USF beat IOA by 1.7 million visitors in 2001


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Apr 25, 2000
According to figures from "Amusement Business" (as quoted by CNN), USF had 7.2 million visitors in 2001, compared to 5.5 million for IOA.

Hmmm. Can this be accurate? I would have guessed that IOA would have been the more popular park. I wonder what accounts for the difference? Any thoughts?

The other thing to note in the figures is that ALL of the top ten parks showed drops in attendance from 2000.

Here's the link:
Kelly, do you think it could have been the special events that go on in Studios like Mardi Gras, HHN, and so forth. these events do not occur in IOA and they do draw a lot of people. :confused:
Originally posted by MIB999999
Kelly, do you think it could have been the special events that go on in Studios like Mardi Gras, HHN, and so forth.

I hadn't thought of that, but it sounds logical. Maybe one of the insiders will weigh in and enlighten us.
Yea, wow...that IS weird! I would think the special events would play a big part in that too...but sheesh...almost 2 million more guests at the studios...that's wild! IOA always seems to be much busier...

I still think alot of the day guests end up choosing the Studios when they have just one day...So many people still don't seem to know about IOA (non-locals)...and alot of those guests with young kids end up having to choose and go with the Studios.

It will be interesting with the great annual pass deals etc. to see what next year brings...I think they should offer passes like the 7 day unlimited pass more often too...keep the people coming back!

The Studios show a higher average attendance than IOA, which has spikes both ways and relies strongly on weekends during the year. USF holds steady and events are well-attended. Can't qualify the numbers indicated, though. Attendance figures are classified information and are never revealed publicly, anywhere, anytime.
so either these numbers are pulled out of SHREK's donkey or they have spies at the turnstyles each day doing a head count????:cool:
I just brought an annual pass to US/IOA. I have been to US 3 times, I have not been to IOA once. I don't think I like rollercoaster - so what else is there to do at IOA?
There are really only 3 (4 if you can the 2 in Dragons) coasters at IOA out of the dozen or so rides. I would at least walk over there once and take a look. You might be impressed! :)
IOA is still a NEW Theme Park and although all of us know of IOA, the rest of the world isn't in on our little secret, Yet.
Prior to IOA's opening, USF's attendance was quite respectable and I think that people our still attracted "off-property" by the unimaginable idea;) that there are other things to do in Orlando that are non-disney. Believe it or not, the reality of travel to Orlando is that the Mouse IS still the main reason why worldwide guests come to Orlando and anything "off-property" is still secondary. But as word of mouth increases, people who spend their hard earned money will come to realize that while they have had many fond memories at WDW their money and time can be spent elsewhere(ie.Universal Orlando Resort) and they will get the value that we have come to realize.
I wonder if the statistics are based off of $$$ collected verss actual turnstlye numbers of people entering the parks....

If it is based on revune,
1) Bookkeeping wise, annual passes and such could be cunted as USF bottom line instead of IOA.
2) If Annual Passes only count once, and 60% of folks buy their FLA Annual Pass at USF and 40% buy their FLA Annual Pass at IOA.... it could account for the descrepancy.... regardless f if the Annual Pass fold hit IOA 4 times, for every time they hit USF.

Just some thoughts on how the numbers could buck what most of us are thinking....
Originally posted by MIB999999
so either these numbers are pulled out of SHREK's donkey or they have spies at the turnstyles each day doing a head count????

"Amusement Business" is the "bible" of the industry. My understanding is that their numbers come from "well placed sources speaking on condition of anonymity." Y'know, the usual journalistic mumbo-jumbo. But I think most people in the industry recognize their numbers as being pretty close to accurate.
I was surprised at the low numbers for IOA. Especially, compared to the regional parks if far outclasses. IOA drawing 5.5 million over 12 months, while a SFGA or Cedar Point draws about 3 million in 5 months. Go figure? I assume with annual passes, gate counts can be very mis-leading. Are these numbers intended to be implied attendance (gate receipts divided by admission price) or actual turnstile counts??


Last month, while at US, we ran into some some people we knew. We asked about their plans. They were at the end of their trip and had decided to spend a day outside of Disney. We discovered they had almost no knowledge of IOA, and were surprised when we described it to them. If this is happening a lot, maybe they should promote a one-day park hopper and provide some incentive for people who only know US to hop over to IOA just for a peak. A meal discount, or keep IOA open a little later in the day. I can't see how anyone who might get a brief look would walk away not thinking they must be missing out on a lot and plan on budgeting at least a day for IOA on their next trip.

On another board, far, far, away these same numbers are being used to defend criticisms of Disney's Animal Kingdon and recent cut-backs. The rallying cry is look how far behind IOA is, and year-to-year US seems to have been hit even harder by 9-11. No trying to start an argument, only that many of us feel the AK needs to add another major land/attraction to correct it's attendance woes (compared to the other Disney parks).

We all know that Vivendi has been cautious (kind word, eh) when it comes to investing in the parks, but at some point don't they need to take the plunge. Take the chance that installing that new killer attraction with a very focused marketing campaign will really boost IOA's gate count.
Take the chance that installing that new killer attraction with a very focused marketing campaign will really boost IOA's gate count.

If I'm following you right...are you suggesting that IOA needs to add a "new killer attraction"? thoughts are, they already HAVE plenty of "new" killer attractions (I mean, they are only a little less than 3 years young, after all!) :rolleyes: I DO think that maybe they need a wider marketing campaign...I mean, they advertise plenty here in FL, but in MA, where I moved from...very few people I spoke to who were travelling to Orlando, knew anything at all about IOA...of course, they knew about the Studios though...

I think it's the recognition of the Studios that is causing the guests to choose...and they go with what they consider "tried and true". I also agree that Universal should offer day guests the ability to hop into IOA and see it...because hearing about it, and experiencing it are two different things! Day visitors are being forced to choose...They HAVE gotten better with ticket deals and multi-day hoppers tho.
They've had the survey-takers out lately, and I am willing to bet, when the demographic polls are looked at, they'll see more guests at IOA are "locals" and more of the studio guests are the ones visiting from other states/countries.

IOA has become my favorite places to hang out...and very often, I don't even get a chance to go on many of the rides...I just love being there! :)

Pat O'Brien's great ride is the Hurricane. I had two of those and I had a pretty good buzz. I think I crawled back to HRH.

The moral is: never again drink a Hurricane! :)
When IOA first opened, Universal and Rank projected 16 million in total annualized attendance at the resort -- 9 million at USF and 7 million at IOA. So, it looks like it's been understood that USF will continue to draw the bigger crowds.

If you look at Disney's parks is it mere coincidence that the attendance is highest at the oldest parks, rolling all the way down? It's tradition.

As regulars it's easy to favor IOA over USF because the thrill elements give the park offerings more to do in repeat visits. But if you just flew in from the U.K. and you see a park with thrill rides, turned up a notch but fewer in number than you would in, say Alton or Blackpool back home, and you see a park devoted to one of America's strong suits -- movies -- with rides based around some of the biggest films ever made -- you might go for what would be the more unique experience.

Orlando is an anomaly in having two movie studio parks and only one park that has more than a token thrill ride or two. So while a movie studio park might be run-of-the-mill to locals it stands out to foreign visitors.

Originally posted by MsDisney

That would all depend on who you're CAN be! :D


Does express work for this one do you just have to do it the slow way????:smooth:
Does express work for this one do you just have to do it the slow way????

I had to ponder this question for a few minutes...:D

It seems to me that "stand-by" would not be the way to go:rolleyes: ....and EXPRESS would be just wrong, for several reasons ;)...

I think the ONLY way to go here would be with the VIP tour!!!:eek: :D :eek:

And don't even consider doing the single riders on THIS one... :smooth:

Karen :D


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