Travel Advisory - Canadian’s out of country

Sorry you took it that way. I know many colleagues and « clients » that left to go to Mexico or Florida or the Dominican Friday. And yes, I am upset that others choose to endanger my asthmatic son who has already survived cancer and a non functioning kidney and my asthmatic husband with such callous disregard for fellow citizens. So I guess ***I*** am the ***rude*** one 🤦🏼‍♀️

I wanted to say that I understand where you're coming from completely. I am not high risk myself but it does not mean others are not. I read an article from someone who falls in the "vulnerable/at risk" group and how they feel when they see others flippantly disregard their own civic duty to slow this pandemic.

I also saw picture that represented things nicely: of 10 matches in a row. 5 were burnt. One was pulled down (eg. self isolate when needed, did social distancing when asked, followed health minister and goverment recommendations that are good for the people) and the rest of the matches on the other side were still in tact because that match stepped out of the train of contamination.

The italian prime minister said "Our grandparents were asked to fight a war. We are being asked to stay at home."

My DH’s coworker is still planning on going on an extended family trip to Mexico in a week or two. I have nothing nice to say about that, absolutely idiotic behaviour. And the people who are making these decisions are also the people that will not isolate or quarantine as they should.

Our government is saying stay in Canada, get home if you can, and people still think travelling for leisure is a good idea. With senior citizens to boot. These kind of idiots are the reason we need to close everything down.
Many of my oldest child’s high school classmates left for March break family vacations over the past few days - Spain, Mexico, Cuba among other countries around the world. These people insisting on travelling during these unpredictable times upon return to Canada must be told to quarantine for at least 14 days. So ridiculous! Plus they are still allowing flights into Canada from Spain, and we know what is happening over there right now.
Many of my oldest child’s high school classmates left for March break family vacations over the past few days - Spain, Mexico, Cuba among other countries around the world. These people insisting on travelling during these unpredictable times upon return to Canada must be told to quarantine for at least 14 days. So ridiculous! Plus they are still allowing flights into Canada from Spain, and we know what is happening over there right now.
It is why i fully believe airports should be closed. As a country we need to do what Spain did. People aren't allowed out of their house except to work or get essentials. Only one person per household can leave at a time. If more people would just follow the travel advisory and social distancing we would be ok. But with how many that believe nothing is wrong the government needs to go above what has already been done
Looking for opinions on this.

I have two co-workers who were in Vancouver this week at an international conference. One is returning Monday, the other not until the following Monday (staying in Vancouver). The office has not told them to self-quarantine upon their return.

Do you think that is the right or wrong decision by my office? I have no idea if they themselves plan to quarantine.
We are in mexcio right now and fly back to Canada on Monday. We will be self quarantining
For 14 days. It’s tough because we are not sure if our Missed wages will be covered. I guess lots of time to play our Disneyland trips for the fall if all goes well
I wanted to say that I understand where you're coming from completely. I am not high risk myself but it does not mean others are not. I read an article from someone who falls in the "vulnerable/at risk" group and how they feel when they see others flippantly disregard their own civic duty to slow this pandemic.

I also saw picture that represented things nicely: of 10 matches in a row. 5 were burnt. One was pulled down (eg. self isolate when needed, did social distancing when asked, followed health minister and goverment recommendations that are good for the people) and the rest of the matches on the other side were still in tact because that match stepped out of the train of contamination.

The italian prime minister said "Our grandparents were asked to fight a war. We are being asked to stay at home."

Thank-you for this. I had to think a while to come up with a reply that will express how I’m feeling.

We started trying to cancel our trip Wed. Fri afternoon I had a stuffy nose & sore throat, then my son started. No cough for me, but he’s coughing now & I am so scared. All I keep picturing is how his little chest sinks and struggles to refill when he gets a bad cold and his asthma flares. It’s probably just a cold, I am almost certain it’s a cold, but he’s not leaving the house & neither are the rest of us for non-essential reasons.

My husband had been on crutches until recently, since Jan after foot surgery and is normally an avid gym-goer. 5:15am, everyday. He picked yesterday to resume his schedule. I woke up at 4:00am to my boy hacking & I looked at him and said if he brought anything home and something happened to my son I’d never forgive him.
That’s where I am today.

So yeah, I have no patience for gym goers or vacation takers or anyone who defends them on the Internet. I am one angry maman bear. My family in Belgium tells me everything is shut down there except pharmacies & groceries. The authorities need to get their head out of their butts and impose curfew and quarantine.

Sorry it was such a novel, but I’m wound so tightly I could break & it just spilled out ❤️
Sorry you took it that way. I know many colleagues and « clients » that left to go to Mexico or Florida or the Dominican Friday. And yes, I am upset that others choose to endanger my asthmatic son who has already survived cancer and a non functioning kidney and my asthmatic husband with such callous disregard for fellow citizens. So I guess ***I*** am the ***rude*** one 🤦🏼‍♀️

There are many that have been down there for much longer than that. They left under VERY different circumstances, and those people don't really deserve your comment.

However... anyone that left this past week, or, even worse, are still planning to travel this coming week for fun, yup, deserve your comment. Anyone traveling now is selfish. That's all there is to it.
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My DH’s coworker is still planning on going on an extended family trip to Mexico in a week or two. I have nothing nice to say about that, absolutely idiotic behaviour. And the people who are making these decisions are also the people that will not isolate or quarantine as they should.

Our government is saying stay in Canada, get home if you can, and people still think travelling for leisure is a good idea. With senior citizens to boot. These kind of idiots are the reason we need to close everything down.

Yup. A woman I know just booked a trip to Cuba. Leaves Tuesday. 🤦😡
Thank-you for this. I had to think a while to come up with a reply that will express how I’m feeling.

We started trying to cancel our trip Wed. Fri afternoon I had a stuffy nose & sore throat, then my son started. No cough for me, but he’s coughing now & I am so scared. All I keep picturing is how his little chest sinks and struggles to refill when he gets a bad cold and his asthma flares. It’s probably just a cold, I am almost certain it’s a cold, but he’s not leaving the house & neither are the rest of us for non-essential reasons.

My husband had been on crutches until recently, since Jan after foot surgery and is normally an avid gym-goer. 5:15am, everyday. He picked yesterday to resume his schedule. I woke up at 4:00am to my boy hacking & I looked at him and said if he brought anything home and something happened to my son I’d never forgive him.
That’s where I am today.

So yeah, I have no patience for gym goers or vacation takers or anyone who defends them on the Internet. I am one angry maman bear. My family in Belgium tells me everything is shut down there except pharmacies & groceries. The authorities need to get their head out of their butts and impose curfew and quarantine.

Sorry it was such a novel, but I’m wound so tightly I could break & it just spilled out ❤
What a scary uncertain time this is for a mother who is afraid for their child. Who just wants their son to be able to breathe. Your fear is understandable and I wish I could offer you words that would help.
There are a number of families who decided to travel, to take advantage of low airfares AND the extended break since schools will be now closed for 3 weeks, here in Ontario.
Yep and they'll be the ones *****ing about their government not doing anything for them, or rescuing them when they get stuck somewhere. I can't believe out of country health insurance would cover you if you left now, would it??? Very irresponsible.
It's all scary. I know way too many at risk people.

I have dysautonomia issues which, while I wouldn't say put me at high risk, do put me at a higher risk.

Our daughter has a long history of health issues, and while her last echo was "normal", normal for her means a residual heart murmur from her birth defects and minor leaks in 3 valves. Then she's on medication for her bowel issues that while not immune suppressants, can have an impact on the immune system. I don't really want to find out all of this means for her.

My FIL, 71, has an autoimmune disorder, is on immunosuppressants, and has heart issues. I'm sure he has 0 chance.

My grandmother is 87, and not doing well, 0 chance.

My mother has lupus and sister has diabetes and only one functioning best friend has heart defects and her husband has an autoimmune disorder...

I could go on. Too many people at risk. I have 0 respect for ANYONE who is disregarding the travel and social distancing recommendations. I just.... can't even. It's all I can do not to tear a strip off them when I see them galavanting about like nothing is going on, planning trips etc....
I know several people who are leaving today for the Caribbean. One is leaving her kids here. She will just quarantine herself *with the kids* when she gets back. I can't believe any parent would do that!! I have zero sympathy. They left after the travel advisory.

I also know people who went to Europe weeks ago and are trying to come home mid this week. When they left, this wasn't a big deal. Now they are locked down and have no idea if they can come home. They do plan on self-isolating when they return. I feel bad for them.
There are a number of families who decided to travel, to take advantage of low airfares AND the extended break since schools will be now closed for 3 weeks, here in Ontario.

As long as airports are open, people will go.

Ok. Fine.

But people who leave now shouldn’t be surprised when they encounter lockdowns, closures, and delays at their destination.
In my opinion, I think it is important for all of us to look after one another and not spread blame, hate or fear. So much has changed in the last week. (I made my final payment for our trip in April last Sunday and by early Tuesday morning I was cancelling).

I hope we can all stay safe and hope that our fellow Canadians make it home. I feel for those that made the decision to leave and now are trying to get back home and I wish them a safe return.
There are many that have been down there for much longer than that. They left under VERY different circumstances, and those people don't really deserve your comment.

However... anyone that left this past week, or, even worse, are still planning to travel this coming week for fun, yup, deserve your comment. Anyone traveling now is selfish. That's all there is to it.
I’m not going to have a debate about it, but responsible human beings saw this was going pear shaped Tues/Wed. I wrote that post Sat afternoon... That’s a choice. Especially if they fall into a high-risk category. They made a choice to stay. DH & I rented a car within 30 minutes of debarking from the Fantasy last Aug to escape the approaching hurricane and not be in the way of people who live there. If they were still there Sat afternoon they left after it was apparent it was getting dicey, or they decided to stay. I know I sound harsh.
The government suggesting you don’t travel is a joke. All plane and cruise travel should be banned for a few weeks.

Just read on CP24 there was an incoming flight from Spain last night. Passengers said no one was screened at all, customs never even asked f they felt unwell, and they were not told to self quarantine 😡😡😡
In my opinion, I think it is important for all of us to look after one another and not spread blame, hate or fear. So much has changed in the last week. (I made my final payment for our trip in April last Sunday and by early Tuesday morning I was cancelling).

I hope we can all stay safe and hope that our fellow Canadians make it home. I feel for those that made the decision to leave and now are trying to get back home and I wish them a safe return.
This is exactly why people make choices like the above examples. Because others want everyone to play nicely & let it slide and not make waves. They’re like McFly’s boss in back to the future. They do what they want, consequences be damned. Then they look around like « what? What? What are you looking at » & we shake our heads and walk away. Rinse & repeat. I won’t respond any further to this thread, but I I think this time their narcissism will get others killed.


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