Update on Sonya


<font color=navy>Can speak and read 4 languages fl
Feb 29, 2000
I am sorry I have not updated you in a few days but things have been really crazy with Sonya trying to recover from the grueling chemo treatments and mixing tests for post treatment . She started physical therapy and we are slowly starting to regain mobility and strength in her leg , she goes twice a week but we may increase that to three times a week soon.
Her scans came back all clear , we are following up with her oncologist this coming monday but I know the results already because I got copies of the reports.
In addition to this she had the hearing test done because I noticed hearing loss from one of the chemo drugs and she has had 30-40% hearing loss and now needs a hearing aid but if she remains in remission for the rest of her life , this is a small price to pay.
The hearing loss is irreversible , it won't get worse but it won't get better either.
She has also started catching up with school she has an absolutely wonderful tutor who has fought for her and gotten the school district to extend her homebound instruction through the summer with the promise that she would get her ready to go into tenth grade next year ( where she should be ) , the school teachers are amazed that all the work that she has done though all this is still in the mid 90's , some teachers have even said that she is doing better than most kids attending the classes !
I am so incredibly proud of this child ......she is overcoming all the obstacles one by one. And I am incredibly proud of my 11 year old as well for stepping up to the situation , I know it was not easy for her to be put in the back burner when Sonya needed care but she never complained or acted up , instead she showed herself incredibly responsible. My husband was with her for the most part but at times he was at work and she would have to get herself ready for school while I was in the hospital with Sonya , scary as heck for me to think that she was home alone but there was nothing else we could do , let me tell you that cell phone came really handy as much as I hated having to give her one then.
So now we are trying to fall into some sort of normalcy but it's just not the same normal as before.
So now we are trying to fall into some sort of normalcy but it's just not the same normal as before.

ahhh yes, we know that feeling well after my grandson's illness.
We call it "the new normal".
You do end up finding the blessings amid all the tumoil and fear ....everyone in the family, even young ones, seem to rise to the challenges it poses for the whole family.

I'm glad to hear Sonya is doing so well. I keep your family in my thoughts all the time!! :grouphug:
:angel: Can't say I relate to you and your family's challenges, but when I read your post it touched my heart. I truely hope and pray for the best for Sonya's recovery and health! She sounds like a remarkabe child. So glad to hear that your family has found strength and love to help each other through the toughest of times. :hug:
I am so glad you updated Kanga... Sonya remained in my prayers and good thoughts. I love those words the scan is clear...and we pray to hear those words each time Tom goes for a scan. One time, Tom's doctor said to Tom, you will know before we do if the cancer is back. Living with that daily is not easy for sure..

Anyway, I was saddened to read about the hearing loss, but if she is cancerfree, I know any of us would take that trade-off. Hugs to you all, it has been a long road for all of you with her... Take care of yourselves and I cannot wait to see pictures from your trip with Wishes.. think I will send them another donation.. They do good stuff..

Stay strong....and lots of praise and admiration for a family that has been through what you all have been through. Sonya, you are one brave girl.....big hugs to you.
I'm so very happy to hear that Sonya is doing well. That is sad about the hearing loss, but you are very right when you say it's a small price if she can remain in remission. And it's wonderful that she will be able to return to her normal grade level. Your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Hope all continues to go well. :hug:
I am so pleased to read this update..:grouphug: I will keep you continously in my thoughts and prayers.:grouphug:
This bought tears to my eyes. You and all your family are in my thoughts my friend, and Simon also asks for updates. So glad to hear your positive news.


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