Toadman's children were telling the truth!

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<font color=6666FF>Volunteer Alabama Pug Rescue<br
Aug 6, 2001
I hate that the other post was closed, because this forum is for adult discussion and this is a very important topic.

First of all, I'm appalled at the comments regarding Toadman "dumping his kids in Common Grounds." For all of you that have never experienced how Common Grounds works, parents ARE NOT allowed inside after the first afternoon. I tried NUMEROUS times to go in and check on my daughter on the Wonder last Fall, only to be escorted out by CM's that told me, "adults are not allowed in here." I found these CM's to be both insensitive and unprofessional in how they treated me, as they deemed me "overprotective" and ridiculed me for wanting to check on her.

My concerns were both warranted and validated. My daughter was offered her first cigarette EVER on that Wonder cruise. The "parental alert" is used and is the same on every Wonder cruise (apparently as my daughter was told the same as Toadman's.) This DID NOT occur on our Magic trip in May. So that leads me to believe it is the Wonder counselors.

DCL has a problem with their CM's here. And I think that some people on this board owe Toadman an apology.


Ginger, aka pugdog
Originally posted by Pugdog007
I hate that the other post was closed, because this forum is for adult discussion and this is a very important topic.

First of all, I'm appalled at the comments regarding Toadman "dumping his kids in Common Grounds." For all of you that have never experienced how Common Grounds works, parents ARE NOT allowed inside after the first afternoon. I tried NUMEROUS times to go in and check on my daughter on the Wonder last Fall, only to be escorted out by CM's that told me, "adults are not allowed in here." I found these CM's to be both insensitive and unprofessional in how they treated me, as they deemed me "overprotective" and ridiculed me for wanting to check on her.

My concerns were both warranted and validated. My daughter was offered her first cigarette EVER on that Wonder cruise. The "parental alert" is used and is the same on every Wonder cruise (apparently as my daughter was told the same as Toadman's.) This DID NOT occur on our Magic trip in May. So that leads me to believe it is the Wonder counselors.

DCL has a problem with their CM's here. And I think that some people on this board owe Toadman an apology.


Ginger, aka pugdog

My family has taken three cruises on the Wonder. Now, my oldest is old enough to join the teen group in the CG. But based on what I have read here, I do not think that is advisible. It's a shame really because she was soo looking forward with anticipation to her first teen cruise. I think we will await DCLs official response to the Toadman before cancelling our April trip.

If I want to visit my daughter in the Cg I will not be denied doing so.
Well, I'll agree with you on the 'parents dropping by' thing - if I want to stop by and speak with my child, why shouldn't I? I know teens want their privacy and all, but I like to see for myself that things are well, or to tell them where we'll be,etc.

But I have to shake my head over the cigarette thing. Surely, your daughter know that people, even teens, smoke? This is where a good upbringing jumps in and you feel proud that she refuses. Stuff like that is going to happen anywhere.

There's a large group of people, not only from the US, but from all over the world, and they have different values and ethics than you. There are those who won't see that as a big deal.
I took my three grandchildren in January and we have 15
days before our next trip. There mothers, my daughters
have taught them right from wrong and I will trust them
until I find my trust is misplaced. I respected the (teen
only) club and when I needed them I went to the door and
asked for them, I did not go in, I didn't feel the need to
invade and I am glad I didn't. If the advisors said that
then they were wrong but It is still a wonderful program
and I know my grandchildren enjoyed themselfs and are
looking forward to returning. And in case you have forgotten
a teen can do that ever they are going to do weather it is
12 noon or 12 midnight, so you need to keep the channel
open and teach them, they will listen.
But I have to shake my head over the cigarette thing. Surely, your daughter know that people, even teens, smoke? This is where a good upbringing jumps in and you feel proud that she refuses. Stuff like that is going to happen anywhere

Sure it's going to happen, but should it be ignored/condoned/encouraged by the CM's. Yeah, ambivilance, that's the solution.
Originally posted by Karel
Well, I'll agree with you on the 'parents dropping by' thing - if I want to stop by and speak with my child, why shouldn't I? I know teens want their privacy and all, but I like to see for myself that things are well, or to tell them where we'll be,etc.

But I have to shake my head over the cigarette thing. Surely, your daughter know that people, even teens, smoke? This is where a good upbringing jumps in and you feel proud that she refuses. Stuff like that is going to happen anywhere.

There's a large group of people, not only from the US, but from all over the world, and they have different values and ethics than you. There are those who won't see that as a big deal.

I see it as a big deal and on a closed environment such as a ship, the opportunioty should never arise. These kids are suposed to be supervised afterall!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did NOT imply that my daughter accepted the cigarette, she did not. I was just appalled that she was confronted with this peer pressure for the first time on a DISNEY cruise. And that the CM's told the kids "where" they could go to smoke. These CM's were behaving more like other teens than adults supervising.

And for those of you that say... "oh just don't let them go to CG!" Are you going to in effect "ground" your teen on their vacation? not let them hang out with other kids their own age? There is nowhere else the kids this age can go but CG's.
I understand how it might shock you. You don't say how old your child is. Did it happen in the Common Grounds? Because its sounds like smoking is strictly forbidden there. Yeah, there should be supervision while they are participating in the club activities - did this happen during Club activities or maybe when they were out doing something on different part of the boat? I'm not sure why you think that these things can't happen on a ship? It's not the Garden of Eden - people don't become perfect angels and leave their bad habits at the door.

And I see no evidence that it was ignored/condoned/encouraged by a CM. I've read several reports...from teens... that CM's tell them NOT to smoke.
Pug - she's never had to deal with peer pressure at home? My kids deal with peer pressure every day - how to act, what to wear, how to blow off the rules. At some point, it's going to be a cigarette, then alcohol, then... I don't think that just because it's Disney, nothing bad is going to happen. It's the people involved, not the company. And the kid who offered probably didn't view it as peer pressure, just thought s/he was being friendly.

I can't comment on the CM. I can't believe all the CM's are like that and hopefully, if a CM did that, s/he is looking for another job.

I can't believe that going to the Common Grounds is any worse than a day at school.
Originally posted by Pugdog007
I hate that the other post was closed, because this forum is for adult discussion and this is a very important topic.

Apparently, the anti-Disney note struck a nerve

First of all, I'm appalled at the comments regarding Toadman "dumping his kids in Common Grounds."

I did not DUMP my kids at the Common Grounds. I left them in the care of trusted Disney staffers. There is a distinct difference.

For all of you that have never experienced how Common Grounds works, parents ARE NOT allowed inside after the first afternoon. I tried NUMEROUS times to go in and check on my daughter on the Wonder last Fall, only to be escorted out by CM's that told

Well, I did go in one afternoon and a staffer tried to tell me to leave and the look I gave him told him to get his **** back behind the bar. :) Which he promptly did.

The "parental alert" is used and is the same on every Wonder cruise (apparently as my daughter was told the same as Toadman's.) This DID NOT occur on our Magic trip in May. So that leads me to believe it is the Wonder counselors.

Vindication! At long last!

DCL has a problem with their CM's here. And I think that some people on this board owe Toadman an apology.

Fat chance. Some of these people would rather swallow pig swallow than admit that Disney has a problem on their cruise lines. I hated the cruises myself but took my dd because she enjoyed it. We had planned to take the 7 day cruise in the late spring. But this recent trip and the utter ambivilence of many in this forum makes me think that the problems will not be corrected. And if they are not, she will not be going back on a Disney cruise again. i will not have her subjected to the sexual inuendo at her age whether she thinks it's offensive or not.

I expect and demand that she be treated with respect in the company of Disney officials. And I further expect and demand that she not be roaming the boat following events. Contrary to the posting by some kid, there is no valid reason to be waking the decks at 2:30 in the morning.
My daughter was 13 when this occurred. And the CM's did encourage/condone... whatever you want to call it and told them where they could do it and not get into trouble. A kid asked my daughter if she would like to go smoke with him in one of these designated areas and she declined.

I kept popping my head in because an older looking male kept following her around the ship and I was concerned. I did learn from his parents that he was indeed 13... just a big, 6' - 13 yo. But the insensitivity of the CM's is what bothered me most. They acted like I was an overprotective, fanatical parent for wanting to check on her.
Toadman has an open post on this topic, feel free to post there. It is on proposed changes to the teen programming.

The other post was closed because it turned into a DEBATE and this is not the debate board. Feel free to discuss it all you like on the other thread.
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