Triple D's February Challenge - The Wait is Finally Over!!

Thanks for fixing it, Bryan!
And thanks for convincing me to put it on Google....that way, I can access it from work if I need to, and don't always have to travel with my laptop. :goodvibes

Hope to do a duathlon the last weekend of March, and first tri of the season ( a sprint) the first weekend of April. I AM going to swim today, just to see how my arm feels. Not far, just a little water time.

Everyone have a great week! If you're somewhere cold, stay warm! Spring is on its way!
Good Morning everyone! Wanted to submit my totals for the week. Still no running, but did a good amount of biking. Besides the normal commute I biked to both my accountant and doctors for appointments. And used the bike for some shopping yesterday. Mileage is 191 and the time is 11.75 hours.

I am also off for some fun time this week, going to upstate NY and VT for some skiing for four days this week. So not much biking for next week.

Bryan, no clue for the quote, I will take a wild guess and say either the Longest Yard or the Bad News Bears.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Today was a great day we made ressie for the Disney Marathon Weekend.:banana: :banana: Dw and I will be running the 5K on Friday and I will be running the Half also. We will be staying at Beach Club and look forward to meeting hopefully many Ducks.

Kira Will talk to you about philly will be there for three days in April staying downtown to get the historic feel with the kids. I will definately pick your brain about where to eat and other advice.

Rich - We're staying at Beach Club too! I've rented points and we've reserved a 2 bedroom. We're going to at least bring the younger 2 kids, and hopefully the high-schoolers can come as well. I'm so excited - this is the first place I wanted us to stay, but we've never been able to afford it before. I have a feeling it will turn us into DVCers! And pm or e-mail me about Philly and I"ll be happy to help you out.

Unfortunately this week did not go as planned. I was feeling awful on Friday, and may need a small but unpleasant procedure done (got a blood test on Friday and should know by tomorrow). So no running for me right now. :sad1:

I did get some miles & minutes in last week, all on the treadmill:
Miles: 5.5
Minutes: 70

Hopefully this will all be resolved soon and I'll be back on track. It's been quite frustrating.

On the other hand, I have registered for both the Virginia Beach Half Marathon, and the FULL at Disney next year! Very, very excited, and nervous too!
Hi, team! Somehow I missed the past week, and several pages, so a quick shout out to Bryan, Mike, and tricia on your great racing achievements!

Bryan: I'm almost embarrassed to know this one . . . Best of the Best. In my defense, who doesn;t love James Earl Jones?

so, here's the next quote: I ran. I ran until my muscles burned and my veins pumped battery acid. Then I ran some more.

Unfortunately, that does not describe my week. Rather, I ran until I realized something was seriously amiss in my foot. So, the bad news is I've been doing the RICE thing and hoping it feels normal soon. The good news is that this means I'll be getting in a lot of miles biking instead this week...

Anyhow, here are my totals for last week:
3.75 hrs.
29.2 miles
Erica - Hope your foot's better soon.

Looks like several from our team will be going to WDW for the 2010 Marathon Weekend. :banana: We're booked into AKV for the weekend and I plan on walking my first 1/2. :goodvibes

I didn't have the miles or hours I had planned this past week; somehow life just gets in the way sometimes.
Week ending Feb. 21 17 miles 315 minutes
Great job, everyone!!
The spreadsheet is updated as to what we have so far.

I'll have to get the totals going at the bottom...but don't have time to do that this afternoon.

I will be at 2010 Marathon weekend, too! Not sure where I'll stay.

Had a good run this morning, and a little bike time.
Now time to relax.
Quick drive-by to respond to Bryan's question about 'Ohana's Monday Mixers:

All day Monday will be the mixer--so many of us log in at different times that a true happy hour might not be feasible. I'm hoping that folks who can will check in at least a couple of times, but no pressure. Even reading others' posts, let alone responding, will give us a better sense of our fellow WISHers, I think. For now, we'll have the Mixer on our thread and I'll link to the first post in my reminder. If the mixer is really successful, we'll think about a new thread. (So many intelligent questions that I don't really consider. Ah, the downfall of being a big-picture thinker. No eye for important details. :rotfl2:)
Mike, read the race report you linked to, and it sounds pretty cool. I know what you mean about not being able to pass on some single track, and the conditions you describe make it seem even harder to do. Sounds like you had a good time doing it, even with the blood sacrifice. But you're right, it is not a trail race without losing some:)
:stitch2: Monday Mixers w/ Team 'Ohana :stitch2:

I thought I'd let the DDDs know that Team 'Ohana is inviting their WISH family to come visit its thread on Mondays. We thought this would be a good way for people on the teams/threads to get to know other WISHers better. Plus, 'Ohana like to think we know how to throw a party and we always like new guests! The drinks are free, if virtual, and no one will tell you when you've had enough. :upsidedow

I'll post a reminder on Monday, with a loose question/discussion topic to get the conversations going. There's no need to stick to the topic, of course, as it's really your sparking, non-alcoholic but still intoxicating presence that is requested. So, if you have a little time for socializing with your cousins, please stop by 'Ohana on Monday! :goodvibes

We invite you to visit Team 'Ohana for the Monday Mixer! Stop by anytime today (or anytime, really) and say hi. The mixer starts here on the 'Ohana thread.

Our loose topic for 'Ohana's first Monday Mixer is "What song made you laugh out loud the last time you heard it?"

Of course, you don't need to stick with that prompt. You can talk about the last thing that made you laugh out loud, period. Or the Oscars, Nascar, Pixar. Or the meaning of life, the universe and everything. (Although we over at 'Ohana already know the answer is 42. You'll learn to love our geekdom. :rolleyes1)
Found my limit this morning. I started C25K a few weeks ago and everything has gone swimmingly until this morning. W4D1. I could not finish the last five minute run. Both my legs and lungs were not up to it. Week four could last a long time ; )

I walked for a minute or so in the middle and picked up the run again. The sweat felt good.

We went on a long walk yesterday afternoon. A nearby park with a 1.4 mile loop around the edge. It's the forgiving cushy track, too. The dog loves this idea! It was a cool, but sunny afternoon.

Hi glad everyone is doing well. I'll be at WDW in 2010 as will my son and his best friend. Not sure we are staying at this point.

My totals this week
44 miles 356 minutes

Have a great week.
Good job, everyone! Keep those miles and minutes flowing in!
Even without everyone's totals for this week, we have exceeded the previous two weeks. Sounds like some momentum is being built up!

Spreadsheet updated. I figured out how to make totals at the bottom of the columns. (you have to scroll down just a little for the overall totals at the bottom right.)

Ronda...if the run buildup isn't working, maybe you are starting out the run segment a little fast? Try running just a bit slower and see if you can't get the whole 5 min. that way. You'll build into it.

Hi, Big Vic! :wizard:

I had a good run yesterday...up to 5.2 miles now....I know I lost some fitness during the shoulder recovery, but it's coming back.

This is fantastic sounds like a lot of Ducks doing the 2010 Marathon weekend. I'm so excited to meet so many of you. We will have to plan a meet and greet. Great job as a team evryone is doing so well.
Found my limit this morning. I started C25K a few weeks ago and everything has gone swimmingly until this morning. W4D1. I could not finish the last five minute run. Both my legs and lungs were not up to it. Week four could last a long time ; )

Ronda I wouldn't worry too much about this - you might have just had a bad run, and the next time out could be great! One of the things I've learned in this process is to not get too hung up on how my last run went. Just keep getting in the steps!
Erica You've got me stumped on that one. If I had to guess, I would say something like Chariots of Fire but that is a complete guess.

Rhonda I completely agree with Kira. It was probably just a bad run. Everyone has them from time to time and it can be very deceptive. We feel like we are going backwards when in reality, we are still progressing forwards. Don't let it get you down!

Team You are all doing so fantastic. The numbers, support, interaction, all of it is really awe-inspiring. You all motivate me to try to do more and do better each and everyday!!

Ducks Fly Together!!!!

Bryan:woohoo: :cheer2: :woohoo: :yay:
Just checking in to say hi and tell you my bargain of the week! Yesterday I decided to check on flights for the marathon weekend. I wasn't planning on purchasing but just wanted check and make sure my $250 estimate was a pretty good estimate for the budget. It wasn't!!! I found flights out of KC for $158 round trip! So of course I bought them. Couldn't justify not buying them really!

My knee is feeling kind of funky, not sure if it's runner's knee or not but I am icing and pulling back on the mileage some. I should insert here that this is the same knee that met with an unfortunate skiing accident in Colorado a few years back. Hope this is not a sign of things to come. Fortunately this was a low mileage week anyway so it's not harming my "schedule" anyway!

Augie - Hope you're having a great time skiing this week and come back to us healthy and whole. My son Garrett (he's doing the marathon too) wants to go skiing over Christmas break for a few days! I remember the last ski trip very vividly and considering how close it will be to the marathon weekend my mother's judgement is saying that's not such a good idea!! Riding down the mountain head first on one of the sled thingys behind a rescue skier is not as fun as it looks! Although I did discover I really like vicadin..that's some good stuff! I was one happy girl after the aliens went away! :thumbsup2

Have a great day everyone!
JI found flights out of KC for $158 round trip! So of course I bought them. Couldn't justify not buying them really!

Awesome. Which airline and what are your travel dates? I've looked a little bit and am torn between making it a long weekend or the beginning of something big.

Thanks for the running encouragement everyone. Part of the bummer is waiting to try again. The temptation to go again last night was strong. Baby steps...

Hi every one I am still around just haven't stopped by in awhile. I was supposed to get in a 10 miler this past weekend but couldn't manage it but did get in a 6.1 miler. I also did 2 miles on the TM yesterday at 2.5 incline. I will post my monthly total at the end of the month - I was bad this month and I think I forgot to mark down some of my runs. Oh well.


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