VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 21 June 2023

OK Groupies . . .I found us below the second fold . . close to the bottom! Looks like we are all having fun in the sun! So, when you come inside for a break, chew on these . . .

Captain Hook has a hook on which hand?

Which Glass Slipper did Cinderella leave behind at the ball?

What were Mickey and Minnie's original names?
I'll take one. Captain Hook has a mean left hook. Leaves his right hand available for sword play. pirate:
Ah, Granny to the rescue! Yup, Hook was quite a swordsman with his right hand. But how about that slipper? And the original names . . .
Who wears slippers with a ball gown, and glass ones at that? Doesn't that defeat the point of a slipper?
Pumps? Yes. Stilettos? Sure, if you can balance. Wedges? Well, debatable, but okay.
Slippers? Might as well be barefoot. :rolleyes2

Fairy godmothers don't have much fashion sense do they?
Okay, I think many of us know that Mickey was originally named "Mortimer", but thankfully Walt's wife talked him out of that.

As for Minnie...well, I thought she was always Minnie. But Mr. Google tells me that Minnie is a nickname for her real name. So I'll just toss that clue out there.

Who wears slippers with a ball gown, and glass ones at that? Doesn't that defeat the point of a slipper?
Pumps? Yes. Stilettos? Sure, if you can balance. Wedges? Well, debatable, but okay.
Slippers? Might as well be barefoot. :rolleyes2

Fairy godmothers don't have much fashion sense do they?

Cindy...I always thought that a glass slipper would be very uncomfortable and rigid. But I think the Fairy Godmother was thinking that if Cinderella would click her heels together at the ball (like Dorothy in Wizard of Oz), then it would sound like two people clinking glasses as a toast. Okay, maybe not.

But it's a good thing that the Prince wasn't wearing steel-toed shoes in case he stepped on Cinderella's foot! :duck:
I had to hog tie my husband into going to VGF instead of VWL/BR this September. I told him “There is life after VWL” and he sorely replied “I’d rather die!” Now that is true love....:)

Hope...your husband is a true-blue VWL Groupie! We enjoyed our stay at VGF but still haven't found anything that we prefer to VWL on a regular basis. Enjoy the trip planning! :)
I just read an ugly rumor by The Rusty Scupper, and he's usually accurate. It's on the restaurant forum, but in short and if true, Artist Point will become a character meal for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner. IF true, I will not be a happy man. . .at all. :mad:


Girl, you and I might just be sisters separated at birth! I have so wanted to be a TA most of my life. Please tell me all the details about how you are doing this, along with managing it with your teaching job?? Feel free to PM me if I'm being entirely too nosey for you to want to blast your business all over the internet. :offtopic:

Word to the wise. Be careful talking about it here or you will get slapped with the dreaded infraction. :duck:

Hello groupie friends! I'm back from Europe. Back for a week now, but you know how life is. We had an amazing time on our river cruise & visits to Budapest, Salzburg, & Munich. I didn't love this river cruise line as much as the last one I did, but it was still a good experience. Neuschwanstein Castle was everything I thought it would be & more! Dream come true to see it in person & we had the most glorious day weather wise. Hot, but beautiful & sunny. Driving on the Autobahn was an experience. :scared: Also had another bucket list item crossed off my list. I went to the morning exercises at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna. I cried. Broke right down & cried. :sad: The lovely couple from England sitting next to me was so sweet. The gentleman gave me a handerchief. :goodvibes We chatted & chatted once I pulled myself together. He said he had promised his wife when they got married (53 years ago) he'd bring her to Vienna & this was the trip. She wanted to see the riding school. They knew nothing about riding so it was kind of nice to be able to explain things to them. No photos or videos allowed unfortunately. Although that didn't stop people from doing it anyway. :headache: I however chose to respect horse & rider & not do so.

I have pictures from the trip though. Oh do I have pictures! :laughing: All on my phone at the moment. I'll try to get them on my computer this weekend so I can share a few. I did post a few on FB that I was able to download to the computer so here are the castle pics.


This is what joy looks like & I bring a little Disney everywhere I go. :D

Julie - Sounds like you had a wonderful time! I can only assume they still have you walking thru King Ludwig's bathtub with all of the smiling faces of those cute cherubs and their friends.

Minnie was originally Minerva.

And for those questioning the "Glass Slipper"; never question the elements of romance, they generally never make sense when analysed by those outside of the fairy tale.

But, being a good 21st Century person, I "Googled" it and found the following:

Cinderella's slippers were made of fur in the original versions of the fairy tale, but they became glass slippers in later versions as the result of an mistranslation.

I still believe it fits well into every little girls' idea of romance and the Fairy Tale experience of the heart.

And I'm sticking with the Glass Slipper! Fur Slippers seem like they would have stretched over the first foot they encountered and THAT would certainly have ended the hope and dreams of all. Just imagine Drizella cramming her bunion deformed foot into them and the Prince thinking "Oh Sh**".
Julie - Sounds like you had a wonderful time! I can only assume they still have you walking thru King Ludwig's bathtub with all of the smiling faces of those cute cherubs and their friends.

Minnie was originally Minerva.

And for those questioning the "Glass Slipper"; never question the elements of romance, they generally never make sense when analysed by those outside of the fairy tale.

But, being a good 21st Century person, I "Googled" it and found the following:

Cinderella's slippers were made of fur in the original versions of the fairy tale, but they became glass slippers in later versions as the result of an mistranslation.

I still believe it fits well into every little girls' idea of romance and the Fairy Tale experience of the heart.

And I'm sticking with the Glass Slipper! Fur Slippers seem like they would have stretched over the first foot they encountered and THAT would certainly have ended the hope and dreams of all. Just imagine Drizella cramming her bunion deformed foot into them and the Prince thinking "Oh Sh**".

In the brother Grimm Version of the fairy tale, Aschenbrödel, the sisters actually cut of part of their feet. One the toes, the other the heel. Both times, the sister already is on her way to the castle when the birds sing „ruckidigu Blut ist im Schuh!“ (rookiedeegoo blood is in the shoe) and the sister is returned. I was always appalled by someone being so stupid as to cut if part of their feet when I heard the story as a kid.
And I'm sticking with the Glass Slipper! Fur Slippers seem like they would have stretched over the first foot they encountered and THAT would certainly have ended the hope and dreams of all. Just imagine Drizella cramming her bunion deformed foot into them and the Prince thinking "Oh Sh**".

In the brother Grimm Version of the fairy tale, Aschenbrödel, the sisters actually cut of part of their feet. One the toes, the other the heel. Both times, the sister already is on her way to the castle when the birds sing „ruckidigu Blut ist im Schuh!“ (rookiedeegoo blood is in the shoe) and the sister is returned. I was always appalled by someone being so stupid as to cut if part of their feet when I heard the story as a kid.
I believe the latest movie version a couple of years ago implied the sisters cut off parts of their feet, as well.
In the brother Grimm Version of the fairy tale, Aschenbrödel, the sisters actually cut of part of their feet. One the toes, the other the heel. Both times, the sister already is on her way to the castle when the birds sing „ruckidigu Blut ist im Schuh!“ (rookiedeegoo blood is in the shoe) and the sister is returned. I was always appalled by someone being so stupid as to cut if part of their feet when I heard the story as a kid.


I'll take the animated Disney version, thank you very much!


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