Update: Pray for Dom- Dom has passed, His Services, Thank You- Page 48 post 949

Please don't feel guilty. The emotions you are feeling are perfectly normal :hug:. I can feel the love pour out of the screen from your photos and what you write and I know that what you are feeling comes from a place of love.
I've been following Dom's story and it is heartbreaking.Drugs are just awful. I pray he has no further setbacks and can get the hyperbaric treatments. I know his family is praying for a miracle, I know the Disers are too. He is lucky to have a loving family support him now, as hard as it is to deal with.
Thank you for sharing all your pictures. Continued prayers for Dom and all his loved ones :grouphug:
Good Sunday Morning, DIS friends! I'm back with a Dom update! I went to see Dom yesterday, and gave him a much needed haircut. He's doing well, no medical issues recently, other than a little breakdown on his bottom due to not being placed appropriately in his chair last week by a staff member at his facility who didn't know what she was doing. It doesn't take long for a pressure ulcer to start forming. It's so important that people like Dom, who are immobile and can't reposition themselves, are taken care of by experienced staff. For the time being Dom is only allowed in his chair for about 3 hours per day, and he's being turned every 2 hours while in bed to facilitate healing of the skin breakdown.

Finally, Dom is going to be starting his hyberbaric oxygen chamber treatments next week, which will also help his skin to heal more quickly. He'll be going three times a week for the time being. Unfortunately, the treatment center where he was originally evaluated, in Cherry Hill, NJ, which is about a 20 minute drive from Dom's facility, didn't have an appropriate type chamber for him to use safely, so that delayed the start of the treatments. Dom will now be traveling to Langhorne, PA, which will be about a 45 minute drive if traffic isn't bad, for his treatments, where they have a full size chamber, and his mom can even go in it with him! Apparently, the Cherry Hill facility had a blow up type of chamber, and there was no way to get Dom safely into it. I don't understand why they didn't realize this before he went for his first treatment a few weeks ago. Such a waste of time and energy for Patty, the transport team, as well as Dom. Then Patty had to search for another treatment center, make an appointment, take Dom for another evaluation, and now, finally, he has his treatment schedule set up. HBOT has been shown in clinical data to help decrease inflammation and reintroduce oxygen and blood flow to affected areas, including affected regions in the brain. We're hopeful Dom will benefit from these treatments. Dom is going to need a lot of HBOT for a long time, so I'm sure there will be more fundraisers and benefits for him.

Patty is still waiting on the judge's decision regarding whether the insurance company will have to continue to pay for Dom's PT/OT. It seems like it's taking forever, but the longer it's delayed, the better it is for Dom. I know Patty is thinking about bringing him home if Dom loses his case. She's keeping all options open. Since Patty is a teacher's aide full time, she's had the summer off from school, and has been with Dom almost every single day. Her part time job is as a server for a country club, and she does that usually on the weekends. I really don't know how she does it all. She is the most positive, hopeful, cheerful person I've ever known. My brother, sadly, is still not doing well dealing with what has happened to Dom. He has only come back for a short visit once in the past 15 months. He was here in May of 2017, and then February of this year. When he's here, he stays with my son, and his visit is for about 5 days, and he sees Dom for a few hours each day. When he calls my son it is basically to say hi and talk about anything but Dom. It's tragic.

I found a very interesting article from the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, titled "Late Treatment of Severe Brain Injury with Hyperbaric Oxygenation". It shows case studies where it has worked for people like Dom, with a severe anoxic brain injury. Miracles do happen.

Dom was super sleepy yesterday. He had been started on Ambien a few months ago in hopes it would "wake him up", as in rare cases it had the opposite effect of it's normal use on brain injury patients. When he was hospitalized for his kidney stones he had been taken off of it, and then recently started on it again. It seems like it's sedating him, as Patty said he's been more tired than usual, so she's asking for it to be discontinued, as we really didn't notice any difference in him after it was initially started.

My son, Joe, letting Dom listen to the theme music from Halo, Destiny & Star Wars, as well as showing him clips on YouTube, hoping to spark some kind of recognition/response.

Hi Teresa, hoping and praying for you all this morning. Asking for strength for your family! Hang in there sweet lady, you are an amazing aunt and Patty an amazing mom. Hugs to you all. Are you still doing the oils?
Thanks for the update, Theresa. It does look to me like's attending to the video. Best of luck with the oxygen!
Thank you, Theresa, for always keeping us updated and as I have said all along, allowing us to support all of you. I continue to check in on these boards because of Dom. Love, prayers, and always know Jesus is with you and for sure He is with Dom. God Bless you all.
Thank you for the update Theresa! I am praying for positive results from teh oxygen treatments. I am a firm believer in miracles and am so hopeful Dom will be granted his. Stay strong, and know you and your family are supported in prayer and positive energy.
Thanks for sharing the update, Teresa. Always good to see a Dom update. In the pictures, he looks so 'normal', not thin and like one might expect from being in his condition for so long. Family and all you advocates for him are making such a difference. God bless. As you said, Teresa, miracles do happen, we know that.

Dom, you and all the family are in my prayers.
Sending healing vibes his way. In reading your driving descriptions I’m thinking I might live near them. I’m in Hunterdon County. If there is anything I can do please let me know
Does Dom have any enjoyment yet, like does he have some tv programs he likes, or have any favorite songs


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