tmp does DLP Day Two


Oct 13, 2003
Sorry it has taken me so long to get round to doing this installment.My memories are fading fast so I'd better get on with it!

Tuesday 31st May
Having all crashed out at 9.30 the night before you'd have thought we'd be up with the larks this morning,but when the alarm went off at 7.30 nobody moved from their comfy beds at Cheyenne.
I finally dragged the boys out of bed at 8,after my DM and I had made as much noise as possible and we headed to the park as I had booked a Fantasyland Breakfast.It was already warm and there was hardly a cloud in the sky.
We were told at the turnstile to walk down Main Street and to show our vouchers to the CM at the castle.It was wonderful to walk down Main Street with hardly anyone else in sight,and we took a leisurely stroll taking in all the window displays and little details we would normally have missed.
At the castle we were allowed through the rope and found our way to Au Chalet de la Marionnette.We got a round table in an alcove at the front of the restaurant and helped ourselves to several trays full of food.The themeing was lovely with the scenes of Pinocchio painted on the walls.
By the time we had finished breakfast it was 9.15 and I wanted to do as many Fantasyland rides as possible while it was still quiet.Peter Pan was a walk-on so we went on that first.We all love this ride so I grabbed a fastpass in the hope we will come back later.James and I then went on Dumbo,after Alex concluded that he was too old for this ride and wanted to take photos instead.Dumbo was a 10 minute wait as were the Tea Cups.Next up was Its a Small World-my mums favourite ride from our trip to WDW many years ago.No wait for this one and I quite enjoyed it this time.It usually irritates the life out of me but the ride looked crisp and fresh and I was so enthralled by all the different scenes that THAT tune didn't bother me one bit:teeth:
The boys were now pestering us to go on BTM,and as I had promised yesterday that we would do it early we headed over to Frontierland.Waiting time is 10 minutes and I grabbed fastpasses before we go on as I knew we would want to ride this again today.The boys wanted to sit together and me and DM sat behind-I was a bit anxious about the bar staying down after the fiasco on the Casey Jr yesterday but everything was fine and with the boys woohooing in the front and DM screaming in my left ear I knew we had all loved it!We even bought the photo as we all looked ok in it.Two photos in a nice frame for 20 euros which turned out to be good value compared to the RnR photo we got later.It was 10.30 by now and our fastpass for Peter Pan was for 11-11.30 but the ones for BTM were for 11.10-11.40 so we had to decide which one to go for as we didn't think we would be able to do both.BTM won hands down so we went on Phantom Manor while we waited for our slot to open.A two minute wait today.The female CM wasn't as good as the man and I don't get any frights today.The boys want to ride this together as well-they got on unusually well on this trip which was nice-so they get on the doombuggies ahead of us.All was well until the ride ground to a halt in the graveyard.The boys buggy was slapbang in front of the scary dog with red eyes who was still growling fiercely at them(oh my god nightmares here we come)We were told to stay seated and after a few minutes we set off again.No word about forementioned scary dog when we get off the ride so I think we're ok.
It was almost time for the slot to open at BTM so we headed for the fastpass entrance.The CM was turning people away who were trying to get in before their timeslot so we waited until dead on 11.10 then went in.The wait was 15 minutes but compared to the standby wait of 30 it wasn't too bad.More woohooing/screaming and we are all happy.The boys wanted icecream and we all needed drinks so we grab some refreshments from a vendor and headed to Pocahontas Indian Village which has never been open on previous visits.The boys had a good play with James only having one accident where he ran down the banks next to the slides and landed face first at the bottom(James is the family stuntman and we have our own seat at our local A and E so I don't panic as much nowadays!)No blood and only a couple of tears and off he went again.I suddenly remembered that we had a reservation for Plaza Gardens at 12 but it was now already 12 and none of us are hungry so we did't get to eat there.
The playground is quite shaded which was great as the temperature was soaring so we stayed for quite a while.At about 12.30 we went over to Discoveryland but it was very busy and queues were 30-45 minutes for everything so we had a wander up Main Street and get some lovely fudge from one of the shops(I forget the name)We chose two bars of chocolate orange fudge,one vanilla and one chocolate as it was buy 3 pieces and get 1 free for just under 10euros.Alex also wanted some candyfloss on a stick and we sat by the bandstand eating all our naughty goodies.
The plan was to go over to the Studios in time of the parade at 1.45 so we headed for the exit of Disneyland Park and stopped at the little shop just after the exit.I would definitely recommend looking here-we got some great things.Memo pads /pens were 1 euro,teatowels were 2,45 euros and I got a lovely red journal with Snow White on the front as a present for a friends little girl for 5 euros.Everything was reduced including lots of clothes,both for kids and adults.
Anyway we came away very pleased with our bargains and went to the Studios.It was 1.30 by now and I knew we didn't need to stake out a viewing spot for the parade so we went in the shop in Studio 1 where the boys bought a Star Wars lightsaber each and one to take home for Dad(he had asked for this gift especially).As we entered Production Courtyard the parade was coming into view so we found a space and watched the parade.This was one of the very few occasions where I encountered a rude person.We were quite happlily watching the parade when a woman appeared next to me and started to edge me out of the way so she could take photos.She seemed oblivous to her son who was only about two who was heading into the centre of the parade path as these huge floats where streaming past.Anyway I gave her a nudge back and she prised the camera from her face and suddenly remembered that she had a toddler with her and called him back but he just kept walking into the parade.Someone else in the crowd made a comment and she finally grabbed his hand-just as the parade finished.This was one of only two bad experiences involving other guests and I wasn't going to let it spoil my day.The parade didn't stop halfway through as I'd read so it was over fairly quickly.As the crowds dispersed I noticed that RnR was a walk-on so James and I went on while Alex and DM wandered towards the Backlot Express where we were going to have lunch.RnR was James's first upsidedown coaster and he was excited and nervous.I had never done the ride before so I didn't know what to expect.Well it was brilliant-the launch was breathtaking and within a second you are doing the first loop.James loved it.The photo on the way out wasn't great so I said we'd do the ride again later and get a photo to show Daddy that we'd really been on it.
DM and Alex were waiting for us,but the Backlot Express was closed for the day so we decided to go to Restaurant En Coulisse.There was no queue and I had the Pluto Magic meal,DM had the Pluto Maxi meal(one was a chicken burger the other a cheeseburger)and the boys had kids burger meals with an icecream.34 euros for the lot.The surprise with the kids meals was a Space Mountain pocket radio with headphones and a light attached which I thought was pretty good.As we ate we looked over the parkmap .None of us were bothered about seeing the Stunt Show as the boys and I had seen it several times on our last visit and it wasn't DM's cup of tea,we weren't keen to do Armageddon again as we all hated it before and unfortunately the Tram Tour was closed so we decided to see the Animagique show at 4.15 and Cinemagique at 5.15.It was only 2.45 so we ate at our leisure and then went on The Flying Carpets which was a walkon.None of the fastpass machines were open during the day and we didn't have to wait to go on anything which was great as the sun was very hot.James wanted to go on RnR again so Alex bought a Slush Puppy drink and sat in the shade with DM.Walkon again and this time we bought the photo which was 12 euros for a photo in a basic frame.The photo for BTM was much better value.Anyway James wanted to ride again!So we exit,walk round to the entrance and straight back on it again.By the time this ride was over my head was pounding .I noticed that on each photo I am clinging onto James restaint in fear of him falling out!
DM and Alex were heading back to the Flying Carpets so we followed them there and DM went up the viewing ramp to take some photos of me and the boys on the ride.It was 4pm so it was time to queue for Animagique-straight in and seated.We all really enjoyed the show and even Alex was clapping along at the end.It was 4.50 by the time we exited so we had a quick look in Art of Disney Animation which we entered by the shop which is attached to the attraction.Most of the hands-on stuff is being used and noone is in a hurry to relinquish their turn so after 10 minutes we left and went over to Cinemagique which was starting at 5.15.Again no need to queue and before long the show started.Brilliantly done and DM liked seeing lots of the old film clips.By the time the show had finished it was 5.45 and the Studios were closing at 6 so we headed to Disney Village wher we had a look round the Disney Store.DM treated Alex to a gorgeous Dalmatian and James got a big Nemo.We weren't hungry yet so we went back to Cheyenne to relax for a while and we thought we'd go out later for a bite to eat.
Back in our room we emptied the contents of our numerous carrier bags onto the bed and admired all the things we'd bought.The boys did some drawing and played with their Nintendo DS for a bit while I went to call DH from the payphone-my mobile credit had run out the day before despite having £10 on it when we got to France.
It was 8.30 when we thought we'd better get some dinner but we were all pretty tired and didn't fancy going back to the Village so we went to the Chuck Wagon again.DM and I had fish and chips but I can't remember what the boys ate.I do recall however that I had a lovely strawberry cake for dessert and DM had chocolate cake.Both were delicious.The boys had spotted a Slush machine so I sent them off with a 10 euro note to get one each thinking they would be a couple of euros each as they were in the Studios.They sat patiently on their saddle seats at the bar,and they waited and waited until I had to go up and ask the waiter if he would serve them as they'd been sitting there waving my 10 euros about for the last five minutes.He grumpily gave them their Slushes and charged 5 euros each for them-I wasn't happy and asked why they were so much more than at the parks.He started mumbling something about the size but the boys had already started them so I couldn't give them back.Felt suspiciously like I'd been well and truely ripped off but was too weary to argue.Had a taste of the slushes which tasted nothing like I remember,they were disgusting and didn't taste like strawberry at all-I shudder to think what they have in them but whatever it is it and it made them as high as kites for the next couple of hours.
We had another wander round before going back to our room and the effects of those horrible slushes finally wore off at 11pm.We then have a game of musical beds.Last night Alex slept in the top bunk,DM in the bottom,and James and I in the double bed.Tonight it was James's turn in the top bunk-something he had been going on and on about weeks before we arrived.So everyone is in bed when James decides that he doesn't want to sleep in the top bunk after all.However neither does Alex and I didn't fancy it incase I banged my head when I sat up.So Alex,James and I shared the double and DM gets to stay in the bottom bunk where she gets the best nights sleep out of all of us.
We finally get to sleep around 11.45 and the alarm is set for 8am breakfast-no chance!
Brilliant Tina, well worth the wait. You've got a stronger stomach than DW wo lasted about 30 seconds on RRC before she wanted to get off, But TOO Late :scared1:
Thanks Berwyn,
Love your reports btw.Am on day three so far-well done for completing all yours so quickly.You put me to shame.:teeth:
I had to get on with it Tina, otherwise I'd have just put it off .
also there seemed to be so many going out in early June Iwanted to give them as much info as possible.
Great details Tina - sounds like you had a great time and packed a lot in. Looking forward to the next instalment! :sunny:
Thanks Tina.I kow the musical bed game too, its nice to know that others play that game too.:)
Dee8197 said:
Thanks Tina.I kow the musical bed game too, its nice to know that others play that game too.:)

Especially on Saturday nights after Dr Who!!!:rotfl:

Lovely report Tina,:sunny: shame about the rude woman trying to push you out of the way but at least you didn't let it spoil your day. Fancy her forgetting about her child! Looking forward to part 3!
What a great day Tina!

I can't believe how much you squeezed in.

Looking forward to the next day now :)
Finally got a chance to sit down and read this!! Great report - sounds like a wonderful day! :flower:
Great report! Your are definitely after my own heart having fudge for lunch! :Pinkbounc

:flower: :) :flower: :) :flower:
Only just got the chance to read this! Great report, Tina. I find it interesting that you were told to walk to the castle and show your tickets there, whereas we had to show ours at the park gates. It seems that everyone has a different experience of the GMF breakfast!

I also enjoyed IASW much more this time around. I agree that it looked very clean and fresh and nice, and it didn't irritate me at all.

Sorry to hear about the bad experience with the horrible slushies! Claire was craving a slushie but we couldn't find anywhere that sold them. :(


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