Trip Report: YC/Portobello/Disneymoon 4.23.07; COMPLETE as of 6.3.07!!!

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YAY-- that room looks neat-- but not very 'disney- like'. Thanks for the review-- ill keep that in mind. Cant wait to read all about the wedding!:woohoo:
Yay more pictures!! I agree with everyone else--the more the better :banana:

Buca is great, such a fun atmosphere. Before the Disney thing, when we thought we were getting married at home, we thought about having our rehearsal dinner there.

Anxious for more.... :woohoo:
Maggimus, there were some small Disney details (there's decorative Mickeys on the bedspread and also on the top of the mirrors, which you can see more closely in Randy's photos) but for the amount we were paying, I wanted Mickey to come hang out with us for the night! :laughing:

Just kidding. The decor was lacking something though. We saw a lot of convention folk hanging around. Maybe it's more of a business hotel? I think maybe the problem was that it was too stuffy for us. It's a personal taste thing, as I'm sure a lot of people have stayed here and loved it!

jodee, I'm glad my review helped you affirm your decision!
Subscribing :) I can't wait to hear more! We are staying at POR for our wedding next month and I keep debating if we should change to a deluxe. It is really nice to hear someone else's opinion on the resort.

Thanks for sharing!
Noooooo! I thought there was more... but there isn't! I can't wait for more... this is so good so far! :) And you say your husband is a CM? Where does he work?
DH originally just wanted to become a CM to get us into the parks for free, :rotfl: but we were SO GLAD he did because it saved us a lot of money. Factoring in his dining discount, tour discount, hotel discount, and the fact that we didn't have to buy an annual pass for us saved us almost two thousand dollars! :eek:

But to answer your question, lamagique, he works once a week as a park greeter at Magic Kingdom. So if you go to MK on a Wednesday, play nice with the guy taking your ticket. It could be my DH! Similarly, if you're interacting with characters at Universal, be considerate because the sound tech (who also interacts with guests from time to time) could be DH (his full-time job)!

And I promise to add more to the trippie tonight!
love your TR! a quick question, if you don't mind? I've toyed with the idea of us moving to Florida and I joke about us getting jobs at the parks - does it take away from the enjoyment at all? and how difficult is it to get "in" so to speak? thanks!!

Glorydaz: I don't think working there has diminished DH's love for all things Disney in any way. If anything, he's more appreciative of all the hard work that goes into being a CM. Well, and how mean some people are! I, however, am now creeped out by characters in costume because DH was one at Universal for a year and it weirds me out that I don't know if that's a guy or a girl or what under there! :confused:

As far as getting a job at Disney, that's the easy part. Bad part is, they pay you barely above minimum wage. Getting a *decent* job at a *decent* salary is MUCH harder, I've been told. It's certainly true at Universal: DH had to do Halloween Horror Nights first, then became a regular (part-time) character, finally made it to a lower-level tech (part-time), then after a YEAR became full-time. Still lower-level though. And he's been in the biz for over 6 years now (at other venues, I mean)! Ah, well. Paying his dues, I guess.
love your TR! a quick question, if you don't mind? I've toyed with the idea of us moving to Florida and I joke about us getting jobs at the parks - does it take away from the enjoyment at all? and how difficult is it to get "in" so to speak? thanks!!


sorry if I"m speaking out of line here purplegirl.. it's just I have some experience with working at disney.

getting a (low paying) job at disney is SUPER EASY... when I moved to orlando in 2000 I went with my younger sister to the castings building (where they do the hiring) just so she wouldn't go alone and I ended up coming home with a job myself!! They just handed me paperwork and I figured since I didn't have a job yet it wouldn't hurt to do it ... I told the woman I interviewed with there that I wanted an office type job and she said I didn't really have the experience (which I didn't, but I was 25, I knew I could do an office job!).... so the put me in the general store at the campground resort place. I worked for one day and quit .. mostly because of the guy training me (he got all up in my face and had smokers breath! :headache: ) and I just didn't like the position. They told me I'd never work at disney again if I just quit... but I didn't care.

about a year later I got a job working for Celebrity Eyeworks at Downtown disney (which is no longer there, now it's some other sunglass shop). I worked there for a year. I got that job because my roommate was working there and they needed someone. It's not a DISNEY store but it's an affiliate of disney so I got to go into the parks for free anytime I wanted to and got all kindsa nice perks! I loved it! Working there didn't take anything away from the magic.. but maybe it's cause I wasn't working directly in the parks...

It was fun because it was easy to talk to people (how is your vacation going? what's your favorite ride? where are you from? what park are you visiting today?) and it's fun to work in a place where (MOST) people are happy and feeling good! Even if you only worked part time, I think it'd be worth it. If I ever lived in Orlando again, I'd definitely work at least part time for the mouse! :mickeyjum
Update: got the pics from Randy to work on my work computer! Shhhh! So these are mostly Randy shots below now...


I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I'm going to post another installment because I'm too excited not to. The bad news is that the CD Linda Chapman gave me today is actually a DVD and my computer won't open it. So I'm going to do placeholders for now and go back and put in the actual photos later. Make sense?

OK, here goes...

We woke up fairly early on April 23 and grabbed some breakfast from the concierge lounge and started getting ready. Our officiant (our friend BM) showed up a bit early in the lobby downstairs so Steve had to rush a bit to finish getting dressed. He looked fantastic. Steve, not our officiant. :rotfl2:

He went downstairs to go hang with BM and also sent Shana, BM’s girlfriend and also our friend, up in the elevator. See, if you’re concierge level, floor 5, you have to have a key to get in. This gets humorous later, as we realize that neither Anna (make-up lady) or Randy (photographer) can get up without our assistance. So Shana shows up in the nick of time, right after I had just finished panicking because I realized that even after speaking up about it on a Disboard thread, I had still forgotten to pack a button-down shirt to do my hair/makeup in. I realized at the last-minute that (duh) my pajamas were button-down so I just stayed in my pajama top.

Lesson learned: be sure to actually *look at* your packing list and don’t just assume you’ve remembered everything off the top of your head!

At this point Anna is running a little late: she said she’d be in my room at 11 and it’s already 11:10 and Juliana is supposed to call at 11:30 and I don’t know what to do and I’m nervous. I’ve sent Steve on a mission to seek out Anna (“she’ll be the one lugging around a tool box filled with makeup”) since I can’t get ahold of her on her cell phone to tell her to look for him so he can send her up in the elevator. I learn later that I had been calling her business line, not her cell phone, so she never got the message.

Lesson learned: double-check to make sure not only do you have your phone numbers, but also the right ones!

I call Steve several times to make sure he's looking for Anna, putting out the favors, programs, and tissue boxes (also in this pic; there's Mickeys on them!) and that he hasn't run off. Just kidding! :rotfl:

Anna calls from the phone downstairs and says she can’t come up. I call Steve on my cell (Anna in one hand and he on the other, it was pretty comical) and get them to meet up. Around the same time, Randy miraculously shows up. He realized what had happened and was in the right place at the right time and snuck up with some other hapless concierge level guest. I told him if the photographer thing doesn’t work out, he could always be a spy! :rotfl:

I should’ve trusted Anna because she was able to get my hair and makeup down and get me in the dress with time to spare, even though she kept stopping to tell us random stories. She was great, very nice, very efficient, and I was happy with the results., by the way. :thumbsup2

My hair

Before I forget, here's my something old (bracelet from high school), something new (shoes), something borrowed (my grandfather's hankerchief, which you may see me holding in some other shots), and something blue (Mickey toe ring, an idea I believe I "borrowed" from KT27).

Then it was 11:40, Juliana called, and it was showtime! I met Juliana down in the lobby. And I mean that literally; I had never met her before! She was very nice and super excited to be there. She had also brought along another coordinator, Karen, to help her out. The first thing she did was hand me my bouquet.

The good news was that there was a tiny hidden Mickey in the stem and the ribbon was exactly what I had asked for.

The bad news was that the hydrangeas weren’t quite the deep purple I had envisioned them to be. They were more of a lilac/lavender. This was not a reflection of Rosie in any way; *I* had asked for hydrangeas and this was probably the deepest they could get. I just wish she could’ve sent me a color swatch or something somehow so I wasn’t totally surprised by the color. Secondly, the flowers looked fake to me. I think I said in another post that because it was Disney, I assumed everything would be over-the-top gorgeous but I guess silk flowers always look like silk flowers. *shrugs* In any case, it turned out very nicely in the photos (couldn’t tell they were silk) and that was the important thing.

Lesson learned: don’t be afraid to ask for pictures, descriptions, or swatches of anything that has to do with color. And silk flowers are going to look like silk flowers no matter who puts ‘em together. :cutie:

Next, Juliana told me that two of the three ladies had received their corsages like I had asked. Uh, what? :confused: The flower presentation was supposed to be part of the vows; Juliana herself had told me what a sweet moment it would be! But now the ladies already had their corsages. Oops. Wait, what do you mean two of the three? Apparently the third corsage was misnamed and said mother of the bride, which Juliana wisely remembered was not true because my mother and I haven’t spoken in years and she was certainly not coming to the wedding. The third corsage was meant to go to Steve’s mom. I groaned because I could just picture his side of the family watching Karen pin the corsage on both my grandmothers and wondering why Steve’s mom didn’t get one. No matter. Karen rushed out and pinned the corsage on Steve’s mom and we were all square.

Putting the corsage on one of my grandmas

Lesson learned: some things are going to get confused, no matter how clear you and your planner are. There are other people involved and *they* may get confused.

Randy got a couple of shots moments before I walked out.

This one was up in the hotel room before Juliana called. It was so pretty that I had to include it. :thumbsup2

Then it was time to go, for real! Except…I had forgotten to tell my dad I wanted him to walk me down the aisle! How could I possibly forget that?? Luckily, Juliana had remembered to talk to my dad about that so when we reached the end of the sidewalk, there was my dad waiting for me.

Lesson learned: you’re going to forget to do something, inevitably. Hope your planner has it together. If something falls through the cracks, odds are it isn’t a big deal and no one will notice anyway.
Your hair is/was gorgeous...and especially in the picture in your signature, your flowers are gorgeous too! I can't wait for more pictures. You two look so great together! I'm glad all the mix-up with the corsages and dad walking you down worked out A-okay!
Loooving the trip report. I sneaked a peek at your photos on Randy's site (I couldn't resist!) and I have a question: Did you upgrade your Escape wedding cake, or did they just do a different design on the standard cake at your request? I've never seen one like it before! :)
lurkyloo, no problem about peaking. :goodvibes I haven't posted the link yet because I feel bad having people slough through 283+ photos. I figured I'd just post the relevant ones here. Hee hee.

Our cake was standard. I asked my planner if the bakery could add some splash of deep purple and to come back with a price if they were going to charge me anything. She asked if I wanted flowers and I explained I'm not really a flower girl (I got a silk bouquet because seeing flowers die makes me sad for Pete's sake! :rolleyes: ) and that's what they came up with. I was SUPER pleased.

The cake was one of my favorite parts! :cheer2:
I have admired all your pictures from Randy and made notes of some I want him to take for our wedding ! Now I am patiently (okay, maybe not so patiently) waiting for a link to see your MK shoot and honeymoon photos ! Do share !!;)
I love your pics! Your trip report is great. Love the detail.. Gosh I can't believe mine is so soon. Glad you had such a great time.
OMG your Randy pics are PHENOMENAL! I LOVE that photo of you looking out the window as you are sitting down, and the one of you in the room. Both of the shadows on that look great.. and I LOVE the color in the photo of you sitting down. Are you happy with them? You looked great-- such a beautiful bride! I think your bouquet was gorgeous! Did you take it home with you? Since its silk it will make for a great keepsake! Congratulations- cant wait to hear more!:hug:
Maggimus, I was afraid to answer you at first because when I first saw Randy's photos (I stumbled across them myself after a fellow DISer told me they were posted), I wasn't that happy. :eek: I was disappointed that he didn't get hardly any closeups of the cake, that I didn't have any cool B&W photos, and that I didn't get any fun Photoshopped ones like you did. :confused:

But...! When I looked around some more, I found the folio of my B&Ws, which I LOVE. :love: And when Linda gave me the CD, I found a bunch of cake shots he hadn't posted online. :banana: So my only teeny tiny disappointment was that I didn't get any Photoshopped ones (like the gorgeous ones Maggimus has in B&W with color accents) but I know he's really busy right now so I totally understand. :cool1:

In conclusion, Randy is every bit as great as I've been told and I would definitely use him again! Great guy, great photos, great customer service (and by that I mean willingness to meet with, talk to, and answer questions of clients).

P.S. Plus he called me skinny when I was having a "do I look fat in this?" moment, so he's tops in my book. :rotfl2:
More on that later!

P.S. Yes, I did take the bouquet home with me. It's currently sitting in what Steve calls the Wedding Shrine :rotfl: that has my bouquet, his boutinniere (sp?), our Mickey/Minnie drawing from our shower, his Groom hat, our cake topper, and some other knickknacks. I have to find a permanent home for all this stuff; right now it's on top of a cabinet and I'm afraid someone's going to knock something over!:sad2:
Maggimus, I was afraid to answer you at first because when I first saw Randy's photos (I stumbled across them myself after a fellow DISer told me they were posted), I wasn't that happy. :eek: I was disappointed that he didn't get hardly any closeups of the cake, that I didn't have any cool B&W photos, and that I didn't get any fun Photoshopped ones like you did. :confused:

But...! When I looked around some more, I found the folio of my B&Ws, which I LOVE. :love: And when Linda gave me the CD, I found a bunch of cake shots he hadn't posted online. :banana: So my only teeny tiny disappointment was that I didn't get any Photoshopped ones (like the gorgeous ones Maggimus has in B&W with color accents) but I know he's really busy right now so I totally understand. :cool1:

In conclusion, Randy is every bit as great as I've been told and I would definitely use him again! Great guy, great photos, great customer service (and by that I mean willingness to meet with, talk to, and answer questions of clients).

P.S. Plus he called me skinny when I was having a "do I look fat in this?" moment, so he's tops in my book. :rotfl2:
More on that later!

P.S. Yes, I did take the bouquet home with me. It's currently sitting in what Steve calls the Wedding Shrine :rotfl: that has my bouquet, his boutinniere (sp?), our Mickey/Minnie drawing from our shower, his Groom hat, our cake topper, and some other knickknacks. I have to find a permanent home for all this stuff; right now it's on top of a cabinet and I'm afraid someone's going to knock something over!:sad2:

I am so glad that things worked out & that you love your photos. I think they turned out great!

Our wedding stuff is in a curio cabinet but I know it wont be able to stay there forever-- im having trouble finding it a home as well. When you think of something let me know!

My dad and I reach the gazebo. Steve hasn’t turned around. I walk up next to him and say hi. He half turns to me, very stiffly. Apparently (he told me later), Juliana took my request of no one seeing me before the wedding VERY seriously. She told Steve under no circumstances should he turn around until I was right there next to him. :rotfl2: I lean in to our officiant and quickly whisper we have to skip the flower ceremony part. He says he already realized that, so I am relieved. He’s such a good friend. Oh, and his girlfriend was our videographer (amateur). They were awesome. :thumbsup2

The vows begin! They went by very quickly. I was taken aback later when I realized I didn’t tear up once! I just repeated when I was supposed to, said “I do” at the right moment and then, voila! We were married. The only time I had to take a moment was when the officiant said the bit about how we wish others could have joined us (my grandfather passed away last year). That was sad. :sad1:

Just realized I’m referencing all these things and none of you have any idea what I’m talking about. I've never seen vows posted before, but I’m ridiculously proud the ones I wrote, so I’m going to include them now. Note that (a) I didn’t have my dad “give me away” because I didn’t like that custom (b) there’s a direct movie quote in there; bonus points to whomever gets it, and (c) if there’s a place where you felt like laughing, I probably wrote that on purpose so don’t feel bad about it. Hee hee.

~The couple asked that we forego the line “who gives this woman” and instead opted for more inclusive wording. To that end, who shares this woman with your family, making her as one of your own? {look to Steve’s family} Who shares this man with your family, making him as one of your own? {look to Christine’s family}

Marriage. Marriage is what brings us together today. We gather here today to recognize the end of this couple’s courtship and the beginning of their married life. What better location to celebrate than the happiest place on earth?

Steve and Christine asked me to say a few words on their behalf, mostly because they knew they’d be too nervous to form a coherent sentence. So first, a brief background on their history. How did they meet? For those of you who don’t know, Christine was a bona fide groupie at the comedy club Steve worked for at the time. She came so often that they eventually struck up a conversation, he asked for her number, and shortly thereafter they had their first phone conversation, which lasted over two hours.

Two hours is a long time, and likely Christine did most of the talking, but one thing stood out for each of them. Steve remembers that they were already very comfortable around each other; in fact, it felt like they already knew each other. Christine remembers (which Steve still tries to deny to this day!) that Steve said he had a vision of her in a wedding dress.

Exactly four years and nine months later, she is a vision in her dress. Some of you may say, “it’s about time,” but for the two of them, the time is just right. Like Christine’s dad often says, they didn’t want to rush into anything.

Their only regret is that not everyone could be here to share their special day. Let’s please take a moment to remember Christine’s grandfather, Russell D., who now shares a wedding anniversary with the couple. …

To honor those that are here, they will now bestow flowers upon the women in their lives [give flowers to Steve’s mom and Christine’s grandmas]. Without these ladies, the couple’s lives would not be what they are today.

And now for the vows. Steve, please repeat after me.

I, <full name>, take you, <full name>, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as we both shall live.

Do you, Steven, pledge to support Christine in all things, to love her above all others, to listen to her when she needs comfort, and most importantly, to buy her milk because she’s too lazy to get it herself?

Christine, please repeat after me.

I, <full name>, take you, <full name>, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as we both shall live.

Do you, Christine, pledge to support Steven in all things, to build him up when he feels down, to comfort him when he is sad, and most importantly, to think about buying him video games and Guinness beer, as long as the timing and budget are appropriate?

{Look to audience} Can you tell who wrote these vows?

Do you, Steven and Christine, promise to encourage each other professionally, socially, and emotionally? To guide each other, through dark times and bright? And that only one of you will freak out about finances at any given time?

And now for the rings.

Steven, repeat after me. “I give you this ring, as a visible and constant symbol, of our wedding vows. Please don’t remove it, in times of anger, for they are fleeting, and our love is steadfast. With this ring, I thee wed.”

Christine, repeat after me. “I give you this ring, as a visible and constant symbol, of our wedding vows. Please don’t remove it, in times of anger, for they are fleeting, and our love is steadfast. With this ring, I thee wed.”

And now, with the power invested in me by the state of Florida, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Groom, you may now kiss the bride.~


Steve laughing at some point. I can't remember what; guess I'll have to wait for the video!

So you can see where I didn’t tear up, I guess. Steve and I aren’t overly mushy people anyway. It’s funny though because the very next day we went on the Keys to the Kingdom tour and when the guide was describing one of Walt Disney’s last wishes, I teared up *then*. How lame am I??


Us walking into our happily ever after (totally fake, by the way, because we turned right back around and started to hug our family and stuff :goodvibes)
Love your vows!

The movie quote is more familiar to me this way; "Mawage. Mawage is whot bwings us hewe... todawy"
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