Triathlon Thread 2009

Jen - FOrgot a comment. OMG, packing tri gear to travel (or even race mornign) is the worst! Saturday night before we went ot bed, we had to go make sure the bikes were still in teh back of the truck. Most people took them too their rooms. We have a hard top on teh back of the truck, so just locked them in there. We're country folk, though, so DH put a chain and padlock on tehm inside that and we still had to go check. Gotta' love pre-race paranoia! You will eb fine, though. Can't wait to hear how it went. Just remeber. If you dont' do as well as you hoped, I DLF'd my first race, got lost and yelled at by a police officer adn still came back fro more. ;)

syko - So sweet of you to take care of our WISH contigent!
Go Get'Em to all our Trek Tri'ers this weekend!!!! :banana::cheer2:

Mike and Matt - We arrive Fri night since Patrick has a prep meeting for the motorcycle volunteers Sat morning. Staying at the Super 8 East. I'll be sporting my WISH shirt and hat. Will watch for both of you and bringing good camera.

Mike - you've got my cell number if you guys want to meet up for dinner.

Matt - sorry don't remember hearing about IM China but I'm sure you'll do much better this time!

I have got to say, you have ALL been a huge help and inspiration to me. From getting me thru the nerves of my first tri this June to all kinds of info that I continue to note. Also knowing you'll all be here to talk me off the ledge as I train for my 70.3 next year.

WISHers are truly the best!! :grouphug:
Good luck at IM Matt and Mike!! I hope you enjoy the day. I was at Ironman Canada this weekend and the atmosphere is amazing!

I'm signed up for IMC next year now!

Good luck to those racing the Trek race!
Hey everyone - I made it! I had such a great time. I'll be doing a more thorough report in the trip report I'll be doing when I get home (I'll post a link here when I do if y'all want), but in a nutshell, my time was 1 hour, 38 minutes and change - 23 minutes for the swim, 41 for the bike and 28 for the run (can't remember the exact times but those are the right round numbers). The swim was by far the hardest part for me. I couldn't get a rhythm to save my life. Everytime I almost did, I'd kick someone or they'd kick me, I'd stop and apologize :confused:, and then I'd start back. I did something for about half the swim I haven't done in years and certainly didn't do in training - back stroke. Ugh. Plus I went off course, but at least that was only once.

But, after I got out of the water, everything was great. I had a great bike ride (all those spin classes paid off after all) and a great run. I had expected to be dead by the run, so I was happy with my ability to do it reasonably successfully.

So, thanks to all for all the tips here. It was fun following y'all's thread while I was getting ready for the race!

Congrats Leslie!

T minus 6 days...

Liz, do you know what aid station you are working?
Mike - nope. I haven't heard anything at all from them despite two attempts to find out what's going on. The emails Patrick got indicate this is the last year this group is managing it and sounds like they're having communication issues.

May wind up just cheering. If that's the case, will use Sat to scope out good places to watch/get pictures.

Oh any ideas on where to run? (very funny I know) I need to get in my 7 miles on Sat as well.
Leslie - Way to go!! That's awesome!!

Mike - I know you can, I know you can, I know you can...
Just want to stop in and wish Mike and Matt good luck this weekend. I would be about as nervous as I could get :)

You can both do it, you know you can. Just keep your head and run your race.

And Leslie, congratulations. That is awesome - even with the back stroke.
Good luck,
Just posted a long rambling race report! I loved the tri- thanks for everyone's tips.

Leslie- I wrote about it in my race report, but I had a very similar experience in the water- it was crazy in the lake! I did a lot of strokes I didn't expect, including a lot of treading water looking for space to move. The amount of talking and apologizing in the water cracked me up.;) It was really fun overall though.

I'll be thinking of Mike and Matt this weekend with a whole new understanding and respect for what they are doing!!:woohoo:

Jen in GA
Mike and Matt...GOOD LUCK!!! So psyched for y'all! send me a note if you have any last minute questions! :cool1:

Jen and Leslie...congrats on your tri's as well!'s nice, but as you get more experience and stuff, you'll learn that some bumping and contact is normal (and to a degree, expected) in the swim, so you don't have to stop and apologize. :goodvibes Just keep swimming and hang in there! I know I did every stroke in the book my first few triathlons.

Leana...WOOHOO on IMC!! Such a great race. Several of my friends did it this year. I did it last year and was cheering the year before. Hands down one of the best towns to do IM in.

I had an MRI on my shoulder yesterday. No major tears, but fluid in the joint from an injury last week. I only have one more sprint to go this year, so we'll see what ortho says tomorrow when I see him. It's not looking like it's going to be a surgical issue, so hopefully, I can still be on track for Goofy and then IM St. George.

Betsy - Oh no! You so dont 'need another setback. :wizard: Hope the ortho gives you good news!

Mike adn Matt - Hope you don't have to work this week. I can't imagine your concentraiton is high. So wishing I didn't have an all day, out of town 50th anniversary party to be at. I would be watching my computer fro you for sure. (Then again, if not for that, I would likely be over in WI scream teaming)
Thanks to everyone for the good wishes and positive vibes everyone.

My bib number is 1465 (Thanks Betsy!!!). If you go to there should be a link at the top of the page on Sunday the 13th to check progress.

I guess that right now I am quietly confident, as long as I stick to my plan, I believe I can do it!

I'm trying to eat one pasta meal a day now, and take in lots of water. The plan now is to lay out all my gear this afternoon with one copy of my packing list, and then pack it all with a second copy. I've got the list broken down into the Swim to Bike trans bag, bike special needs bag, Bike to Run bag, and the run special needs bag for when I get checked in.

My family is coming up Saturday evening, so I'll meet up with them at the hotel to hang out, and then try to get to bed around 7:30- 8:00 PM on Saturday.

Betsy, thank you SO SO SO much for the writeup and advice; I wouldn't feel anywhere near as calm as I do without you, and my training partner thanks you to!

Mike and Matt All your extremely hard work will pay off this weekend when you successfully complete your IM. Good luck to you both and I'll be following your progress.

Matt and Mike - Sending you lots of pixie dust!!! :wizard::wizard::wizard::wizard: No matter what, you are both more than Ironman in our book!!!!
Popping in to wish Mike and Matt good luck this weekend! You're already IM athletes to my mind-! :thumbsup2

I'm in awe of ALL of you, btw! :worship:
Good luck in the IM. Just finishing one is amazing to me. I consider doing a 70.3 amazing enough.

Oops forgot not everyone sees my facebook! I'm #313, and I like palindromes and symmetry, so that suits me just fine!

I find it quite ironic that the word palindrome is not itself a palindrome.


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