Touring the Tower of Terror and other Ghoulish Delights! Sept 13 TR | FINALx2 4/17!!!

Just wanted to pop in and agree with everyone else how amazing your pictures are! :thumbsup2
Your room at WL looks wonderful! The resort itself is just beautiful!
MK= Home sweet Home = Perfection.....I miss it but so happy to see it next month!
I love all the fall decorations so so so much!!:goodvibes
Your photos are OMG AMAZING! I mean, I was so excited when you were posting pics during your trip, but these are on another level! I'm seriously homesick just looking at them -- so beautiful! :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc

Also, I'm surprised the ME driver didn't turning off the DVD player and turning in on again. That's the #1 go-to for all IT solutions according to every help desk IT guy I've ever spoken to (though, honestly, I'm pretty sure that "turn it off and turn it on" would be better received on my end if I hadn't ALREADY DONE THAT 14 TIMES BEFORE I CALLED FOR HELP!)! Either that or you could go the route I normally want to go and just throw it out the window. :thumbsup2

Pumpkin spice lattes just seem so perfect for the moment you were in (judging by the pictures, of course). Fall is my ABSOLUTE favorite season and the combination of pumpkin, Disney and fall just sets my heart aflutter. :blush:
Hmmm, maybe the front row was reserved for you and you just didn't know it! :scratchin

Yeah, I'd say that's a PERFECT way to head to the first park of the trip. :boat:

I so agree Dani. Seeing the castle for the first time each trip is when it all really sets in. It's so strange though that right after that initial delight, I feel like I've never left.

That is so cute with the writing on your cups!!!! I would totally be taking those cups home with me.

So So glad you got to experience the amazing-ness of Main Street at Halloween right off the bat. I LOVED it and I can't wait to see it again.
Gorgeous sunset! Great photos! They are all so beautiful. Magic Kingdom at dusk is just the best!
Chapter 3: My first Pumpkin Spice Latte in the Magic Kingdom? Yes please.
Day One: September 11th, 2013

I was SO SO happy to see all of the Halloween decorations up! I had to just stop and get a photo, since this was my first time going during the Halloween/Fall season!



Matt was actually really patient with me in wanting to stop and take a ton of photos, which was nice. There is something so perfect about Main Street at night, nevermind all of the amazing decorations that were up, which just made things even better.





We finally turned the corner and I was so happy to see the castle again... whenever I see it for the first time during a trip, I just stop and stare and it's right there at that moment that I am home again. THAT is when everything feels real, it's not a dream anymore, we are home.


It couldn't have been more perfect, either. It was dusk, Main Street was lit up, people were leaving the park, and the balloons. They were everywhere.



Matt had been a patient husband, but I knew he wanted to get to his first stop and top priority at that moment... Main Street Bakery/STARBUCKS!!


We were both PUMPED to have Starbucks available to fuel our trip, and we were both needing it to keep going tonight, especially Matt, since he'd been up since 4:15.

It wasn't very busy inside, so we walked up pretty quickly to the register to order.


There were all sorts of Starbucks treats (from their OLD bakery, not this new La Boulange that you see in the normal stores, which is terrible), AND Disney treats.


The Peanut Butter Cupcake was looking amazingly good, so I decided to get one to eat.

There was someone by the pastry case who took my order for my cupcake, then we ordered our drinks (Pumpkin Spice Lattes) at the register. The girl there noticed our anniversary pins, and started chatting with us while writing on our cup, which was fun! We paid and since we were trying to actually get stuff done, I went over to a counter area to dig into my cupcake while we waited for our drinks.


ERMAHGERD, this cupcake was amazingly good. Seriously, the frosting was perfect, and the cake was moist, and it has little peanut butter chips inside of it. It was SO good, but also really rich, so I had Matt help me eat it, as well.

Matt picked up our drinks for us at the counter, and the girl at the register had written a cute little message on our cups for us.


Matt was just a happy man to have his Starbucks!


We finished eating that delicious cupcake, took our drinks, then headed back out to Main Street, where the sky had gotten a bit darker.


The Mickey pumpkins were flickering even more brightly, and I was just so happy. I could have just stood there for the next few hours and people-watched/castle-watched and be perfectly content.



We decided to head over towards Adventureland to hop on our first attraction of the trip...

Continued in next post your TR!!!! Main Street is so piddy!!!!!
As always, faboo shots Dani! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Halloween decorations at MK! Makes me want to go back in the fall. :thumbsup2
I'm in!

Your photos are beautiful. Isn't dusk the most perfect time to be in the MK? (Or one of the most perfect times, anyway. Right away in the morning's pretty perfect, too. So is park closing. But I still think I like dusk the best!)

I'm really curious to hear about your stay at VWL...I stayed at WL once in January, and all those boat rides got a little too chilly for me! But I think I'd probably love it at a different time of year.

Looking forward to more!
Nothing like love bug splats and a cruddy DVD player to add to the excitement!

I love WL so much, and I'm so glad to see the inside of a DVC unit there again! I feel like VWL really gets skipped over.

Those sunset pictures from the boat ride are unreal! :lovestruc

I'm glad you thought it was a little sad to not be feeding a ticket in... I definitely go those feels as well.

How cute that the CM wrote a little anniversary message on there! I hope that's only the beginning of the magic! I love how happy Matt looks to be at MK.

Adventureland, you say? Hmm.. I'm going with POTC.
Hi, Dani!

My name is Linda, and I've not had the pleasure of reading any of your previous trip reports (but I will now!). However, I can see from just the first few posts that you have the same LURV of Disney that many of us have. I am excited to follow along on your report and enjoy some of those amazing pics! :thumbsup2

I've been following several other TR writers (and I notice many of the same folks following you), and I'm truly psyched to get to hear about your latest adventure!

Carry on.....popcorn::

What BEAUTIFUL dusk shots at MK!! Amazing first day! :goodvibes
I'm here! I'm here! I always love your trip reports (and instagram posts)! :) Can't wait to see how things unfold!
love VWL, and peanut butter and Chocolate cupcakes! Great start to the trip!
Bubbly CMs at the ME counter are the best! How odd that the first row of seats were reserved!? :confused3 Did anyone come sit in them? Maybe the driver just didn't want people sitting too close to him! :rotfl2:

Ugh the lovebugs. They were EVERYWHERE!

AH the SAME THING happened to the ME video on our bus! I almost forgot about that. I was a little sad about it at the time. The volume would be like non-existant and then the driver would turn it up and it would start working again so it was like blasting at us. :lmao:

The Wilderness Lodge is extremely gorgeous! Wow that is an amazing sunset and your pictures are SO pretty. I can't wait for another TR full of them!

Oh goodness that peanut butter cupcake looks amazing! I'm so sad that I never had one! Love the anniversary message on your cups. I'm pretty excited about the addition of Starbucks to the Disney parks.
Love the decorations & Starbucks - we are headed to DLR in a couple days and that's what I'm most excited about there (ESPECIALLY a snickerdoodle/caramel/pumpkin treat at BTMBBQ)
Hi Dani! Great updates. I can't believe your video didn't work on the bus. I love watching it in the way in. Wilderness Lodge looks so beautiful. What is the new La Bolange at Starbucks? We don't have that in the east coast stores yet. (I worked for starbucks for 7 years so just curious). OMG, I'm so excited to see MK with the fall decorations. Reading your update just made me a bit more excited. :banana::banana: I've never been in OCT before. 13 days!!! -Amanda

adding to the compliment train -- your pictures are seriously perfect.
I can't get over them. every time I read an update, I always kick myself for not lugging my camera around.

all I can think about is how much they grossed out Matt.

Posting for the first time ever to say how excited I am for this TR! This August I went to WDW for the first time since 2005 and I read a bunch of TRs in preparation, and yours were my favorites. And now I have another TR to read to tide me over until my next trip!
Hi, I just found your report. I'm in!!! :) Your pictures are beautiful. Of my gosh that sunset and Main St./the castle at dusk- genuinely put a smile on my face. Soooo that cupcake looked awesome and the starbucks. Yeah it was pretty much all awesome. LOL! Waiting for more...
Your resort room looks very nice! I am hoping to vising Wilderness Lodge next trip, most likely for some food. I love checking out new resorts.

Ahhhh, MK in the Fall! There is just nothing in the world more beautiful than MK at night with those pumpkins and lights. You started off your trip in the perfect way (and the Starbucks just added to that!).

It was very nice, we liked it.. and very cozy! Wilderness Lodge food is worth a trip, and I'll get to how even the quick service food is super good.

MK is so pretty during the Fall! I was a big fan. And yeah, Starbucks only enhanced our evening, clearly. It kept us going!

I couldnt for the life of me figure out where you were going to get a pumpkin spice latte in the MK!! Duh!! Starbucks! ! I forget that its there. ..but, I am Dunkin Donuts girl myself.... :-(

Hahaha, Dunkin' Donuts out in MA is equal to Starbucks here. We don't have DD in Seattle, I do sometimes miss it. But Starbucks takes care of that!

Never seen reserved signs on ME before. Kinda bizarre, and stranger yet that they didn't ever have an occupant during your ride.

The Wilderness Lodge is beautiful. I've only stayed there once so far on my DVC tour. I love the resort, but I'm a huge Beach Club, Boardwalk fan, so it's kinda hard to go elsewhere sometimes.

Love the pictures in Magic Kingdom during that time of year.

It was so weird! Especially since we left with no one in them!

WL is definitely beautiful, but I'll get into my feelings on WL vs. Beach Club later, haha. Let's just say you and I think alike. :thumbsup2

I am a big fan of Fall in Disney World for sure!

That's so great that you were ahead of schedule! Gotta love when that happens. :thumbsup2 The WL is so gorgeous. The room decor looks so comfy & cozy!

The sunset pics from the boat are so pretty. And MK at dusk is always gorgeous, but HELLO HALLOWEEN!!! I love Christmas at WDW, but Halloween now has a special place in my heart since I associate it with DS's birthday. :love:

That was so sweet of the girl making your coffee to write you a Happy Anniversary message on the cup! Matt looks like he was REALLY happy to have that coffee right about then. :rotfl: My first attraction guess is Pirates!

I know, it was working out so darn well for us!! It was a very comfy room, and I was looking forward to more photos later when I wasn't running out the door for a boat, hahaha.

Thanks, it was the perfect timing to be taking a boat to MK! Halloween is just an amazing time to be in Disney World, I must say! The decorations are just so perfect.

Yeah, she was super nice... and that wasn't the last time we saw her, hahaha. He was SO happy about drinking good coffee in Magic Kingdom. It was a beautiful thing. And I'd venture to say that was a good guess, hahaha.

Wow your dusk photos are gorgeous. Those sunset photos on the boat ride over took my breath away!! Yay for Starbucks! Great addition- minus the lack of a decent selection of disney pastries. The new La Boulange pastries aren't good?? I was curious about them but since I am on a diet I can't have them.

Thank you so much!! It was such a beautiful night! Starbucks made me happy though... I thought that cupcake was so good, it made up for the lack of Disney pastries, haha. I was kind of surprised they didn't have more, since in Disneyland there's definitely more Disney pastries.

Ugh no, the La Boulange aren't very good, and they're overpriced, and the calories just aren't worth it! The only thing I get to eat at Starbucks now are breakfast sandwiches.

Ahhh Gorgeous pictures!!! I Love WDW at Halloween time. Since that was when we went the last two times it holds a special place in my heart. :love:

Great update. So happy you are back home and so far having a wonderful first day. :banana:

Thank you so much! I agree, Fall in Disney World is amazing and the decorations are just wonderful!

It was so nice to be back and our night had started off SO well, too!

Wow, it looks like you made it into the Magic Kingdom just in time for the golden hour. Your pics are stunning!

We sure did, and thank you so much! It's seriously my favorite time of the day to be in MK!

Hey Dani! I'm joining along for this report!

Sounds like yall got off to a GREAT start with being ahead schedule! :thumbsup2 That's always nice.

MAGIC KINGDOM AT DUSK = :love: Oh my gosh! Isn't it perfect?! Gahh. I want to be there right now. The Halloween/Fall decorations just add to the perfection. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

How cute are those Starbucks cups with all of the Disney touches on them? I wish my local Starbucks had those!

YAY! So glad to have you here!

We were way ahead of schedule and it was a beautiful thing!

It definitely is perfect, I am really missing it right now... Posting these photos makes me so excited for future trips, though!

I love the Disney Starbucks cups. They're so adorable!

What an awesome evening to start your trip! The weather looked so perfect.

I am super excited to read your new trip report. :cool1:

It was beautiful, seriously! And it was a great way to get started on our vacation because it wasn't too hot, either.

I'm really excited to share this trip with you guys, it's going to be an awesome one!

Oh Dani - you are such a talented photographer! It's really nice that Matt is so patient with your picture taking. Your trip report and your amazing pictures make me so happy! We love Wilderness Lodge - even though we're from the PNW we really enjoy staying there. I can relate to how long those hallways are. On our first trip there, my then 8 year old son went missing, and we ran up and down those halls in a panic looking for him. He had seen Grandpa outside our room and decided to head down in the elevator with him, but forgot to mention it to mom and dad :eek:

Off topic - wasn't it beautiful in Seattle today? 75 degrees in October? I guess it's to make up for the weather debacle that happened last Saturday :(

Thank you so much! That's such a nice compliment. :goodvibes

I'm with you, WL is a beautiful resort! I can't imagine being stuck in one of those long halls. I won't lie, your story is kind of making me think of The Shining, hahaha, just in terms of the long halls there! :rotfl: I'm glad you guys found him though, that had to be terrifying!

Oh man, Seattle was having some gorgeous weather! Saturday was absolutely insane though, I couldn't believe the rain we got!

Those sunset boat ride pictures are incredible! And even more incredible are the dusk Main Street pics...I may have drooled over a few of them. Looks like a lovely start to the night at the Magic Kingdom!!!

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!! We were having a great start to our night in MK, I must say!

Dani, before I comment on this latest update I have to tell you I have decided to save up for your camera. Well not YOURS, but the same one. hahaha. Your pictures are just SO stunning! I used to be so into photography and I know having this camera will get me back into it more than ever! So thanks for the inspiration, hopefully I will be as talented as you are when I am equipped with such an awesome camera. :D

I LOLed at the DME driver smacking the thing to get it working. Most electronics can be fixed this way!

OOooOH you were on the boat during the Golden Hour. SO BEAUTIFUL!

Your. PICTURES. OF MAIN STREET!!! AHHHHHHHHH I LOVE THE HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS SO MUCH! This is really taking me back to my trip last year. AHH. I am so glad you got to see Disney around Halloween time.

Was the PSL like 9284938 dollars? I'm curious because here it's like 4.39 for a small size and 4.99 for a large. I'm so obsessed with them but $5 every time I need a coffee just kills my soul.

So looking forward to more!! :cheer2:

Ahh that is really smart! You can also get a D3100 or D3200, which are also fantastic cameras! I will say though, what makes some of these photos pretty awesome isn't so much the camera, it's the lens... My 35mm f/1.8 lens. It's around $200, but SO worth it. It takes amazing photos, really great portraits, and is fantastic in the dark. Unfortunately, I didn't use this lens the entire trip and I'm kicking myself for it. I switched to a different lens and I was not as happy with the photos as when I used this lens. But at least I know now! But either way, that's such an awesome compliment. I'm STILL really trying to learn how to get the best use out of my camera, but it's a fun hobby to have!

Oh my gosh, I was laughing so hard. He was trying his best to get that stupid thing working, but it didn't happen.

Golden Hour, on a boat, to MK. Life was perfect.

Ahh thank you! I was SO excited to be there and have all of those amazing decorations up! I'm a big fan of Disney parks during Fall and Winter!

The PSL was kind of pricey, like, definitely more than what we pay. BUT they are snack credits (Venti included) if you're doing the DDP! I'm not joking when I saw that we spent a LOT of money at Starbucks this trip, but it was worth it. And Matt was very happy!


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