Tricia & Reuben 4.29.08 WP/Narcoossee's/Grand 1 TR - Day 8 - Our trip is at the end

It's good to know that Le Cellier can accommodate groups, as we want to go here too at some point after our wedding day:thumbsup2

Do you know what time reservation phone lines open, as I guess we'll have to call ASAP on our booking date to get a group in?
Aww!! All your pictures are so beautiful!!

Thank you!! We're dying for some prints to finally arrive!

It's good to know that Le Cellier can accommodate groups, as we want to go here too at some point after our wedding day:thumbsup2

Do you know what time reservation phone lines open, as I guess we'll have to call ASAP on our booking date to get a group in?

I thought it would be hard, but they were great about all of it! I actually think I called a few days before my actual 180 days to check it out. For this, you need to call the restaurant directly and then talk to the person in charge of groups. If I remember correctly I spoke to them a few days before my actual time and they went ahead and booked it for me anyway.
Ok, I seem to be losing people, so I'd better just hurry up and finish already!!

Our last full day at WDW ended up being the day I planned as a rest day. This really wasn't the way I wanted the week to fall, but we had to plan around everyone else's schedules :rolleyes1 (my sister's husband only was there part of the week, and DH"s brother could only stay part of the week, and of course we had to make the most of their time - bad idea). Anyway, since this was the first time I finally got to stay at the GF, I really wanted to do the private cabana. Once we realized that Friday was the only day we weren't tourguiding, I booked it, and then stupidly I invited my parents. I have no idea how DH didn't kill me for that, but I'll explain later.

Anyway, we woke up on our last full day of our honeymoon a little sad to be leaving the GF soon. DH and I woke up, did breakfast and made our way down to the feature pool to find our cabana. I really wanted to do rope drop at MK that day (remember, we were going to do it the day after the wedding, but put it off for sleep) but sleep won again today and I declared that DH would have to do it with me on our already booked free dining trip in the fall. I'm not a morning person, so we'll see if it ever happens. :rotfl: Anyway, we arrived at the pool and found our cabana waiting for us. Of course I'd booked it in my maiden name (something I managed to do for about half of the things we did that week :eek: ) but DH got over it after a few minutes. I forgot to take a pic of it before we messed it up, but here it is.


We had a nice cabana boy who greeted us and we relaxed in our area until my family showed up about half way thru the rental. It was my mom and dad, sister and her 2 kids. These people do not know how to travel light at all. The relaxing was over as soon as they arrived - nothing specifically they did, but we were settled and relaxed and they had to come in and drop all their stuff, find chairs, play with the tv, get drinks, etc. Not relaxing. DH and I left around 2 I think. They kept the cabana the rest of the day as no one else had rented it for the afternoon. I was looking forward to spending time with my family that day - DH and I live near his family, mine is 12 hours away and we only see them a couple times a year - but this just wasn't fun.

From there DH and i got cleaned up and headed out for some shopping. Now, I'm a disney nut, as many of us are, but DH is different. He wanted to shop, and didn't care about parks on Friday. I wanted to get in the last day of park time. We actually went into MK, did our shopping (bought the $350 exact replica castle that lights up for our living room) and then left. :confused: I had agreed to it, so I tried not to be pouty, but I won't do that again... That made 2x in one week that we went into MK and I didn't get to do anything, not me at all!!! After we dropped our haul in our room, we headed out to DTD for more shopping, dinner at PH and hoped to catch dessert at Ghiradelli. Sadly, Ghiradelli was still closed for it's delayed rehab, one more thing for the fall!! We got a gift for mom, DH got a watch and a few other odds and ends. We went back to the GF, listened to the music in the lobby, got me a mickey bracelet in the shop downstairs and sadly called it a day.

Up next, our last day :sad1:
You are a riot!!:lmao: We had the Dream Squad approach us in Animal Kingdom and received fast passes for the would have thought I won a million dollars!!!! I did hear that they were giving away a cruise, and it would be given at Soarin' but their instructions are like....give it to the 100th person wearing pink....very wide in range, and not something that you can really try to gage. But, I, like you, would have definitely stayed behind to "spy".

I wanna see a picture of that castle - now that seems like a pretty good day if you got to go get that and carry it back to the room:goodvibes I have to beg my DH to shop:laughing:
Man, i'd have been really ticked off if my family had invaded my private cabana like that!! Hello! Doesn't HONEYMOON mean anything to people!

I'm sorry you didn't get to spend as much time in the parks as you would have liked. Hopefully your free dining trip will be better!!

I'd like to see this castle too!!
You are a riot!!:lmao: We had the Dream Squad approach us in Animal Kingdom and received fast passes for the would have thought I won a million dollars!!!! I did hear that they were giving away a cruise, and it would be given at Soarin' but their instructions are like....give it to the 100th person wearing pink....very wide in range, and not something that you can really try to gage. But, I, like you, would have definitely stayed behind to "spy".


I really think if I had ever won a prize - 4 trips so far during YOAMD, no official dreams - I think it would go something like :eek: :scared1: :faint: :cloud9:

I wanna see a picture of that castle - now that seems like a pretty good day if you got to go get that and carry it back to the room:goodvibes I have to beg my DH to shop:laughing:

DH is definitely a shopper - sometimes more than me! It works out ok for me though most times - last night there was a surprise box on the porch - Disney shopping stuff he bought me for no reason at all :love: You should see my desk at work - it's got more disney stuff than work stuff! :rotfl:

I would love to see a picture of this castle too:thumbsup2

I'll try to remember to take one tonight!!

Man, i'd have been really ticked off if my family had invaded my private cabana like that!! Hello! Doesn't HONEYMOON mean anything to people!

I'm sorry you didn't get to spend as much time in the parks as you would have liked. Hopefully your free dining trip will be better!!

I'd like to see this castle too!!

Yeah, it was my own fault for inviting them to come by, but really, the whole trip was a little like that - they were worried about the wedding until we got there, then they were worried about my niece and nephew having fun, and not much else :confused3 I was glad they were running way late as ususal - at least we got some quality time in! :thumbsup2

I have a feeling I'll be running DH ragged in September catching everything we didn't do this trip, and of course redoing everything we did!! :banana:
Just re-read your TR :) Some excellent advice that I can use. Your photgraphs look so beautiful...I especially love the WP ones, you look fabulous.
Tricia -I just read your entire TR. :cloud9: You were an absolutely beautiful bride and everything came together so perfectly! Thank you for posting your WISHES cruise pix -- very cool! So sorry your cabana experience was not the best. Your castle sounds gorgeous! Can't wait to see a picture!
Just re-read your TR :) Some excellent advice that I can use. Your photgraphs look so beautiful...I especially love the WP ones, you look fabulous.

Tricia -I just read your entire TR. :cloud9: You were an absolutely beautiful bride and everything came together so perfectly! Thank you for posting your WISHES cruise pix -- very cool! So sorry your cabana experience was not the best. Your castle sounds gorgeous! Can't wait to see a picture!

Thanks!! :cutie:
I have taken the pictures of our castle and a couple other things, just haven't gotten them up on here yet!! :scared1: I'll try to finish up this weekend!
Ok, I finally have some pictures I've promised all along.

Our castle we bought as a reminder of our wedding trip

The glass slipper I got on Main St with our wedding date engraved

Our Disney Wedding "Shrine" except for our unity candle set that's in another room

The menus from Narcoossee's


Very cool castle!!! It is great for your shrine!! I can't keep all my Disney stuff in one space, it would take up the entire room..:laughing: ... I have it spread throughout the house, and out at different times of the year.

Ok, I finally have some pictures I've promised all along.

Our castle we bought as a reminder of our wedding trip

The glass slipper I got on Main St with our wedding date engraved

OH MY GOD - that is lovely. What a fantastic reminder of your trip!!!

and WOW at the slipper - such a brilliant reminder. Which shop was that in?
Very cool castle!!! It is great for your shrine!! I can't keep all my Disney stuff in one space, it would take up the entire room..:laughing: ... I have it spread throughout the house, and out at different times of the year.


Yeah, really only the wedding stuff is in that area. DH is WDW nut these days and we've completely run out of places for our Disney goodies! He even bought a GIANT picture that we've got to find a place to put up - apparently it's the same ones they have in the rooms at the poly - not that either of us would know, we've never stayed there! :rotfl:

OH MY GOD - that is lovely. What a fantastic reminder of your trip!!!

and WOW at the slipper - such a brilliant reminder. Which shop was that in?

Thanks! We love it! The slipper was in the Arribas Bros shop on Main Street. Only later I remembered they have them in DTD too and there I think you can get a 10% discount on purchases with an AP. We spent about $100 in there between the slipper and a wedding picture frame, so we could have saved $10 (ok, not that big of a deal, but still...)
My nieces fight over the cel of tinkerbell that we have that is surrounded by pins. We got the picture at an auction for $50 and it was appraised at $650...that was 8 years they all drool and wait for me to kick the bucket...too bad for them that I am only 41.:rotfl2:

My nieces fight over the cel of tinkerbell that we have that is surrounded by pins. We got the picture at an auction for $50 and it was appraised at $650...that was 8 years they all drool and wait for me to kick the bucket...too bad for them that I am only 41.:rotfl2:


LOL - I'm doing my best to turn my niece and nephew into Dis lovers, but maybe I'd better reconsider! :scared1: :rotfl:
I adore your BM dresses! The color is beautiful! Can you tell me what brand and shade they are? And your flowers are beautiful, too!
I adore your BM dresses! The color is beautiful! Can you tell me what brand and shade they are? And your flowers are beautiful, too!

I'll have to ask my sister for sure. Since we didn't get to go dress shopping at all together (I live in NC and she lives in NY with 2 small kids) I just told her it had to be purple and let her do the rest. I know after 2 years of shopping :rotfl: she ended up getting it from David's Bridal and I believe the color is victorian lilac. I'll confirm for you.
I realized I left out something important from Friday at the cabana. We were all discussing the wedding and how nice everything turned out (I never mentioned any of my minor annoyances with them, they just didn't matter in the grand scheme of things) and I mention how cute my nephew was with his singing. My mom says, yeah, too bad we didn't video tape it. This catches my attention - the plan had always been for my uncle to use my sister's video camera and record the wedding. I never stopped to look to see if he had it, but he was staying in the room next door to my parents, surely they'd taken care of this important detail. Sadly, no. They'd forgotten entirely. :sad2: This is when I realized it was just as much my fault, other than the evening before the wedding when I'd called Tanis and Beauty Speciale, I'd never opened my wedding binder all week, never checked any of my meticulous lists or anything... :eek: So, we have almost no pictures of our honeymoon and no video at all. My sister tells me she had the camera with her the whole day in her bag and never remembered to get it out - that's even worse!!! I suppose I would have hated seeing myself on video anyway, but man that's frustrating!!

Ok, so back to the last day. Our last day of our trip was pretty uneventful. We woke up in our room and layed in bed for a while soaking up the last bit of time in our much loved room at the GF. We got up, got dressed and packed and had a bellhop come get our bags. Then we headed down to the lobby to meet my parents for breakfast at the GF cafe. They were flying out later in the day and had a few things they wanted to give us. My aunt and uncle also came with them, so the 6 of us had a nice breakfast and talked about how nice the week had been. After breakfast we headed out to our car and watched the GF staff load our car (it was still weird even after a week to let them do all that, I'll be more ready next time :rotfl: )

We headed to WL to check that resort out to see if we wanted to stay there for free dining. We liked the resort but hated how tiny and crowded the pool area was, so we decided to stick with the Coronado for a much lower price! Then we hit DTD for a few last minute gifts and finally said goodbye to Disney and ended our honeymoon. I was sad, but we'd definitely had a great trip, even if we did have a few small snags along the way.

We got our picture proofs from Disney pretty quickly and ended up getting a copy of each picture taken for $355. Considering how much they charge for the cd, we thought that was a good price. Plus, we had over 180 pictures and they charged $12 for them individually, so we got them for a steal!! :rotfl: I was really glad we did this once we knew we didn't have any video, so at least the ceremony and cake cutting are well documented. We got tons of pictures from all of our guests too - just mostly of the ceremony and cake cutting! :lmao:

All in all, we had a great wedding and I would recommend just about every thing we did to anyone (well, except Chef Mickey's, but I think we might have just been unlucky) We didn't get showered in pixie dust (or dreams) but we got enough and had a great trip. Now just 3 more weeks until we get to go back and have part 2 of our honeymoon!! :dance3:


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