VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 21 June 2023

Literally every streaming service outside of Netflix is losing money. The idea that it's happening to Disney because they are acknowledging that gay people exist is absurd.

The issue is that people are paying less for television/streaming while getting more and better-produced content all without ads. But sure, fool yourself into thinking it's because it's no longer cool to discriminate against black people.
Our group here is made up of a friendly bunch, been that way for years, and you are certainly welcome to join. I didn't post what I did in hopes of sparking a debate, or heated argument, and did not by any means write it to offend anyone. I hardly watch Disney plus as it is, except for some of their series on Star Wars or other series they produce as a whole.

I am one of those people tired of ads as they dominate the airwaves. So I ditched DISH earlier last year, while we stream Netflix, DisneyPlus and Amazon Prime. Im selective about what I watch on each, and ready to ditch Netflix since we hardly use it. Amazon Prime is more because we buy a lot of products for our business, otherwise, I wouldn't have it either. So it leaves me with DP as my final choice for the most part.

If I offended you or anyone else Im truly sorry. Im not that kind of guy, not intentionally anyway. Maybe I should have delved a little deeper into what I see as an issue that DisneyPlus has created. Its a bit embarrassing to share this here as many of these folks know me and know my personality. The issue I see that has surpassed anything else that Disneyplus has taken on, in the Baymax series, one of the male characters that is on this show performs an act on himself that is in the X rated category. Cmon man, this is a kids show!! Lets be real!! Therefore, I stand by this, Disney is supposed to be a family brand. Lets leave it at that.

Im sorry that you felt I was jabbing at any groups of people. To know me, you know this, my Mom and Dad taught me to not be so ignorant, that I group people together, but rather to take people individually, as they are. We all have that ability, and I try to remember that every day of my life. I have friends from all walks of life, some Hispanic, some Gay, and my oldest friend in my life, since 4th grade is African American. Im not sharing this to build myself up, but rather, that you understand, Im not the guy that you assume I am. My strong family values, and what my kids see of me and my grandkids think of me will ultimately lead me to take a stand where needed.

So I still stand by this...DisneyPlus needs to clean up their act if they dont want to lose subscribers that want better content for their families. The rest is on them to figure it out
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I check-in in around a couple months. Should I go ahead and do online check-in now, and include my request (high floor, woods view)? Or wait until closer?

Actually do I have that right? I'd like the side of the building facing the pool and beyond. Is that woods view?
I would call directly to WL 2 weeks before arrival. This seems to get the best results, though, as they will tell you, there are no guarantees on any of the requests being met. This way you have a more direct shot to the the folks who actually jockey the rooms rather than going through different channels.
I have found when I do online check in and calling DVC directly, I dont get the results I hope for as often.
Our group here is made up of a friendly bunch, been that way for years, and you are certainly welcome to join. I didn't post what I did in hopes of sparking a debate, or heated argument, and did not by any means write it to offend anyone. I hardly watch Disney plus as it is, except for some of their series on Star Wars or other series they produce as a whole.
I think the response may have been triggered more by your mention that the source provided to you by your friend originated at Breitbart. Regardless of anyone's personal political views (which we are all absolutely free and within our rights to have), or the objective accuracy-inaccuracy of the source article, Breitbart is inarguably an extremely politically charged and right-leaning organization (they are quite upfront and vocal in claiming to be so themselves), and their editorial slant can elicit rather strong responses, as can content produced by sources that lean as heavily in the opposite political direction.

Anyway, back to the VWL conversation. We arrive in 22 days for our next trip "home"!
I think the response may have been triggered more by your mention that the source provided to you by your friend originated at Breitbart. Regardless of anyone's personal political views (which we are all absolutely free and within our rights to have), or the objective accuracy-inaccuracy of the source article, Breitbart is inarguably an extremely politically charged and right-leaning organization (they are quite upfront and vocal in claiming to be so themselves), and their editorial slant can elicit rather strong responses, as can content produced by sources that lean as heavily in the opposite political direction.

Anyway, back to the VWL conversation. We arrive in 22 days for our next trip "home"!
Shows I should delve deeper into what I read before I post. I didnt even know what a Breitbart was until a couple days ago. And then, I still dont what it is other than what you shared Don. I really am out of touch with news and such. I pay no attention to most of it, including my local news. A friend told me on text not to get caught up in the MurDoch trial whist Im in SC. So I had to look it up so I could see what he was talking about. Clueless is me:rotfl2:

I may just keep it that way! I pay attn to what's going on in the Disney World of things, Braves baseball, Panthers football, NC State sports and occasionally Nascar(but not much), the weather, and history stuff. Maybe I should get out of my bubble, but it feels like when I step out of it, I end up in messes like this, so Im better off to remove myself from it overall. I think that's why I like this group so much, it remains pretty balanced and doesn't surround itself with controversy.

So to all my groupie friends, please forgive me for even posting this mess to start with. Y'all deserve better because you do such a great job of keeping things civil and here I am rocking the boat again.

Sleepy, if need be, you can revoke my privileges and give me the boot, I will understand:tilt:
So, Groupies, it's Super Bowl Sunday!
1) Are any of you at a Disney resort for the event? (JT?)
2) For whom are you rooting? There's no wrong answer here (except the Iggles)
3) Hoping for snow here. . .don't look at me funny. Haven't had any all year and it would be nice to see some and then have it go away the next day. pirate:
Did any groupies get a chance to go over to the Mickey's of Glendale pop-up shop at the Contemporary last Friday? It was for D23 Members by sign-up. Just interested in hearing some reviews - I've heard there were some incredible deals as well as the normal higher priced items, of course. I'm not a Gold member, so didn't see an invite - also it would have been a 1200 mile flight without a place to stay, so there's that. Still interested though!

Did you go? What was it like? What did you get?
Was it crowded?
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watching the Puppy Bowl here in MA. no snow here and we are thankful this winter has been so mild. Making a list of our dining for next sunday on ADR day. we are booked for April 20 2 nights blt theme park view studio, then april 22 4 nights at home resort BRV in a 1 bedroom. Happy Sunday!
So, Groupies, it's Super Bowl Sunday!
1) Are any of you at a Disney resort for the event? (JT?)
2) For whom are you rooting? There's no wrong answer here (except the Iggles)
3) Hoping for snow here. . .don't look at me funny. Haven't had any all year and it would be nice to see some and then have it go away the next day. pirate:
Sorry Sleepy but GO BIRDS!!!!!! I will always root for my home team. 🦅🦅🦅
Our group here is made up of a friendly bunch, been that way for years, and you are certainly welcome to join. I didn't post what I did in hopes of sparking a debate, or heated argument, and did not by any means write it to offend anyone. I hardly watch Disney plus as it is, except for some of their series on Star Wars or other series they produce as a whole.

I am one of those people tired of ads as they dominate the airwaves. So I ditched DISH earlier last year, while we stream Netflix, DisneyPlus and Amazon Prime. Im selective about what I watch on each, and ready to ditch Netflix since we hardly use it. Amazon Prime is more because we buy a lot of products for our business, otherwise, I wouldn't have it either. So it leaves me with DP as my final choice for the most part.

If I offended you or anyone else Im truly sorry. Im not that kind of guy, not intentionally anyway. Maybe I should have delved a little deeper into what I see as an issue that DisneyPlus has created. Its a bit embarrassing to share this here as many of these folks know me and know my personality. The issue I see that has surpassed anything else that Disneyplus has taken on, in the Baymax series, one of the male characters that is on this show performs an act on himself that is in the X rated category. Cmon man, this is a kids show!! Lets be real!! Therefore, I stand by this, Disney is supposed to be a family brand. Lets leave it at that.

Im sorry that you felt I was jabbing at any groups of people. To know me, you know this, my Mom and Dad taught me to not be so ignorant, that I group people together, but rather to take people individually, as they are. We all have that ability, and I try to remember that every day of my life. I have friends from all walks of life, some Hispanic, some Gay, and my oldest friend in my life, since 4th grade is African American. Im not sharing this to build myself up, but rather, that you understand, Im not the guy that you assume I am. My strong family values, and what my kids see of me and my grandkids think of me will ultimately lead me to take a stand where needed.

So I still stand by this...DisneyPlus needs to clean up their act if they dont want to lose subscribers that want better content for their families. The rest is on them to figure it out
You referenced a far-right website to complain about how "woke" Disney is nowadays. Maybe this is the article:


It calls Disney's decision to represent a gay character in Lightyear as "obscene". It calls the mere existence of a trans character in the Baymax series "pro-mutilation propaganda". It also says "Disney has become a child predator".

This is what you referenced. You. I didn't assume anything. I am judging you for what you chose to put forward. And sorry, but saying "I've totally got a black friend!" doesn't change anything.

Yes, the site jimmytammy mentioned is a flashpoint for many, and understandably so. I've known JT for a long time, and I've found him to be one of the kindest, most decent people I've met anywhere. I also believe explanation above after having talked with him on numerous occasions (and just yesterday) and shared meals with him and his family. He's a genuine man. We haven't always agreed on issues and topics, but his heart is in a good space. If you want to call him to task for something regarding a site he knew nothing of (yes, I do believe him), that's your freedom. However, I'll say this--he would never have gone on a thread or forum where he had established no rapport, no good will, and hadn't taken the time to get to know people on the thread/forum and lashed out at anyone by jumping to conclusions.

JT has apologized and been contrite (privately and publicly), although I don't know that he needed to. Still, he did. I, for one, consider him one of many worthy souls in our cosmos. . .and he's my friend.

I'll repeat. I've known JT a long time. . .I don't know you at all. So, while you are welcome to take part in our Groupies thread and perhaps get to know us better, continued vitriol won't be allowed.
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Yes, the site jimmytammy mentioned is a flashpoint for many, and understandably so. I've known JT for a long time, and I've found him to be one of the kindest, most decent people I've met anywhere. I also believe explanation above after having talked with him on numerous occasions (and just yesterday) and shared meals with him and his family. He's a genuine man. We haven't always agreed on issues and topics, but his heart is in a good space. If you want to call him to task for something regarding a site he knew nothing of (yes, I do believe him), that's your freedom. However, I'll say this--he would never have gone on a thread or forum where he had established no rapport, no good will, and hadn't taken the time to get to know people on the thread/forum and lashed out at anyone by jumping to conclusions.

JT has apologized and been contrite (privately and publicly), although I don't know that he needed to. Still, he did. I, for one, consider him one of many worthy soul in our cosmos. . .and he's my friend.

I'll repeat. I've known JT a long time. . .I don't know you at all. So, while you are welcome to take part in our Groupies thread and perhaps get to know us better, continued vitriol won't be allowed.
I second Sleepy’s comments - I’m sure politically, there’s topics that I would not agree with JT and indeed others on this thread - but that should not and does not invite such negativity- we’re all friends here and friends do not have to be in lock step on all subjects. JT are truly wonderful, kind, and gracious people…let’s all try to be the same.

Please, this VWL groupies thread is not a place for anger and debates, I don't care what stance. Here we are all friends for whom I am very thankful. We support each other. If one happens to step off and rant we are a pretty forgiving group and understand there is usually a reason behind it. We do care. I'd like to support you as a friend too...

However, to quote your very own words, the first ones you posted under your present username on these forums:


"While you're certainly entitled to your opinions, the way you choose to express them is making large parts of these forums very unpleasant to read."

Wise words.
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You referenced a far-right website to complain about how "woke" Disney is nowadays. Maybe this is the article:


It calls Disney's decision to represent a gay character in Lightyear as "obscene". It calls the mere existence of a trans character in the Baymax series "pro-mutilation propaganda". It also says "Disney has become a child predator".

This is what you referenced. You. I didn't assume anything. I am judging you for what you chose to put forward. And sorry, but saying "I've totally got a black friend!" doesn't change anything.
Did you read JT's latest post addressing this? If not you should and you will find he further explained things and apologized. If you did read it and still posted this then shame on you. We are a friendly group here and we consider ourselves a family. We may not always agree but we treat each other with respect and we support each other. I would advise you to put this to rest now and lets go back to sharing our love of the Lodge.
Ok I'm feeling like we need to change topics here and maybe we can find something happy and upbeat to talk about. If you were at the Lodge right now what would you be doing? I would hope I would be eating lunch at Whispering Canyon having that delicious skillet.
I love Whispering Canyon for an afternoon break. I feel like it gets much louder and busier at night.

Right now, nearly 1pm, I'd be walking the paths, perhaps to/from the boat. Watching the bunnies nibble on the low greens. Getting ready to go for a swim.

I'd also be planning on where to travel and visit in the evening. Tonight might be a good one for taking the monorail over to epcot, and then stroll out the international gateway from there over to the Boardwalk.
I love Whispering Canyon for an afternoon break. I feel like it gets much louder and busier at night.

Walking the paths, perhaps to/from the boat. Watching the bunnies nibble on the low greens. Getting ready to go for a swim.

Planning on where to travel and visit in the evening. Tonight might be a good one for taking the monorail over to epcot, and then out the back gate there to the Boardwalk.
I like that a lot! I love the walk to the boat and then standing there on the dock while waiting for the boat looking at all of the fish in the water and the ducks.
I like that a lot! I love the walk to the boat and then standing there on the dock while waiting for the boat looking at all of the fish in the water and the ducks.
I don't know what it is about boats and water but I can stand there forever and lose myself into a trance watching them. I've never cruised (nor do I intend to, it feels too unnatural).


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