Visiting the Fishies with a Surprise Ending-Sea World TR-COMPLETE


DIS Veteran
Apr 23, 2010
First off we had a great time, rain and all. It rained off and on (mostly off) on Friday, but I had a rain cover for ds' stroller, a poncho for myself, a rain jacket for dd (made of poncho material).

I will start with Travel Day and the Big Reveal

I worked until 1:00. When I left work, I rearranged some stuff in the bags and got on the road. I stopped at my bank to get spending money and a money order for a bill I needed to mail. Good thing I listened to that voice that said to pack the van the day before. I barely got to the school and daycare by 2:00.

I went to get dd first. They called her to the office and when she saw me she ran to me. It surprised me but she had no questions about why I was there early. I thought for sure that would be the first thing she said, but I’m not sure she knew what time it was. She had to know it was before afternoon snack though.

As we walked to the van, I told her I thought we could do something fun for fall break. She said "I know it's only 4 days, but I really wanted to go on vacation." I said, "You know…me too. We should do something." Then she got curious. "What can we do?" I told her I did plan something. I opened her door and as she got in, I told her when she shut her door there would be a sign telling her where she was going. Her eyes widened and she got a nervous smile. "Really?" "Yes, really." She hesitated. I got in my seat and faced her. She finally closed the door and saw this:


She squealed…it was a really long squeal too. Then she said "Oh my gosh!" about 4 times and leaned back and put her hand over her mouth. I was laughing so much I didn't get a picture until she sat up and smiled.

I drove up to the other end of the parking lot to get ds. He was sitting in a little chair, but got up as soon as he saw me. They had him ready to go as I requested, so after I got his things we were out of there. The drive to the airport was as I expected. Dd asked some questions: how long will we be gone? Until Sunday. Will we see Shamu? Yep. Will we see dolphins? Yep. Can I sit by the window on the plane? Nope, the car seat has to go by the window, it's a rule.

When we approached the airport, a sign caught my eye. Daily parking FULL, use Park and Ride 3 and 4. :scared:

In all my flights where I have driven to the airport, I have always used the daily lot. The deck is across from the terminal so I could walk to my car. I waited to see the sign again before I finally made my way back out to the park and ride lots. I was strategizing in my mind as I drove. I remembered having to take a shuttle some years ago when traveling with dd. I'd rented a car and the rental counter was a shuttle ride from the terminal, so I had to take it when we arrived to pick up the car and after we returned the car to go back home. It will be okay…I'll just use the same strategy. Dd will push ds. I'll let her get on the bus, then I'll load the luggage, let ds out of the stroller and get on.

But the bus was already there when we parked. It was actually there when we entered the parking lot. I had not researched this method, so I didn't know how long he might sit there and if the bus left, I had no idea when it would return. I decided not to unfold the stroller. I had dd pull the stroller folded. I put the car seat on my back, connected the suitcases and grabbed the handle, leashed ds, and carried my backpack by the handle. It was a short walk, but it was a bit of a struggle as the walk was up a hill and ds wanted to play more than walk. If I had it to do over, I'd just unfold the stroller and have him pushed to the bus, then refold it. I admit I was a bit frazzled by this. I told myself I was never flying at this time of day again. Once we got there, I was confident he would not drive off. I sent dd on the bus, sent ds to her and the driver helped me put everything on.

Once we were on, I took some deep breaths. It was still just 2:45 when we got on the shuttle, so I'd still get inside the terminal by 3:00 (2 hours before flight time) like I wanted. There was some other people on the shuttle who along with us were thrown off by the full daily lot. Only they didn't do the "2 hour" thing and were really nervous about making their 3:30 flight. There was a lady traveling solo and a couple. The lady said she had always been fine coming to the airport an hour before he flight and the couple nodded "us too." They were flying an airline in the other terminal, so when we got off at the first stop, it was the last I saw of them. It took us until 3:30 to get through security and get upstairs so I wondered what happened with them.

When we got to the terminal, we were let out directly across from the part of the building where Southwest passengers check in. I noticed something. If I'd done terminal parking we would have had a longer walk because the Southwest ticket counter is down a very long hallway. So either you walk down a long sidewalk to get yourself directly in front of the Southwest entrance or you walk directly across to get inside and walk down a very long hallway to get to the SW counter. I took the stroller and ds out first, put him in the stroller and had dd stand with him while I gathered our things. I'm glad that happened. Overall it was a pretty good experience. It is also $6/day as opposed to the $10/day terminal parking costs. I'm thinking it can only go better if I go in knowing I'll use it, so I'm considering using it for our next trip. Next trip is 10 days so we're talking $60 instead of $100. I probably would not have used it had I not been forced to though. Once I'd gathered our things, dd took over stroller duties and we crossed a little street and were in line to check our bags in about 2 minutes.

I remember posting that I took some stuff out of the large suitcase and brought along an 18 inch upright. Big bag weighed in at 45lbs. That turned out to be a good decision. Check in was uneventful and we were on our way to security. Someone had told me children 12 and under are no longer required to remove their shoes and it turned out to still be in effect. I'd already taken ds' shoes off so I left them off. I was behind a lady who had to almost strip to get through the detector. As they motioned us around her, she chuckled and said, "I guess you can tell I haven't traveled in a while." I stepped out of my crocs and made it through with 2 small children faster than some solo travelers. Bringing a smaller car seat helped. It fit through the machine inside the bag. I'd packed our toiletries in the luggage, so I just put everything on the belt and once dd went through, I walked through carrying ds. I was going to put him down, but he wasn't having it. After dd grabbed her backpack, I put ds in the stroller and had dd stand with him while I put the car seat on my back and grabbed my backpack. The TSA guy told me I was really brave doing this with no help. I pointed to dd and said, "I have help." She really was great. I told her several times that we wouldn't be able to do this if she wasn't so helpful with her brother.

My plan was to grab food and eat on the plane, but both children were hungry so once we got upstairs, we made a trip to the bathroom and I got us some food. Grill Chicken Sandwiches with fries. We shared with ds. Then I got us some 20oz lemonades at another store for the plane. We had a while to wait, but it was eventually 4:15 so we did another bathroom break to empty bladders and so I could change ds. Little hiccup on the walk way getting on the plane. Dd didn't wait for us and while I was folding the stroller several people went by me. When we got on the plane, dd had picked a row already…8. I really wanted to be towards the rear of the plane, but didn't make her come back out. A lady noticed her alone and just told her to go ahead and sit down. It took me longer to get the car seat in because the front was a bit more congested than the rear, but we were eventually seated.


As I mentioned before ds was bothered on the flight with his tummy. He was also tired. I think they woke him to make sure he was ready when I got there. I ended up holding him the last 10 minutes including landing and he was whining and struggling to stay awake. He was cranky when we landed and was trying to get me to pick him up while I was trying to get the seat back into the bag. It ended up being a bit of a struggle, but we finally got off and I was glad to see the stroller waiting. As we made our way to baggage claim, my mind wandered a bit and I settled into being on vacation. We got on the airport monorail and I took some deep breaths. Once off we hit the bathroom and went to baggage claim.

Baggage claim was a bit of a gut check. I guess it took us a while to get there because the guy was taking our bags off and heading to the office. And not just ours. He had 2 carts full. I flagged him down and claimed ours while others took theirs off his carts. After he gave them to me, we followed the signs to the taxi area. Dd had one thing on her mind: "Where's the taxi?" I was thinking the same, but just kept following the signs. I did not want to go out the wrong door and have to walk down the sidewalk with the children in the dark. About the 3rd time she asked, I had something else on my mind: "Magical Express I love you!" We did get there of course and cabs were waiting and after we told the guy at the podium where we needed to go, we were put in one immediately. I got ds settled in his car seat and we were on our way quickly. He dropped us at Springhill and got our bags out for us. I paid him (the fare was $34.50, I gave him $40) and we walked in.

Overall it was fine, but it still can't compare to DME. Baggage service and transportation (in heaven). I know people say it is just Disney's way of getting you to stay in one of their resorts because they get more money and get even more because if you stay on site you'll also eat Disney food. Darn Skippy! If they were trying to get me, they got me. We appreciate you Magical Express and we'll return to you in June my friend.

Before I get into the hotel, I'll go ahead and admit now that I made a change for the trip home. Hopefully I won't get arrested here or lose readers, but I had already been thinking of leaving the car seat behind for our trip next June since we won't be in any vehicles except Magical Express, the Ferry boat and Disney Buses. Even though I know he will change a lot between now and then, I really wanted to see how ds would do without the seat. I also wanted to see if things would be easier for me. I know it seems reading here that everyone travels with their car seat but the 2 trips I have done with ds he was the only one in a car seat. The people actually looked at me funny when I said I was bringing it on the plane. I got asked several times, "What is in that bag?" And when I answered, it was usually, "Are you using it on the plane?" or "Are you sure you aren't gate checking it?" responses. It got plenty of use, plane ride there, 2 cab rides, and it will be my travel seat if we rent a car or have occasion to take a cab to and from the airport again. It will also go in my mom's car. On our way home though, ds rode in it for the cab ride back to the airport. Then, I checked it through Southwest's Oversize/Fragile section and we went on our way. Dd was glad to be relieved of her stroller duties. No one even batted an eye when I plopped him into the seat for the return trip. I am actually likely to do the CARES harness next time. I didn't this time because it cannot be used in vehicles, but on Sunday, he rode home in just the airplane seat belt.

Which trip was better? By a million miles, the return trip was better. It goes without saying boarding and deboarding was faster, but ds was happier on the plane too. I sat him between dd and me, fastened his seat belt and he was happy as a clam. He went into Little Einstein mode and started patting his lap and the seatbelt, but didn't even make one attempt to undo it and that was my main fear. For those who don't watch it, Disney Jr runs a show called the "Little Einsteins". They do missions in a rocket and they pat their laps to give the rocket power to take off. It was unbelievably cute. Everyone was happier. Dd got to sit by the window and she was happy. I felt better being on the aisle. 15 minutes into the flight, ds was asleep on my shoulder and without even a fight to stay awake. And other than letting me know she wanted pretzels when the snack guy came, I didn't hear a peep out of dd either.

So that's travel day. Next up: Our Suite
Okay so I said I'd talk about our hotel next.

We stayed at the Springhill Suites Orlando by Sea World. First of all, the website says it is within walking distance of Sea World and I guess techinically it is, but I know I would not have wanted to do the walk.

The shuttle however was very easy and quite efficient. It picked up right out front and there was a sign so we knew where to stand. On Friday morning when it was raining we all huddled under the covering, the bus stopped where we were. The front desk had the printed schedule and the bus was always right on time.

Our first day we arrived at night so all that was left to do was get settled, get baths, have some food and get some rest for the next day. But I did get some pictures of different parts of the room.

Here's the TV, which I had to pull ds away from after I took the picture.


The suite had a split bath. There was a toilet and a small sink in one room and a shower and a sink with a vanity in another. I didn't get a picture of the shower. It was nice though, good water pressure. No bath tub in our suite though.



There was a desk between the sitting area and the sleeping area. The white part coming out from the wall is the back of the desk. That's a king sized bed which ds and I shared. It was very comfortable and the linens were very fresh. As you can see ds could not stay away from that tv.


Here's the little kitchen area: microwave, fridge and a little counter. I liked the efficient use of space.


And finally everyone's favorite part of the room, the sitting area. I so wanted to take this couch home. That's dd of course on the chaise part. She was there a lot. I stretched out on the other end and ds spent some time walking between the two of us. At night, we pulled the bed out and that is where dd slept. The table is two little tables and we used them when we ate.


We really enjoyed the place. Were we inclined there was a really nice Shamu themed pool and splash area outside with a bar and grill poolside. It must have been heated because Saturday night it was quite chilly and there was someone in it.

Food delivery was available by dialing 6101 from your room. You could order from that bar and grill or they had some Pizza Hut items. On our first night dd had a personal pan pizza combo with the pizza and breadsticks. Ds had chicken fingers and I had Pizza Hut chicken alfredo. The next night I had the grill chicken sandwich, ds and dd had chicken fingers.

Within walking distance was a CVS and a TGI Fridays. Both were very close, right across the parking lot.

The included breakfast was typical. Hot food included self-made waffles (plain or blueberry), eggs, sausage and toast. Cold offerings were 3 cereals, fruit salad, muffins. Beverages available were milk (skim and 2%) orange and apple juice and water. Coffee and hot chocolate were available as well.

Several computers were situated in the lobby for internet use and the lobby had wifi. A sitting area out front was available with a television. There was also a small number of snack, drink and toiletry items available for sale next to the front desk.

I would definitely not hesitate to book the place again. The staff was friendly and helpful and the walls were thick enough we didn't hear anyone else and I don't think anyone else heard us.

Next up: Our first Sea World day

:cool1: Glad to have readers. Hoping to get through quite a bit of the report this weekend. Photobucket has been slow.

Hope everyone sticks around to the end. There's a bit of a twist coming.
Ds woke me around 7 and I started moving around pretty much immediately. I wasn't in much of a hurry. I'd laid our clothes out the night before. I did what I needed to do in the bathroom, then dressed ds. Dd woke up while that was going on.

We were downstairs in time to have a nice breakfast and catch the 8:20 shuttle. It's the first shuttle of the day and the only one that will get you to the park prior to opening. The next one on the schedule was at 9:20.

We got downstairs around 7:45, so I had dd get us a seat (they were plentiful, which was refreshing. So many times I stay in places where there isn't even close to enough room in the breakfast area. I got her some eggs and fruit and juice to drink. Ds had Fruit Loops and milk. I had eggs and sausage and a blueberry muffin. Full we cleaned up and went outside at 8:15.

The shuttle arrived right at 8:20 and sat for a few minutes in case there were additional people. He explained to us where the entrance was in relation to where he'd drop us off and he explained we should look for the same type of bus for our return, but also make sure to check the electronic display on the front for the name of our hotel. This shuttle took people at this stop (who were staying at our hotel, the Fairfield by Marriott next door) and it made 1 additional stop at the Renaissance down the street before going to the park. He dropped us at the shuttle stop, a short walk to the park entrance.

Once we got off I put ds in the stroller and we stopped at a kiosk to turn our printed vouchers into tickets and all day dining cards. Did I mention these things hate me? It claimed to have printed out all tickets, but only printed mine. Dd's ticket and all day dine card did not come out. I tried 2 more times then decided to get it sorted out at guest services. I took this shot on the way there.


I will say we had to be really patient which wasn't easy. Dd was really excited and I had to keep reminding her that the park had not officially opened yet. They were letting people inside, but I'd find out the next day that Sea World has a rope drop. Number 1 on my agenda was getting dd to feed the dolphins and I knew we needed to get there early. Would we make it?

We got into the park at 9:10 and started to make our way there. But I know my daughter. Soon we made our first stop. She loves to see these wherever there is an opportunity. Nothing like seeing an animal in her favorite color.


I told her we should get moving if we wanted to feed the dolphins, so we moved on. But true to form she stopped again. I didn't rush her. On the way to Dolphin Cove we made one more stop at the Sting Ray tank. I didn't offer her the chance to feed them. I know you have to get really close and dd usually declines to touch them. We looked for a couple of minutes. I couldn't get a good picture of them though.

We needed to move faster. I know they cut off the line at a certain point and I didn't want to have to come back for the 11:30 feeding.

We did make it. There was a worker counting people at the entrance and letting us know how much we'd be spending. It is $7 per tray and I paid for 2. We waited for a while in line as there was a regular viewing going on at Dolphin Cove and we had to get some instructions to be what they called "dolphin safe". It was pretty obvious though at least some of the dolphins knew what was up. Several of them came swimming over while we were waiting.


We were let into the area and given more instructions, then our trays of fish were placed on the wall in front of us. Most important rule was to leave the tray on the wall so the dolphins would not grab it. Dd really enjoyed it.


Ds was fascinated to watch.


I planned to let dd do both trays of fish, but she was kind enough to let me experience it. She gave me the other tray to feed him. These are sweet creatures. He hung around after all the fish was gone and dd pet him a couple of times.


They eventually told us they wanted the dolphins to go back to the regular viewing area and we went over there for a few minutes as well. Then we went to do something I love and as it turned out ds would love too.

Underwater viewing


After a few minutes a caregiver came in and dd asked her some questions about what else the dolphins eat.


We were off to a great start. Ds protested, but I promised him we were going to see more animals and we moved on.

Next up: Jewel of the Seas Aquarium and the Penguins
Sounds fun so far. The hotel room looks really nice. I really like Marriott hotels. Your DS and DD look like they are really taking it all in and enjoying the park. The dolphin feeding definitely looks like a highlight of a Sea World trip. I think my kids would love Sea World too. Me and DH are unsure about what to do as we can't justify the cost of airline fare to do a Sea World only trip and it is too pricey for us to combine the cost of Sea World tickets with other theme park tickets like Disney or Universal. DH grew up in Western PA and visited Sea World several times when it was in Ohio, so he is kind of bummed that our kids don't get to experience it. Maybe someday. Reading your TR is really fun since people really don't write them often for Sea World :thumbsup2
Sounds fun so far. The hotel room looks really nice. I really like Marriott hotels. Your DS and DD look like they are really taking it all in and enjoying the park. The dolphin feeding definitely looks like a highlight of a Sea World trip. I think my kids would love Sea World too. Me and DH are unsure about what to do as we can't justify the cost of airline fare to do a Sea World only trip and it is too pricey for us to combine the cost of Sea World tickets with other theme park tickets like Disney or Universal. DH grew up in Western PA and visited Sea World several times when it was in Ohio, so he is kind of bummed that our kids don't get to experience it. Maybe someday. Reading your TR is really fun since people really don't write them often for Sea World :thumbsup2

I understand your dilemma. I am trying to get a bunch of stuff in while my son is still little enough to get in free but big enough enjoy stuff. I think there's an option to upgrade a length of stay Sea World ticket to include Aquatica (the water park next door) and the Busch Gardens in Tampa and the Busch Gardens ticket includes transportation. I think it's 30 miles away. I think that upgrade is $60/person.

Thanks for reading along. We had an unexpected end to our trip. Stay tuned.
I understand your dilemma. I am trying to get a bunch of stuff in while my son is still little enough to get in free but big enough enjoy stuff. I think there's an option to upgrade a length of stay Sea World ticket to include Aquatica (the water park next door) and the Busch Gardens in Tampa and the Busch Gardens ticket includes transportation. I think it's 30 miles away. I think that upgrade is $60/person.

Thanks for reading along. We had an unexpected end to our trip. Stay tuned.

I know what you mean. My oldest children (twins) turn 10 soon and my youngest will be 3 soon. Those ages = sticker shock in the theme park world :laughing:

Yay, a surprise ending. Hooray for a good TR writer :thumbsup2
I know what you mean. My oldest children (twins) turn 10 soon and my youngest will be 3 soon. Those ages = sticker shock in the theme park world :laughing:

Yay, a surprise ending. Hooray for a good TR writer :thumbsup2

2013 is my year of reckoning. My son will be 3 in January and my daughter turns 10 in April. That and the military discount we are using next year is the reason I'm doing the 10 day trip in 2012.

I'd love to sneak in a short one in December 2012, but it will depend on what the flights look like. But it would most certainly mean no park time after the 2013 cruise.

What to choose, cheaper trip, cooler weather and the decorations and coming right home after a 4 day cruise. Or making 2013 into a land/sea vacation and see WDW after Fantasy Land is done, which is something I have dreamed of doing. :confused3

Our first trip was in November so the first time my daughter saw the castle it was covered in Christmas lights. It was amazing.

But I digress. I'll update my trip report later this evening.
Okay, I was hoping to get through the rest of our first day at Sea World. Photo Bucket is giving me major fits though.

I'll try again later after I get some homework done.
I am loving your report and thanks for sharing pics of the hotel b/c I am booked there right now for Spring Break but I'm still undecided if I want to stay there or hit a Disney resort to get my Disney fix. ;)

We just did Sea World for the first time after our first DCL cruise. It was a vacation of firsts and we loved them all.

I can't wait to see how the rest of the trip went!
I am loving your report and thanks for sharing pics of the hotel b/c I am booked there right now for Spring Break but I'm still undecided if I want to stay there or hit a Disney resort to get my Disney fix. ;)

We just did Sea World for the first time after our first DCL cruise. It was a vacation of firsts and we loved them all.

I can't wait to see how the rest of the trip went!

:welcome: good to see you made it back and had a wonderful time. We are booked on the Dream in July 2013 and I'm really excited. How was it doing Sea World after the cruise? How did it work out transportation wise? I don't want to come right home after our cruise. It returns to PC on a Thursday, but I'm not sure I can swing park time at this point. Part of that though is because I'm toying with returning to WDW for 4 days in December 2012. Even though we have a 10 day trip in June, we love the decorations, and it would be my last chance before a big ticket hike with the children.

Sorry for the delays in updating my report. I planned to have a lot more of it done by now. Photobucket was evil over the weekend and both my daughter and I had school work to do on Sunday. Last night I was up until after midnight doing school work after doing homework with her and getting the children down to bed. Tough being responsible when I just want to update my trip report. I'll try again tonight. I've typed up 3 posts worth in a word document so all I have to do is add pictures. Hopefully photobucket will cooperate.

Thanks for your patience.
I'm in. I've done Sea World twice this year, it can get addicting.
Thank you so much for posting your trip report. We are doing SW in January and also staying in the Springhill, so it is wonderful to see how much you enjoyed it. We have small kids, too, so it is nice to see how much fun they are having. :love:
Okay, we made it over to the Jewel of the Seas Aquarium. It's a hidden gem in the back of the gift shop next to the Journey to Atlantis ride. It was a neat little place. There's a tank underneath the floor with fish and sting rays. There's a tank in the ceiling with sharks. Neither liked my camera though.

At eye level there were tanks with a variety of colorful creatures. We didn't find Nemo here, but as children walked into the room, you could hear shouts of Dory!


Further around the room there was a tank with some frightening creatures who had a striking resemblance to Ursula's friends. :scared: But they didn't like my camera either. :sad:

The coral and giant clam were more than happy to oblige.


My favorite shot from Jewel of the Seas Aquarium is this one of dd watching the Moon Jellyfish. They are really transparent and white, but the light in the tank made them appear to be changing colors. She was fascinated.


After a bathroom break, dd wanted to see the penguins and puffins. They are in the same exhibit. Before you get to the animals, there are learning stations inside the building where you can learn about each type of penguin, find out their unique characteristics and where they live.

The puffins were adorable. They are a favorite of ours from our state zoo. It is totally cool to see a bird swimming under water. Unfortunately the caretaker was cleaning the habitat with a hose so there were water drops all over the viewing glass and that was all you could see in the picture I thought I would be able to put in a picture from our trip to the zoo this past summer, but apparently the same thing happened there. I promise this picture thing gets better.

The view of the penguins was much clearer. It's amazing how many different kinds there are. I even saw one brown one. Dd was amazed at how they bend their necks backwards to scratch their backs with their beaks.


After that I mentioned that somewhere in the park they had baby dolphins. Yikes, dd immediately wanted to see them, but they were a ways off and there were a couple of other things closer. Oh well. That's next, along with another change in plans.


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