Walkers Sharing Experiences


I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
Hello fellow walkers. Our old walker thread was getting to large so it's time for a new one.

For walkers who are new to the WISH events and competition section: There are several of us who walk our races, not because we are weak or injured but because we choose to.

Our sport is different than running it compliments running very well. Walking is a great way to get in shape and lose weight. It's also a wonderfull way to build up to running. But you can progress as a walker even if you have no desire to move into running. Walking is more body friendly than running since you don't have the pounding into the road that comes with running.

Walking as a sport is very much like running in the way we train. We need to do LSD (long slow distance) walk, short fast walking and tempo walks. We need to do the stretching and strengthening exercises.

Walkers please jump right in with comments, questions or just to share your workouts or experiences.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Ordered a dreadmill. :guilty: Now, I can walk and do hill work when it is yucky outside. I got lots of rest over the winters, but usually got extra pounds too. No more excuses! :sad2:
Ordered a dreadmill. :guilty: Now, I can walk and do hill work when it is yucky outside. I got lots of rest over the winters, but usually got extra pounds too. No more excuses! :sad2:

I think I may break down and buy one. What kind did you get?
Hey all you Wonderful Walkers....

Just doing a walk by....haha:lmao:

In the midst of doing my training for the DL 1/2 Marathon and really just trying to survivei the South Florida Heat and Humidity! ugh.

Walkers have a new thread!!!! whoo hoo:woohoo:

aka Mount Trashmore Girl
aka Racey Tracy
I had a treadmill at home but Erica and I never used it. It started collecting stuff on it so I gave it away.

The gym we go to has the nice high tech mills with fans and we have a bank of 8 televisions to watch while working out. They have HRM also so I can check my rate after a hard effort and see where I'm at. I can measure improvement by doing a certain speed and checking my rate after I've finished.

Susie I haven't seen you around for a while. Welcome back.

Erica bought some more new shoes to walk in. When she was shopping she bought the Mizuno Wave Riders and ordered the others, they arrived today. Purple trimmed Asics Stratus.

Walking Panda:hippie:
I also use my local neighbor fitness center for any treadmill work. I'm not sure I would use one at home as much, besides I walk outside as much as possible.
I am so glad I found this board at the start of this year.:goodvibes I've learned so much about walking, running, etc. and the support has been terrific.
Good Evening Walkers!!! I know I am new to the sport and I am still trying to learn techinique (hopefully, I will be able to spend some time with Panda Dave and he can teach me.) but I am having a great time as I learn. Being on one of the teams here as made me incredibly motivated to put in more time and miles than I ever have. But at the same time, I am getting more motivated to supplement my cardio choices to change it up and to keep my body guessing. That is where the walking comes in. I would have to say that I am not a racewalker but that is only because I haven't got the technique and time in to be worthy of calling myself such. I am walking at a good clip where most of the people around me can't keep up but at the same time, I want to get faster and build a lot more endurance. I look forward to going on this experience here with you!!

A new home... nice to be back.

As a walker for 15+years, I have my own way of doing things so I guess whatever works for you. I now find that I walk fast all the time, even at work, I guess once you start, it just becomes natural even in high heels.

Good morning guys.

Denise, I'm the same way, since I started walking as a sport I tend to walk a lot faster when I'm just walking to get around also.

SamSam we get as much motivation from you as we give out. Your positive vibes are wonderfull.

Byran, unless you do a judged event, which most never do, just takeing some techniques from racewalking will help your speed and endurance a lot. I use proper technique because I find it more comfortable now. Most endurance walkers do a walking style that is modified to fit them.

There is a rule of thumb for athletics, be it running, walking or cow chip flipping that you get better for ten years and then level off. That is if you train continusly for the whole time. When ever you take a long break of course go back to close to the start.

Tracey I don't have any judged events here normally but we police ourselves in the walk races. Any style works except an obvious run. The 10 or so racewalkers that show up keep their technique as perfect as possible out of a sense of honor, not because of judging. Yep even us redneck Kentucky and Tenn folks put high value in honor.

Susie, places like Sears often have good specials on treadmills. You can spend a lot of money on gadgets you would never use on them so don't over buy.

Hi Kim:flower3:

Connie having a treadbeast of your own is a good idea for you since you live so far from civilization.

Walk strong y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
A new thread, wow! I feel like I'm at my first day of school and using a new notebook for the very first time! :rotfl2:

Dave/Erica: Mizuno Wave Rider is my favorite shoe. I especially like the fact that it comes in a wide width although I usually have to order them online. Erica should do really well with them......I had bunion surgery years and years ago and I find them quite comfortable.

Re walking fast.......I do it all the time! In fact, whenever I walk slow, it hurts my feet so much. I call it "meandering" and I hate it! This past weekend we went to a great museum, but after a few hours my feet were absolutely killing me from all the slow walking. I actually got to a point where I just sat it out and told the others to go on. Then I got upset because I missed some really neat stuff like the actual Rosa Parks bus. :sad2: It does have it's upsides though.......because I hate walking slow, I also hate to shop....and that makes my husband very happy! :thumbsup2
Hi all! Thanks for the welcome back, Dave. :)

Jeanne - I thought I was the only female who didn't like to shop. Glad to know there are others (like me) out there. :laughing:

As for walking, I really struggle with it. I have to run a little to keep up with DH (a walker) and usually he ends up too far ahead for me to catch up with him. I really wish I could drop the running altogether and just walk but I'm not fast enough. After the half in January, I might consider just walking and trying to get faster. Right now, I just don't have the confidence to do so. I know that sounds strange.

Also, I think my left leg is a little longer than my right. I walk okay on my right leg but I tend to drag my left leg. Has anyone else experienced something similar? I know, I'm weird - see my tag! Ha!
Thoughtful Panda A dreadmill will pay for itself given how far I would have to travel to gym or center in no time. With the price of gas.......I can pay for it in 139 gallons! Let's see, at 50 mile round trip to a workout center (that's pretty crummy) and I can pay for it in ....55 trips or approxiimately 15 weeks! The treadmill has a lifetime warranty on the motor, so ..... Hmmmm, that's a pretty good return on investment!

Susie I went to the Nordictrack web site. I had been looking and comparing for some time. But they are running some amazing web specials and had just dropped the price another $100, it was 1/2 of MSRP. I got one that has the Ipod deck, fans, and workout programs. It has a 12% incline and has really great speed too.

I do racewalking. I am not fast....yet. I don't know how I would do in a judged race, but the speed I have gained is amazing.
Thoughtful Panda A dreadmill will pay for itself given how far I would have to travel to gym or center in no time. With the price of gas.......I can pay for it in 139 gallons! Let's see, at 50 mile round trip to a workout center (that's pretty crummy) and I can pay for it in ....55 trips or approxiimately 15 weeks! The treadmill has a lifetime warranty on the motor, so ..... Hmmmm, that's a pretty good return on investment!

Wow, I am so fortunate! I can walk 1.5 miles to my fitness center, do a cross training class, then wak 1.5 miles home. :) Makes a great workout....I'm really feeling blessed now. :goodvibes
Hi, Walking friends!

Panda Dave, I love the new digs! You did a great job decorating in here. :goodvibes

I walked in soft sand and then little sprints on the wet sand for a bit today. I did notice this afternoon I tried to jog across my parents' lawn, maybe 30 feet, and my knee felt "loose." I don't know how else to describe it, but i suddenly couldn't run anymore. Like all the energy drained out of me. I'm chalking it up to being in the sun.

Good to see everyone!

As for the racewalking, at Tracy's urging I did my first (and so far only) judged racewalk in May and had great form. Not very fast, though....
I just heard on the news that they are considering lowering the speed limits on the interstate highways to conserve gas. That stinks for someone like us who travel my car on our vacations. Most interstates have 70 mph and you can go 75 with out any problem. I would hate to see 55 mph again.

Anyway back to the positive side of life.

One of the really great things about a treadmill is you have better control over your training. If you currently walk at a 14 min per mile pace and want to go to a 13:30 average pace you can do some at your 14 pace and then start adding increasing amounts of 13:30 to the workout. It's the same principle as lifting weights, you add a little at a time till the new weight is easier than add a little more.

Walk strong y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Panda Dave, they moved the speed limit on a section of the Garden State Parkway from 65 back to 55 because of the number of accidents. Now it's even more dangerous at the point of the change because of all the braking. I'm not sure that it's making a difference in accidents.

In other news, I did see a report yesterday that a) Florida's gas consumption is down to levels from 35 years ago, and b) the number of auto fatalities is decreasing as the gas prices increase, since fewer people are on the roads.

Maybe they don't need to reduce speed limits if they are reducing the number of drivers and that is conserving fuel, too....
Dave: Sorry about the lowering of the speed limit, but as a driver of a hybrid vehicle I know that driving slower than 60 makes much, much better gas mileage. It's hard to do, but when you see the difference at the gas pump, it will make you smile. I know you like speed, but hang in there. Now, if we can put people on the moon, I'm sure we can figure out how to have a car that looks like a normal car and uses something else beside gas and oil!!!! IMO.

Going out to ride my bike, see ya later.......
Susie I am concerned about the foot dragging thing. DH had drop foot and it was due to an old back injury. Hopefully, that's not your problem. But maybe you should have it checked out. On the other hand, I sometimes drag my right foot a little. I will have to concentrate for a few minutes to avoid it. The better I get at racewalking the less often it happens.

SamSam ;) Glad I could make your day! There's lots of really great reasons to live in the sticks....one of them is your own private gym!:rotfl:

One of the really great things about a treadmill is you have better control over your training. If you currently walk at a 14 min per mile pace and want to go to a 13:30 average pace you can do some at your 14 pace and then start adding increasing amounts of 13:30 to the workout. It's the same principle as lifting weights, you add a little at a time till the new weight is easier than add a little more.

And for me, there is also the hill work that I can do. We have false flats and steep humps (2) but no really real hills. I need the hill work in order to do any good at Little Rock in the spring!

55 mph......Obviously the morons in Washington, DC considering that for the Nation, don't live in the Nation, they live in congested cities! Out here, in the land of wide open spaces 55 mph is a killer....liteally. People get bored and sleepy and die. Death toll from automobile accidents went down when the higher speeds were adopted. One car accidents are the most frequent kind. Everyone is free to drive 55 if they want.
Good Morning!

I've been walking on and off for 20 years, but never been able to speed walk.:confused: I too have a treadmill at home and use it quite often, especially in the long winters here in the Rockies. I also work at a recreation center and have access to their treadmills, but sometimes after along day at work, you just want to get out of "Dodge"!:rotfl: I do alot of ouside walking and hiking and I must say that walking is one of my favorite hobbies/sports!

Have a great weekend.:hippie:


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