Unplugged Chit Chat Thread

I've always called 'em Snow Vultures. (Snow can be substituted for hurricane, or anything else you might know is coming). Gotta love 'em - always looks like they NEVER have ANYTHING extra on hand, and exist solely on bread, milk, eggs, sometimes canned soup (the smarter ones, since that does not go bad), and snacks. And I guess the toilet paper they also always buy in jillions of rolls is for all the company they always expect, since they seem to be serving the breakfast items to a busload of their closest friends, based on the purchased quantities. And all with a vacant, desperate "it's all about me and mine - get outta my way" looks in their eyes, while feverishly clawing their purchases from the shelves, lest a single carton of eggs, or loaf of bread, escape their tentacles. It's comical, sad, and upsetting, all at the same time. And for God's sake - do NOT get in THEIR way in the checkout line - THEY are in a RUSH, and are the ONLY ones that have to check out/drive home/have things to do!!

With all that being said, I hope all those in the path(s) of any weather are okay, and stay warm, safe, and dry!

I hope that we don't lose power this time. We lost it for 2 days with Hurricane Matthew and about 3 days with a bad Feb. snow/ice.
I miss my dog, but at least I don't have to fight the elements anymore...until we get a new dog...someday this year or 2.

I think our "maple" syrup might be too old.

I got store brand hot cocoa that DH offered to spike with amaretto (wished that we had Trader Joe's cocoa).

I did get some good deals like Breakstone sour cream 16 oz for 17 cents times 2 after double coupon and 2.... 10ish ounce bags of pb M&Ms for like 1.29 ea after double coupon plus e-coupon. We did buy fresh veggies (had fruit still left from trip to MIL pre-holidays). I have no room to stock up on soups or much eles for a couple of weeks. Our local stores sometimes slow to get stock up when there is week of Super Doubles and storms.
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My company had their holiday party last night and I pulled myself together and went even though I didn't want to. I end up having an awesome time and so many people complemented me on how beautiful I was. I was never the beauty growing up so to hear it from people I see every day but who pretty much don't notice me was something special. One girl even pushed her way across the dance floor to tell me! Makes me wonder if I should actually put myself together more for work but I just really like that extra hour and a half of sleep haha.
I hope that we don't lose power this time. We lost it for 2 days with Hurricane Matthew and about 3 days with a bad Feb. snow/ice.
I miss my dog, but at least I don't have to fight the elements anymore...until we get a new dog...someday this year or 2.

I think our "maple" syrup might be too old.

I got store brand hot cocoa that DH offered to spike with amaretto (wished that we had Trader Joe's cocoa).
I hope you don't either, Belle. Power failure can be the worst - went several WEEKS several times, most notably after Hurricanes Irene and Sandy. Not fun at all.

I'm also hoping another doggie will be in your future. He/she will be blessed to have you as a Mommy, I can feel your pain and love over this last one. When the time is right, and you'e ready, you will. :flower3:
I really not much of a drinker really...despite my choice of a draft ipa beer last month (MIL driving and her opinions)....NYE...now storm drink plans.
We don't have much to do now except cleaning some and have games/movies until he goes to work on Sunday night (hoping for good roads).
I can at least sort of understand the people who go to the supermarket before a storm. The ones that really get me are the ones who rush to the hardware stores to buy a shovel. What did you use the last time it snowed, or the time before that, or before that? I've probably had my main shovel for 15 or more years and I have a couple of others that are older than that. It isn't something I have to replace each season.
I'm good on the emergency chocolate
I got store brand hot cocoa that DH offered to spike with amaretto (wished that we had Trader Joe's cocoa).

Chocolate and amaretto - the essentials! And I'm not really sure how much I'm joking about that!

I think our "maple" syrup might be too old.

Is that even possible? We never use syrup around here....

I've always called 'em Snow Vultures. (Snow can be substituted for hurricane, or anything else you might know is coming). Gotta love 'em - always looks like they NEVER have ANYTHING extra on hand, and exist solely on bread, milk, eggs, sometimes canned soup (the smarter ones, since that does not go bad), and snacks. And I guess the toilet paper they also always buy in jillions of rolls is for all the company they always expect, since they seem to be serving the breakfast items to a busload of their closest friends, based on the purchased quantities. And all with a vacant, desperate "it's all about me and mine - get outta my way" looks in their eyes, while feverishly clawing their purchases from the shelves, lest a single carton of eggs, or loaf of bread, escape their tentacles. It's comical, sad, and upsetting, all at the same time. And for God's sake - do NOT get in THEIR way in the checkout line - THEY are in a RUSH, and are the ONLY ones that have to check out/drive home/have things to do!!

With all that being said, I hope all those in the path(s) of any weather are okay, and stay warm, safe, and dry!

I hate times like this I need to go shopping to get these things on that particular day, but I can't find them because of the run on supplies. I've sat in line an hour for gas because I was running on fumes, but everyone else was there because they thought they wouldn't be able to get gas the next day.
:rolleyes1 Now I can say that I had to reject George Clooney. I kept telling him this afternoon that he is a bit too old and he would break my heart too soon. He was a good looking with touch of silver...

Okay, he was such a :dog2: and keep on wanting my attention. I told him that I was looking for a younger guy, but wish him good luck on finding the right person.

:dogdance: There was another cutie named Pete that was much younger and also wanted attention.

Both are bit over budget for now.
Follow up on last week's storm. I didn't drink, I fell asleep early and didn't want alchol late and I don't drink and do Mixlr chat.

There was some ice that managed to survive at the grocery store (must had been once mounds). I hope for no more icy days this winter. I'm ready for early spring. Friday---I took advantage of low 70s/sunny and hung out for bit on the back porch playing candy crush and stuff.
George Clooney blocked Pete from taking an interest in me...however, Pete and DH had a good connection.

No must have feelings yet.
Bumping this thread because I wanted to post this, but didn't want to start a whole new (unnecessary) thread to do so....

Happy Presidents Day everyone.

A good friend sent me a Disney gift card for my birthday a long time ago, and I just never could find the right opportunity to use it.

So today I get an email saying that all shipping from the Disney Parks website is free today. I go check out what's available, and find a classic Mickey tee in the perfect "goal size" for me. (I've been losing weight and working out, and wanted to get a t-shirt at my "goal size" as an incentive).

The t-shirt, with free shipping, was $14.28.

The amount of the gift card? $15.

I'm headed out for my first-ever Disneyland trip this summer, and I'm specifically gonna wear that shirt the first time I walk through the gates. It's my way of letting my friend be part of the experience, in a roundabout way.

Again, not many people would appreciate this story. But I knew that DIS'ers would.
@KingLlama I love your story! Sounds like the perfect use of the gift card and I'm sure the person who gave it to you would be so happy to know that you are using it in this way. I also am sure they would love knowing you will be wearing it on that day. What a special way to include your friend!

Thanks for sharing this story with us! :)
Bumping this thread because I wanted to post this, but didn't want to start a whole new (unnecessary) thread to do so....

Happy Presidents Day everyone.

A good friend sent me a Disney gift card for my birthday a long time ago, and I just never could find the right opportunity to use it.

So today I get an email saying that all shipping from the Disney Parks website is free today. I go check out what's available, and find a classic Mickey tee in the perfect "goal size" for me. (I've been losing weight and working out, and wanted to get a t-shirt at my "goal size" as an incentive).

The t-shirt, with free shipping, was $14.28.

The amount of the gift card? $15.

I'm headed out for my first-ever Disneyland trip this summer, and I'm specifically gonna wear that shirt the first time I walk through the gates. It's my way of letting my friend be part of the experience, in a roundabout way.

Again, not many people would appreciate this story. But I knew that DIS'ers would.
Awesome job, Llama, sir party:, and thanx so much for sharing it with us, and putting a HUGE smile on my face!!!!
Random cute kid stuff. My DH is taking the older 2 kids for hair cuts. My oldest was very upset. He thought we were leaving his 3 year old brother home alone. He was telling me how mean I was for leaving him home alone. I had to inform him that I am staying home with the 3 year old. Now that I think about it, said 3 year old is going to end up with supervision till he is 25. He is the child who does something, "Just to see what would happen". :lmao:
Random cute kid stuff. My DH is taking the older 2 kids for hair cuts. My oldest was very upset. He thought we were leaving his 3 year old brother home alone. He was telling me how mean I was for leaving him home alone. I had to inform him that I am staying home with the 3 year old. Now that I think about it, said 3 year old is going to end up with supervision till he is 25. He is the child who does something, "Just to see what would happen". :lmao:
Sorry, my favorite kind of kid is one like your 3 y/o, my nephew was like that (too bad he grew up, and developed a personality more like the rest of my family, and forgot I existed, except when he needed something! LOL), and LOVED that precociousness about him! Usually a sign of high intelligence too. Super stressful for Mom (as they push the envelope), but I love kids like that - wish I could come spend the day! :)
Sorry, my favorite kind of kid is one like your 3 y/o, my nephew was like that (too bad he grew up, and developed a personality more like the rest of my family, and forgot I existed, except when he needed something! LOL), and LOVED that precociousness about him! Usually a sign of high intelligence too. Super stressful for Mom (as they push the envelope), but I love kids like that - wish I could come spend the day! :)
I love this kid. He is a lot like me. He just does stuff to see what would happen. Toy cars? Toss them in the toilet to see if he makes it. Once he does, flush them to see where they go. Cost mommy and daddy $300 to fix, "I so sorry mommy" big hugs. Goes outside and rubs mud all over himself to see if it will stick. This kid. Love him though.


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