TR - Shuttergirl does Castles, Kilts, Craic and Croissants - Photos up to Day 10

:scared1: I heard on the news today that they are having the coldest winter in 50 years I hope it warms up a bit for you or you won't need ice for your laundry drinks.
Have a great trip looking forward to reading along
One day to go and you are up up and away! YAY!

Just looked at that article... Snow :scared1: good grief, I expected that you would have warmer weather, spring type weather. Hope this doesn't affect your packing.
:scared1: I heard on the news today that they are having the coldest winter in 50 years I hope it warms up a bit for you or you won't need ice for your laundry drinks.
Have a great trip looking forward to reading along

Hehehe, it actually doesn't bother me too much, I prefer cool than hot and after Quebec City in late December I think we can handle anything :lmao:

One day to go and you are up up and away! YAY!

Just looked at that article... Snow :scared1: good grief, I expected that you would have warmer weather, spring type weather. Hope this doesn't affect your packing.

I expected it to not be snowing :rotfl2: too. But I don't think we will see much of that but who knows :confused3.

Packing for everything as always. :rotfl:
Bbbrrr...that's some seriously cold weather. I'm tuned in and looking forward to reading along. Travel safe and have a fantastic trip.
We are heading off today but don't leave the house until 3.30pm so it's going to be a long day.

I haven't finished packing as yet but it's coming together.

Son is off to 2 hours basketball training this morning with DH so I should accomplish a fair bit while they are gone.

Once I finish the packing I will work on the computer until it's time to go, then we are off.

Flight from Canberra to Melb at 5.10pm but don't fly out of Melbourne to London until 11pm so it's going to be a long long day. The flights from Canberra were crappy when it came to time choices - Sundays always are from here. So we had to go with this earlier one, an hour or so later would have been nice.

MIL is meeting us at Melb airport, she is catching the bus from Ballarat and arrives at around 7pm. It says we can't check in until 3 hours before the flight which is a bummer since we will be ready to check in 4 hours before the flight :rotfl2:. We will have to try and have dinner, lugging all of our suitcases with us, that should be fun....not!!!!!

Looks like it's 14 hours to Abu Dhabi, then 2 1/2 hours wait then 10 hours to London. Long long day but oh so worth it.
Have a fabulous time Ms.Shuttergirl!

Won't you be able to check yourself the whole way through from Canberra? Your MIL won't but hopefully you will be able to. Hopefully you will sleep a lot of the way to Abu Daubi. So excited for you! This is going to be such an amazing trip!
I'll cross my fingers for you that the flying time from Abu Dhabi to London isn't too bad - when we flew from Doha to Paris, it was really only about 7 hours in the air which was nice!

Have a great flight from Canberra to Melbourne, and then onwards! :)

The international departures at Melbourne is looking really good now, many more appealing options for eating and shops to pass time once you're through Customs.

Enjoy every minute!!!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
The international departures at Melbourne is looking really good now, many more appealing options for eating and shops to pass time once you're through Customs.

Enjoy every minute!!!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Yes, when we came through MEL Int'l last week the departures area ( once through customs) was much improved from the last time we went through a number of years ago.
Have a fabulous time Ms.Shuttergirl!

Won't you be able to check yourself the whole way through from Canberra? Your MIL won't but hopefully you will be able to. Hopefully you will sleep a lot of the way to Abu Daubi. So excited for you! This is going to be such an amazing trip!

We weren't sure whether we would be able to check our bags all the way through since we were Qantas domestic and Etihad internationally?

I'll cross my fingers for you that the flying time from Abu Dhabi to London isn't too bad - when we flew from Doha to Paris, it was really only about 7 hours in the air which was nice!

Have a great flight from Canberra to Melbourne, and then onwards! :)

The international departures at Melbourne is looking really good now, many more appealing options for eating and shops to pass time once you're through Customs.

Enjoy every minute!!!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Sounds good. Thanks so much.

Yes, when we came through MEL Int'l last week the departures area ( once through customs) was much improved from the last time we went through a number of years ago.

Good to know. Thanks.
Hope you found somewhere yummy to eat dinner and you are relaxed and ready for your flight:)

Reading your itinerary is making me wish I was planning a trip to Europe! I have never been to France and it has always been a dream of mine:) I think your kids are great ages to go, we will wait till ours are older before we attempt it I think!

Hope travelling with the MIL goes smoothly, it is very nice of you to invite her (hope hubby is suitably appreciative!).

Bon Voyage!
From your itinerary you must be at Melbourne airport now. Have a wonderful time, and I am looking forward to reading along.
Safe travels. At least being in London first gives this awful weather perhaps time to ease elsewhere and London is normally much better due to all the heat from the buildings etc. Also luckily you aren't trying to drive in snowy/icy conditions for your daytrips out into the country. Hope you packed lots of warm gear! Looking forward to the updates.
Oh I missed the send off - I do have an awful habit of doing that :lmao: Hope your flights are going nice and quick.

The weather has been unseasonably cold this year, but hopefully it will warm up for you soon. After all, it is nearly April!

Travel day was a long one – even before we got on a plane. Because our international flight was so late in the evening, we didn’t need to leave our house to fly to Melbourne until 3.30pm. So the day was spent finalising the packing – well actually packing. I was certainly a more laid back version of myself in terms of packing on this trip. So unlike me for sure. Eventually it was time to hit the road, thank goodness. Flight to Melbourne was delayed but uneventful and we met MIL in the international terminal and headed off to have some dinner. DS was keen for Nandos so that’s what we had although I always leave that place thinking “man, that was expensive for takeaway style food” hahaha. You could eat at a nice Thai restaurant for what that Nando’s food costs.

Luggage porn :rotfl:

The line to check in was enough to make your eyes water but it moved surprisingly quickly. I was surprised when they weighed our carry on luggage, haven’t seen that before. Then we hit customs and I kid you not when I say there was no one in there. We walked straight to the front of the line and straight up to an official. I could not believe it. Where were all the people? It was something to behold. I was nervous that meant the staff might be bored and that we may get cavity searched. Mind you, if said “cavity searchee” looked like Ryan Gosling or Ryan Reynolds then perhaps that wouldn’t be so bad.

Alas no cavity searches and no Ryan’s to be seen. Pretty soon we were waiting up a storm for our flight. Of course all of my praying to the “upgrade gods” did not result in me being whisked into first class so it was down the back in cattle class for us all. I swear I think it is the cruelest thing that you have to walk through first class to get to your tragically inadequate seats for the duration. It’s just plain wrong.

We were flying with Etihad Airways this time and I was interested to see what this airline was like. I thought the seats were very comfortable indeed, however I thought the service was a little “slack” at times. The flight crew were young with a capital Y and I think they just didn’t have the customer service ethic that a more experienced person would have.

My crazy crazy kiddos

Sleep – well no one was more impressed than me when we all managed to get varying degrees of good sleep on the first flight. We were off to a great start.

We flew 14 hours to Abu Dhabi and then had a 2 ½ hour stopover before jumping on another flight for 8 hours to take us on to London. I would’ve loved to have more time here to explore but enjoyed people watching in the airport anyway. Alas the 8 hour flight dragged a little and we were desperate to arrive.

Finally we were in London, the customs process at Heathrow was quick and smooth. Of course it didn’t hurt that I dragged the family off that plane quick as a whip and had us walking quickly aka running like an Olympic sprinter towards the customs queue hehe. My tactic worked and we were through customs in 15 minutes, luggage collected and driver waiting to take us to our flat.

We arrived at our gorgeous 3 bedroom flat which is on the border of Kensington and Notting Hill, here is the link to the flat with pics if you are interested:- This place was everything we hoped for and more and we definitely feel like “locals” staying here. It is so very English and cute and very well fitted out for our stay. Now if only I would stumble into Hugh Grant’s book shop looking like a young Julia Roberts, life will be complete. Tube station around the corner with supermarkets, restaurants, pubs, everything we could possibly need within minutes walk. After dumping our bags we headed around to the local Tesco supermarket, grabbed the necessary supplies and were pleasantly surprised with the prices. All of the food is soooooo cheap. We are clearly getting ripped off in Australia. I am astonished at the cheap prices. Anyway we grabbed supplies and headed home to the flat. We unpacked a little and the whole family was dragging by 5.30pm haha. DS was the funniest with tiredness.

The view out the kitchen window. I was a bit fascinated with watching people living there lives. I think they have a name for that :rotfl2:

We decided to head to a nearby famous pub called the Churchill Arms, for dinner. This pub was where Winston Churchill made all of his public addresses during the war and was only a 2 minute walk from our flat. They have a great Thai restaurant in the back of the restaurant but I’m afraid we didn’t do the yummy food justice with DS virtually falling asleep in his chicken pad thai lol. We were home by 6.30 and I am not kidding, all in bed before 7.15pm.

I knew for me personally this would be a mistake since I don’t need much sleep and I was right hahaha. I was awake, wide eyed and bushy tailed by 1.30am, grrrrr. Oh well, I’m in London, so I won’t complain.

I hope to get the next day out to you all soon. Sorry for the delay, I’ve been bone tired every night but we are having a wonderful time and not missing any of you in the least hahaha.

Highs - comfy seats on plane, our beautiful apartment, being in London
Lows - tiredness
Temp - high 2, low 0

This morning we were all up bright and early which was no surprise since we went to bed before it was even dark outside hehe. Today we were taking a private Black Taxi Cab tour of London to see the highlights etc. And to help give us our bearings.

Our driver met us outside of our flat right on 9am and he was the epitome of an English gentleman. The plan was for him to take us past some of the highlights on our 4 hour tour, tell us lots of interesting stuff and just generally give us our bearings a bit. He was actually pretty fantastic, he knew what every single building you passed was, obscure things (which I love) as well as the obvious touristy things. He included a few Harry Potter things in there for the kids as well which Im sure they appreciated.

I just cant get over the sheer age of everything. The English must come to our country and giggle when we talk about how old the Rocks in Sydney are etc hahaha. The architecture is just so drop dead gorgeous, I adore it all and cant imagine how these buildings are still standing.

Seeing all of the row style housing has been so interesting. Places worth tens of millions of pounds all attached and looking stately and exactly the same. In Australia what you could purchase for those sorts of dollars boggles the mind, but here, you dont even get a garage hehe. Im giggling at the expensive cars parked along the streets. DS said to me wow mum, if you live in London looks like you need to own Mercedes, a BMW or a Range Rover. He isnt far wrong. Some of the cars parked on the street at worth the price of a house here in Australia, too funny but I guess if you can afford a car like that, you dont mind if it gets stolen because you can just run out and pick another one up haha.

We drove past alot of the big attractions just quickly but didnt spend any time at them because we have plans to go there later in our stay. The big highlight of the day however was going to Buckingham Palace. This was the only time we would be going there since its not the time of year to be able to enter so a quick glimpse outside was going to have to do. Its one of the things i love most about travelling, seeing iconic things you have seen on tv and in magazines your whole life. Buckingham Palace didnt disappoint, it was beautiful. A bit of a shame that the guards were still in their winter grey uniforms rather than the more famous red ones but otherwise awesome to see. It was absolutely mind numbingly cold here and there were a few snow flurries flying aroumd which always makes me smile of course. DH seriously struggling with the cold today, big sooky lala, I think its because he is tired.

The tour guide was such a sweetie, he gave us so many little gifts throughout the tour, little keyrings and coasters and information and flags  just all sorts of things and Im so glad we had him introduce us to this beautiful city.


Where they did some Harry Potter filming of Diagon Alley

Kings Cross Station and Platform 9 3/4

Afterwards he dropped us near Trafalgar Square and we had lunch at a cool old pub called The Lord Moon of the Mall hahaha. Some of these pub names are hilarious. Some weve seen are Ye Olde Chesire Cheese, Bunches of Grapes, The Old **** (as opposed to the new one of course lol), I could go one. I think Im going to keep writing these funny pub names down and see which one is the weirdest by the end of our trip. Anyway, I digress, the pub we had lunch in was nice and dark and stuffy, just the way Iike my English pubs, great menu and the grown ups ended up going with a Guiness Pie which was delish, and the mashed spuds are yummo. Afterwards we headed to Trafalgar Square for a wander around, lots of people gathering around here. And then we headed to the train station to buy our weekly travel cards and to use the tube for the first time. I am pleased to report that we managed the Underground very easily and as I write this a few days later we are just like locals and using the tube all the time.

Trafalgar Square

We came home and had a little nap because everyone was lagging and then we all got up with a rush because we had overslept of course. You know that feeling of omg omg, Im late, Im late, for a very important date  everyone scurrying around throwing on nice clothes and a slash of lipstick because we were due across town in Battersea at MILs cousins restaurant called Entree, see link here:- The restaurant was stunning, very 1920s New York speakeasy style. MILs cousin, Jerry was an amazing host and we ate drank and were merry. The menu was so upmarket and a little intimidating for our kidlets haha. Here is what we had:-
Entree for me - Scallop & crab lasagna with chive beurre blanc
Entree for DH - Yellow fin tuna tartare with avocado purée, white radish rémoulade & bread crisps

Then in between this course and the mains they brought out a lovely Celeraic soup in a glass with some lovely fresh made bread

Then for mains we had:-
Free-range Old Spot pork belly with sweet potato, butternut squash & chargrilled peach salsa

I had some slow roast Lamb with aubergine mash and a red wine jus (cant see it on the menu online, bummer)

DS had steak but of course it read much fancier on the menu and DD had a leek risotto.

We truly were thoroughly spoilt and best news of all, dinner and drinks were all on MILs cousin. Whoop whoop lol

After a wonderful evening, we jumped into a cab and headed home. Another cheap thing about London, the cabs barely cost anything. It is amazing and just like in NYC, there are an abundance of them.

Okay well that about wraps Day 2 up. I am not feeling very funny in my writing, better step up my game so you dont all unsubscribe and give up on me. I promise to make you giggle soon.

Highs  black cab tour, dinner at Entree, Buckingham Palace
Lows  cant think of one yet, oh wait, perhaps tiredness
Temperature  high 2, low 1  brrrrr

Thanks for the updates! Sounds like you're having a great time in Ye Old England. Look forward to more.

Happy Easter!
:wave2: sounds like your are having a great time.
Snow flurrys, Buckingham palace:cloud9:
I know what you mean about Nandos went the with 3 of us nearly :faint: at the price
Thanks for updating :)


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