Toystoryduo's Journal....Moving Forward From Here

Good evening friends,

Today was a busy day...My DH had an interview for a part time job, we went to IHOP, and we made several trips to CVS and came away with lots of stuff and almost $70 in Extra Care Bucks!:banana: The weather is supposed to be pretty bad tonight and tomorrow so we plan on staying home and having either a board game marathon or a movie marathon or both....After we clean the house, of course! ;)

I hope to check out the WW stuff this weekend and to get some exercise in as well.

Have a great weekend!:grouphug:
Sounds like a fun weekend! Well, minus the bad weather part... My kids love board game marathons, something we don't get too often in AZ since the weather is usually pretty spectacular!:sunny:

My fingers are crossed that DH gets that job. :wizard:

Enjoy your family time this weekend!
Sounds like a perfect weekend given your imperfect weather! And I think I might have sent that weather to you, sorry bout that!

Your shopping skills just amaze me!:worship:
Good morning friends,

Overall, we had a good weekend here. On Saturday, we had a movie marathon and stayed home and out of the weather. On Sunday, we went to church, CVS, Walgreens, and my parent's house for dinner.

I did have a bit of a meltdown this weekend...You know that "all or nothing" mentality that seems to linger in the back of my mind? Well, I got overwhelmed with a lot this weekend: bills, non paying contractors, homeschooling, weight loss, working for my DH, tax season, e.t.c. When I get like this, I have two responses: quit what I am doing or not do anything at all. This weekend I kind of chose the second option...I did nothing. I got too overwhelmed and started to just pull completely back. I know that baby steps are the key to get things done, but I've never really been a baby step kind of person. It is such a challenge!

In any event, I pulled myself out of the do nothings yesterday by working a really good deal at CVS. The success of it motivated me to start moving forward again. (baby steps) Here's what I got:

(1) Aquafresh White Trays Tooth Whitening System: $34.99
(4) Boxes of 6 Soy Joy $24
(1) Nasal Spray $7.99 (also has a $3 mail in rebate)

Grand Total After ECBs/ CRTs and coupons: $5.99 ($5.36 of that was tax pre-coupons)
ECBs Earned: $41.99 :banana:

Today looks to be a busy day:

* Homeschooling

* Workout

* Library

* Work for DH

* Catch up on some reading

* Organize coupons

* Come up with rewards program for girls (more on this later in the week)

That's about all from here....Hope everyone has a great day!:grouphug:
Hang in there, we all have those days in the dumps. The key is that you pulled yourself out of that funk and are ready to go now!

Great deals at the store!! :cool1:
Hang in there, Tracy! I SO wish we had CVS here in NM! That's AWESOME!!

Praying about DH interview & all the stuff you have on your plate. Take time for YOU!

sometimes we need to take a step back Tracy, you have a lot to do - no point stressing, i'm glad you took a day to rest!
hang in there :)
I agree with everyone else Tracy. We all have those days and I am proud of you for coming out of it and not giving up. Baby steps are so hard to take but I do think they are the key to success! You can do it, just remember to treat Tracy as nicely as you treat everyone else. And all those things on your plate will get done. Just don't stress and do what you can. I hope tomorrow is a good one for you.

I need to go shopping with you! We don't have CVS either.:sad2:
Thanks ladies. :grouphug:

Yesterday was a good day despite the fact that my washer has stopped working. We have a stacked unit (washer on bottom and dryer on top) so I am hoping that when my DH gets a chance to look at it this weekend, he can fix it. Otherwise, we 'll have to buy a whole new unit even though the dryer is fine.

I did get a 20 minute workout in yesterday.:banana: I am definitely sore today!:headache:

Today's Plan:

* Homeschooling

* Work for DH

* Shovel the driveway

* Read

Not much going on here...The weather is supposed to get considerably colder throughout the day so I'm going to head out in a few minutes and get the driveway taken care of.

Hope everyone has a great day!:grouphug:
Hey Tracy,

Great job getting that workout in! I hope your washer can be fixed, that is something has always worried me about the stackable kind. Prayers for the washer!:wizard: :laundy:

I saw the entired midwest in the deep freeze, I hope you warm up soon. Keep up your good work and stay warm!
Hi Tracy
Hows the washer??
Hows the weather??? i saw on the news that its gonna be -20 around Chicago!!! (no idea if thats anywhere near you!!) & i'm moaning about -6!!!!
You know what they say ''theres always someone else worse off than you'' ;)
Good evening friends,

I am stress eating and in a major way!:guilty: My DH called me about an hour ago to let me know he was stuck in Columbus due to the weather. He had to go to Cincinnati for work (4 hours away) and has been stuck in Columbus (2 hours away) for over 2 hours now. He had a bad day at work and this isn't helping any. :( Right now, I am taking my frustrations out on a bowl of soup and some french bread. Please send good thoughts and prayers for his safe travel. :grouphug:

I got some things accomplished today, but find myself in that overwhelmed, don't feel like doing a darn thing mode again. I'm not sure if it's because I am pre-TOM or what, but today I have been able to find something wrong with just about everything. Let's hope Negative Nelly isn't here to stay!:eek:

Hope everyone has a good evening.:grouphug:
I just spoke to my DH....He's managed to travel about 40 miles in 3 hours!:eek:

Praying the weather breaks ASAP so he can get home ASAP.....
Tracy, praying for your husband to get home safe and soon! I feel so bad for all you folks in the midwest with this horrible weather. Negative Nellie will probably leave as soon as TOM makes its appearance! The weather probably isn't helping. Feel better sweetie, and don't worry, we all have those days!
Thanks Amy. :hug:

My DH made it home in 6.5 hours yesterday. The trip normally takes him just under 4.:eek: He was really glad to be home last night.:banana:

Not much going on here....It's too darn cold! :cold: Our local school district had school today, but the school I taught at did not...That means the girls are off from homeschooling today!:banana: :banana:

So, what's the plan? Stay warm! Temperatures are at zero right now with wind chills well below zero. BRRRRR! :cold:

Hope everyone has a great day!:grouphug:
Good news that your DH made it home safely.

There must be something in the air, I didn't feel like doing anything yesterday either! My kids actually had cereal for dinner (they love it when I get into those kind of funks!)

I hope things are better for you today, hang in there!
Hey Tracy,

Glad you got a snow day, there has to be some perk to a nasty winter! And I am so glad your hubby got home safe and sound. I knew he would but I also know how scary having someone you love out on icy, snowy roads can be. Stay warm!
Thanks ladies. :grouphug:

We had an interesting start to our day....The temp last night went down to -15 degrees and this morning our electricity went out. :scared: It was off for almost two hours and it got downright cold in the house! :cold: I am glad that they fixed the problem because it is supposed to be just as cold tonight.

We got some shopping done today and got some pretty good deals. I still need a grocery store trip, but that probably won't happen until I make a menu.

I've got Mom Time at church tomorrow and my DH may have to work. If not, we may go walk around the mall to get some exercise in.

Hope everyone has a great evening!:grouphug:
Tracy, good luck getting a mall walk in. It is so hard to exercise when its so cold. Heck at those temps you aren't even supposed to be outside at all anyway. I hope you guys warm up and I hope your power stays on!

Have a good weekend!


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