Trip Report! Alaska -- Taming the Last Frontier Part 7 (Final Part!) IMAGE INTENSIVE!

thank you for the trip report. I have been eyeballing the adventuresbydisney for years now and I think the boys are finally getting old enough that this might be worth it. Trip reports like yours really help!
Thanks so much for this lovely report! I really enjoyed it. ABD was not something we had considered before but you've convinced me to look into it!!
Haha! My evil plot is working! ;) :rotfl: I can highly recommend ABD. I've done 4 trips with them (#5 is scheduled for May!) and not one of them has been anything less than spectacular! Thanks, DisneyMagicMomma!

thank you for the trip report. I have been eyeballing the adventuresbydisney for years now and I think the boys are finally getting old enough that this might be worth it. Trip reports like yours really help!
You're welcome, uwate! Glad to have helped! And glad you enjoyed my Trip Report!

Thank you for the TR....I really enjoyed it! :)
You're welcome, wiigirl! :)

Hey there! You’ll most likely not remember me at all but I saw your post and i just had to comment. I was the owner’s (Sally Imdieke) daughter, Patricia Imdieke! I would’ve been about 8 years old when you stayed with us. I was online looking at pictures of the b&b because I was feeling nostalgic (we sold the b&b and moved out of state when I was 9) and I clicked on this link when I saw the picture from this post on google images. I decided to read your blog post because I curious to see which suite you stayed in and how you enjoyed your stay. After you were done talking about the b&b I started just skimming through the post and when I saw you talking about the er I immediately was like “Oh oh my gosh is this story what I think it is???” So I scrolled up to read the what happened and i was right, I remembered it!! I wasn't there while it happened but I was too young to be left at home so I got up at 5:30 am to go along to the airport with y’all.
I really was not expecting to find anything like this today and it completely made my day!! I hope you are doing well!
Hey there! You’ll most likely not remember me at all but I saw your post and i just had to comment. I was the owner’s (Sally Imdieke) daughter, Patricia Imdieke! I would’ve been about 8 years old when you stayed with us. I was online looking at pictures of the b&b because I was feeling nostalgic (we sold the b&b and moved out of state when I was 9) and I clicked on this link when I saw the picture from this post on google images. I decided to read your blog post because I curious to see which suite you stayed in and how you enjoyed your stay. After you were done talking about the b&b I started just skimming through the post and when I saw you talking about the er I immediately was like “Oh oh my gosh is this story what I think it is???” So I scrolled up to read the what happened and i was right, I remembered it!! I wasn't there while it happened but I was too young to be left at home so I got up at 5:30 am to go along to the airport with y’all.
I really was not expecting to find anything like this today and it completely made my day!! I hope you are doing well!
Oh my gosh! Yes, I totally remember who you are! The b&b was run by a single Mom and her young daughter. :) Honestly, I think your Mom was a bit freaked out that I was going to sue or something, and with all the craziness, it only occurred to me much later that I should have assured her that I had no intention to! It was a great B&B, but the ending was a little dramatic! That's pretty funny, 12 years later, to have someone else who was there see my report! Well there you go! What are the chances? You just never know who's reading these things. And thanks, I am doing quite well (or as well as this year allows! :D )

Thanks for posting! What a fun blast from the past! You made my day, too!

I assume that's you in one of the photos below? It's a little blurry, so I can't tell which for sure.

ABD Alaska z3 309.JPG

Ah yes thats me! The other two photos are of my oldest brother (middle) and my other brother! Gosh, I am so happy i found your post by some crazy coincidence so many years later, I called my mom today to tell her all about the post and she also thought it was so cool that this happened! I am so glad you’re doing well!

(Also if you have any other pictures from the trip I’d love to see them!!)
Ah yes thats me! The other two photos are of my oldest brother (middle) and my other brother! Gosh, I am so happy i found your post by some crazy coincidence so many years later, I called my mom today to tell her all about the post and she also thought it was so cool that this happened! I am so glad you’re doing well!

(Also if you have any other pictures from the trip I’d love to see them!!)
I'm happy you found it, also! :) Say "Hi!" to your Mom for me. Stuff like this happening is just so fun!

Do you want to see other pics of the B&B or of Anchorage, or what? I'm happy to post whatever you'd like to see.

Also, I did a whole Trip Report, you can find links to all of the parts here:



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