Universal Studios Chat: Volume 5

Selina - you're talking about Guy in Orange #2, not #3 :) But yes, I have many pictures of him...just go to the link I have on the first page of this thread.

And I can't say his name...hehe sorry. :) Not my information to give out...;) Hint: when you go to Universal ask the person from Twister who works there or better yet - ask yourself! hehe
Selina - BTW I have a picture that will REALLY tease you...but if we can meet up at Universal, I'll show you then. :) Hopefully you will be at Universal on a Saturday...? :( But, let me know and I'll try to go...maybe even introduce you to the guy in orange if he's there...

...in one condition: you have to teach me that British accent! :p lol J/K. :)
Hey I just checked out your web site, and I must say I am impressed! It was very easy to look at which is what I like so much about the disboards. I registered, just waiting for my confirmation and password.
Fly Fly-

I'm telling your parents!!!!!! LOL.....

You should be studying at school, not logged onto the disboards!!!! No wonder you passed me on posts!!!! LOL...;)
LOL Spidey! :p Anyway, doesn't matter if you tell my parents...I was bragging about it to my mom when I got home...LOL :)

Anyway, there wasn't really anything for me to do anyway...we can use Yearbook as a study hall if we want, but because all the seniors weren't in class, the computers were open...and with Internet Explorer just calling out to me....how could I resist?? :)
Sure, study hall. Is that what we call it these days???? LOL....

Just teasing you fly fly.

hehe Seriously! It's yearbook, but if we don't have anything better to do, we can do homework or whatever. I even talked to my mom on my cell phone during class (which is usually a HUGE no-no at my school...can only use it during certain times and NOT in class). Actually, my mom had called ME on the cell (she forgot I was in class...LOL).
Oh! I just got a guestbook on my website now!!!!

You all better sign it...or else!!! :teeth:
Hiya....Fly fly.......just been reading all the threads .....sorry to say it's going to be a while before I can get over.......but I'm saving every penny....!:D We'd love to see the GB with you......I do have 2 kids in tow!! .......but they are really great.

Hiya Spidey too! Hope you didn't take offence on the other thread - telling you to "go away"....maybe you should start up a new thread......Private....one for the boys!!!!!;) ;)

Not at all, I was just looking forward to all the thong discussion that never happened..... just kidding. I couldn't resist.:D :D :D :p
LMAO Spidey!!!!

What would your wife say if she saw your posts??? ;) :p

Anyway...Selina...let me know when you do head over to Universal...it's actually better if it's later on before you go...better chance of me getting to meet up with you. :) How old are your kids BTW?
Spidey......what would you like to know about thongs? Does you wife wear them??? I think they are a wonderful invention......a few years ago we had to wear NO knickers to get the slim look with no knickerline!!:smooth: I prefer the silky ones and they have to match everything.........better stop or I'll be censored again!!!!!;) :)

Fly fly.....My children are 9 and 7.....9 year old dd - loves Sailor Moon and has a vast collection and the X-Men & 7 year old ds - loves all things Spiderman, MIB, Star Wars, X-Men, Hulk - IOA boy!
POST EDITED at 1.31 am by Selina.......sorry Spidey...ask fly fly if you want to know what I asked...:) :) :) Decided to take it off!!!
LOL Selina! :p

Anyway, at least I know your dd will like the show (she just won't have the same appreciation as we do!! ;)). Will you be going this year, or not until next year?

BTW - anyone watching 8 Simple Rules right now??? How hysterical! A bit cheesy...but pretty funny. :) I'm glad they are showing John Ritter's last episodes. He's truly the best part!!
God....it' s late....must go to bed........next year..unless I win the lottery.....then next week!!!!!:D
OK Selina, just let me know the dates when they are final...we don't have any official plans for next year, but will definitely have our AP, so we'll be going often! :)
Dark Marauder - cool!! :) So you had dial-up before now? Yuuuuuuck!!!! We finally got cable internet about 4 years ago, I believe...I go crazy if I have to wait 5 seconds for a page to load anymore...LOL. How did I survive with dial up for all these years??? :rolleyes:


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