Trip Report for the Baloos - 27 - 29 August 2010


DIS Veteran
May 1, 2007
Well I have never done a pre trip report before, but this seems a common occurance over here. WE are only going for a short stay as we spent a week in June and may well spend a week at Easter (already booked but I am trying to swap my villa to somewhere else).This trip is about socialising mainly and seeing Fantillusion/Fireworks (if the kids aren't too tired), Captain Eo (for old time's sake), my kids want to check out TSPL, and the friends we are going with have never been on Phantom Manor, Pirates of the Caribbean or Cinemagique, so we want to rectify that.

Players - Me (35)
SW Sarah - (34)
DS Mikey (7)
DD Jessica (5)
Friend Mark (39)
Friend Amanda (40)
Friend Eva (4)

We are all staying at the Hotel New York, driving down from the shire to Eurotunnel and then driving to DLP.

WE have reservations for a late luch/early dinner at the Silver Spur on Friday and Walt's on Saturday, leaving Sunday loose, possibly for Annette's.

Since booking, we found out we have friends from the UK (including our neighbours a couple of doors down), Germany, Italy, Greece and Belgium are all going to be there at the same time. Awesome. So we are considering a meet for Fanti. This should be a fun way to say goodbye to summer before the kids go back to school and I go back to work full time (I took most of the summer off to be with the kids).

However, I have vowed not to comment on TSPL when we are there so as not to ruin it for the kids or our friends.
Hope you all have a great time Dave, and find time to meet up with everyone :).
You never know, you may just be bowled over by TSPL. ;)

Hope you all have a good trip.
You never know, you may just be bowled over by TSPL. ;)

Hope you all have a good trip.

Thanks. I doubt I will be bowled over by TSPL - not bowled over by the plans, and when I did hard hat walk through in June. I also despise the All Star Resorts in WDW, Fliks Fun Fair and Chester and Hesters. Chalk me up as someone who does not think low capacity fun fair rides out in the cold and wet elements belong in a Disney park. And before anyone mentions Dumbo and teacups, they do not affect site lines outside of their area, tea cups are under cover, and they are part of a bigger area with dark rides, restaurants and lots of eye candy.

See why I had to promise to keep stum. lol
Well packing the bags, euros ready, and the dog with my mother in law. So nearly there. 16 hours till we go!
We are back from an amazing 3 days and we are exhausted. There were some fantastic memories to be had, and a few eye brow raisers too. TSPL - hmmm, will get to that, enjoyed Capt Eo (dude with the big brown hair - you rock), but most of all I enjoyed experiencing it with friends. Photos and report coming, but let's start with the preparation, where we all decided to have Mickey's on our nails (thanks to the influence of our friend Stevie) this trip:

Day 1 up next.
Up at 3:45, always a bit painful at that time of the morning. Got showered and everyone up and then left to pick up Mark, Amanda and Eva at 5. Progress to the channel tunnel was good and we caught the 8:42 with ease. A gentle run into DLP and we arrived at the Hotel New York for 2pm.

After checking in, going up to the rooms, and the baggage being delivered we were in the park and straight to the Silver Spur for an early dinner. The adults started with apparatifs (gotta love the free Kirs with the dream passes - worth €28, £23, $35) and Cesar salads (Mark had the prawns), the kids had the child steak, salad and fruit salad.

The adults all opted for the rump steaks that were cooked to perfection, the Baloos enjoyed a cheeky bottle of beaujolais, and the Nethercotts enjoyed a pint of 1664.

For desert we enjoyed the sublime chocolate pecan cake.

We then went on Phantom Manor which had a number of slow spots, and the boot hill scene is very much in need of the refurb scheduled for next month, as well as Little Leota being out of synch. But it was great, and a first time for our friends, which is always fun.

As we came out, it started to sprinkle and as we were out on boot hill, then the heavens opened, and as I was the only one without a waterproof, I got soaked. We made a dash to the Phantom Manor toilets where I had to wring out my t shirt over the sink and use the Dyson air blade to try to dry it somewhat, hence why my shirt is dark grey in some shots, lol. Passing BTM, the waits were 60 mins and the fp return clashed with Fanti, so we decided to leave it for another time.

We explored Adventure Isle, though the suspension bridge is currently under refurb. The roots of the tree house, the barrel bridge, the throne and treasure trove in the caves, as well as entering Skull Rock were all new to them - I loved sharing some of the amazing details of our park.

Pirates of the Caribbean called to me, especially as Mark, Amanda and Eva had never been on before and they loved it!

We then made our way to the Labyrinth, and I was pleased as it was in really good condition. Then on to watch the parade, which all the children enjoyed.

A cruise on It's A Small World was in order, and then we hopped the train around the park and into Main Street. We were lucky as it was only a 5 min wait and we were able to hop on right behind the tender. The cast member at Fantasyland station said we were lucky as they were running the park for the 70k forecast capacity, but there were only 35k visitors in the park due to the rain and it was a Francilian (local AP) blackout weekend!

We had some cookies and drinks in discovery arcade, and then enjoyed Capt Eo with a minimal wait, though it was quite busy. It was cheesy and past it's sell by date, but at the same time it was very catchy and fun, and I did really love it. Especially the dude with the big dark hair that pops out of the wall. The music and dancing is so great (even if the script is not) and I even liked the much maligned vibration of the floor. It was later than we thought when we got out, about 10pm, so we grabbed a spot for Fantillusion, not the best as the kids had to go on our shoulders, but it was a lovely position for the enchanted fireworks.

We then made our way back the hotel and got the kids in bed for midnight - 19 hours after they got up. They did fall asleep in the pushchair rentals (worth €23 £19, $29 for the three, but with a dream pass, they were free), periodically however. Bless. An exhausting, but excellent start to and excellent weekend.
Day 2 - Part 1 - Toystory Playland EMH. 28 Aug 2010

Mickey called us on the phone at 6am. It felt as if the head had only just hit the pillow. It was funny as I showered, the kids got ready and tried to pull my leg by quickly getting ready and then hiding under the duvet, pretending to still be asleep Lol.Good thinking mama for getting them ready quickly.

We popped down to enjoy our breakfast at the Hotel New York, making sure we sampled a little of everything. As per usual, the bacon and the veal sausages were a highlight, and proved that this is the 2nd best breakfast to be had at DLP (the best being at the Disneyland Hotel, but the prices are crazy there).

Then on to the Walt Disney Studios for the AP emh at 8:30. We took advantage of the AP exclusive EMH, which we were very grateful for. I promised not to pass comment and ruin it for the kids or our friends that we travelled with.

After we went through the main DLP security checks (the WDSP ones were closed), we headed left at the Imagineering statue and the Front Lot cast members checked our passes and we were ushered through towards the park.

We then queued at the gates, and we were let in at 8:30 (not bad going effort by the children as we had been in DLP until 11:30 the night before having gotten up at 4:00am to go the park - hard core kids). We quickly trotted through Studio 1 and turned right through Toon Studios. When the kids saw Buzz, they went ballistic with excitement, especially when he spoke (though Mikey - age 7 - asked why he was here and in Discoveryland). And the kids were very excited to see the land and discover things about it. For this reason, I am sure there will be glowing praise in some quarters. And as I have said before, having greenery and nooks and crannies to explore a little has added to what has been missing in this park. Also, there are some nice touches as everyone knows, and as I said before the queues are pretty well done.

However, my prophesies (that others too agreed) were proven in this land. There were barriers around some of the photo points such as the jeep in the Parachute queue, and the RC racer that was designed for people to sit in. In this latter case, the barriers were not see through, so children couldn't even see the majority of it

Onto the attractions now. We first headed off to Slinky Zig Zag spin as we thought the kids would enjoy that the most. Sadly, it was 101 and they did not know when it would be back up an attraction that is in carnivals around the globe, the kids were disappointed.

They were not sure whether they wanted to go on the parachutes, but we talked them into it and got in line. Thankfully first thing in the morning for EMH, it was posted as a 10 minute wait, and took 15. It was a slow loader; I can only imagine what it is like during a busy time. The queue was quite impressive as it did feel like we were shrunk to the size of a toy, and my friend and I waxed lyrical about how we used to play with them.

We boarded the chutes, but sadly being in threes, we all had to split up (oh well, with twos it would have been the same.

Now, this attraction was surprisingly fun. The kids adored it, especially when it jolted at the top. But I stand by my capacity concerns. An attraction of this sort is fine at a less crowded park, but for a Disney park, it still needs more capacity (3 or 4 towers perhaps). Though the asthetic impact out of the land still annoys me greatly). But it was a lot of fun. By the time we got off, it was still early into AP EMH and the wait was posted at 45 minutes. By the middle of the day, it was up to 2 hours. It is fun for a 10, maybe even a 20 minute wait, but 2 hours is crazy. Even though the crowd levels may subside, I doubt the impact will be much (given the waits can still be long for Cars, Crush and Carpets).

Checking on Slinky Dog, still closed and about 6 engineers are stood looking at it. So we weigh up RC Racer. Our friends want to try it and Mikey is amazingly tall enough for it (where did the time go), whereas Jessica (age 5 and Eva age 4 are too short and dying to try it). We agree to do babyswitch, with Mark and Amanda riding together (first time since becoming parents they have been able to do a thrill ride together!!! Yay), and Mike and I.

Now I was warned by a cast member friend of mine that on top of it having height restrictions, it also is not great for tall or broad guests either. I was advised to ask the cast member at the front to see if we could try before queuing. When we did, we were told to get in line and find out when we board. Hopefully this was the response because it was EMH, and the queue was a 15 minute wait. I would have been livid if it were 2 hours (the posted wait times later in the day), because as you may have guessed, my friend Mark and I were too big for it. Having been on almost every attraction in Disneyland, DCA, the MK, Epcot, DHS, DAK, DLP and WDSP, for the first time in 35 years, I was too big for an attraction in a Disney park (and before anyone says it, I am much lighter now than I have been in 8 years). Not happy. Mikey was very upset because after getting the guts to ride it, Daddy could not. Thankfully my friend Amanda went on it with him, but I felt terrible about myself and this attraction.

Mikey rode it screaming covering his eyes. And when they got off, he said he wanted to do it again, and Amanda by the end of the holiday said for her it was a high point and scarier than Space Mountain - lol. For me it left a bitter taste.

Sarah and Mikey then went through the exit for baby switch and rode again. He loved it again (though he covered his eyes again) and Sarah came off saying it was alright, but I hadn't missed much (I do wonder if that was her way of trying to make me feel better).

We then explored the back of the playland and the kids loved Rex (I must confess with the sound effects I thought it cool too). And they repaired the damage to the bottom of it. The shop was cute, but it sold the same TS stuff you can find all over the resort, and we proceeded through the barrel tunnel which was cute. As we emerged out the other side into the Paris street, I then got excited by the trees, lamps and benches. That was the best part of TSPL IMHO.
Day 2 Part 2

By the time we left Toy Story Playland, the rest of the park was open and Crush had a 90 minute queue and Cars 20 mins by 10:00 am (growing later). So did it help capacity, marginally, but not enough to feel it. It will likely be busy all the time, like Dumbo, but I would not want to do this in the winter (brrrr).

So I ...spoke with them this morning, and asked for their views:

Kids - it is fun, but lots of questions - why is Rex smaller than Buzz? Why did we not feel like we were shrinking? Why was daddy not able to ride RC? Funny stuff.

Sarah's view was that it was cute and fun, but belongs somewhere like Alton Towers.

My view is we have to live with this waste of capital investment. It will be popular, but will also likely lead to complaints. And I am concerned for what WDI Paris do in the future. But the greenery is nice.

We then went on Cars (and skipped Crush as it had a 90 min wait), the magic carpets, playhouse Disney Live (which the kids loved, Mikey being 7 was worried he was too old, but he sung along and had a beaming smile, which I must confess, I did likewise).

What came next was a real pleasure, introducing the Nethercotts to Cinemagique for their first time, as well as the Art of Animation, which they adored. In Cinemagique, it was a real pleasure to watch the look on our friend's faces as the main protagonist stepped into the movies. Pure magic. And yet again, my eyes could not stay dry at the end. This is a real classic, and so often overlooked. They also enjoyed the Art of Animation, which I was not sure how this would go. But they loved it too (man, the montage in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian always gets me as it shows how powerfully great animators can bring emotion to life. After playing in the post show area singing the Bear Necessities and adding sound effects to animation for a while, we made our way to DLP. Sadly we missed many great attractions in the Studios this time, but they will hopefully be there when we return.

As we went into Main Street we still had 10 minutes before our reservations, so we showed Mark, Amanada and Eva the statue of liberty tableu (small beer, but I love the little touches). Then into Walts for a late lunch/early dinner. Sadly they lost our reservation again (this happens a lot at Walts), but the cast member sorted us out quickly.

The meal and the cast member who served us were lovely. We started once again with our complementary Kirs. The kids had the melon, fish with risotto and the ice cream, I had prawns and quails leg, followed by the veal and a selection of desserts, sarah had the serrano ham followed by the glazed duck and a cafe gormand. Amanda had the Goats Cheese, Duck and a lovely Pistacio sunday with a candy cherry, and Mark had the same starter as I, the fantastic I bone (fillet mignon and sirloin in one cut) and a moulton chocolate cake). I ordered in French, and kept saying to the kids "en Francais" when they said thank you, to which they would reply "Merci". This tickled the cast member, so he kept teasing the adults (he spoke fab English) in the party. Every time someone spoke with him in English, he would smile and say "en Francais" and helped them with their French. It was funny, and he was really a lot of fun.

After dinner we grabbed some more complimentaru push chairs. We met up with my friend Georgia. This was a real pleasure as we have written to each other for years, but this was the first time we have actually met. The Kids really took to her, and she joined us on our adventures for a while. We enjoyed the Storybookland canal boats and Casey Jr. but when we got back to the push chairs, one had been stolen :-(

We then popped over to ride Star tours for Eva's first time, and she asked us if we really went into Space. Now that is Disney magic (unlike TSPL). In fact, she asked the same question the next morning, so clearly this had a big impact. Although I am looking forward to Star Tours version 2 coming to DL and WDW, it was nice to know we could ride the original "en Francais" still.

After managing to miss Endor again, and nearly hitting George Lucas with our Star Speeder 3000, we decided to head for Capt EO one more time. Man, it is cheesy, but at the same time awesome. What was great is the kids had a little more energy compared to the night before, so they busted shapes and even break danced in the pre show (gotta love MJ of the 80's).

We then said our goodbyes to Georgia in hopes of meeting up later for the evening festivities, but sadly her Blackberry Battery went.

The kids wanted to go on Big thunder, but it was too crowded with a 75 minute wait posted, and the kids were now showing signs of tiredness. It was decided that perhaps getting the kids to bed was not a bad idea so we could enjoy EMH on Sunday and not have melt downs on the long drive home.

So on the way out we got the girls ice creams and Mikey some popcorn. We then had a chat, and as we had yet to meet with other friends, us guys were given a pass for the evening - awesome. Ladies took them back to enjoy hot chocolates in the room (though they were delivered with moldy milk and had to be returned - not cool). The price was reasonable though - €6 for the 5 of them for room service.

Mark and I decided to make the most of not having the kids in tow and enjoyed Indy in the dark, which is so much better at night. At night, I really appreciated the lighting of the encampment and how it looks a lot like Raiders. And the coaster was fun at the back with a newbie (though I did prefer it when it went backwards).

We then we met up with my friends and neighbours Andy and Grinda and rode Big Thunder together, again at the back, fantastic.

We caught tail end of fantillusion, and tried to meet up with my friends Dirk from Germany and Andrea from Italy for the fireworks. We had a prime location in the Middle of Main Street and very much enjoyed them (I think Mark did as he kept singing some of the songs the next day). A fab way to say goodnight.

After the fireworks, as the crowds thinned a bit, we met up and chatted to Dirk and Andrea and MArk witnessed what it is to be a real Disney nerd - fab.

We made the painful walk to the hotel (well it is after 16 hours in the parks, and I caught up with Sarah hitting the sack for 1am knowing the alarm would go off 5 hours later for our last day in the magic.
Last day - 29 Aug 2010

Well today was the last day of our trip, and having spent my 55th visit to Disneyland Paris with friends was a wonderful (and exhausting) way to do it. It was exhausting as I wanted to maximise our times in the park, but it was really worthwhile.

We awoke to Mickey's voice again slightly before 6, got ready and packed and went down to Breakfast for 7. After stoking up, back to the room, a call to bell services to pick up our luggage and then off to the park for Extra Magic Hours.

We arrived shortly after the gates opened and the Fire engine was making its way towards us. We clocked it, and the lady told us where to get on. Sadly a guy ran for it too, and it meant there was not enough room for our family to ride together. So the ladies and kids made their way down Main Street in style, while Mark and I burnt off some calories by walking. We met at the hub and made our way into Discoveryland.

First stop was onto Buzz. The only way I will do this attraction is usually during EMH as it is a much shorter wait - 5 mins in this instance (it was up to 70 later in the day). We did ok; I scored a respectable 134,500 making me the winner, but nowhere near my record of 390,000. The kids loved it.

Then, as Space Mountain is Mark's favourite attraction and Amanda has never been on the superior and more intense Paris version, we thought this was a great opportunity. They could ride together (a rare treat for parents with little ones - though we would not trade parenthood for the world, it is nice to sneak a little couple time once in a while), while we took the kids on Buzz again.

Mikey was excited, as he is 7 and there were 5 of us, it meant as the oldest, we let him ride by himself, in-between my space ranger vehicle and Sarah's. I got a much better score clocking in 275,800, but still could do better.

As we got off and met up with the Nethercotts again, Amanda's face was priceless! She liked it. After a pit stop, we swapped. Mark took Mikey and Jess on Buzz, Eva wanted to go on Orbitron, so the two Nethercott Girls did that, and Sarah and I enjoyed a ride on SM Mission 2 together - and for a change, we could actually hear the music (even though I prefer the original score to Michael Giacchino's efforts.

A fun start to the day to be sure. It was then time to go into Fantasyland to make the most of EMH. Onto Peter Pan, after a long wait (while EMH was still on - 30 mins) and as we came out, the park was open.

We decided to trek over to Big Thunder and see what the wait was like. It was 75 minutes, so Fastpasses were in order. We grabbed them and had a window to wait.

We did this by hopping on the Mark Twain for a cruise around the Rivers of the Far West and were astonished at the state of the Molly Brown. It looks like they have stripped her down to her bare bones. A little surprising since they had to rebuild her the other year after the fire. I do wonder what is going on (sorry, no pictures). I hope she does not disappear, she is the only side wheeler in the Disney parks fleet. Also, I really wish the geysers would be repaired, I miss them terribly.

After our cruise, we enjoyed some churros and drinks in Frontierland, and then our fastpass time opened. We were a little worried as apparently Eva had tried Big Thunder before and did not like it. But this time, riding with other little friends, she loved it! (Note to my Disney geek friends, the swinging opossums were missing this trip and the rocks did not move in the earthquake scene (this was also the case in June), I wonder what will be happening?
However, the splash at the photo shoot was working the best I have seen in at least a decade, got a little wet every time. DLP has the best version of Big Thunder bar none. :)

After our wildest ride in the wilderness, it was time to go through Adventureland and show Eva the Giraffe that lives there (she didn't believe me until she saw it) and we bought our dog Mocha a new dog bowl with all the Disney dogs on it, as well as the excellent Disney chewy sweets.

We explored the Aladdin Walkthrough, which was in the best shape we have seen for a while (though the last scene is still a little too dark). In the main entrance to the bazaar, there was some gear set up for a North African music group, but sadly we did not encounter them. In fact, for peak season, we did not encounter any live music at all. A real first for us :(

We then decided to go and visit the dragon in her lair under the castle. Jessica was very animated telling everyone all about it. But when we got in, she freaked and jumped into my arms. Eva didn't like it either. But Mikey, like me, was drawn in awe of it. Our too brief visit ended in us going up the stairs into Merlin's workshop (as two frightened girls are not a great thing to terrify, we decided to exit sharply. We then calmed them down in Sleeping Beauty's Castle.

We visited the candy shop to show the Nethercotts the three fairies, but they are gone, and it looks like this is a permanent subtraction :(

A real shame. At this point, Mark was keen to get an Annual Pass, so we split up and the ladies took the kids into the Carousel line while we went to the AP office. There must have been 40 people in that queue. When we got to a cast member she asked for photo id. I had forgotten about this as I always have my driver’s licence in my wallet, so never really think of that. Sadly Mark did not have any with him, so we took the paper work to do it by post. Oh well.

WE got back in time to see the family enjoy their whirl on the Carousel and then we decided to make our way home via lunch. AS we got to the hub, the Police Car arrived, and we guys rode with the kids back to Town Square. Just as we were leaving, the toon train came out with the characters waving good bye to us.

We went to the Village for a bite to eat and a little shopping. We had our hearts set on Annette's given the glowing review Andy and Grinda gave us of their dinner the night before (and we all like it anyway). When we got there, the queue was out the door. WE waited about 45 minutes to be seated and were put in the upstairs section (I have never been in that bit before). We were right under two air con vents so it was freezing. And the service was super slow (I have never had this problem here before - 3 hours from walking in to leaving for a 1 course meal!!!!). Hmmmmm. Poor timing I think or too much budget cutting.

Amanda and I ordered the combo - Chilli dog with onions, cheese and coriander, a cheese burger and now a club sandwich on olive focaccia (used to be a chicken burrito). Mark and Sarah went for bigger fancier burgers. The kids went for the hot dogs served in their Frisbees.

We had some of the soda fountain specials, but the order was goofed up. To compensate, they put extra cherry syrup in Sarah's Cherry coke making it the best one I have ever tasted (I was jealous; my cherry coke was not as nice). The food was good, but the service was poor. In fact, it jeopardised us getting away in time, so as the kids ate their desserts I offered to stay with them to let Mark, Amanda and Sarah go shopping so they could make use of our 20% discount. Mikey and Eva had ice cream sundaes while Jess opted for the Jelly (Jell-O for my US friends) with Chantilly cream.
Food for the 7 of us was not bad this time really - Silver Spur was €156.78 (£128.96 $198.72); Walt’s was €201.51 (£165.75 $255.36); and Annette’s was €106.56 (£87.66 $135.05). This is after our 10% discount and not including the free Kirs :).

Souvenirs were not too bad either, though we did not buy much this trip – Dog bowl, sweets, 2 vynalmations and stickers, and a bag for my Mother in Law. We spent about €29 (£24 $37) after our 20% discount. Though I wish I had taken the time to buy some of the Captain Eo merchandise. Oh well.

We nipped back quickly to the Hotel New York as we were cutting it fine. We had a pit stop in the conference area and then Mikey and I went to get the car while the others went to bell services to retrieve our luggage. We packed up and made haste.

The kids were very quickly asleep, and sadly on the run towards Charles de Gaul we hit an accident which necessitated a detour via the suburbs of Paris. Between Annette’s and the traffic, I was sure we were going to miss our train. Then a cramp hit my thigh and hand (that’s what happens when you go, go, go and drink only caffeinated drinks and alcohol – not smart). Sarah had a go at driving some of it, but she did not like it. My cramp left me, and we traded back again.
Then we hit a torrential down pour which flooded the road and slowed us way down. Amazingly we were only about 20 minutes late and they do give a 2 hour grace without charge.

It is just as well as the port was heaving! So much so I was in a traffic jam near the terminal and the kids needed to go to the toilet. The adults pulled them out of the car, ran to the loo, and they were back in the car. I had travelled 3 car lengths in that time.
As we went through security, there was a cute french security officer that Mark and I cracked jokes about, and then we went through passport control. This always makes me a little nervous as it is a stark reminder that I do not fully belong to the place I have called home for the last 24 years.

Thankfully we had a really nice security officer. As she was checking passports, we rolled down the windows so she could see everyone before she requested us. She thanked us, and we commented that we were seasoned. She laughed and then said “If you are so seasoned, why did you pick one of the worst weekends of the year to travel on” lol.

We were swiftly boarded on a train leaving nearly an hour after our original booking. We stopped for dinner at KFC and then made an uneventful journey home dropping the Nethercotts off a little after midnight, plunging into my bed for about 1am.

It was an exhausting weekend, but certainly one I will never forget. We say goodbye to a stressful and yet amazing summer. I feel closer to our friends. And the children were all so good. Now Eva starts school for the first time, Jessica goes into Year 1 and Mikey into year 3, and the time marches on.

AS always, I thought of the amazing times I had with my elders when I was a child, and now I pass the magic on to our younglings. Here’s to another adventure in the making, but first we think of returning to work and school. Thank you for my family and friends making this really magical.

Photos will follow, but Facebook is currently down
What a fantastic trip report, I just read from start to finish (even though I am allegedly working :thumbsup2) and had tears in my eyes at the end..... my youngest starts school in 2 days time and I really agree with you about giving the little ones magical experiences while they are still young. I havent a hope of catching up with your number of trips but am certainly planning to go at least once a year until the children say they are bored with it...... and then I shall go on my own! :cool1:
What a fantastic trip report, I just read from start to finish (even though I am allegedly working :thumbsup2) and had tears in my eyes at the end..... my youngest starts school in 2 days time and I really agree with you about giving the little ones magical experiences while they are still young. I havent a hope of catching up with your number of trips but am certainly planning to go at least once a year until the children say they are bored with it...... and then I shall go on my own! :cool1:

Thank you. It is hard going (Toy Story 3 had me in fits), but it is natural. All the very best for yours.
I too was really sorry to see that. It was one of the many things that made DLP the most magnificent MK style parks :(
Brilliant report, as always. You are certainly passing the magic on to your children & passing some of the magic on to the rest of us as we read all about it. Thanks.


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