TR followed by pics 15-19 May Sequoia lodge Complete


Feb 13, 2013

So arrived at hotel around 5.30 on wednesday evening. Weather was overcast but nice and dry :) Check in was really quick and easy, thanks to my email (i think) we got yellowstone lodge and a pass for breakfast the next morning in Golden forest Room :) Delighted!! Next 2 mornings where in the park and last morning in hotel.

Set of to find our room and or course walked past it.... spot the new arrivals with map looking lost lol. Eventually forund it and it was lovely.

Bags literally dropped then of to Disney park around 6.30

Started with buzz then spacemountain x2 Baby switch works a treat :) then on to fantasy land, small world, teacups, then on to pirates and thunder mountain. Dd4 rode for the first (and only) time, think its was a shock to her system :) Then me and dd13 went on PM, well........ the cm in the lift had to 'pick' onme to scare the living daylights out of, when she circled around to begin she poked my back, I nearly hit the roof lol then she continued to stand and stare right at me the whole time.. I kept backing of and walking into the other people lol she really freaked me out dd was terrified too, I was so glad to see the door open. All good fun though :)

We ate in chalet au marionette..... bad choice bland tasteless food that set us back nearly €50 euro!!

All the rides where complete walk on which was fab.

We then took our spot for dream, right at the front, well second row behind the rope. It was a lovely evening so everyone stayed seated. And what can I say it was just spectacular, loved it :)

Made our way out and back to the room about 11.30 think it was 1pm before I slept must have been the excitement.

Breakfast boomed for 9am in Golden Forest :)

Thursday. Breakfast ingolden forest was lovely we had Eeyore and pluto, dd4 loved them dd13 looked the opposite way incase they might wand to interact with her...... way to cool for that lol

Another lovely day we were at studios for about 9.30..... me and dd13 made the lets run but look like we are walking dash for crush lol, staright on :) Baby switch for OH and dd to go straight back on, the queue didnt get any longer than 30 mins the whole day!

Memory is getting hazy already, think we done everything a couple of times, magic carpets, cars, tot, RnR, slinky, tram tour, havent done this for a few years but it was walk on, dd4 not impressed and neither were we to be honest! Just dd4 and myself done stitch live, was a bit miffed that some person thought it ok to take a pic of dd while we waited to go in, maybe because of her fair skin and blonde hair! But because I was on my own I let it go and didnt say anything! Anyway stitch was great, that was our first time, really enjoyed it :) Met mickey and minnie together in toon studio. Then art of animation........ last time we done that there was the art attack section at the end which was really good, didnt think so much of it now but the girls did enjoy it :)

Think around 2.30 we had everything done and headed to Annettes to eat. My food and the girls was good but they got OHs order wrong twice and when it did come he was half way through to find the burger pink in the middle...... We can cope with pink steak but minced meat........ yuk We where past complaining and just let it go. They only then charged twice for the wrong burger.... when I pointed this out the guy nearly seemed to know what i was going to say, chancing their arm I think. Anyway they took it of but I think it will be a looooong time before we go back there! Rant over lol

On way to main park we went to Dlh hotel for decent of stairs, it was mickey tiggetr and pinnochio. To many to see mickey but got pics with tigger and dd gor to dance with pinnochio :) OH fell asleep on the sofas lol and dd13 took the oppertunity to go online :)

Into main park then to storyboats, smallworld, alices maze then got a spot nearby small world to watch parade. Really enjoyed it and the girls got some attention from god mothers, pirates and Birt :)

Made our way out after this, we are actually really tired and starting to flag already :-/

Back to hotel where I had a glowing cocktail and dd13 had a mocktail :) Nice end to a lovely day.

Breakfast booked for 9.15 in chalet au marrionette in morning. We have already decided we wont make EMH :)

So Friday morning (having to rely on pics now :) )

Breakfast in Chalet au Marionette @ 9.15 = disaster!! Like i mention in another post, we were left to try find a table, they run out of meats, yoghurts, juice and the whole thing so badly organised it was like a cattle market! Would not recommend either breakfast or paying to eat in there, OH was like a bear woke from hibernation!!!! 'dont take it out on me, how was I to know...... grrrr'

Anyway on to happier times :) After breakfast I queued for princess ticket while others went on teacups. The queue was really quick and got a ticket for 11.30 to return. I think we done small world and peterpan then into pavillion to see Cinderella she was lovely just a pity dd4 was in her sleeping beauty dress :) Got some lovely photopass pics. Then on for a walk around the castle and to see the dragon. Again I got some lovely pics of dd4 she really was giving it the whole princess thing after sitting in her 'carriage' / pram giving everyone the royal wave and lapping up the attention lol

We decided to head back for a swim, just as we came to the town square who should arrive only Miss Poppins and her penguins :) I got dd4 from her carriage and got to the band stand pretty quick :) They had an organised queue here and we where 2nd!!! She was lovely and when dd rhymed of supercalifragalistic.......... they made a real fuss, it was lovely :)

So on to get our first EoS, we took them back to the room, yummy I had tuna melt it was so good :)

After this we went for a swim, some people say the water is freezing but I found it ok, it was a lovely day outside and it would have been lovely to swim out but wasnt to be. Myself and dd13 used the steam room sauna and jacuzzi and back to the pool. There was only a few others in the pool and I was the only parent to use the slide....... well it was fun lol Spent a couple of hours in here and really enjoyed the rest, we needed it at this stage :)

It was around 4pm we headed to the studios to slinky and rc racer, silly queue for parachutes! Oh forgot dd4 done parachutes yesterday for the first and loved it. Dd13 and myself done RnR coaster... no music, just wasnt the same! And Tot I love this and again baby switch works a treat. Line for crush was only 30mins but we were so used to walk ons the whole time we didnt queue. By 7 we were beat so headed back to hotel, stopping of at mc donalds on the way.

It was a lovely evening so I got a bottle of 20th anniversay wine and we sat on on the hotel veranda for a couple of hours and watched the sun go down. Lovely end to the day :)

Breakfast booked for 9.15 in plaza gardens!

Saturday. Breakfast in plaza gardens was lovely, such a nice setting we decided to have dinner in here later.

Firstly cant believe the crowds today its really busy :-/

Got a ticket for PP return time 11.30. Nearly impossible to get on a ride, only one we done was carrousel. then had a walk through adventure land, spotted Jack sparrow but dds werent interested in seeing him. On through to pocahontas play area. We soaked up the sun while dd4 enjoyed running around for an hour. Back to PP this time we saw Sleeping Beauty.... dd was in her sleeping beauty dress yesterday lol Again she was lovely and we got some nice pics.

It was so busy we went back to the room midday and all had a sleep..... remember the wine the night before lol

Feeling refreshed we headed back around 4 and headed to plaza gardens to eat. Got seated straight away. We had soup and rolls then i had salad they had a good selection on these to choose from. Dinner... not so much choice was a bit disapointed. OH got what looked like lovely well cooked home made burger only to find it pure pink in middle. I know this is the french way and we should have asked in annettes for them to be well done, but what can you do about it in a buffet meal. Its just not for us, also beef skewers practically raw eeeeew! Anyway pizza fish and chips done the trick. For dessert again not a big selection but what was there was good, we filled up on them :)

Dd4 ate practically nothing (not due to the food, just her age) and at this stage im seriously considering not doing brunch, between her not eating and the meats rare I just cant justify it to myself :( Will decided tomorrow!

In to discoveryland, everything is an hour wait and fastpasses for 2+ hours away...... wow so so busy!! Couldnt get on any rides so went for an explore around adventure aisle, and tree house (first time). it was nice to take time to see these areas that we usually walk past :) After this at parade time we went back and got on buzz with a 15min wait or so, and had a walk through Nautalis (another first).

It was just after this the heavens opened (another first) lol we made a dash out to dlh and waited until it had calmed of a bit. Quick check on fb when there lol.

The plan was to stay and see dreams again but between rain and it so busy we called it a day and took our weary legs back to the room. It was back here dd13 realised her phone was missing, she last had it in dlh. I phoned reception who put me through to dlh where they confirmed a phone had been found. When i described it they asked me to come with my passport to collect it........ well done disney or to the good person who found it, thanks :)

Content but tired I finished the day in bed with a book.

Breakfast booked for 8amin Sequoia :)

So eventually Sunday.... last day :(

Breakfast in hotel at 8.30 found it to be nice, not overly crowded. On way out though the Q was up the stairs..... nightmare!!! Saw Mickey and Donald at the meeting point got some lovely pics.

We had planned on being out to the parks at 9am but it was raining so we finished packing at our leisure and had checked out and where at parks by 10.30. Quick stop of in dlh to pick up dd13 phone...... teens!!!! and cancelled brunch :( Dd13 and OH werent that interested, I knew dd4 would hardly eat and it was our last day so wanted to spend it together :)

Started with main park....... wow busy busy busy (french holiday weekend) Buzz return time was way late on... no good. Got 2 fp for SM with intention of getting 2 for Thunder Mountain and using baby switch..... couldnt even get to TM fp machines :-/

On round to Indiana Jones 35 min wait so OH and dd jumped in line and myself and dd4 took another wander around adventure aisle, she just loved the bridges..... simple things eh?? We wandered on around and came across the monkey from jungle book, very few people so got a few hugs :)

After this myself and dd13 walked straight on indiana with baby switch. Back round to fantasy land carousell had shortest Q at 40 mins, dd4 hadnt done a ride yet so Me and her waited and other 2 went of to use SM fp.

I had hoped to met up with a few ladies doing brunch to say hi but missed out waiting for carousel!

So now everyone had got doing something we decided to say our goodbyes, on way through fantasyland we saw belle heading to pp, dd was in her rapunzel dress and belle stopped to say 'hello beautiful princess' lovely touch but didnt get the camera out quick enough :) then as we reached main street we saw the celebration train in front of the castle (another first) Just as we arrived it pulled of so with dd4 in her 'carriage' we done the run but pretend we are walking dash through the side arcade and caught it as it came around the corner,nice big empty pavement to wave good bye to all onboard :)

Rainforest cafe was picked for lunch today, and I must say best food we ate. First time in there and just loved the theming and lovely peaceful atmosphere. Girls had chips and chicken nuggets then icecream, I had fish and chips, presented lovely and tasty, OH had steak chips and pepper sauce, oh my his was so tasty!!! He ordered chocolate fondant for dessert and thought it was to rich, I had no problem finishing it of..... chocolate heaven. Super food and was glad we decided to eat together :)

So it about 3pm we head to studios, again really long queues and fp return times that didnt suit us. Dd14 and OH queued for ToT (1hour) myself and dd4 had a little wander, bumped into goofy and got pics then took a spot for parade. The rain had started again so for the first the ponchos came out lol Parade was nice but rather quick.

Animagic show started straight after parade so of we went. Really good but a bit different i think, dd actually thought we were under water at one stage ;)

By the time we came out the heavens had well and truely opened, myself and dd14 used baby switch and straight onto ToT :) (is it a running theme that OH and dd Q then I get to walk on with baby switch lol) my last ride and its my favourite :)

And that as they say is that!! Back to hotel rstransfers picked us up at 6.30 and its homeward bound!

Absolutely exhausted but totally worth it :)

Dd4 cried at bedtime and said 'i didnt want to leave disneyland but thankyou for a lovely day' Bless her, makes everything worthwhile x

And a link to some of our pics
Another wonderful trip report - your Saturday and Sunday sounded very crowded though!
What a great report, sounds like you had a fab time :goodvibes

Your dd looks lovey as Rapunzel :)

It's a shame you didn't have a good experience in Annette's. We go every trip and haven't had a bad meal yet (we don't like pink meat either!)

Thanks so much for posting :thumbsup2
Thank you for taking the time to read,
Yes dlpdaft the sat and sun were crazy busy luckily we got all the rides done the first few days :)
Mspoppins we have always loved annettes but must say rainforest cafe was a first and think our new fav :thumbsup2


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