Unplanned Road Trip ; 15 is Definitely Not My Fav #, Page 26 - WHAT I FINALLY GOT

I knew it would be soon! Hopefully that weather forecast holds.
I hope the weather is good for you to leave here and down in Florida.

Always good to start packing in advance. I usually don't for Florida but will for Italy in September.
kaoden39 said:
I knew it would be soon! Hopefully that weather forecast holds.

You were correct :))

Thank. Praying it does
scottny said:
I hope the weather is good for you to leave here and down in Florida.

Always good to start packing in advance. I usually don't for Florida but will for Italy in September.

Thank you.:)))

Yeah I like to start early so I don't have to rush around at last min.

You will have to do a report on Italy. Would love to hear all about that when you get back:)
My ticker is really annoying me. For some reason it is off by 2 days

10 more Days!!!! Not 12!!

That is all :rotfl:
Ahhhh! You are so close!!!!!!!

I have heard the weather is looking nice in Florida, I hope the bad weather holds off so you don't have flight issues! So exciting, you are almost to single digits! :cool1:
Ahhhh! You are so close!!!!!!!

I have heard the weather is looking nice in Florida, I hope the bad weather holds off so you don't have flight issues! So exciting, you are almost to single digits! :cool1:

Single digits today!!!!

Looking at Weather forecast now for Florida and it looks amazing!!!

84, 83, 82, 76, 77, 76, 76

I can deal with that :dance3:

Now let me look at Philadelphia weather, where we fly out

Feb 5 (departure) 52 with periods of ice.....weird....

Hopefully the temps stay up that high, and ice is later in day
6 days !!!

Trying to stay excited. The weather for our departure day now is 41 with snow, rain and sleet.

Getting nervous. If we get delayed, we will deal with it and adjust plans.

Praying flight gets out and not cancelled.

If everyone could keep their fingers crossed for us, I'd appreciate it :))
I cant stop looking at forecast.

Looks better today...41 and cloudy and bright.

Going to get the final suitcase down from the attic and get some more packing done.

Have my disney music playing and am thinking disney thoughts :)))
I cant stop looking at forecast.

Looks better today...41 and cloudy and bright.

Going to get the final suitcase down from the attic and get some more packing done.

Have my disney music playing and am thinking disney thoughts :)))

What is cloudy and bright? :cloud9:


Now that my mom has returned to her home and I have free time again, figured it is time for an update.

I am guessing you would like to know what we are celebrating as the title states. Well, what we are celebrating involves my DH.

Back In March I believe it was, he and all of his fellow officers got word via text message that they might be losing their jobs. They officially read about it in the paper before their Warden told them:confused3

We spent months going to meetings, protesting at freeholder meetings, passing out pamphlets to neighbors and friends, had a FB page et al. We had to go from March to July 1st, not knowing what was going to happen. It was the most stressful time of our lives and the other officer's lives as well.

Originally, 80 officers were going lose their jobs. After all the fighting and hard work we all put in, only 8 ended up losing their jobs. As of next week, those 8 officers were offered another job in a different county. :goodvibes

While their jobs are not the same anymore, everyone, including my DH and myself are just happy to still have a job.:cool1:

So, this vacation is a celebration of my DH's job being saved. After all the stress we had the past few months, believe me, we need it ::yes::::yes::

So, not a totally boring update, let me post this one pic I have of Trent protesting with us and rest of the families.

I am so behind, I can't remember where I left off so I'm starting here! I'm so glad your hubby got to keep his job! You guys are getting really close to trip time!! :-) What a great celebration it will be. :banana:

I thought we could do something fun here, maybe bring out some lurkers who have not posted yet. I promise I do not bite :upsidedow

Every trip, I try to think of at least one new thing we can do at each park. Sometimes we end up doing those things and sometimes we don't, which is like 75% of the time :rotfl:

I figured we could discuss one park per update and we can each state our favorite ride there and what ride have we never done or have never taken our child, spouse, friend, et al on and plan on doing your next trip.

Lets start with Hollywood Studios or MGM as some prefer, as they do not like change, you know who you are :upsidedow

My absolute favorite ride there is The Great Movie Ride. Yes, it is outdated, yes it is hokey, but there is just something about it, just feels like home to me when I ride it the first time on every trip.

The ride or attraction that I would like to try this time is because of Trent, who has never been on it. He expressed interest in it for the first time this year, so I made him a promise we will take him on it next year. That attraction would be The Magic of Disney Animation.

Who wants to go next?

For my couple of posters who have never been to DW, feel free to chime in with your favorite and your ride to try at DL and DCA. I don't want anyone to feel left out.

The great movie ride is my favorite at MGM (DHS) too! ;) I wanted to do the Magic of Disney Animation this trip but when we finally got over there we were too late and the line was cut off. :headache: Maybe next time!

I thought it was time to do a 2nd park. Hopefully more posters will respond to this than the last one. If not, at least I know I have my faithful regulars :grouphug:

Lets talk about Animal Kingdom this time. I have to be honest here and tell you I am not a huge fan of this park and neither are my hubby or son. It always feel too hot here and the signage here in my opinion is not the best. That is just my two cents :goodvibes

So out of the few rides I do enjoy here, my favorite would have to be the Kilimanjaro Safari Ride. I do enjoy seeing all the animals when they cooperate :goodvibes

One thing we have never seen at this park is The Lion King Show. I look at some of my friend's pics of this show on their Trip Reports and it really looks amazing. Every year I say, we have to make time to see this and we never do :upsidedow This trip, we must change that.

So, what is everyone's favorite ride or show and what one thing have you not tried yet that you would love to try or something that you have experienced, but no one else in your family has, that you like to try with them?


We love Animal Kingdom but YES IT IS HOT!!! My absolute favorite ride is Expedition Everest. I love that DS rides it with us now so we don't have to take turns anymore. :thumbsup2

Ok going to read more.........popcorn::
Hi All. I thought it was time to get to our next park for my Park a day update.

This time we will be discussing Epcot. Epcot is our family's favorite park pixiedust:

My favorite ride at Epcot is definitely this one:

I just love the free feeling during that ride as you are soarin. The smells are awesome as well. :goodvibes

One ride we have never done is Turtle talk with Crush. Trent can be shy and didn't think he'd even want to sit near the tank and try and ask a question to Crush. He is older now, so the chances are better that he might this trip. If not, no biggie, sure other kids questions will make us laugh anyway :rotfl:

Come on everybody, join in please . Please tell us your favorite attraction and what one ride or show you would like to try on your next trip


EPCOT has been my favorite park lately. Maybe because DS is getting older and can enjoy world showcase now just as much as future world. My favorite ride at this park is a mix between Spaceship Earth, Soarin', and Living with the Land. I love all 3 of those equally. :goodvibes DS and I have really had fun with the Agent P missions in World Showcase. The one in the UK is the best in our opinion. There is more hands on tasks. DH doesn't really care for the missions but he enjoys grabbing a beer and being able to take his time looking around at everything in each country without feeling rushed. So it works for all of us. MUCH different from when DS was younger and we felt the need to keep him constantly entertained throughout WS.

Ok something new to try....well, on the last 2 trips we made it a point to see the show in each country that we hadn't before. (China, France, Canada) They are all pretty good! Can't believe we hadn't done that before. :confused3
It is that time again for a Park a Day Update. This will be Magic Kingdom, our final park.

Now I know this may sound strange to some, but my absolute favorite ride at this park is The Carousel of Progress. I know a lot of people use this ride to nap or to cool off, but not this girl. I love this ride, as do my son and dh and we all sing along as we ride along.

The ride that I would like to try this time, both myself and DH have been on, but my son has not. It is the Country Bear Jamboree. Now, I know it is pretty run down and sound is crappy, but I would really like for him to experience it at least once.

So, does anyone else want to share? What is your favorite ride and one ride you would like to try either for the first time or the first time for a family member?

Please Share popcorn::

I think my favorite ride in Magic Kingdom is Pirates of the Caribbean. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is a close 2nd because it is one of DS's new faves and I love hearing him laugh when we all ride it together. The most nostalgic ride that I like is Peter Pan & Carousel of Progress. :goodvibes

Something new that I want to try.....hmmm...there is not much that we haven't done in this park. Maybe play the Keys to the Kingdom game(or whatever it's called) since DS is now starting to read the Kingdom Keepers books. Other than that I can't wait to try the new Dwarf's Mine Train!! Last year we rode Snow White NUMEROUS times to say goodbye. We have BEEN READY for the new one!! :rotfl:
I am so behind, I can't remember where I left off so I'm starting here! I'm so glad your hubby got to keep his job! You guys are getting really close to trip time!! :-) What a great celebration it will be. :banana:

The great movie ride is my favorite at MGM (DHS) too! ;) I wanted to do the Magic of Disney Animation this trip but when we finally got over there we were too late and the line was cut off. :headache: Maybe next time!

We love Animal Kingdom but YES IT IS HOT!!! My absolute favorite ride is Expedition Everest. I love that DS rides it with us now so we don't have to take turns anymore. :thumbsup2

Ok going to read more.........popcorn::

in one hour, we will be at 5 days :cool1:

Thank you. We are ready to celebrate for sure :cheer2:

Really hoping we get to do the animation class. I have not done that since our honeymoon.

Trent said he go on expedition everest a few years ago, but when time came, he chickened out.

EPCOT has been my favorite park lately. Maybe because DS is getting older and can enjoy world showcase now just as much as future world. My favorite ride at this park is a mix between Spaceship Earth, Soarin', and Living with the Land. I love all 3 of those equally. :goodvibes DS and I have really had fun with the Agent P missions in World Showcase. The one in the UK is the best in our opinion. There is more hands on tasks. DH doesn't really care for the missions but he enjoys grabbing a beer and being able to take his time looking around at everything in each country without feeling rushed. So it works for all of us. MUCH different from when DS was younger and we felt the need to keep him constantly entertained throughout WS.

Ok something new to try....well, on the last 2 trips we made it a point to see the show in each country that we hadn't before. (China, France, Canada) They are all pretty good! Can't believe we hadn't done that before. :confused3

Epcot is all of our favorite's park. Love Love Spaceship Earth. Could ride that over and over again. Trent likes to select a different language for fun :rotfl:

Not big fan of missions myself, but we did them once and they were fun.

Really want to check out show in America. I saw preview of it on Youtube. Looks so good :thumbsup2

I think my favorite ride in Magic Kingdom is Pirates of the Caribbean. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is a close 2nd because it is one of DS's new faves and I love hearing him laugh when we all ride it together. The most nostalgic ride that I like is Peter Pan & Carousel of Progress. :goodvibes

Something new that I want to try.....hmmm...there is not much that we haven't done in this park. Maybe play the Keys to the Kingdom game(or whatever it's called) since DS is now starting to read the Kingdom Keepers books. Other than that I can't wait to try the new Dwarf's Mine Train!! Last year we rode Snow White NUMEROUS times to say goodbye. We have BEEN READY for the new one!! :rotfl:

Pirates is great!! Trent loves Big Thunder Mountain too :)

Love Peter Pan too, I can here Peter saying now " Here We Gooooooooo!"

So excited for Mine Train. Bummer we will miss the opening of it, but there is always next year :goodvibes

SO CUTE!!!! Look how much our boys have grown!! :eek:

Thank You.

I can;t believe how little they both were.

Was Looking at pictures of Colby you posted other day and he looks so grown up too.

Our babies are growing up too fast :sad1:
I can't believe our time to leave is almost here :cool1:

I do not count the day we leave, so our countdown is down to 4 days!!!

:cheer2: :dance3::cheer2:

Don't pay attention to my ticker :rotfl:

We are 90% packed. I am doing one large load of laundry tomorrow and then all our clothing will be packed.

We only need to add last minute things like hairbrushes or make up for myself, as I need them day of departure.

Getting so excited!! Trent has 3 days of school left and Steve has 3 days of work left.

Need to hit the bank tomorrow and get our spending money and will take Trent on Monday to cash in our change jar as I said he could have that money for his own spending money :)

When I opened up one of our suitcases, I forgot I had left my Disney stash in there :laughing:

Here is my luggage, I know, exciting stuff :upsidedow

I am sick and tired of all the snow and cold weather and can't wait to be out of here.

Here is a pic from two days ago I believe

To help pass the time, yesterday I watched Snow White and today I watched Little Mermaid. I am thinking tomorrow, maybe I will watch Toy Story

Since tomorrow is Toy Story day, thought I put up an old pic from our first trip back in 2006. Sorry about not using the zoom feature :rotfl:

That is my mom holding Trent and myself. Trent was 2 and half. :love:

Night All :wizard:


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