twin pregnancy with iugr: prayers needed


Aug 31, 2007
I seldom post on this site but I lurk several times a day. My DD is expecting twin girls in october..last week at 26wks 4 days she went in for a routine ultra sound. We were told that baby A is perfect and healthy, but baby B is small and had a problem with blood flow thru her cord. Her head and stomach are in the 3% while her body is in the 10%. We are devastated to say the least. Her first pregnancy was very difficult and we almost lost our DGD1. Doctors are not giving us much hope that baby B will survive. Right now she has a strong heartbeat and still moves, so we are praying she will last another few weeks so that they can deliver both babies without causing any harm to baby A. Please pray for 4 - 6 more weeks for our precious baby B.
:grouphug: My thoughts and prayers are with you, your daughter and your future grandchildren. I pray that everything works out as your hope.
Said prayer for you, your daughter & future grandchildren. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers. :grouphug:
I am very sorry to hear that your daughter and whole family are facing such a difficult time. I shall be thinking of you and especially your precious grandchildren.

Big koala cuddles to you all:grouphug:

Thank you for the prayers, we appreciate them more than you can know. Tomorrow we see the perinatologist, keep your fingers crossed that we get better news than we got at the doctors on monday.
Thank you all so much,
As a Nana myself, that got me.. definitely praying for both of them.. Please keep us in the loop... take care all of you..
Hope the perinatologist gives you a much better scenario. Hugs and prayers for all of you.
I'll be saying prayers for your daughter & her babies. I hope the doctors are able to help your family get through these next few months.
Thank you for all your prayers, they must be helping. The news today was very encouraging, While its not a great situation, its not as bad as they made it out to be last week at the hospital. We will have more tests on monday... if they come back the same or hopefully a little better - we wait another week for another round of test. If they come back bad - we deliver mon or tue. that will only be 28 weeks, so not good odds for both babies. But as of today we are feeling optomistic that we will have a good outcome.
Thanks again for listening and praying for us.
I'm so glad there's more encouraging news from the doctor. Continued prayers for your family. I hope the news next week is positive. All the best.
We had another ultra sound today along with ob appt and perinatologist appt today. There is no change in baby b, no better but thank god she is no worse. we will have scans and appts 2x per week till they arrive. The peri feels that baby b will not last more than 4 weeks and that they will probably be delivered in 2 weeks, 3 at the most. so we will be having babies in the next few weeks. Then we start on the long road in the NICU, but we have been thru that before and know what to expect. Thank you for all the support and prayers, they are very much appreciated.
Thanks, Laurie
Just wanted to say I am thinking of your family. Thank goodness your daughter has such a caring mother :)
:grouphug: My little one had IUGR and was born at 38 weeks at only 4pounds. We both went home 3 days later! Today I have a healthy and happy 7 year old today! Wishing your daughter the best. Not sure if this helps but I had high blood pressure before and during (still have it) the pregnancy. I laid on my left said alot. (I guess it bring more oxgen to the baby and was told that would the baby grow.) I also drank the ensure drinks during my pregnancy as well.
My little one also had a two vessal cord and the doctors did not give us much hope so hang in there! You will be in our prayers!
Babies were born today at 29 weeks. Baby b would not have lived much longer.
Willow Gracelynn born at 4:00pm 2 lbs 8 oz. Rowan Evalynn born at 4:01pm 1 lb 3 oz. She is a fighter tho and is doing well. now to wish away the next 8 weeks or so till they are home with us. please continue praying for our little ones.


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