V's WISH'ing her way to a HOT BOD!! (Please help!!)

Congrats on being 19 days cheat freee!!!! Great feeling huh??? :banana: :banana:

I too am with you on trying on clothes. I hate it! I get discouraged and then I don't want to play anymore. But then I step back and think, how much fun it is going to be to try on new skinny clothes!!!!!!! SKinny body here I come! :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Keep it up, you can do this!!!

Have a great Wednesday! :sunny:
Hey, V! Congrats on being so disciplined and cheat-free! The dinner you are preparing for DH's birthday sounds fabulous!

Don't get discouraged about the clothes thing! I know exactly how you feel and the reality is that sooner or later the hard work you are putting in is going to pay off in a big way! (excuse the pun!) Just keep doing exactly what you are doing and one day soon you are going to realize that your current clothes are so much more comfortable, then they are loose, and then they are just ridiculous and you need new ones!

Keep up the great work! You are really inspiring me (and others, I'm sure) with your commitment and willpower!
V - I hate clothes shopping too. When I can buy all my clothes in a regular store I will be happy. I'll also be happy when things fit the way they are supposed to.

The scale at publix may be calibrated differently than the one at WW. I wouldn't put much stock in scale other than the one you regularly use. Good job working on that water =)
Hey, Vee, just wanted to stop by and thank you for all the cheeriness you bring to my journal! You're doing such a great job! You're inspiring me to take that 100 day cheat-free challenge. . .if I can just get up the nerve!

Take care,
Thanks for all the kind words everyone....

today is DH's birthday....he got home from work and I said "I know it's your birthday but would you mind watching the girls for just 30 minutes while I go bike riding?" poor guy wasn't even through the front door all the way! So i got in an enjoyable bike ride although I tend to way overthink things....

I was/am feeling pretty down tonight. I don't know why I put so much stock into what a number on a scale says and I know that does not define me but it does have an impact. I just hope that my girls don't grow up thinking these kind of thoughts. I know how much society plays a part of shaping girls impressions of body images and it is pretty horrible. As it looks now - Samantha will not have a problem with weight she is a rail and is half my height at not even three!!

So I'll keep this short...I did my 30 minute exercise...stayed cheat free....but feel dumpy and fat. :(
Hi! :wave2:
Thank you for visiting my journal! You are not dumpy and fat! You are a beautiful mommy-just keep repeating that to yourself until you believe it! Great job on getting the workouts done and staying cheat-free! :Pinkbounc :cheer2:
BTW-I just looked at your pics from the first post, and you really are beautiful and so are both your DDs. My little girl has that same pretty hair color you have. My little strawberry-blonde baby! Have a great night! :flower:
:hug: V,

I am sending you some :wizard: :wizard: for a much better day today! Your WISH friends are cheering you on, V! :cheer2: Take care. :hug:
Hey, V! Happy Thursday! The week is almost done! How did your husband's birthday dinner turn out?

Congratulations on getting in your bike ride! :moped: That took so much discipline -- you have to take pride in having done that. Do you see how much progress you have made already? You have completely improved your life and your future! You are setting a fabulous example for your children on how to take care of themselves so that they will grow up healthy.

Keep up the great work! :cheer2: We are so proud of you -- Even on those terrible, icky, awful days when you can't find it in yourself to :cool1: or :banana:, just remember your WISH friends :love: you and we are sending :grouphug:

Have a great day!
Hi V!!!

How was dinner????? Good job on getting that bike ride in!!! Nice job!

Hope you are having a great day!
Hi all!
Last nights dinner turned out well and there is still an untouched birthday cake in the fridge...Dh fell asleep and I hated to wake him so I figure we can sing tonight. I bought a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and chocolate covered strawberries on top...I am not a fan of chocolate (gasp!) so it has no appeal to me at all. DH is now 11 years older than me - well 'til November when we go back to our 10 year gap!!

Tomorrow is weigh in. I am dreading it. I really hope those darn Publix scales are wrong....but they were at two different stores. Maybe WW has a conspiracy to make sure that those in their first couple weeks lose weight for sure to get them to keep coming back....:)

I have been great this week...didn't even tap into my flex points...and I have been exercising...which I think may have something to do with a gain...I am trying to keep a positive attitude and know in my head that I will get this off and I will look good again, it is just hard to visualize at the moment. Well I am off to play on the 'net!
I just got back from weigh in and I am down 1.2...so either those scales at Publix are really wrong or WW IS a conspiracy!!

So I am down 8.2 in these three weeks of head on effort. I need to keep it up even though I still feel icky. I plan on getting in my exercise tonight and will be cooking lasagna for dinner. DH is bringing home some huge peppers and wants to make stuffed peppers tomorrow night. I am not a huge fan of those.

If I continue to lose 1lb a week I could be almost at my lifetime weight come cruise time. I really hope that is the case. I am going to struggle through this and get it done!

So far today all I have had is water...I need to eat something. Our boss brought in donuts so I will stay away from those. Mayeb a 100 cal snack pack of oreo crisps...

Happy Friday and I am sure I will be back often this weekend!
Congrats on more weight gone! You are doing great! If you are consistently using the same scale, I would go by that one. I hate when different scales say different things. IMO, WW is probably the most accurate. They have really good scales. Have a fun weekend! :banana:
just about lunch time...I am hoping to go to Crispers and get a salad....and maybe a soup to hold me over til dinner. I also need to find a low fat lasagna recipie....
Hi V, sorry I haven't posted in here in a while, been catching up on ya. Sounds like you are feeling down, but really doing well actually. Smile, will ya!! :teeth: :goodvibes
Hey, I'm flying down to West Palm on Sunday for a rock concert. Not sure which part of the state is yours, but I'll wave to you and Mickey as I fly by!
Football camp is starting, the Utes started yesterday, DS12 starts tomorrow, don't know when the Gators start, but I'm sure Urban will have them humpin' it. Like my son says from Remember the Titans "Football, no fun", but he's excited anyway.
Have a great weekend!!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Hi Don - what concert are you going to? I'm in Sarasota, north from where you will be and on the Gulf. Hope you have a great time!:cool1:

Thanks for all the kind words everyone....I did a lot of thinking the past few days about body images, how I feel about mine and how society really plays into my feelings. I mean, we are surrounded by these images of beautiful bodies all over the place and I just have to get control of how I feel about my own body.

Last night we ended up going out to dinner and I was so good I had chargrilled tuna with no sauce and no sides...I was proud of myself! This morning I am having a WW english muffin with laughing cow lite cheese for 2 points and then I am going to load up the girls for a walk and once we get back home I am going to clean and prepare my household for a new school year. At Samantha's school the new year starts Monday...almost all her friend's are moving to the next class as they all turned three this summer and she won't be three til Halloween. I'm really sad about it because now the "babies" are moving up to her room and she will be the oldest and sort of the "leader". The school likes to keep the children who will start kindergarten together. Unfortunatley how the school system works - you have to be 5 by Sept 1...but I think we are going to try and put her in a private school to avoid this but will have to see how she is in the next few years. I don't know why it bothers me so....

well I remained cheat free but did not get in any exercise last night so I am going to do double today!

I am off to go walking and get it over with!:banana:
Just wanted to say Hi and sounds like you have a good plan for the day.

I run or walk almost every day, but its raining here so I'll have to find something else now. :confused3

Keep up the good work. :sunny:
:flower: Hello - had to check back in....I just got in 45 min of walking and managed to see an "orange" snake and I truly think we saw a Florida bobcat. There was this "cat" eating a dead animal and I said hey Samantha look at that cat and it looked up and then stood up and it was the size of a medium to large dog and had the black tips on its ears...I immediately looked around to find something to defend myself with and then started walking away....I was so tempted to go back to see it again but if it was I didn't want it coming after us. The wildlife has been very tampered with lately in our neighborhood....three of us are putting in pools and there was almost an entire street that was full of trees and shrubs that has been leveled...so you never know! Anyway, I am thrilled to have gotten in my exercise for the day - I still plan on doing my "Fit to Strip" video while the girls nap later on and then maybe I can convince DH to hit the beach with me.

Well, I am off to hit the DIS boards for a few minutes while I cool down and then back to getting my household in tip top shape!:goodvibes
Hey V! I want to thank you for visiting my journal and providing encouragement. So far I have read your first and last post, but will sit down and take time to get caught up. Losing weight after the second child can be tough, just wait til the third and forth. :rolleyes:

But anyway, it sounds like you have a great plan and you are right, nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

Have a great day! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Mornin' V! You are doing SO AWESOME!!!

I do agree that WW is a conspiracy at times!

Have a GREAT weekend!

It does sound like a bobcat. Pretty cool!!


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