To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

22 Weeks to go - Return to running leading into Hansons Intermediate

6/7/21 - M - OFF
6/8/21 - T - 30 min Run @ Easy
6/9/21 - W - 30 min Run @ Easy
6/10/21 - R - 30 min Run @ Easy
6/11/21 - F - 30 min Run @ Easy
6/12/21 - Sa - 30 min Run @ Easy
6/13/21 - Su - 30 min @ Long Run

Total Run Miles - 20.3 miles
Total Run Time - 3:10 hours
Total Run TSS - x TSS

Total Biking Time - 0:00 hours
Total Biking TSS - 0 TSS

Total Strength Time - 0:00 hours
Total Strength TSS - x TSS

Total Training Time - 3:10 hours
Total TSS - x TSS


The theme for this whole week was a return to running and heat acclimation simultaneously. It was not an easy task to pull off. I had a loss of fitness from 5 weeks off from running (to be expected) and the T+D was in the 150s nearly all week. It's also been about 3 years since I've done six consecutive runs. So lots of reasons to expect this return to running to be a bit rougher than normal.

Conditions - ⛅ Partly Cloudy, Wind 5mph to 6mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 87°F + 66°F; FL - 90°F
End: Temp+Dew = 87°F + 66°F; FL - 90°F

Starting off the week at a T+D of 153. I went low and slow. The right and now left hamstrings were both a bit tight. While the breathing was easy, I could tell my heart was working hard. I wasn't sweating much despite the heat, and likely due to going from zero to 60 in terms of change in temps. I barely had any runs over a T+D of 100 before I took my break. So, my body was struggling to adapt. I saw one of my running neighbors at his house while I ran by. I must have looked rough because he was adamant he could get me some water from inside. But I passed and said not to worry. All in all it was 32 min, 9:43 min/mile, HR of 148, and 3.2 miles. As soon as I got inside the house, then my body started sweating like a maniac. Practically had to get a mop. This is good for me though. Hotter days are ahead and it's good to be low and slow during these. With that being said, the HR is more so at marathon to half marathon levels.


Body felt pretty good and bounced back relatively quickly from yesterday's run.

Conditions - ⛅ Partly Cloudy, Wind 9mph to 10mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 86°F + 67°F; FL - 89°F
End: Temp+Dew = 86°F + 67°F; FL - 89°F

Another T+D of 153, and another low and slow. I don't remember anything specific about the run. I know throughout the week my body struggled to adapt to the heat though. So I figure it was another struggle with the heat despite the low effort. In all it was a 32 min run, 9:46 pace, 3.2 miles, and HR of 148. A near match to the day prior.


At some point during the week, the hamstrings actually started to feel better with the consecutive run days than worse. But I don't remember which day was the turning point. I was actually comfortable coming close to touching my toes and not feeling so tight all the time. It's been a while. I feel like I remember reading one time that running and cycling cause opposite adaptations to the hamstrings. I think it was cycling shortens them and running elongates them.

Conditions - ⛅ Partly Cloudy, Wind 5mph to 5mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 90°F + 65°F; FL - 91°F
End: Temp+Dew = 89°F + 65°F; FL - 91°F

More of the same. T+D of 155. Blazing sun. Low and slow effort. With that being said, I could start to feel some changes in the adaptation process and felt a tad stronger on this one despite it being a tiny bit warmer. Still though, we're looking at 32 min, 3.2 miles, 9:39 pace, and HR of 145. So some tiny progress.


A storm rolled through about 15-30 min prior to me running. So I feel like the temps dropped some despite what the klimat app says, but I don't know that for certain.

Conditions - ⛅ Mostly Cloudy, Wind 4mph to 6mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 88°F + 71°F; FL - 94°F
End: Temp+Dew = 88°F + 71°F; FL - 94°F

Felt the best of the bunch so far. Body is starting to feel more normal again. Nothing really hurts that much. Finished off with 31 min, 3.2 miles, 9:35 pace, and HR of 139.


Was looking forward to an early morning run to keep those temps down. I'd just done four runs in a row, let alone four runs above 150 T+D. I can't remember the last time I've been through the ringer of something like that. These temps are fairly uncommon to be so consistent, especially this early in the summer. I remember most years leading into Hot2Trot that the morning temps (usually 130-140 for the races I've done) are the warmest of the year thus far. This year, it's been blazing to start off.

Conditions - ⛅ Humid and Partly Cloudy, Wind 9mph to 14mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 79°F + 72°F; FL - 81°F
End: Temp+Dew = 80°F + 73°F; FL - 81°F

Well so much for a reprieve being in the early morning. Still a T+D of 153. Feeling stronger and healthier. Finished off 3.2 miles in 31 min at 9:27 pace with HR of 147. So over the course of five runs all being at a T+D of 153-158, I've seen my pace drop at the same HR from 9:46 down to 9:27. When I use the adjustment chart, I've gone from 9:18 pace to 9:00 pace, or an improvement of about 20 sec/mile. I'd attribute most of that to the beginning of heat acclimation than a return to fitness.

I also weighed myself Saturday morning before starting off. I was 189.4 a week ago. I really refocused on nutrition this week. But admittedly was a bit nervous about the first weigh-in and check on progress. Happy to report I was down to 186.6. So down almost 3 pounds. Good progress, but probably a bit too much loss in order to avoid stagnation. So I'll be a bit more careful heading forward.

We also went and got G some dedicated running shoes. She's ready to get back to run training with dad. We're going to do two days per week (Wed/Fri) and likely stick with run/walking to start off. We'll see how it goes. We're aiming towards the Princess 5k in 2022, so we'll see. At this moment in time, we do plan to run in coordinated outfits, but her choice of outfit changes as often as the tide.


Finally some cooler temps.

Conditions - ☀️ Clear, Wind 6mph to 9mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 69°F + 57°F; FL - 69°F
End: Temp+Dew = 72°F + 58°F; FL - 69°F

The goal was to get outside at a T+D that was going to be similar to Hot2Trot HM in a week. I decided to play video games Saturday night a little longer and so I woke up a little later. I wore my Nike Next% because I wanted to get a taste of long run pace just to get a general idea of some pace thoughts for Hot2Trot in a week. So I was aiming for something in the low to mid 8s. The run felt ok. The left ankle was a little sore, and despite the lower temps, the 8:00 area was a bit tougher than expected. In all it was 4 miles, 8:12 pace, 33 min, and HR of 152. So that's about HM Tempo HR. Given the effort level, I'd say something in the low to mid 8s is where I'm at at the moment.

All in all it was a good week to start off the return to running. Despite running 20 miles and 3 hours over the course of the week, my body feels pretty good. I think I went a little too fast on Sunday given where everythings at right now. But I'll enjoy the day off today, then get ready to start back up again tomorrow.
She will make a wonderful Vision:rotfl:

Good luck prying Wanda away from her. I tried the whole I'll be princess, you be prince, or I'll be prince, you be princess (or both princesses). She was like, nah. I want to be Wanda. The thought at this moment is possibly being Wandavision characters for Halloween, and then trying to convert it to running attire for Princess. It still remains to be seen.
There is some potential in a costume from LoKi. The new series has some interesting costumes that you may be able to use. There is also a huge potential for a million Cruella's running around at Halloween.
There is some potential in a costume from LoKi. The new series has some interesting costumes that you may be able to use.

She watched new episodes of WandaVision with us. But I'm screening the Loki episodes at this point. So we'll see if she gets as hooked on Loki as she was on WandaVision. She absolutely loved WandaVision.

There is also a huge potential for a million Cruella's running around at Halloween.

We also haven't seen this one yet. Waiting till it's free on Disney+ because we were on the fence as to whether it was appropriate for G.
21 Weeks to go - Return to running leading into Hansons Intermediate

6/14/21 - M - OFF
6/15/21 - T - 1 mile @ Continuous with G + 2.5 miles @ Easy
6/16/21 - W - 45 min Run @ Easy
6/17/21 - R - 1 mile @ 30/30 with G
6/18/21 - F - OFF
6/19/21 - Sa - Hot2Trot HM (9 mile LR + Coast to finish)
6/20/21 - Su - 30 min @ Long Run

Total Run Miles - 25.9 miles
Total Run Time - 3:55 hours
Total Run TSS - x TSS

Total Biking Time - 0:00 hours
Total Biking TSS - 0 TSS

Total Strength Time - 0:00 hours
Total Strength TSS - x TSS

Total Training Time - 3:55 hours
Total TSS - x TSS


G was so excited to get running.


Conditions - ⛅ Partly Cloudy, Wind 10mph to 12mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 77°F + 51°F; FL - 77°F
End: Temp+Dew = 77°F + 52°F; FL - 77°F

I asked her whether she wanted to do continuous or run/walk. We had done run/walk on nearly every run last year, but she said she wanted to try continuous instead. So off we went, carrying a conversation the whole time. She made it about 8 min and 1000m before she needed to take a break. In all we finished the mile in 13:09. She was thrilled. That's faster than what Steph has been doing on the treadmill lately so G was on cloud nine. She did a 20s sprint at the end at 8:30 pace.

Afterwards, I did a 2.5 mile run.

Conditions - ⛅ Partly Cloudy, Wind 10mph to 12mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 77°F + 52°F; FL - 77°F
End: Temp+Dew = 77°F + 52°F; FL - 77°F

The left ankle was noticeable most of the week. In all it was 2.5 miles, 24 min, 9:42 pace and 140 HR.


I wasn't sure how I wanted to approach this 45 min run. I had the Hot2Trot HM on Saturday. So did I want to do a small paced section to test out where I'm at, or should the volume increase from 30 min be enough to be concerned about? Ultimately I decided to go easy and do some strides at the end.

Conditions - ☀️ Clear, Wind 2mph to 5mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 81°F + 48°F; FL - 81°F
End: Temp+Dew = 80°F + 48°F; FL - 81°F

The ankle was bothersome, but not enough to do anything about it. In total I did 5.1 miles in 45 min at 8:53 pace and HR of 147. My strides were 5:25 to 6:33 pace. So the raw power is in a good place, but cardiovascular is still lacking.


Steph had to work late. So I was only able to do the run with G and then be done for the day.

Conditions - ⛅ Mostly Cloudy, Wind 15mph to 21mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 88°F + 64°F; FL - 90°F
End: Temp+Dew = 88°F + 64°F; FL - 90°F

I hot one again at a T+D of 152. G decided she wanted to do 30/30 intervals instead today. She much preferred it. Instead of doing 12:45 continuous pace, she was running around 11:15 pace and walking around 18-20 pace. In all we did 1 mile in 13:30.


I weighed myself Friday morning instead of Saturday to save me some time. I weighed in at 185.6. So down 1 pound from last week and down 4 pounds in two weeks. Much happier with the 1 pound loss this week. Hoping to keep up that rate of loss moving forward.

I took the day off prior to my HM on Saturday. I'm trying to mitigate the increases in mileage, and having a HM isn't helpful to the progress. I also looked into some pre-run ankle stretches to see if that might help my issues lately.


Hot2Trot HM. I wasn't sure how I was going to approach this race. All week I had been going back and forth about different strategies. At the beginning of the week, the T+D was forecasted to be in the 110-115 area. Not bad at all. But as the week progressed the forecast increased and increased and increased. In ended up being a T+D of 137. So in the end it made it an easy decision. I was going to run the race nice and easy, with the sole goal of coming out the other end healthy. So I went with a blind approach. I was going to do long run effort until things felt tougher and then I'd drop to easy pace for the remainder of the run. I didn't think I would make it 13.1 miles (1:43-1:45 ish) for the whole HM at long run pace since I'm only up to 5 miles at the moment.

I was up at 4:45 am. I ate a PB sandwich, banana, and drank some liquid IV. There were some storms in the area, but thankfully they weren't an issue. I got G ready for her race, and then at 6:15 we were off to the local race down the street. I got stretched and ready to go. Had Maurten 320 at 6:45, and then lined up.


Conditions - ⛅ Mostly Cloudy, Wind 6mph to 16mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 68°F + 62°F; FL - 69°F
End: Temp+Dew = 73°F + 64°F; FL - 69°F

There were some lingering clouds during the portion of the run on the road, so that made it a touch easier. Then we made it onto the Glacial Drumlin Trail for miles 5-13 which provided a decent amount of shade. Every time we came out from the shade the sun was really noticeable, but inside the shade it didn't feel that half bad. It was around mile 9 that I noticed a difference in effort and so I dropped down to easy pace. The breathing was barely noticeable for most of the run. Nothing rhythmic or all that intense. In total it was 13.1 miles in 1:49:08 at 8:19 pace with HR of 154. The effort was easy, but the HR was in the HM to 10k area. Certainly didn't feel that hard. But the important thing is the ankle felt fine, the hamstring felt fine. All in all everything felt fine for the 109 min run. So I'm not complaining. I ended up in 14th place and 5th AG. Not bad for a nice and easy training run. 3rd place was 1:40, and honestly that probably would have been pushing it for my current fitness level. So no regrets.


G had a blast during the run. She met the goal we set for her before the race, "have fun". She found some school friends and they ran together in their 1k race.


Nice and easy 30 min run.

Conditions - ⛅ Mostly Cloudy, Wind 6mph to 11mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 65°F + 60°F; FL - 65°F
End: Temp+Dew = 67°F + 61°F; FL - 65°F

My body was tight, but I'm actually feeling pretty good post HM (109 min training run). The beginning was a little tight, but as time progressed my body got looser and things felt better. It was nice to have a T+D 128 day with clouds. Made it easier. In all it was 3.27 miles in 30 min at 9:16 pace and HR of 138.

Happy with the week overall. I survived the HM unscathed and am ready for 3 more weeks of purely easy running. I'll continue to do some strides, and G and I will continue to run together on Wed/Fri.
Can you send that easy-effort 109-min HM over to me? :) I'm glad it went well for you, and it sounds like you made a decision about how to run the race that is best for you in the long run (ha ha).

Curious...why have you been blocking out the front of your shirts? Clearly you are not showing the race logo or whatever is there, but why bother? Maybe I have missed something.
Can you send that easy-effort 109-min HM over to me? :)

If only it were that easy. :-)

I'm glad it went well for you, and it sounds like you made a decision about how to run the race that is best for you in the long run (ha ha).

It's hard because it's not in my nature not to give near 100% in a race. But I've matured over my nearly 9 years of running. And since I've dealt with my fair share of injuries in the last couple of years, it makes me treasure the times I'm healthy. And also to make the right long term decision. In this case though, the weather made it an easy choice.

Curious...why have you been blocking out the front of your shirts? Clearly you are not showing the race logo or whatever is there, but why bother? Maybe I have missed something.

I can not discuss this topic.
Is 16 weeks out the correct length of a marathon training plan? Just so I know when to ask :cutie:

It’s always dependent on what you’re doing right now. But usually 16-18 weeks is pretty normal. Much longer than 18 weeks and many people struggle with burn out. But that’s definitely a case by case thing.
Hijacking for a training question. I am going with the assumption that RunDisney will have an in person race for Marathon Weekend. I am planning to sign up for the Marathon. I am going to reuse my first training plan because i feel it is pretty close to where i am at. My goal for Disney is to be ready to run a marathon and be healthy and feel good afterward. After Disney, i will decide when my next BQ attempt will be. I am leaning towards June 2022 at Grandma's or Dec 2022 for Rocket City.

My question is in regards to the training plan for Jan at disney. My old days off were Wed and Fri. I would bike on Wed and swim on Fri. I kind of need to change my days off so i am really just trying to figure out the best thing. I am picking kind of a mid cycle week. This was the original plan.

SundayLong Run

I would like a weekend day off and i would have to do long run on the other weekend day. I was going with taking Sunday off and for the other day i was thinking to move it to Tuesday but then it looks like this.

SaturdayLong Run

My concern is the Tuesday and Wednesday. That leaves no time off between CV and Tempo. i am wondering if this would be a better option.

SaturdayLong Run

What do you think? Again the main thing is a weekend day off and the other one is long run. I have no preference for which is which. As for the off day i am hoping that the weekend off day my plan is to hike, so active recovery. I may try and swim on the other day but i have not swam since the pandemic started.
My goal for Disney is to be ready to run a marathon and be healthy and feel good afterward.
What do you think? Again the main thing is a weekend day off and the other one is long run. I have no preference for which is which. As for the off day i am hoping that the weekend off day my plan is to hike, so active recovery. I may try and swim on the other day but i have not swam since the pandemic started.

I would propose something different than either of the options presented. Here's my reasoning.

-A 4-day running plan is almost always going to be 3 easy/1 hard.
-A 6-day running plan can be either 2 or 3 days hard (including the LR).
-The 5-day plan is where it gets tricky as to whether you should do 2 or 3 hard days (including the LR). If you're being less aggressive and your goal is "to be ready for the marathon, be healthy, and feel good afterwards", then you probably want to stick to 2 hard days instead of 3.

So I would edit your previous plan further. I would change to a schedule like:

M- 75 min max EB w/ strides
T- 90-120 min max hard run
W- 60 min max EA
F- 90 min max EB (if morning) and 60 min max EA (if evening)
Sa- LR

This way the plan is now easier than any of the options you provided earlier, leading to a higher likelihood of being healthy at the end. If you simply replace the volume of the previously hard run now made easy, then volume should stay similar.

Now the question would be, what do I do on the hard day since I used to do both CV and Tempo during the week. I would break the plan into 2-3 phases. Each phase should focus on one type of workout, with the goal of specificity as you approach race day. You can touch on other paces from previous phases if desired to keep them fresh in the body. So you could do faster paces in Phase 1, then moderate pacing in Phase 2, then Tempo pacing in Phase 3. Or if you split into two phases then just fast for the first one and tempo for the second.

CV, Hills, and Minutes workouts represent good "off-season" workouts. Whereas R, I, T, O/U, Progressions, Crescendos, Valleys, Cutdowns, Mona Fartleks, and Pre-200s are all better off reserved for actual training cycles as they are more demanding.

Now let's circle back and evaluate the options you laid out above if you were to stick to 2 hard weekdays per week.

I would like a weekend day off and i would have to do long run on the other weekend day. I was going with taking Sunday off and for the other day i was thinking to move it to Tuesday but then it looks like this.

MondayEATuesdayCVWednesdayTEMPOThursdayOFFFridayEBSaturdayLong RunSundayOFF

There are times when you can double up the speed days (like CV and Tempo back to back). Some coaches do this based on the theory that DOMS for certain workouts is more present 48 hrs after the workout than 24 hours. I believe Daniels states in his book that R pace is one of those paces that shows up 48 hrs later. However, in my personal experience, I tried something like this and found the quality of the workouts wasn't as good and may have led to an injury. So maybe when I was younger I could have managed something like this, but I shy away from these back to back doubles.

i am wondering if this would be a better option.

MondayEATuesdayCVWednesdayOFFThursdayTEMPOFridayEBSaturdayLong RunSundayOFF

In this case, you've crunched the Tempo and Sat LR really close to each other. If you do that, then I'd limit the Friday run to no more than 60 min and no faster than EA pace. You need a true easy running recovery day between those bouts. So the traditional back to back weekend (EB/LR) would be disrupted because it wouldn't be wise to do the 90 min run there. You'd probably be better off with:

M- Easier hard day
W- Tempo
Sa- LR

This way you keep the likely two longer workouts (Tempo and LR) further away from each other. Then if you just drop the intensity of the hard Monday, then you should be ok. But again, this is more aggressive than the one hard weekday workout. And given your goals, I don't think it pays off to be aggressive.
Thanks for the input. A few things I know. I am not durable so I have to pick my marathons wisely. The other thing I know, I am not mentally or physically ready to push a marathon in Jan. I might be ok physically but mentally I can’t do it. We all know a marathon is a mental challenge as well and I can’t do it.

I am going to look at the very first option you gave and figure the schedule around it. I really just want to run the race and feel good to lean into being mentally ready to take on a BQ.

Might have a few more questions as i rearrange the schedule. The more I think about it though am leaning towards Rocket City for next attempt. Lots of advantages including a short car ride verses a flight and the extra five minutes I get for aging up.
In old age we hope to be wiser. I am trying to be smart. I just know too many things have been going on to make me ready to commi to training.

fFor those following along, Mallory, the dog, has not been doing well. It might be time and it will crush me.


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