Walking on Sunshine : Celebrating Spring at Universal & SeaWorld - an April/May 2016 PTR

Well, as much as the prospect of the shed in your backyard was mighty tempting, I think Sunshine may have altered the plans somewhat. Young love is fickle, though, so as much as think she *might* be the one......you can never predict the future!

That shed is 5 stars all the way.

If Jake prefers older women he can have the other DD. She comes complete with not 1 but 2 post secondary degrees and a full time job with a pay check larger than her fathers including better benefits. She also has a gun license. Now that's a package deal!
Because I'm feelin' rather sentimental this afternoon, I thought I'd share some of Jake's graduation pictures.

He will hate me for sharing this one, but I can't help it.....its one of my favourites:

I swear he was just holding my hand yesterday, and asking me if I wanted to play Hot Wheels with him while we watched an episode of Barney. Sigh.

Approx 35 years ago my wife, our newborn baby and myself were visiting my 92 year old Grandmother. During the conversation she mentioned that her life up to that point seemed like a dream. I remember thinking that would seem impossible. Now as I get o;der, I see what she meant. Time does fly way to quickly
Finally caught up again- Congrats to your hubby on the new job and the graduation pics are simply fantastic. So very happy for your family.
I have a totally random question for you that perhaps you could help me out on...my family and I are headed to Niagara Falls (just American side/no passports) and maybe Buffalo for a short trip this weekend. We have never been there...do you know those areas well and is there anything you recommend? Any super fun activities at Niagara Falls we should check out? Or in Buffalo? Unlike our Orlando trips I haven't researched too much at all and I feel very behind lol.
Finally caught up again- Congrats to your hubby on the new job and the graduation pics are simply fantastic. So very happy for your family.
I have a totally random question for you that perhaps you could help me out on...my family and I are headed to Niagara Falls (just American side/no passports) and maybe Buffalo for a short trip this weekend. We have never been there...do you know those areas well and is there anything you recommend? Any super fun activities at Niagara Falls we should check out? Or in Buffalo? Unlike our Orlando trips I haven't researched too much at all and I feel very behind lol.
@pattyw can probably give you some good info. She lives in the Buffalo area.
Finally caught up again- Congrats to your hubby on the new job and the graduation pics are simply fantastic. So very happy for your family.
I have a totally random question for you that perhaps you could help me out on...my family and I are headed to Niagara Falls (just American side/no passports) and maybe Buffalo for a short trip this weekend. We have never been there...do you know those areas well and is there anything you recommend? Any super fun activities at Niagara Falls we should check out? Or in Buffalo? Unlike our Orlando trips I haven't researched too much at all and I feel very behind lol.

Unfortunately, the American side of Niagara Falls is second rate to the Canadian side. But, there is a nice visitor center on the US side and the weather looks great- sunny & near 60 so you can view the falls in various areas. The Maid of the Mist boat tour doesn't begin until April 2.

Niagara Falls, USA has a very good outlet mall if shopping is in your plans. Buffalo has a lot of activities. Canalside is located downtown and has a lot of outdoor activities for families. There are casinos in Niagara Falls and Buffalo. There are wineries you can tour in the Niagara region. I'm happy to give you any other information:)
That shed is 5 stars all the way.

If Jake prefers older women he can have the other DD. She comes complete with not 1 but 2 post secondary degrees and a full time job with a pay check larger than her fathers including better benefits. She also has a gun license. Now that's a package deal!

LOL....I have no doubt that you, of all people, would have a five star shed. Its probably nicer than most of the one bedroom apartments that Jake has been looking at in an effort to determine the kind of place his budget will eventually afford hime:rotfl2:.

I am wishing now I had a couple of extra sons so that I could match them up with either of your little ladies. I think having you as a mother in law would be an absolute hoot! ;)

Approx 35 years ago my wife, our newborn baby and myself were visiting my 92 year old Grandmother. During the conversation she mentioned that her life up to that point seemed like a dream. I remember thinking that would seem impossible. Now as I get o;der, I see what she meant. Time does fly way to quickly

Amen to that ::yes::. We all need to pay attention to those valuable lessons from the elders that we're still lucky enough to have in our lives.

Finally caught up again- Congrats to your hubby on the new job and the graduation pics are simply fantastic. So very happy for your family.
I have a totally random question for you that perhaps you could help me out on...my family and I are headed to Niagara Falls (just American side/no passports) and maybe Buffalo for a short trip this weekend. We have never been there...do you know those areas well and is there anything you recommend? Any super fun activities at Niagara Falls we should check out? Or in Buffalo? Unlike our Orlando trips I haven't researched too much at all and I feel very behind lol.

Thanks Vestmama4 :goodvibes .

As pattyw mentioned below, the US side offers quite a bit less in the way of attractions (especially at this time of year) than the Canadian side does. The really good indoor/weather protected/non-seasonal attractions like the Butterfly Conservatory, Bird Kingdom, the Niagara Skywheel, and the indoor waterparks are all across the border. Some of my favourite Niagara USA highlights (like the Cave of the Winds.....my favourite Niagara attraction of them all!....the Maid of the Mist, and the Niagara Jetboats still have a few more weeks before they will reopen for the spring and summer season.

Definitely go out on the Observation Deck for some good views (but dress warm and be prepared for the wind). And you may want to check out the Niagara Aquarium....its small but might be worth an hour or two of your time.
After a couple of hectic work days (one of the bosses is heading to Myrtle Beach for two weeks in the near future, so the push is on to get everything done ahead so he can relax without thinking about the office), its high time for a trip planning update. Today is exciting because we've finally hit "the 20's"!


The biggest.....and most exciting......news on the trip planning front is that one of the angels in our lives has surprised us with the Superstar Character Breakfast on our third Universal park day (Friday, April 29th). Yes, the infinite blessings that have been bestowed on us for this vacation have continued yet again, and my heart is so full of gratitude for the kindness and generosity that we have been shown :hug:. We all have been working very hard to pay forward this unbelievable thoughtfulness in our everyday lives, but even I have to admit at this stage that I can't imagine we will EVER be able to repay this level of generosity. We are truly touched and humbled beyond measure, and I can only hope the person who has made this possible for us truly can feel how appreciative we all are.

Knowing that you all are well aware of how much I love the minions, I know you will all appreciate my excitement for this event. I could hardly sleep the night we got the news :blush:. Yes, I freely admit that I am 42 going on 5.

I might be too excited that day to even eat!!! :hyper:

With that most recent add-on now booked and on the itinerary, getting matching Minion shirts for that park day is an absolute MUST. A good friend and fellow Diser was awesome in pointing us in the direction of Kmart for shirts (even ones in Big & Tall sizes to fit my big Steve!), and as an added bonus....they are all on half price right now! Sunshine and I picked out which ones we wanted to order for everyone (the guys didn't care :rotfl:, I can imagine that shocks you all!) so I will put that through tomorrow since its the last day for the sale pricing. I had called the Buffalo Kmart to see if they would hold the order for us until April 23rd if we do the ship-to-store option (versus shipping it to our park and fly hotel), but they said they would only keep it 7 days before sending the items back to the warehouse. So, shipping to the Days Hotel it will be, and I will just have to show them my appreciation for their patience in keeping it for us for such a long stretch once we arrived. Perhaps I will bring them some coffee and donuts to enjoy, unless I can come up with a better thank-you plan between now and then. Each shirt will only be $9.99 each, so if Jake decides he wants to relegate his to a pyjama top after the trip, there's no big loss.

Sunshine and I need a couple of new pairs of sunglasses for the trip, and thanks to @pepperandchips , we discovered some really fun ones (for such a crazy low price....and on sale this week to boot!) at gojane.com . Placing that order is on my to-do list for the weekend as well. Its been so dreary and grey here all winter, good sunglasses for that Florida sunshine are essential :sunny: . Jake has his Oakleys and Steve just bought a new pair a month or so ago, so both the guys are well prepared in that area already.

My clothes dryer (which you may remember gave me grief a couple of weeks ago and required a repair) continues to give me some grief. A rather annoying squeak has returned that can't seem to be remedied despite Steve's best efforts. I am trying to determine now if I should fix it a second time or consider just buying a new one. I hate to have to purchase a whole new unit right before our trip yet I am struggling with the good sense in dumping more money into the old girl if she just isn't fixable. I am trying not to sweat the small stuff, though.....its just a dryer.

Especially after this week's snow and ice storm, I must admit I can't WAIT for the warm breezes, bright sun, and lush greenery of Orlando. While the next 29 days are sure to pass by pretty quickly, they cannot pass by soon enough for me!!


I hope you are all set to enjoy a blessed Easter weekend with family and loved ones. Its a quiet one here (Jake works day shift at the residential facility ttoday, Saturday and Sunday, while Steve works his last three night shifts all three days) but we will mark the holiday on Monday with a grand feast at my Mom's. My brother and his crew will be there too, so it should be a loud but fun time for all.

So far, I have managed to keep all chocolate and treats completely out of the house, though the temptation to indulge in some Easter goodies has been a real killer for our sweet tooths! I just picture what our Aquatica pictures will look like and that's all the motivation I need to skip the sugar and head to aqua fit. Nothing like envisioning swimsuit photos to keep the willpower firmly in place! :rotfl:
Sunshine and I need a couple of new pairs of sunglasses for the trip, and thanks to @pepperandchips , we discovered some really fun ones (for such a crazy low price....and on sale this week to boot!) at gojane.com . Placing that order is on my to-do list for the weekend as well. Its been so dreary and grey here all winter, good sunglasses for that Florida sunshine are essential :sunny:

Yay!!! Also I apologize in advance for introducing you to that site... it becomes addictive getting accessories from there so inexpensively. It is crazy how low the prices are to the extent that I can be in Target, which is already a discount retailer, looking at shoes thinking, "Yes, but I could probably get sandals just like these for $12 from Go Jane..." :rotfl:

So exciting as the trip draws closer to be making purchases that will ship to the resort! I am making the first of my shopping lists now for a dry goods run this weekend... 7ish more days for me! :woohoo:
Gina- I teared up when I read about Jake graduating. (Great pictures, by the way!) I have two teenage daughters who will be graduating high school in the next couple of years, and it is such a bittersweet thing for me. I bet it is for you too. :hug: Jake seems like a wonderful young man. I know you and Steve are super proud of him! :goodvibes

Your plans are shaping up so nicely for your trip! ::yes:: I can't believe you guys are under 30 days already! :cheer2:

I hope you and your family have a blessed Easter weekend! :flower3:

edited to add: Our dryer was having issues again last week too. My DH took the drum out and discovered that one of the wires got disconnected. Hope your dryer is an easy fix too! :wizard:
Yay!!! Also I apologize in advance for introducing you to that site... it becomes addictive getting accessories from there so inexpensively. It is crazy how low the prices are to the extent that I can be in Target, which is already a discount retailer, looking at shoes thinking, "Yes, but I could probably get sandals just like these for $12 from Go Jane..." :rotfl:

So exciting as the trip draws closer to be making purchases that will ship to the resort! I am making the first of my shopping lists now for a dry goods run this weekend... 7ish more days for me! :woohoo:

LOL, Sunshine thinks you are nothing short of genius. She has fallen in love with at least half of the items in the accessories section!!

7 days!! OMG! That deserves a dance! :banana:

Gina- I teared up when I read about Jake graduating. (Great pictures, by the way!) I have two teenage daughters who will be graduating high school in the next couple of years, and it is such a bittersweet thing for me. I bet it is for you too. :hug: Jake seems like a wonderful young man. I know you and Steve are super proud of him! :goodvibes

Your plans are shaping up so nicely for your trip! ::yes:: I can't believe you guys are under 30 days already! :cheer2:

I hope you and your family have a blessed Easter weekend! :flower3:

edited to add: Our dryer was having issues again last week too. My DH took the drum out and discovered that one of the wires got disconnected. Hope your dryer is an easy fix too! :wizard:

Yes, bittersweet indeed. And of course, as a mom, I can't help but worry if I have done my job well enough.....have I succeeded in getting my little one ready for an independent and successful life in this great big world? This quote has been on my mind often these days:


I guess time will tell :) .

My dryer has developed another nasty squeek....like there's the world's biggest cricket inside as the drum turns. It is loud enough that it drives us nutty when the laundry is drying. The last visit, the technician replaced all the little wheels that spin the drum....so maybe this is just a belt? Fingers crossed. Steve would like me to shop for a new laundry pair tomorrow afternoon (God love him), but I just don't want to :mad:.
Sometimes part of owning a house is knowing when to replace an appliance. I am on, I think my 3rd washer and 2nd dryer so far. That squeeking noise would send me to get a new one.

And after an almost balmy day, we will be cool again by tomorrow morning.

Gosh, so close and getting purchases done. Wahoo!
Thank you so much for all the tips. The little I had researched I did indeed see that all the fantastic activities on the Canada side. I guess this is good reason for us to go back once my crew gets passports. It will be a quick trip and I am excited to see the area. We will definitely do the observation deck, visitor's center, and aquarium. And we are always up for some shopping, so the outlet mall is a must. Canalside looks like a lot of fun as well and I will read/research further on our drive tomorrow. Thanks again :)
And I'm so happy to hear about your character breakfast- so much fun!! This is something I can't wait to see what you guys thought because I think my family would love to try this in the future.
LOL, Sunshine thinks you are nothing short of genius. She has fallen in love with at least half of the items in the accessories section!!

7 days!! OMG! That deserves a dance! :banana:

Yes, bittersweet indeed. And of course, as a mom, I can't help but worry if I have done my job well enough.....have I succeeded in getting my little one ready for an independent and successful life in this great big world? This quote has been on my mind often these days:


I guess time will tell :) .

My dryer has developed another nasty squeek....like there's the world's biggest cricket inside as the drum turns. It is loud enough that it drives us nutty when the laundry is drying. The last visit, the technician replaced all the little wheels that spin the drum....so maybe this is just a belt? Fingers crossed. Steve would like me to shop for a new laundry pair tomorrow afternoon (God love him), but I just don't want to :mad:.

I hope you get the dryer fixed. I'm like you , I hate to replace things. My dryer was given to me used before our son was born(he's 17 now). We had the same horrible squeak and it was a belt that needed replacing.
We managed to diagnose and fix our gas dryer ourselves this Fall. It was a solenoid that needed replacing. A few Youtube videos and a $30 part and we saved ourselves hundreds! But we had many discussions about where that line in the sand is.. when do you meet the threshold of money or time invested to warrant replacement. I think it's different for everyone. The gas dryer was about 8 years old and I didn't feel it was enough time to be going to get a new one. Now, my washer is about 12 years old, and it has slowly and steadily declined to the point that I will do a dance of glee as I go to purchase a new one next weekend. It started not wanting to spin out the water in the final cycle every once in awhile. Now? It does it almost every load and you have to ring the clothes out by hand and reset it. There's my threshold of annoyance right there.
I hope it's an easy fix Gina. If not, there are some good sales this weekend actually!
Thank you so much for all the tips. The little I had researched I did indeed see that all the fantastic activities on the Canada side. I guess this is good reason for us to go back once my crew gets passports. It will be a quick trip and I am excited to see the area. We will definitely do the observation deck, visitor's center, and aquarium. And we are always up for some shopping, so the outlet mall is a must. Canalside looks like a lot of fun as well and I will read/research further on our drive tomorrow. Thanks again :)
And I'm so happy to hear about your character breakfast- so much fun!! This is something I can't wait to see what you guys thought because I think my family would love to try this in the future.

Definitely plan for a return trip at some point.....a spring/summer visit to the Falls region where you can take in the best attractions on both sides of the river. Both sides are well worth exploring and have so much to offer when the weather is warmer.

We are super, SUPER excited about the Superstar breakfast, but surprisingly there's very little out there as far as reviews go :confused: . I will be sure to take a ton of pictures and make note of all the little details so other people can know exactly what to expect :thumbsup2 .

Sometimes part of owning a house is knowing when to replace an appliance. I am on, I think my 3rd washer and 2nd dryer so far. That squeeking noise would send me to get a new one.

And after an almost balmy day, we will be cool again by tomorrow morning.

Gosh, so close and getting purchases done. Wahoo!

I hope you get the dryer fixed. I'm like you , I hate to replace things. My dryer was given to me used before our son was born(he's 17 now). We had the same horrible squeak and it was a belt that needed replacing.

We managed to diagnose and fix our gas dryer ourselves this Fall. It was a solenoid that needed replacing. A few Youtube videos and a $30 part and we saved ourselves hundreds! But we had many discussions about where that line in the sand is.. when do you meet the threshold of money or time invested to warrant replacement. I think it's different for everyone. The gas dryer was about 8 years old and I didn't feel it was enough time to be going to get a new one. Now, my washer is about 12 years old, and it has slowly and steadily declined to the point that I will do a dance of glee as I go to purchase a new one next weekend. It started not wanting to spin out the water in the final cycle every once in awhile. Now? It does it almost every load and you have to ring the clothes out by hand and reset it. There's my threshold of annoyance right there.
I hope it's an easy fix Gina. If not, there are some good sales this weekend actually!

Well, oddly enough.....the dryer was quiet as a mouse today :confused3. After squeaking through two loads yesterday and firmly convincing me that something needed to be done (whether that "something" was a repair or a replacement being the big question)....today, it was fine. I have no explanation.

Now, I also have no expectation that tomorrow will bring the same quietness when the laundry is washed and dried. Today may have been an anomaly, and the next load could be another noisy one. However, it has at least bought me some extra time to make the decision which was particularly appreciated as I'd really like Steve to go with me to pick out the new one if that's what needs to be done. With him on his final run of night shifts this weekend, it would have been solely up to me if I had to buy one today. He rarely does laundry and quite honestly won't give a hoot which one I pick out....but yet, I still want him there. For moral support, maybe :rotfl:. Regardless, I just like to have his input even if he doesn't really care either way.

@pigletto , I did notice that The Brick had some decent prices in this week's flyer! (co-incidence or fate? :scratchin) I hope that you are able to find a nice new washer to replace your oldie.....I hear ya on the hand wringing, that would be my line in the sand too.

@dsmom , I do believe that its probably the belt that's on its way out. I am going to find out from our repair guy how much a new belt and labour will be, then factor that into the repair-or-replace equation. Jake has been trying to get me to upgrade to a front loading washer and dryer, and I have found his enthusiasm for it quite amusing. Since when did he get that excited and passionate about laundry? :rolleyes:
In other news....we are officially at the 4 week point! :banana:

The minion t-shirts were ordered tonight, so we will officially be decked out in our Despicable best for the Superstar Character Breakfast :teeth:.

Our order from gojane.com was also placed earlier this evening (thank you again @pepperandchips !) so Sunshine and I will have a few fun accessories to fancy ourselves up in.

I have started to pick up some of the travel "essentials" ... new undies for everyone (sorry if thats too much information :o), new socks, etc. I don't know why, but nothing says vacation like all new undergarments :). Please tell me someone else out there does the same thing.

The travel binder is mostly organized and completed....Sunshine's confirmation of travel medical insurance is pretty much the only thing left to slide in and its ready to pack.

This is the point where time usually seems to start moving rather fast.....which is fine with me :p.
Not weird at all, I always buy all new undies for all of us before each trip, or maybe that makes us both weird?
Our dryer did the same thing, it would squeak and then get quiet so maybe it is the belt for you.
Jake and my husband are just alike, when our washer finally died he was SO excited shopping for a new front loader. He got me a beautiful red front loader.
have started to pick up some of the travel "essentials" ... new undies for everyone (sorry if thats too much information :o), new socks, etc. I don't know why, but nothing says vacation like all new undergarments :). Please tell me someone else out there does the same thing.

We don't do this but it sounds like a good idea... i must say it gave me a laugh. A fun (and practical) vacation ritual!
Not weird at all, I always buy all new undies for all of us before each trip, or maybe that makes us both weird?
Our dryer did the same thing, it would squeak and then get quiet so maybe it is the belt for you.
Jake and my husband are just alike, when our washer finally died he was SO excited shopping for a new front loader. He got me a beautiful red front loader.

LOL, thank you my friend, you have made me feel so much better!! :hug: (and a tiny bit less weird.....but yet, I'm totally at peace with my oddities nonetheless . I like to think its part of my charm:rotfl:)


I have seen those red laundry appliances (is yours an LG brand?) and I LOVE THEM! So fashionable!

LOL, now you're making me yearn for a sparkly new front loading set after all :scratchin :rolleyes:.


We don't do this but it sounds like a good idea... i must say it gave me a laugh. A fun (and practical) vacation ritual!

I have no idea how it actually came about, but we've been doing it since our very first Disney trip in 2009. 10 Florida vacations (and few non-Florida ones) later, and it seems inconceivable not to be sitting on the plane wearing new undies and socks :cutie:. Which reminds me, I'd better see if Sunshine needs a few new underthings too....I wouldn't want her to feel left out of our bizarre traditions :rotfl2:.

I hope you are all enjoying a blessed holiday with the ones you love.

Jake is working today and Steve is working tonight, but between their two crazy schedules we should be able to enjoy a pizza dinner as a family later this evening (how's that for Easter tradition? LOL!). I'm off to see my Mom later this morning.....I think I will bring her lunch from Tim Hortons, one of her favourites....and then I think I will take her out to visit my dad's grave. We always miss him even a little more on special holidays like this, so I know she will appreciate the opportunity to take a drive out to the cemetery.

The sun is shining here and it appears we're in for a very pleasant day. I hope Mother Nature is smiling on you all as well!


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