Tim Tracker advised not to take selfies with guests at Magic Kingdom

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My issues with the Trackers are very simple.

When it comes to Disney prep/info they tend to be pretty awful at it. Look at their video attempting to rope drop Pandora, and how is failed miserably.

My other issue with Jenn is she'll complain ohh this $20 meal is so expensive, all the while dropping $$$$ on Dooney bags and dozens of pairs of Mickey Ears, then again odds are she isn't paying for those anyway since she always used to plug a random Etsy store.

Also I'm shocked with how far into bed the Trackers have become with Disney that they didn't go back and scrub their old videos where they routinely did things Disney frowns upon.

How about you live your life and they can live theirs? Sounds like a bunch of jealousy to me!
Not everyone who has an issue with someone is jealous. That's such silly logic lol

It's really amazing how people with "issues" about entertainers continue to follow their lives and even track their purchasing habits. Certainly seems like jealousy – and a little bit of obsession – to me.
It's really amazing how people with "issues" about entertainers continue to follow their lives and even track their purchasing habits. Certainly seems like jealousy – and a little bit of obsession – to me.
Oh I agree some people take it way far but I’m trying to give this person the benefit of the doubt. Like with the purchasing habits, these people are on YouTube and document their lives so it’s not hard to see what they spend their money on so it’s sort of fair game to make comments on something like that (to clarify I don’t have any issues with the trackers) but I think you can follow someone and still point out aspects you like and dislike
I could be wrong, but, from watching Tim Tracker's youtube channel I got the impression from what he was saying that he got a free Disney cruise and other freebies because of his vlogging, nice work if you can get it.
They have had some freebies recently but I guess when you work hard enough and your content is good enough to get over 500,000 subscribers then odds are pretty good businesses will be wanting you to promote their stuff...

Our family are big Tracker fans, and now watch their vlogs daily. After seeing them talk a couple of years ago about not being able to have children, we were all so happy for them.
A saying that's an oldie, but a goodie (kinda like me!) :) "Live and LET live".

I've started/stopped watching numerous vloggers over the years - sometimes after a short time, sometimes a very long one. Mostly it's because their content either changed, and/or no longer interested me, sometimes I found out a short way in their content was different than I thought, or didn't interest me. In one case, it was because their personal habits started getting very questionable to me, and I no longer felt akin to them (I think a lot of people, including myself, become attached to certain vloggers because they feel they are "like" them in some respects). And I had watched them for several years, and even supported them on Patreon for a short while. But I reminded myself I am NOT the judge and jury of their lives, or how they live them, how they spend their money, or what their personal habits are. So - I used the same perogative that EVERYONE has - I turned the video off, and hit "Unsubscribe" on YouTube. Simple enough.
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My issues with the Trackers are very simple.

When it comes to Disney prep/info they tend to be pretty awful at it. Look at their video attempting to rope drop Pandora, and how is failed miserably.

My other issue with Jenn is she'll complain ohh this $20 meal is so expensive, all the while dropping $$$$ on Dooney bags and dozens of pairs of Mickey Ears, then again odds are she isn't paying for those anyway since she always used to plug a random Etsy store.

Also I'm shocked with how far into bed the Trackers have become with Disney that they didn't go back and scrub their old videos where they routinely did things Disney frowns upon.

I didn't hear where they claimed they were experts and giving the best tips for touring the parks, they're just 2 people who like exploring and sharing their journeys, sometimes with tips or advice...and sometimes they correct themselves if they got something wrong.

Why are you comparing food to merchandise prices? everyone has their own level of "value" they perceive from different things. Just because you think a $20 meal is expensive doesn't mean you can't afford it, it just means it may be overpriced for what you get.

I don't know why people think Tim and Jenn have some kind of hidden agenda where they expect free stuff all the time for being bloggers....they just do what they do and these companies reach out to them. I'd also like to point out that they cover pretty much all kinds of parks, they aren't Disney only die-hards like some others (Lou Mongello, for example)
They have had some freebies recently but I guess when you work hard enough and your content is good enough to get over 500,000 subscribers then odds are pretty good businesses will be wanting you to promote their stuff...

Our family are big Tracker fans, and now watch their vlogs daily. After seeing them talk a couple of years ago about not being able to have children, we were all so happy for them.

I agree...if their content is good enough that Disney notices and wants to give them freebies, more power to them. I actually prefer when they are "hosted" because I think its content we wouldnt get from them otherwise - and our family enjoys their perspective (and my 10 year old thinks Tim is hilarious on rides).

They arent hiding the benefits they receive from different parks (Disney, Dollywood, Silver Dollar City, wherever). Theyre really upfront about it in every video - going so far as to say which things they pay for and which are provided.

We watch them every day and are so excited for their new baby adventure.

To the main point: im kind of bummed that if we see him we wont be able to get a picture with him. My son searches for him every time we are in a Disney park, on either coast.
I agree...if their content is good enough that Disney notices and wants to give them freebies, more power to them. I actually prefer when they are "hosted" because I think its content we wouldnt get from them otherwise - and our family enjoys their perspective (and my 10 year old thinks Tim is hilarious on rides).

They arent hiding the benefits they receive from different parks (Disney, Dollywood, Silver Dollar City, wherever). Theyre really upfront about it in every video - going so far as to say which things they pay for and which are provided.

We watch them every day and are so excited for their new baby adventure.

To the main point: im kind of bummed that if we see him we wont be able to get a picture with him. My son searches for him every time we are in a Disney park, on either coast.

They still take pictures with people.
I think the Trackers are great. Not everyone shares that sentiment.
I also think they are really big "Influencers" (gads I hate that term), just like the team here is. With that comes a lot of perks and freebies. Like trips!!! Press previews!! Early access!!
These folks dedicate a lot of time into this Disney stuff and clearly they influence US. They are true believers and like to share that passion.
Like anything else online, take it or leave it. No harm, no foul. It's Disney--be happy!
I think the Trackers are great. Not everyone shares that sentiment.
I also think they are really big "Influencers" (gads I hate that term), just like the team here is. With that comes a lot of perks and freebies. Like trips!!! Press previews!! Early access!!
These folks dedicate a lot of time into this Disney stuff and clearly they influence US. They are true believers and like to share that passion.
Like anything else online, take it or leave it. No harm, no foul. It's Disney--be happy!
Nicely stated, @GeneralTso. And also yes, I will admit to being a huge Trackie :rotfl: I totally objectively also say that they have been vlogging pretty much EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR 10 YEARS (no - not all Disney, but a MAJOR portion of it is!) and they have only VERY recently been staring to get stuff that is considered "freebies" or "media perks". That's a LONG time to be payin' your dues!!
LOL. On twitter I saw a video of Tim and Jenn with a literal meet and greet line during the party, right on Main Street. It was pretty funny, so I think the original situation was a one time deal. There may also be only some much Tim and Jen can do as it's clear people were excited to see them. I wonder if they were uneasy with an actual line forming.
I don't know if I would say hi or not to them (or the Dis team), maybe on a bus or in line for a ride where there is nowhere else for them to be, but I certainly wouldn't interrupt a dinner or anything.
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LOL. On twitter I saw a video of Tim and Jenn with a literal meet and greet line during the party, right on Main Street. It was pretty funny, so I think the original situation was a one time deal. There may also be only some much Tim and Jen can do as it's clear people were excited to see them. I wonder if they were uneasy with an actual line forming.
I don't know if I would say hi or not to them (or the Dis team), maybe on a bus or in line for a ride where there is nowhere else for them to be, but I certainly wouldn't interrupt a dinner or anything.
Had the same thoughts when seeing the Tweet you reference, @disneyland_is_magic . I'm pretty daggone sure that "knowing" Tim and Jenn (through watching, almost every single day, for over 3 years) as I do, they were probably humbled, but also nervous, about the line forming, and somewhat embarrassed, but they're too nice to say anything to anybody. I almost felt bad for them (ETA - for their discomfiture), if that makes any sense. And I think, if anything, people are even MORE excited to meet them now, with Jenn's being pregnant. I was also hoping nobody tried to touch Jenn's belly without asking - I've seen a LOT of that happen over the years, and I always think it is SO rude, almost uncivilized. Ask and be granted, fine (although I still personally think it's weird, unless you're pretty close to the person!!). But don't just put your hands on a woman's belly because she's pregnant - even MORE reason to be OVERLY cautious and respectful, IMHO.

That made me think/hope that people won't be selfish jerks when the baby comes, and will give them/Tiny Tracker their space, so as not to traumatize him. I'd be TOTALLY fan girl to meet them (like I would anybody from the DIS Team), but would also try and respect their personal space and boundaries, and approach respectfully and only when graciously received/granted, ESPECIALLY once the baby is here.
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Yeah the parties are probably a unique challenge because most fans could have guessed they would be there to cover the first night and were keeping an eye peeled rather then organically running into them on a normal day.
I know a lot of people genuinely just want to congratulate them on the baby. It probably has made it a bit more common as of late. I hope people just wished them a very quick congrats and let them enjoy the party.
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Yeah, I'm sure the longer people hung around/he line got, the more ticked Disney would get, which would be my worry for them, since they "got in trouble" before. From what I saw, it did seem like the line was moving fairly quickly.

I guess I'm also weird (okay - I OWN it! LOL) in that I was also thinking "wonder how many of these people don't even know who they are, but just see other people lining up, and think they should too, or find out, once they're in line, who they are?".

Kind of like "mob mentality" - which I, personally, LOVE to play with, at times. I will get in an elevator, and face the BACK, instead of the front/looking at the numbers, like everybody else does. Or when the doors open, loudly announce "Third floor, men's hats, ladies underwear", etc. Or 1 time in WDW, I cracked somebody else I was with up by making the entire crowd behind us walk into a blank wall, then sharply turn (my Navy close order drill training came in handy) :) and proceed down the CLEAR and CORRECT path - I admit I also then started making "cow" noises, as the entire herd followed me. Or go outside somewhere like an attraction, or the mall, and just stare up at the sky intently, and watch how many others do the same. I also LOVE to wave at strangers - on the monorail, the bus, at WDW, or even IRL, just to see how many I can get to wave back, or to observe what their reactions are.

Lie I said, I'm weird, and sometimes do NON-HARMFUL things to amuse myself and curiously watch how humanity will react. Kind of like my own personal science experiments. :crazy::rotfl2: I think I could DEFINITELY host an episode or two of "What Would You Do?"
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A few years ago I would have said that I was a fan of Tim and Jenn also. Then they announced that Jenn was pregnant and my mind immediately went back to when Jenn with tears in her eyes told everyone during the question and answer video that she couldn't have children, or when she was in the car at Target saying that she was having panic attacks but other times seems perfectly comfortable having photos with random fans. Something seemed off. Like when Tim said that during 911 he was at college and the classes were cancelled but in another video he answered the question why he wasn't a teacher was because he never went to college.( What?) When they made the Skitty Skitty Bang Bang! videos and pretended to kill each other. ( weird!) Also the ones where they are drinking heavily and then drove home, or when they tearfully told the story about their awful neighbors stealing water and that is why they had to move..then it came out that they had already moved before that had even happened. Or when Jenn crying saying that mean people were harassing them at their home even though the harassers would have had to get through two gates to get into the subdivision where they currently live.
That is not even all of the random things you notice after following them for awhile. They seem to love drama and the sympathy their fans feel for them with their stories.
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A few years ago I would have said that I was a fan of Tim and Jenn also. Then they announced that Jenn was pregnant and my mind immediately went back to when Jenn with tears in her eyes told everyone during the question and answer video that she couldn't have children, or when she was in the car at Target saying that she was having panic attacks but other times seems perfectly comfortable having photos with random fans. Something seemed off. Like when Tim said that during 911 he was at college and the classes were cancelled but in another video he answered the question why he wasn't a teacher was because he never went to college.( What?) When they made the Skitty Skitty Bang Bang! videos and pretended to kill each other. ( weird!) Also the ones where they are drinking heavily and then drove home, or when they tearfully told the story about their awful neighbors stealing water and that is why they had to move..then it came out that they had already moved before that had even happened. Or when Jenn crying saying that mean people were harassing them at their home even though the harassers would have had to get through two gates to get into the subdivision where they currently live.
That is not even all of the random things you notice after following them for awhile. They seem to love drama and the sympathy their fans feel for them with their stories.
We have totally different perceptions, and perspectives on this, and that's okay. Each to his/her own, and I will agree to disagree.
A few years ago I would have said that I was a fan of Tim and Jenn also. Then they announced that Jenn was pregnant and my mind immediately went back to when Jenn with tears in her eyes told everyone during the question and answer video that she couldn't have children, or when she was in the car at Target saying that she was having panic attacks but other times seems perfectly comfortable having photos with random fans. Something seemed off. Like when Tim said that during 911 he was at college and the classes were cancelled but in another video he answered the question why he wasn't a teacher was because he never went to college.( What?) When they made the Skitty Skitty Bang Bang! videos and pretended to kill each other. ( weird!) Also the ones where they are drinking heavily and then drove home, or when they tearfully told the story about their awful neighbors stealing water and that is why they had to move..then it came out that they had already moved before that had even happened. Or when Jenn crying saying that mean people were harassing them at their home even though the harassers would have had to get through two gates to get into the subdivision where they currently live.
That is not even all of the random things you notice after following them for awhile. They seem to love drama and the sympathy their fans feel for them with their stories.

Just don’t watch them anymore. Problem solved.
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