Victoria and Albert's Review

FSU Girl

DIS Veteran
Oct 20, 2016
I love reading all these reviews, they have helped me make decisions on different restaurants to try and get to relive awesome Disney memories (I am a total Disney fanatic). So I thought I'd share my experience at Victoria and Albert's since I haven't seen too many reviews on this restaurant.

This restaurant is hands down my new favorite place, I love food and they go above and beyond here.

Victoria and Albert's is probably the most expensive meal I've ever eaten in my life. It's not somewhere most people can go to over and over, but I definitely think it should be experienced at least once. It is located in the beautiful Grand Floridian Hotel on the second floor.


I talked my boyfriend into going here back in September 2016. It was our first week long vacation together as boyfriend/girlfriend and I had wanted to it be a magical experience (which it was::yes::) We only planned this trip about a month out so almost every hard to get restaurant was unavailable. I spent practically every waking moment checking the Disney website for reservations. I was able to get Be Our Guest for Dinner and California Grill - these were found at 3am in the middle of the week when I couldn't sleep. Victoria and Albert's seemed impossible to get. Nothing ever showed up on the website, but I decided to play around with the number of people and when I changed the reservation from 2 to 4 something showed up. Two weeks out I called and asked if I could have that table - they said no :guilty:. So I went back to checking the site like a crazy person. Well, that res for 4 never went away. It was now a week away from our trip so I tried calling again. I pleaded and begged, told them I had been watching this reservation endlessly and it was still there. The guy on the phone took pity on me and agreed to give me the reservation! I have never been happier I was jumping for joy at work:worship:

Fast forward a week and we arrived at Disney World! I live in South Florida so it was a quick 3 hour drive to get there. I had gotten the reservation for our arrival day. After getting stuck in traffic and having to leave the highway due to a closure that sent me in a panic we made it! Checked into Bay Lake Towers and started getting ready.

The dress code here is strictly enforced. Men must wear dress shoes and a jacket, tie is optional. Women have to wear either a dress or nice pant suit. I opted for the dress. A quick ride on the monorail we arrived at the Grand Floridian.



These doors only open for those with a reservation. I felt extra special being allowed inside. (and very sad a few days later when we went back to visit and couldn't go inside)



I believe they are the only 5 diamond rated restaurant in Florida, but not entirely sure does anyone know?

We were seated at a table near the front of the restaurant. I quickly snapped a picture of the plate before it was taken away.


We had two people waiting on us this evening. They were both very knowledge about the food and very attentive the entire meal.


You are given two choices on what you would like to eat, either the 7 course meal ($185 a person) or the 10 course ($210 a person). I preferred the options on the 7 course so we went with that one. The one thing I like about the 7 course is you have options for each course, whereas the 10 course is fixed, but you can exchange one item for something on the 7 course if you liked.

The meal starts with an amuse-bouche (it is a surprise and different every night). Tonight it was Sea Bass.



On the table they have Himalayan pink salt.

For the next course I had asked if I could modify the menu. There was an octopus item that looked good, but I HATE tomatoes. The waiter went back to speak with the chef and see what could be done. The chef decided to make me a meal completely unique and never done before just for me.


It was the best octopus I have ever had. Possibly my favorite meal of the night.


The next course was Popcorn Crusted Diver Scallop, Panisse and Blood Orange. This was served hot and was very delicious.


My boyfriend had the King Salmon with Compressed melon. He said it was very good.

I forgot to take a picture of the next course. I ordered the rabbit. It was good, but I felt bad about eating a bunny.


The main course both me and my boyfriend ordered the Australian Kobe-stle Beef with Bordelaise Sauce. It was delicious, cooked to order. On the side is bone marrow inside a mash potato shell. I have never had this before, never thought I'd like this, but loved it! The cute mini carrots were adorable too.

For a pallet cleanser they offered either cheese or sorbet. I opted for the cheese. They brought over a cart with all the cheeses and told us the history of each. Then carved them onto a plate.

It was finally time for dessert. I ordered the Hawaiian Kona Chocolate Soufflé

It was AMAZING!!

After all this we were pretty stuffed. They offer you chocolate truffles. I asked if we could take them to go and they boxed them up along with a fruitcake.


A woman played the harp throughout the entire meal. It was pretty quiet in here except for that music. The table next to us had a child of 10 (youngest allowed here) and she was very well behaved.

They give women a single red rose as a souvenir

So there you have my review of Victoria and Albert's. I hope you enjoyed it :)
Thank you so much for your review! Gorgeous pics & great commentary. I don't when I will have a chance to dine at V&A but what a wonderful treat to have an intimate sneak peek at such an incredible dining experience. Wonderfully well done & very much appreciated! pixiedust:
Thank you so much for your review! Gorgeous pics & great commentary. I don't when I will have a chance to dine at V&A but what a wonderful treat to have an intimate sneak peek at such an incredible dining experience. Wonderfully well done & very much appreciated! pixiedust:
I love when people enjoy reading my reviews :) It was an amazing meal I was happy to share the experience.
My husband and I enjoyed dinner there in 2012, for our belated 10th anniversary (after our 11th!). We dream about going back. It was phenomenal and worth every penny, in our minds. I'm glad you thought so, too!
My husband and I enjoyed dinner there in 2012, for our belated 10th anniversary (after our 11th!). We dream about going back. It was phenomenal and worth every penny, in our minds. I'm glad you thought so, too!
I definitely agree with you, worth every penny. Was your meal very different from mine? I've read that they change the menu daily, but online it seems to remain the same. I'm curious since I'm going back there in May.
I definitely agree with you, worth every penny. Was your meal very different from mine? I've read that they change the menu daily, but online it seems to remain the same. I'm curious since I'm going back there in May.

I just happen to have my menu! My husband and I ordered so that we could have a taste of the other's choice. My standouts were the...

Roasted Beet Carpaccio with Gulf Shrimp and Miniature Greens. I hated beets and still shudder at the thought of the canned ones, but this dish was fantastic.
Diver Scallop, Maine Mussel and Lobster Copping with Fennel Nage
Poulet Rouge "Oscar" with Alaskan King Crab and California Asparagus. I order whole chickens from the same source, now, because they actually have flavor!

DH's favorites were
Roasted Long Island Duck with Pomegranate, Pistachios, and Hearts of Palm
Roasted Quail with Parsnip Purée and Fig Gastrique
Australian Kobe-Style Tenderloin with Smoked Garlic-Potato Purée. This was our only choice that carried an up-charge except for our wine pairings.

I'm trying to upload a photo of the menu but the file is too large from my phone and photobucket is being difficult.

I just happen to have my menu! My husband and I ordered so that we could have a taste of the other's choice. My standouts were the...

Roasted Beet Carpaccio with Gulf Shrimp and Miniature Greens. I hated beets and still shudder at the thought of the canned ones, but this dish was fantastic.
Diver Scallop, Maine Mussel and Lobster Copping with Fennel Nage
Poulet Rouge "Oscar" with Alaskan King Crab and California Asparagus. I order whole chickens from the same source, now, because they actually have flavor!

DH's favorites were
Roasted Long Island Duck with Pomegranate, Pistachios, and Hearts of Palm
Roasted Quail with Parsnip Purée and Fig Gastrique
Australian Kobe-Style Tenderloin with Smoked Garlic-Potato Purée. This was our only choice that carried an up-charge except for our wine pairings.

I'm trying to upload a photo of the menu but the file is too large from my phone and photobucket is being difficult.

That looks great! Thank you for posting this. :)
Really enjoyed your review! The one and only time we ate here was back in April 2000, when we went to WDW on our honeymoon! I think it's time we went back, lol!
LOVE the review! Nice pictures too!
We dined at V&A back in 2002 (anniversary/valentines celebration). Back then we got to keep our menus-I still have mine in a very nice folder. 15 years later it is still one of the most memorable meals we've ever had-and we have had some pretty incredible meals since.
This experience is worth every penny!
Really enjoyed your review! The one and only time we ate here was back in April 2000, when we went to WDW on our honeymoon! I think it's time we went back, lol!
Definitely time to go back! I'm going back in May for my birthday I'm really excited :)
LOVE the review! Nice pictures too!
We dined at V&A back in 2002 (anniversary/valentines celebration). Back then we got to keep our menus-I still have mine in a very nice folder. 15 years later it is still one of the most memorable meals we've ever had-and we have had some pretty incredible meals since.
This experience is worth every penny!
They still give you the personalized menus to take home. I have mine at home, I didn't take a picture of that one.


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