Walkers Wanna Compare Notes??

We might be up for some walks at BW.

New kitties! We have 2 older Siamese cats, Good luck!

You all have great paces and don't have to worry about getting swept. I am planning around 15:30 for my Goofy paces. I was able to by accident(don't know how it happened) to do 13:30 pace for the 5K & 15K on back to backs at the Minnie in May. Fastest walking since both Achilles surgeries. I did walk the WDW marathon in 96 in 5:09:)

We had a Siamese cat several years ago. It's favorite trick, when it wasn't terrorizing the local dogs was to hide somewhere like the top of the fridge and slap me when I walked by.

Your 13:30 is about what Erica and race at when we are together. She has already informed me that for the Disney races we will be slower so she can enjoy the sites and the characters.

We should be getting in some good exercise going all over the parks also.

Dave, I checked with my brother the veterinarian and he concurred: kittens do not make good couches. They just don't hold up to the weight very well and they tend to move around way too much. You might try something larger, like a cow, though I understand there are certain issues with having them indoors. ;)

:rotfl2: :lmao: I nominate Wendy for membership into the YARC!!!!!!

Off on my 10K, check back later.

:rotfl2: :lmao: I nominate Wendy for membership into the YARC!!!!!!

Off on my 10K, check back later.


Kim Darlin, Wendy has been a member of the "YARC" for a while, She is (drum roll please) The Beautiful Goddess of Endurance and Power.

Dave, I checked with my brother the veterinarian and he concurred: kittens do not make good couches. They just don't hold up to the weight very well and they tend to move around way too much. You might try something larger, like a cow, though I understand there are certain issues with having them indoors. ;)

We have a chocolate lab to. She is still trying to deside if Kitties are fun or a pain in the tail, literally. Theyn love to attack her wagging tail when she sit's for a treat.

I sentence you as your "YARC" punishment to eat a waffle cone with rasberry chocolate chunk ice cream. But you must control your self and not enjoy it.

Now the important stuff, how are you holding up, back to normal yet?

When we are at Disney for ToT if anyones interested we can do some group morning training walks around the boardwalk.


We may be able to do that.....we'll definitely be at BW Friday and Saturday evening and are presently waitlisted for Thursday as well. It's a quickie trip for us also. If the waitlist doesn't come through, we'll be at PORFQ Thursday.
It looks like we will be unable to make any of the other WISH get-togethers as our MNSSHP ressies are for Thursday night, not Friday. Nancy (padisneyfan) and I were planning to be in Epcot on Friday night with our spouses to see the Village People......anyone else interested in joining us for that?
Kim Darlin, Wendy has been a member of the "YARC" for a while, She is (drum roll please) The Beautiful Goddess of Endurance and Power.


Yikes, how did I miss that....sorry Wendy

Just got back from my 10K, DH time about 65 mins...I had the stop watch. Mine was much slower at 1:22:32. But I felt great after it so I am pretty happy with that.

We will be at MNSSHP on Friday night, I am really going to miss F&W this year...

Yikes, how did I miss that....sorry Wendy

Just got back from my 10K, DH time about 65 mins...I had the stop watch. Mine was much slower at 1:22:32. But I felt great after it so I am pretty happy with that.

We will be at MNSSHP on Friday night, I am really going to miss F&W this year...


Kim you mentioned on the dailey that your shins hurt. You need to warm up longer. If I start to racewalk before a good warm-up, about 15 to 30 min of brisk walking, dynamic drills and stretching I have shin pain for a few miles.

Dynaqmic drills are sorta like stretching but instead of normal stretching you do leg swings in all different directions without going to extremes. It's like stretching for your joints. Think a rockette dancer.

Regular brisk walking is a perfect warm-up. You know you are warm when you start to sweat. That is the signal that your body is ready for more activity.

Just a reminder to everyone that WISH shirt orders are being taken now through July 29th. There is a thread on the main page showing what's available.

(I had to post something to keep us from falling off the page!) :thumbsup2
Due to a crazy travel schedule for work related things, I've been walking a lot, but not training, if you KWIM :) Running from one terminal to another carrying a ton of luggage has to count for something, right :lmao:

Anyway, finally got back in the swing of things yesterday. I was sort of nervous that I would have lost all of the progress I had made because of the last month or craziness.

But, I was wrong, thank goodness, and I was right on track with a 3 mile walk, taking just over 45 minutes (about a 15:10 mpm). I'm excited because my goal is to be able to do 5 miles at around a 15:30 by the begining of Aug, and it seems like that there is a good chance of that (the longest I've gone "at pace" is 4 miles).

I am going to do some interval work tomorrow (2 minutes "on," 2 minutes slow) for 48 minutes, and then fit a 5 miler in this weekend (with no pace in mind).

Have a great day!
bekkiz: congrats on getting back "on track" ....and good luck with your long walk this weekend! I was a real slacker myself during May and June, but have been trying to be more consistent since the beginning of July. The WDW marathon events are now less than 6 months away...... We all gotta get serious!
bekkiz: congrats on getting back "on track" ....and good luck with your long walk this weekend! I was a real slacker myself during May and June, but have been trying to be more consistent since the beginning of July. The WDW marathon events are now less than 6 months away...... We all gotta get serious!

Hey Guys.:love:

I just got back from my testing ordeal in Fankfort, what a long long day. A 4 hour drive there and back and a lot of waiting in between. I won't know the results for about 10 days, They notify with a letter.

I didn't have time to walk this morning and I'm just to drained now.

Bekkiz, that is a perfect way to train. Try not timing it though and just go by feel sometimes.

Now that I know I'm licenced and the stress and studying is over, I had a lesson in how loose and relaxed translates to effort.

My walk today felt effortless. I wasn't pushing the pace and the humidity was up around 100%. But I felt so loose and relaxed. I couldn't believe how smooth I was walking. I didn't even have any achillies pain after I cooled down and I've had that every day for months.

I have a race tomorrow and hope this relaxed feeling translates to better race time. I was 5th in this race last year.

Congrats on your new licence! And to have such a wonderful walk on top of that, must feel good! :cheer2:

Best of luck to you in your race tomorrow! :banana:

My interval walk went fine yesterday, I went about 2.8 miles, in 44 minutes for an overall pace of 15:43 mpm. However, many of my "fast" 2 minute segments were close to a 13 mpm (although my "rest" 2 minute segments were right around 18 mpm :) ).

I have to say, the last two cycles were BAD, I'm not sure you could tell the diffference b/t the fast and rest pace :lmao: I was feeling such low energy by the end. But I finished, and I was happy with that!
I've been a slacker with posting, but not as far as walking. So this week I have done

Mon 4.5 miles on TM and stretch class
Tues 3 miles ellipical and pump class
Wed. 7 miles on TM (was into a good book and felt good)
Thurs 2 miles TM, pump class, 25 minutes on recumbent bike ( I only did that to kill time before stretch and read my book), and stretch class. That much time in gym they should serve me a snack. I was starving until I got home.

Today is a day off. Our gym is having their annual picnic so will go there for the evening. Sat will be my LW on the Rail Trail. I have been lucky so far that the days for my LW on the trail have been comfortable weather wise with low humidity and temps in the low 80's. During the week has been the hot and humid days.

Dave--- What did you just take an exam for to be licensed?

bekkiz---Doesn't it feel good to get back on track?

Dave--- I'm way over at POFQ for the ToT weekend so won't be joining you for walks around the boardwalk. I do like to walk around the PO resorts as there is alot of shade. Of course, I have been known to get lost at the back of the resorts which adds extra milage to find my way back to where I started.

Jeanne--- I see you are still waitlisted for BWV for Thursday. One of my Dec trips I was waitlisted for OKW for the first night and it only came through like a week before we were to leave. So hopefully yours will come through for you.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Dave: congrats on passing your test and getting your license (for what, I might ask?)

Bekkiz: congrats on your training! A 13-minute mile is FAST! Just make sure you don't lose more recovery time than you gain in going all out. I've tried to incorporate a little running into my routine and for me, it doesn't really work well. I'm a big lady and even though it gives me a little better time, it seems to have a negative impact on my stamina. Now I tryto reserve my running for the uphill portions, so i get them over quicker.

Nancy:your training routine is putting me to shame! (And then you'll have to get a new marathon partner :sad2: ) This is what I did this week:
Monday: 4.5 miles
Tuesday: spinning class, 2 miles fast on indoor track
Wednesday: had an early dental appt, so no time to walk
Thursday: 4 miles hilly
Friday: having guests so my only exercise will be cleaning the house!
Saturday: plan to walk 13-14 miles outside before guests arrive.

Ibroke down and ordered a Garmin 205. Got it on Amazon.com for $161. The cheap little pedometer I had was getting worse instead of better, so I decided to take the plunge. I also ordered one for my daughter as a Christmas gift (OK, I know it's only July) My neighbor has a 205 and loves it. We use it when we walk the golf course on Thursday mornings and it gives us lots of good information. I like the fact that you don't have to calibrate it to the individual so my husband can use it when I'm not with him.....kinda like 2 for the price of 1. Anything to justify the big bucks I am spending on this supposedly inexpensive sport.

My waitlist for BWV needs to come through by 10/19......that is the last day I have to cancel my backup reservation at PORFQ. Got my fingers crossed.

have a great weekend, everyone!
bekkiz--- You are doing a great job with your walking. I don't think my knees could take doing a 13 minute mile pace even for 2 minutes.

Jeanne--- I have tried all different pedometers and the only one I found that had worked well for me is the cheapest one in Wal-Mart. I found using it on the trail which is mile marked that it was only off by .03/mile. They never seem to work for Norm. If they weren't so expensive I would consider getting him a Garman, but I think he would use an ipod which he wants more than a Garmin. Your training program looks great to me. You are doing longer walks than me, I am mostly still doing between 8-11 for my LW. I need to start to bump it up to 12 miles. Erik and his GF are coming this weekend, so after my LW Sat I need to clean and get grocery shopping done before they come Sat evening. I will have to get motiviated to get out of bed early tomorrow so I can get my LW in. Brian has a job interview on Tues with Sports Authority about a golf something job.

I'm sorry, my exam was the state board exam to be a licenced optician. It's the highest level you can get in optics without going to school for 8 years to be an eye doctor.

Cooler weather is on the way for the weekend. YEAH!!!

Now the important stuff, how are you holding up, back to normal yet?


Thanks for asking Dave -- working my way back. I've done a 10-mile long walk (last Saturday) and I might try a 12 today. I was supposed to do 14 last week, but I just didn't feel ready for that after two solid weeks off. We'll see how today goes.

Hockeychic, I'm definitely not right -- and I appreciate the nomination!
The weather was perfect this morning low humidity and temp at 68 when we started and 78 when we finished. So I did a 12 mile LW, DH did 10 miles. I can't get over how well my DH is doing with his LW. We did a different part of the trail today which had an uphill incline that lasted for over a mile. First time on the trail I had come across since a long incline. Also that portion of the trail was mostly in the shade which I will have to remember for hotter days. There are some stretches that nearly the entire mile is out in the open. It was a great walk and felt good after it.

Congratulations Dave on becoming a licenced optician.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

The weather was perfect this morning low humidity and temp at 68 when we started and 78 when we finished. So I did a 12 mile LW, DH did 10 miles. I can't get over how well my DH is doing with his LW. We did a different part of the trail today which had an uphill incline that lasted for over a mile. First time on the trail I had come across since a long incline. Also that portion of the trail was mostly in the shade which I will have to remember for hotter days. There are some stretches that nearly the entire mile is out in the open. It was a great walk and felt good after it.

Congratulations Dave on becoming a licenced optician.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.


Nancy although I'm a lot faster than Erica at the shorter distances like the 5K, when we get up into the half and full marathon distances she and I are about equal. That is till she wants to pet animals and get a picture with a Disney character. WOMEN!

I'm having a spaghetti and big water for lunch since I have a race in about 4 hours. I'll have a banana about an hour prior then time to take care of business. I'll give a full account tonight after it's over.




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