Val's Journal (comments welcome)

Hi Hot Momma,

Sorry to hear that you missed your concert. You did the right thing though. I will pray that your nausea subsides soon. Don't worry too much about the exercise. You need to take it easy until you feel better.
Val, I can't believe I missed the big news! Warm congratulations on your new little one!! Pregnancy is such a magical time - I hope the sickness subsides soon so you can enjoy it!

I'm glad to hear your trip went well. I bet DS had a great time. I just love to see the little kids with their faces all lit up with a huge smile and that twinkle in their eyes!

I hope you're feeling better today! Make sure you get plenty of rest!
Oh Val. :hug: I am sorry you weren't feeling well enough to go to the concert. :( I am guessing from your signature, Clay is definitely a favorite, so I am sorry you missed him. Your body is thanking you though, for listening so carefully and doing what you needed to go!

I hope you have a good visit on Tuesday. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a girl. My pregnancies were exact oppposites with my two! Take care of you!
Hi all,
My computer is acting up again and I am lucky if I can log on for 5 minutes and then it kicks me off :badpc: . Sorry I haven't been to journals but by the time I get through my emails it's usually acting up. I'm thinking of all of you and sending positive wishes your way.

I had an appointment with my midwife yesterday and got to see an itsy bitsy baby with a little fluttering heartbeat on the ultrasound. It was so neat ::yes:: . She said all looks good. I still don't know what that pain was about but at least it's pretty much gone and only acts up when I'm overdoing.

The midwife told me I should try eating something small every two hours to help with the morning sickness. I tried it today and it really has helped make it more manageable. I've lost about 5 pounds in the past few weeks due to feeling so sick. I'm hoping my overall gain isn't too much because I still haven't lost the weight from ds yet :blush: .

That's all for me right now. I'm hoping to catch up on journals tomorrow :wave: .
Hi Val,

I'm glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better. Isn't exciting to hear/see that heartbeat. I'm so excited for you. Don't worry about weight right now. Focus on nourishing your body with healthy food.

Take care,
How exciting for you. Isn't it :love: at first sight when you see that first ultrasound? Take care of yourself.
Hi Val,
I'm new to the WISH journals and just stopped by to get to know you :)
Congratulations on your pregnancy. My second one was horrible for nausea, too. I didn't have morning sickness, I had ALL DAY sickness. I ate saltines and sipped ginger ale-- it helped a bit. Good luck! Take real good care of yourself :)

Hi Val!

I'm sorry that you have been feeling nauseous. With Emily, I had all day sickness every day for about 4 weeks. With Caley, I only had a few days of morning sickness. Just remember that this will subside soon and if not, they can prescribe medication for it.

Have a wonderful weekend and take good care of you! :hug:

Tracy :wave:
:wave: Hi everyone! Thanks for checking in on me.

I apoligize for not getting to journals as much as I should. I have had one heck of a migraine for the past couple of days which has made me avoid the computer. Plus, we still aren't ready for Christmas :earseek: . So I have been doing my best to get things ready for that even though I'm still feeling terribly nausous.

Today I really need to get some stuff wrapped for Christmas.
We need to go out and finish the last of the shopping tomorrow. Plus, I need to make breads for the neighbors today. It will get done, I just wish I felt better so I had the energy to look forward to doing it rather than dreading it. I love Christmas and Christmas time, really I do :D .

I still plan on writing a trip report (visiting Tracy's journal gave me some inspiration to get going on that) but it will probably need to wait until after Christmas. That's all for now :wave: .
ooooh ouch! I remember migraines along with all day sickness with DS. He was born June 10th. I remember the Thanksgiving/Christmas season during that pregnancy was very difficult. I wanted to enjoy all the preparations but had such a hard time. I really feel for you! But it DOES PASS!!!!! Just listen to your body and adjust your preps as necessary and you'll have a wonderful holiday time!!!!!

Hey Val! Here is some healing :wizard: for your migraine and some for your morning sickness too!! :wizard: :wizard:

I have had an extreme headache and nausea last week as well and I am DEFINITELY not pregnant! :earboy2: There is some sort of bug going around with nausea and headache, so maybe that is all it was???!!! :rolleyes: Anyhow, I hope you are feeling much better.

Take it easy this week Val. Don't worry if you can't do everything that you usually do. DS won't remember if you don't make as many cookies or whatever this year. Just enjoy the holidays, do some fun stuff and sit back and soak it all up!!!!! Next year you can go all out. Take good care of you this year.

Thanks for stopping by my journal and checking up on me. It really means so much to me. You guys on this journal board are absolutely the BEST! :grouphug:

Hi Val,

I'm sorry to hear that you are having migraines. You should definately avoid the computer until it passes. I'm sending:wizard: :wizard: that you feel better soon.

take care of yourself,
Hey Val Gal,

I'm so sorry to hear that you are having migraines. On top of the morning sickness, that can't be any fun at all. :( I am sending prayers and :wizard: your way.

I saw Clay on the Today show. He has such a wonderful voice! :cool:

Take good care of you, Val! :hug:

Tracy :wave:
Just popping in to WISH you a Merry Christmas Val! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!!!

Here is some healing :wizard: for your headaches! Take good care of yourself!!!

Hi Val!
Just think... this time next year, you will have a new family member to share your Christmas season with! Exciting to think about it!! :teeth:
Wishing you and yours a blessed and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Merry Christmas, Val!

God's best to you today and every day as you await the arrival of your second child. Have a wonderful holiday, my friend!

Tracy :wave:
:wave: Hi all,
Sorry I have been gone for so long! My computer is still acting up and I have just been so busy that I haven't had time to deal with it. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I thought of all of you often this past week.

I'm doing all right. Still sick, still tired but at least I'm used to it now :smooth: . We got some sad news that my grandmother passed away today. She was 91 and very sick toward the end. I know she's in a better place. She was a wonderful lady, though. Had her mind until the end which I think was a blessing.

I hope to catch up with journals at some point today (as long as the computer holds out). I have been lurking from time to time even when I'm not posting.
Oh Val,
I am sorry to hear about your grandmother. Take care of you and yours. Glad to hear things are going well with your pregnancy! (that's what tired and sick means, right? ;) )
:hug: Val,

I am sorry to hear about your grandmother. I will pray for her and your family.

I hope you are feeling better soon. Hopefully, the 2nd trimester will find you glowing.

Have a good evening,


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