merchandise? Specifically the massage section? There is one in there, I guess it's a hand massager because the diagram is of an open palm. The massage tool itself... let's just say it resembles a certain part of the male anatomy. That combined with the hand diagram... well, it's good for a laugh every time! We took a picture of it a couple years ago, but it's on my other hard drive. I'll see if I can find it.

We came out and Matsuriza had already started playing, so we watched them. DH really likes their performance.





We started heading back to Italy after that because I wanted to get a Bellini before dinner. I had read about these online, too, and tried one last year and fell in love. Once again, the girl didn't believe how old I was, but I was getting used to that. The drink was good, but it was the remnants from one bottle that was almost done, so it was kind of like the last glass from an orange juice container. She added some from a new bottle which helped a little.


It was just about time for dinner, so we walked back to Alfredo's and there was a huge line. We ate here last year, so I thought I remembered that we checked-in inside. I left DH on line outside while I went to ask inside. I was right, and the CM filled out an index card with our names, dining plan info, and he grabbed a big red crayon and wrote in all caps, "HONEYMOON" and circled it. He told me I could have a seat and someone would call us when a table was ready.

I brought DH inside and we each took turns using the restroom while the other waited. We only had to wait about 10 minutes or so before we were called. We were seated and it took pretty much forever for our server to come take our drink orders. I had a diet coke and I'm pretty sure he had iced tea. We also ordered appetizers, I had the lobster bisque and DH had the calamari.


We were brought the rolls and oil, but I wanted butter because I saw the people next to us had some. We didn't see our waiter again until our entrees were brought out, so I never did get it.




Everything so far was very good. I liked this soup better than the one at Coral Reef -- this one was less fishy-tasting.

For dinner, I had the fettucine and DH had the lasagna (they call it something else on the menu, but I forget what exactly). He had this last year and it was his favorite. It was all he could talk about before the trip -- he was so excited to come back here for it.



He took a bite and made a face. He said it wasn't the same, that it was gross. He said that last time, it was more "mixed up" and just kind of a mishmash of all the ingredients. I knew what he meant and just by looking at it I could tell it was different. I told him to ask the waiter if that was the correct meal and if they had changed the preparation of it.

The waiter was highly offended and laughed a little and insisted that it was correct. You tell me:

Last year's:

This year's:

Maybe it's just us, but they look different and he said they tasted differently also. He said it tasted much more Americanized and wondered if they had given him a child's lasanga meal instead. In any case, he didn't enjoy his meal at all :( Mine was very good, however.

For dessert, we both ordered the chocolate mouse, and that was excellent. I couldn't finish mine, but DH helped :cutie:


I have to admit, I was a little disappointed at the lack of pixie dust at this meal. I wasn't expecting anything really, but when I saw the host make a huge notation for the server that we were on our honeymoon, well, a "congratulations" would have been nice.

The plan was to watch Illuminations after dinner and videotape it. We couldn't find any good spots to stand, so we gave up and just watched it from Canada. I tried videotaping, but the people in front of us didn't know how to stand still, so they kept walking in front of the camera and I gave up.

We left right after the show was over and we beat a lot of people back to the bus since we were so close to the exit already. We hopped on our bus, got back to Pop and went straight to sleep!

Coming Up: Segway Tour! Do I go through with it or chicken out?
We got to Japan and wandered through the stores there. Have you guys ever stopped to look at some of the merchandise? Specifically the massage section? There is one in there, I guess it's a hand massager because the diagram is of an open palm. The massage tool itself... let's just say it resembles a certain part of the male anatomy. That combined with the hand diagram... well, it's good for a laugh every time! We took a picture of it a couple years ago, but it's on my other hard drive. I'll see if I can find it.

You must mean this!! ;)

(Check out the post on this page... at the end, #613)


OH, and I'm loving your TR BTW!!! :)
i LOVE how you take pics of all your food!!! i love eating, and with the wedding weight loss diet in full swing, i'm not eating as much as i normally would, so on my poly-moon i'm going to go CRAZY!!!

as far as alfredos goes, i've never had good service there and i've been there close to 20 times...i heard it was closing, is this true? the last time we were there we just kept taking shots of limoncello, i think the waiter got mad, but oh well...the fettucine was mushy and terribly dissapointing...
i LOVE how you take pics of all your food!!! i love eating, and with the wedding weight loss diet in full swing, i'm not eating as much as i normally would, so on my poly-moon i'm going to go CRAZY!!!

as far as alfredos goes, i've never had good service there and i've been there close to 20 times...i heard it was closing, is this true? the last time we were there we just kept taking shots of limoncello, i think the waiter got mad, but oh well...the fettucine was mushy and terribly dissapointing...

Yup, it closed at the end of August and now there is a new Italian restaurant there called Tutto Italia. Here's the new menu: http://www.allearsnet.com/menu/menu_itd.htm
I have really enjoyed reading them. we are planning an escape vr for our 20th anniversary with family so planning on using alot of the same venues(wp/ct and chef mickey) I was there for breakfast along time ago but never dinner did every one enjoy themselves? A few of the guests will have never been to disney before and I want to try and show them some fun things. hope to do either a fireworks cruise or dp party too. best wishes
I have really been enjoying your report! I love all the pictures and all of the details! thanks for sharing! :goodvibes

and p.s. i hope you do the segway tour!!! :thumbsup2
Just getting caught up on your TR. Lovin' it! Sorry to hear your TA wasn't all that with the DDP and ressies.

Love all the photos!
i've spent most of the afternoon reading your t.r. it is great! i love the pictures and your descriptions are very good. the pics of the food make me want to try some of these foods. your wedding was beautiful and you made a beautiful bride. thanks for sharing.


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