Trip Report 2nd - 8th May - Final day added


DIS Veteran
Jan 27, 2006

Me - Karen
DH - Denis
DD1 - Nicole (8)
DD2 - Natasha (3)

We spent most of the day packing & left the house at 3.15 pm to travel to Belfast International Airport. We had a quick bite at Burger King before boarding. The plane was delayed by 25 mins, so we were late getting into CDG, but our taxi was waiting & whisked us off to the Marriott for 60 euro. I had phoned yesterday to request house 2005 or nearby & we had got 2004, so were very happy (this house is very close to the reception building & pool and with a playground outside the back door). We quickly unpacked. The girls were very tired, so went straight to sleep - but by this stage it was 11.30 pm (french time) so no wonder.

So tomorrow, well I'll see what time the girls get up at - hopefully they'll sleep in & recharge their batteries. Then we'll have to go into Bailly Romainvilliers to get some groceries. Depending on the weather, we might go into Disney. I'll let you know tomorrow night how we get on. But for now, it's great to be back. Walking into the house tonight it is as if we were neaver away, it really is a home away from home. And now one glass of wine later (bought in dutyfree in Belfast) I'm ready to go to bed too.
Woo Hoo!! Trip report as it happens - love it!! :cool1:

Hope the sun shines and the girls have a big sleep so you're all set for a fun-filled day of Disney!! :thumbsup2

Looking forward to hearing all about it! :goodvibes
Hopefully you are sitting in your home from home with a nice glass of wine working on the next instalment...!! :thumbsup2
Day 2 03.05.10

Did we make it to Disney, well the answer is no. But I will still make a few notes about the day because I like to read the old reports back to see what I did.

Natasha slept until 9.15, so I got up at 9.30 (she had slept in with me). Denis had gone to the supermarket in Bailly Romanvillers to get a few things for breakfast. Then Nicole arrived down at 10. After breakfast we all went to the supermarket to do a big shop to keep us going for a few days. It started to rain on the way there, but had dried up again when we came out. Denis brought the girls to the playroom while I made some pizza & salad for lunch. It was raining again, so after lunch we decided to just stay at the Marriott. After watching some Barney on the DVD player (Natasha loves Barney), we all went swimming. The pool was quite cold & Natasha was shivering so we all had a sit in the jacuzzi for a while before we got out. The rain had gone away, but we were glad that we had decided not to go in because the girls were tired from travelling & their late night last night, so it was a good idea to just take things easy. It was quite cold (weather forecast says 9 degrees) & quite windy too, So Denis took them back to the playroom again while I made dinner and then they couldn't wait to get out to the playground. There was a big puddle at the bottom of the slide, so we pushed all the water off & then dried it with kitchen roll so the girls could play. Denis stayed out with them for about 15 mins,but I was too cold & went back in to wash up the dishes that wouldn't fit in the dishwasher. Then we played a few games - dominoes, happy families, old maid before the girls went to bed. Watched Eastenders (we can get BBC1) & enjoyed the rest of the bottle of wine from last night. We have no ITV this time (we did in Nov) so I had to live without Coronation Street! We will definintely get into Disney tomorrow, the weather forecast is much better & the girls should be well rested. I'll let you know how we get on.
Sounds like we have the same weather at the moment - so cold! Glad you've had a quiet day to get over the travelling, all set for tomorrow!! Can't wait! :goodvibes
Day 3 4th May 2010

Well we made it to Disney today. We got the number 34 bus (after a very cold 20 min wait because we just missed one) at 10am. We got a temporary AP for Natasha - her first one - at guest relations. There was hardly any queue. I decided to go straight to the Passport Office to get the permanent one which was a good idea because there were only about 6 in the queue when we arrived, but it was massive when we left!

Our first ride was It's A Small World. It was nice and warm in there! Then Nicole wanted to go on POTC, but Natasha couldn't be persuaded so she & I had a spin on the teacups. Denis & Nicole picked up fastpasses for Peter Pan and met Wendy enroute to POTC. We met up at the exit to pirates after quite a long wait. Natasha was hungry so we had lunch at Cafe Mickey. We didn't have a reservation, but it wasn't too busy. We met Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Eeyore, Goofy & Prince John. Natasha liked Prince John because he lifted her up on the seat to have a photo beside him. She thought it was cool to get standing on the seat & stood up a few more times saying Prince John told her to do it! Denis & I had the burger & chips. Nicole had the pasta from the kids menu. I didn't order anything for Natasha because she said that she only wanted chips & I'm glad I didn't because she only ate a few of mine & didn't want any more.

By the time we got back to the park it was time for our Peter Pan fastpass. Natasha was dropping off to sleep, but we woke her for the ride. The normal queue was massive, but the fastpass queue was a walk on. Then Natasha wanted to go again, but there was no way I was standing in that queue. So back into the pram & she said that she wanted to go to sleep, so Denis & Nicole went off to do Star Tours while I had a walk round a few shops. Natasha didn't go to sleep in the end, but spotted a dalmation puppy that she wanted in the shop, so we bought it. Problem with Natasha was that she wanted all the toys and loads more in the shop - just like her mother :rotfl:

We met up again for the 1520 show in Central Plaza. I want to see it again, but next time from the front. We had great interaction from Lilo beside us during the show. She hugged & kissed both girls & at one stage took Natasha's dalmation. Luckily she gave it back just as Natasha was about to cry because she thought Lilo was keeping it!

After the show, I asked Nicole what she wanted to do & she said she wanted to go back to the house, so we got the bus at 4pm. Denis brought the girls to the playroom while I popped into the supermarket to buy some cooked chicken for the dinner. I put on some potataoes & veg to go with the chicken for Natasha because she hadn't hardly eaten all day, Nicole just wanted beans on toast & Denis & I had lovely chicken & salad inside crusty french bread. The girls played together for a while upstairs before Natasha went to bed early, all tucked up with her new puppy (and also the ones she brought from home!) Nicole wasn't long after her & Denis went for a swim while I watched Eastenders before typing this up while I remember everything.
Totally agree, you sound so chilled and just going with the flow, I'd be racing around trying to do everything in one morning :thumbsup2
I'm glad you all think I am so relaxed. Much as I would love to spend all day in DLP, my kids wouldn't be able to last & it wouldn't be fair on them. You see plenty of tired children & stressed out parents in DLP & I am here on holiday to enjoy myself & for the girls to have a good time too. Also, we have been there so many times now, and hopefully will again in the future, that we don't feel that we have to get everything done each time we go. We even did something for the first time today (welll Denis & I had done it, but the girls hadn't). Having said that, ideally I would like a sightseeing trip into Paris (I love Paris), a days shopping or just browsing around Val d'Europe on my own & someday I want to go to Versailles when the fountains are on! Well, maybe I can do those things when the girls are older to appreciate them too. Or old enough to be able to leave them with someone & Denis & I can head off on our own. Off now to type up what we did today. We took it quite easy again today :lmao:
Day 4 - 5th May 2010

We were organised a bit earlier today & made it to the bus at 9.40, so were going into the Studios just as it was opening. This morning we had beautiful blue skies, but do be fooled it was still freezing so we still needed our fleeces & coats!

Because it was so chilly we decided to do a few shows. Anamagique wasn't starting until 11, Stitch (in English) at 11.15, Playhouse show (in English) at 11.15, so we had some time to fill before one of these. We met Stitch & got a photo, then went to the Art of Animation shows. Denis & I had done this in Dec '07 when we had a day here on our own, but the girls hadn't done it & they really enjoyed it, especially the first film. I don't think Natasha understood much of the second one as she didn't like the earphones! We spent a few minutes afterwards with some of the activities on the way out. By then it was 10.45 so we went over to Anamigique as they were letting people in & it was very full inside - told you it was cold out! Enjoyed the show as always - especially Natasha. Then we saw Stitch Live - another fun show. It was 12.00 & Natasha was getting hungry so we headed to the Village & had lunch in Rainforest Cafe. It was about 5 years since we had been there. The girls didn't eat much of their dinners, but I enjoyed my pasta & Denis enjoyed his meat platter dish. The plan afterwards was to go back to the Studios to see the parade, but Nicole said that she was too cold & wanted to go back to the house, so we did. But first a quick trip into the Disney Store in the Village & Nicole bought herself a cuddly toy - the pink Stitch's girlfriend one (don't know her name). They had an offer on if you spent over a certain amount, you could buy a large Sulley for half price, but unfortunately we already have a Sulley at home - he is my favourite character.

We got the bus at 2.40 pm back to the Marriott & the girls wanted to go swimming. I didn't fancy getting into a cold pool (even the pool is cold this week!) and I was feeling a bit tired so Denis took them in while I sat on one of the sunloungers around the pool. They lasted about 10 mins & Natasha was shivering and then they all got into the jacuzzi for some heat. And I noddded off because I was so tired! Anyway back to the house & I cooked some salmon, potatoes, carrots, brocolli & green beans for dinner. I miss not being able to barbecue the salmon, I always think it tastes nicer. Denis took the girls outside to the playground for 20 mins while I had a shower, hoping that it would revive me but it had the opposite effect! So I'm going to bed early tonight to recharge my batteries. Tomorrow we might go to Val d'Europe in the morning & then into Disney in the afternoon, but the plans may change! I have checked the weather forecast. Today it was 13 degrees with a realfeel of 7 degrees, but tomorrow is to be 13 degrees with a realfeel of 13 degrees :goodvibes, so hopefully we won't be as cold. I'll let you know!
Nicole bought herself a cuddly toy - the pink Stitch's girlfriend one (don't know her name).
Think it's Angel, we got DD a t-shirt with her on last trip! :thumbsup2

Hope it warms up for you soon! :goodvibes I was interested to hear how your DD got on with the earphones, that was my concern with taking DD, not sure she'd like them either!!

Really enjoying your day-by-day updates!!
Great report as ever Karen - I'd love to do a relaxed week at Disney too, time to explore Paris, the shops, ok maybe I'd need two weeks :rotfl: It's great that you let the kids guide the day.

Looking forward to the next installment :goodvibes
Day 5 - 6th May 2010

We all woke up at about 9am this morning & after breakfast we got a bus to Val d'Europe at 10.30 am. Denis took the girls to SeaLife while I had 1 1/2 hrs to myself for a wander round. Didn't buy anything though. SeaLife cost 15 euro per adult & 12 euro per child. The girls really enjoyed it, Nicole did the quiz sheet that they give out which was good because she had to read all about each fish to answer it. They both enjoyed the soft play area at the end. It had been closed the last time we were there (2 years ago) so good to find it open because the girls enjoyed it so much.

I met up with them before 1pm & we had lunch at the Hipppopotamus Restaurant & then caught the train at 3.03 pm back to Disney. We watched the show at Central Plaza at 3.20pm, this time from the front & I thought it was great - much better than last year's show. We booked lunch at Auberge for tomorrow at City Hall & then went to the Disneyland Hotel to their meet & greet at 4pm. Nicole, who was very tired despite 12 hrs sleep last night, got very upset when she didn't get into the circle to dance with the characters, but all the hugs she got from them afterwards made up for it. We met Mickey, Pluto, Chip, Dale & Gideon. The chipmunks were very playful, throwing cushions around, and very lovely to the girls. One of them (I still can't remember which is which) followed Natasha around. They got loads of cuddles from them both during the 15 mins or so that the characters were there. Gideon was being very naughty & was keeping things - autograph books, pens, wands etc. He even tried to take Natasha off me! I think she panicked a wee bit! Natasha wasn't too fussed with Mickey because she said he wasn't cuddly enough!

I had planned to watch the parade after this, but Nicole wanted to meet more characters, so we went to Woody's Roundup & met Cowboy Goofy, Minnie, Cowboy Mickey, Woody & Jessie. Scrooge was wandering round too as part of the queue & getting his photo with each of the other characters! We managed to get a quick autograph & photo for Nicole with him too.

We caught the bus back to the Marriott at around 5.30 pm. We had some left over salmon, potatoes & veg from last night so the girls had this for their tea. Denis took them out to the playground for a while & I nipped to the supermarket because we are running low on milk. I had to go to Bailly Romainvilliers because the onsite shop doesn't stock fresh milk, just the longlife stuff. So I bought a bottle of champagne too while I was there & some boxes of biscuits for all the various people who are feeding our dogs, watering the plants etc while we are away.

I made a nice salad for our tea after the girls went to bed & am sipping champagne while I type this up. By the way, the weather has eventually warmed up. It was very cold this morning when we set off, but when we came out of the Val d'Europe shopping centre there was a big difference. Just 1 1/2 days left & it looks like the volcanic ash is not going to make a return to irish airspace within the next few days, so we should be OK to get home on Saturday.
Hey hey champagne - now you're talking!!! :goodvibes

Some fantastic character meets today by the sounds of it - DD's idea of heaven!! :cloud9: Look forward to seeing your photos when you get back! :thumbsup2
Day 6 7th May 2010

We were having a leisurely breakfast at 10 am when Denis checked the bus timetable & realised that if we missed the one at 10.33, there wasn't another one for an hour. So we packed up very quickly & got the first one. First we watched Princess Tiana & Prince Naveen arrive for their meet & greet at 11.15, but Nicole didn't want to stand in the long queue to meet them. Just as well, because we probably wouldn't have had time before our lunch reservation at 12. We had a spin on the carousel (approx 10 min wait) and then it was nearly 12 & time for lunch at Aurberge. The girls put on their princess dresses. We were first to arrive, but 4th family to go in with all the queue jumpers pushing ahead of us. Inside the girls met Cinderella. Then Denis & the girls went on in & I headed off for 1 1/2 hrs to myself. I didn't feel like having a big dinner at that time of day so didn't want to waste 60 euro! Anyway the whole experience is more for the girls & Denis was happy to go on in with them on his own.

First I watched the Sleeping Beauty show that had just started outside & then took a peep in at the dragon before going over to Adventureland. There I walked through the Passage d'Aladdin - hadn't been in there in years, then had a walk around the fort at the entrance to Frontierland which tells the story of the Wild West. This is the first time I had done this, but didn't find it too interesting, so probably won't bother again. I visited quite a few shops in search of a Tiana statue I had seen in a shop at the end of the Village, but couldn't find one anywhere. By the time I had a baguette in the Cable Car bakery, there wasn't time to go all the way there to get one. I went back to Auberge & Denis & the girls came out soon after. They had also met Belle, Snow White & her Prince, Ariel, Suzy & Perla.

We went straight over to the Studios to see the parade. Denis & Natasha watched it from the front while Nicole & I watched it from the back as she wanted to collect some more autographs. She got 4 new ones - Aladdin, Jasmine, Mary Poppins & Bert. We also met Woody, Jessie, Snow White & Ariel but had already got their autographs. Sulley was over twice with us, but he doesn't sign. By the end of the show Nicole & I were separated by 3 people with all the pushers in. Also a man poked me several times in the back & asked me something (probably to move but I didn't understand him!) but I just ignored him. A child crawled between by legs & then stood up in front of me - obviously sent up by his parents - but then didn't like being there & wanted to go back to them again. It was just crazy.

We met up again & Nicole wanted to see Stitch Live again so we saw it at 3.15 and then went over to the Disneyland Hotel for the 4pm meet & greet. Today there was Mickey, Minnie, Gideon, Launchpad, Pinocchio & Pluto. We collected autographs from Launchpad & Pinocchio as we hadn't met them yet this trip & got hugs from Minnie & Pluto too. I don't think the characters hung around as long as yesterday. We went back into the park & stood to see the parade there. Then we caught the bus back to the Marriott at 5.20 to cook & have dinner & start the packing. At this stage we are very well organised - not like us! Reception still don't know if we can have a late checkout at 12 instead of 10 so we had better be ready to go in the morning! We plan to go in in the morning & possibly meet Princess Tiana, have lunch at Annettes & get back here before our taxi picks us up at 2.20 pm. Hopefully I'll get a chance to go & look for my Princess Tiana statue, but if not then there's always next time.
Another lovely day!! :lovestruc (Apart from the packing!)

Can I ask what you did with the dresses before your DD's put them on, were you carrying them around? We have booked Auberge on our last day and DD will want to wear her Cinderella dress but not sure what to do with it before then? :confused3 It has a big hoop so not one I can stuff into my handbag!! :goodvibes

Hope you get to meet Tiana tomorrow - how bad were the queues???
Another lovely day!! :lovestruc (Apart from the packing!)

Can I ask what you did with the dresses before your DD's put them on, were you carrying them around? We have booked Auberge on our last day and DD will want to wear her Cinderella dress but not sure what to do with it before then? :confused3 It has a big hoop so not one I can stuff into my handbag!! :goodvibes

Hope you get to meet Tiana tomorrow - how bad were the queues???

The girls dresses aren't too bulky. I had them rolled in a ball in my rucksack :rotfl:. Natasha then kept hers on for the rest of the day, but I think Nicole (she's 8) is feeling a bit big for wearing one all the time now, so her's got rolled back up & put away after the lunch.

About the queues for Tiana - when we arrived this morning there were quite a few waiting, I'd say about 20 or so families, but the queue grew much longer when she arrived. I noticed later in the day that there was a very short queue because the CMs had closed it off so it looks like if you are prepared to wait then you do get to meet her eventually & she doesn't just leave before she gets to the end of the queue. Hopefully we'll get to the top of the queue tomorrow!


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