W.I.S.H.-Wide Monday Mixer!


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Jan 25, 2006
Welcome to The Monday Mixer! Team Ohana is hosting, but ALL are more than welcome!!

The idea is to get to know more about each other and have some fun, along with some virtual beverages. Each week, there will be a new topic to get the ball rolling, but we'll always gather here on this thread (at least until it's all full-up!)

Our loose topic for 'Ohana's first Monday Mixer is:

What is the Best Ice Cream Treat on WDW Property? Include a picture or a story, if you have one!

Of course, you don't need to stick to that topic. You can talk about the best thing at WDW, period. Or the Grammies, celebrity gossip, board games. Or the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything. (Although we cousins know the answer is 42. You'll learn to love our geekdom.)

So jump on in, the water's fine. We'll be passing out drinks soon. And know that we've very happy to have you here!
Mixer archive:

2/1 – (Page 1) What is the Best Ice Cream Treat on WDW Property? Include a picture or a story, if you have one!

2/8 - (Page 5) 1. Anyone that runs/works out with music have a sweet spot on their playlist that they repeat over and over for an energy boost in the rough patches?

2. Share, if you dare, your musical guilty pleasure. This may be the same as your answer for question 1 (many of us find ourselves grooving to things on the treadmill that we'd never listen to in the car!) or it could be completely useless for working out - whatever it is, we want all the gory details!

2/15 – (Page 8) If you could do one race--money, qualifying, logistics is no object--what would it be?

2/22 – (Page 10 ) "Crosstraining I Have Done." Tell us what activities you've tried or participate in regularly besides running/walking - what have you liked/disliked? Any entertaining XT stories?

3/1 – (Page 11) I assume most if not all of us on this site are fans of the Disney theme parks.
What keeps you coming back to the Disney theme parks for more?

3/8 – (Page 12) In honor of those who ran the Princess Half as their favorite princess (and other Disney races as their favorite characters), tell us all a bit about your favorite Disney characters.

3/15 – (Page 14) Outside of Disney, Health and Fitness, what other interests do you cultivate?

3/22 – (Page 15) What are your favorite Disney restaurants and why? What's your favorite meal there?

3/29 – (Page 16) Do you have any pets? Tell us about your pets, past, present or imaginary!

4/5 – (Page 18) Do you have any funny, interesting or just crucial pre-race rituals or traditions? AND/OR Would you please share your best racing advice?

4/12 - (Page 18) What are you reading now and do you have a book you would recommend to a friend?

4/19 – (Page 19) How did you start your journey to fitness and/or racing?
While the :mickeybar is famous enough to be a smilie here, I prefer the fresh ice cream cookie sandwich on Main St (but I forget if it's the bakery or the ice cream shop). Mint chocolate chip is my fave!
Best Ice Cream treat is the Hot Fudge sundae at Beaches and Cream! DD#3 and I each had one carbo loading for the half 3 weeks ago.
(I have a photo but don't know how to post it here)
My fav used to be a strawberry swirl at the Enchanted Grove near the Tea Cups but they changed the menu and are no longer. :sad1:
I tried the pinnapple soft serve at the Dole place in Frountier Land last January 2009, and would have had another this year but it was just to cold. I haven't had any other ice cream but the Mickey Bar. Looks like I need to get out more.

I have to second Beaches and Cream but my vote is the No Way Jose with vanilla ice cream, peanut butter sauce and hot fudge :woohoo:

One other family fav is a dessert called something like the "garbage pail" at Blizzard Beach-- it is a huge sundae that comes in a little green sand bucked complete with shovel. Great ice cream, then you can use the bucket to make sand castles.
My favorite is the ice cream they serve in those whopping big mugs at the Biergarten.

Oh wait... Sorry, that was beer.

Still my favorite.
I guess I'm going to have to go with the pineapple Dole Whip. And it's not just because it's tasty (which it is) or anything super-special. It's because when I have one, I always try to go sit on a bench up towards the castle or heading into Adventureland and just people watch. Usually I am briskly walking from place to place, and not just sitting and watching the people go by. Dole Whips make me stop and smell the roses--oh wait, they're over by Tomorrowland!

I'll have to vote for the Pineapple Dole Whip. I absolutely love them. My favorite spot is just next to Aloha Isle and sit and listen to the music and watch people go bye.

My second favorite is the Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich on Main Street at the Bakery. So much Ice Cream and Cookie I just can't wait to get it. My favorite spot to enjoy this is just outside the door at one of the tables on Main Street. Especially early in the day I love to watch the streams of people come flowing it. Knowing the enjoyment that some of them will be having for the first time. The way they look at the castle. Looking at the map. Trying to figure out what to do. Everyone's happy.
My fav used to be a strawberry swirl at the Enchanted Grove near the Tea Cups but they changed the menu and are no longer. :sad1:

that one was mine too! i was so sad when they got rid of those. :(

i also miss the ice cream bars that were chocolate/vanilla mickey mouse faces. the chocolate covered mickey ears just are not the same.
Another vote for the Dole Whip! I like getting the float in MK and I also like getting one at Captain Cook's at the Poly. It's always fun to see exactly how much and how tall you can make it :)

ETA - Any of the sundaes at B&C! I really like the Milky Way and got to try the Kitchen Sink on our last trip.
I love the No Way Jose at Beaches & Cream! However, I just had my first sundae at Ghiradelli's last week (I grabbed the peanut butter sundae - are you spotting a theme here?!), and it has got to be a close second!

And when do we start passing around the drinks? I know it's 9am on a Monday morning, but as my grandfather used to say "It's after 5:00 somewhere in the world"! :goodvibes
I had forgotten about the two-toned Mickey ice creams-- they were good. My only guess is that they melted too fast :sad2:

Mike: good choice :lmao:
Mint chocolate chip ice cream with dark chocolate fudge from Ghiardelli. Yum! Got ot admit, thoguh. Was introduced to DOle whips last year at Princess and a pineapple Dole whip float is now a fave. nothing beats chocolte, though. :goodvibes
Kira, ask and you shall receive:


The bar is open - these are all fruity drinks because....well, it's still early and fruit=breakfast, right???
I love these kind of threads!

My favorite onsite would have to be Dolewhips! We ordered some and make it at home but it's not as good as what is at Disney, of course!

Favorite ice cream overall is peppermint or mint chocolate chip.
I have to second Beaches and Cream but my vote is the No Way Jose with vanilla ice cream, peanut butter sauce and hot fudge :woohoo:

:thumbsup2 I agree with this. Nothing better than peanut butter, chocolate and ice cream.

My favorite chocolate treat at WDW was the Godiva Chocolate Martini at the bar in the Wilderness Lodge. :cloud9:

ETA-- Hi! Richard!!!


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