Walt Warriors

I wouldn't call it fun lots of longish grass areas that aren't good for my old legs, and the fact I gave blood the day before kinda took the bloom off the funness! I may do it again though time will tell.
Pam - So it may sound better than it is. When I used to give blood, I would make sure it was at least a couple of weeks before a big event.

This weeks been pretty good so far. I biked to church Sunday and Wednesday and Ran Today and Monday. I'm planning on getting a longer bike ride in tomorrow.
Checking in from Sunny Florida (finally, the first week I was here we only saw about 5 minutes of sun). I ran a suprise half marathon June 1st. I hadn't planned on running but my daughter and SIL came in to do a half marathon in South Bend IN, and she had a knee injury, since her Dr. told her not to run- I filled in for her. (DSIL did the full marathon) Both races ended in Notre Dame football stadium which was kind of cool. Unfortunately DD came in last in her age group. LOL

As for me what's next? a couple of fun 5K's (color and lights involved), and then getting down to some serious Glass Slipper training when school starts again.
Pam you are amazing! How you can do a surprise half, is brilliant!!! I'm pretty sure DD won't mind at all, she'll be massively proud of you :) Fun 5ks sound like a wonderful idea before intense training begins :hyper:

Jeremy how are you settling into your bike? Isn't exercising to get somewhere so rewarding!?!?! Brilliant.

Warriors hope you're all doing OK ::yes::

Me getting in the runs and loving speed work at the moment... feel like I'm cheating doing it on the treadmill though. Must find a track soon, but it's the only way I really know that I'm keeping pace! We have a 10k in a few weeks and I'm gutted to see that the first Color Run in the UK is in Manchester too a week later.... it just seems a bit much to race on two weekends! (creeping out to check whether this is doable :blush:)
Oh my gosh John! I'm so sorry you need surgery. My youngest child is graduating preschool on the day of your surgery so we'll send happy thoughts for you.

Hi all

Pam - How neat to run on Notre Dame field. That seems to be the latest thing. When I did Disneyland, we ran through Angel Field. The Indy half runs a lap around the speedway, etc.

Kate - Glad to hear you're enjoying your speed work. If you can't find a track, you could mark off distances yourself. The trail I run on has one section where someone has marked of 40yd, 100m, 200m, and 400m. There are also posts every 1/2 mile. I've used that section for speed work before. With warmup and cooldown being getting to the area (it's between the 1.5 and 2 mi. marks on the trail) I've also marked off approximate distances on a quiet road using something like Map My Run to get distances between 2 landmarks.

Amanda - Congratulation on your child's preschool graduation.

Me - Things are going fairly well. I bikes Wednesday and Saturday and ran Monday and Friday. After 2 back to back days, I'm noticing it a little bit today. It just sort of came on when I got to church.
Happy Sunday Kids!!

It's been a while, not much positive to report down here......

Been doing as much working out as my incredibly busy schedule allows. A couple of times a week at best right now.

Had a lovely experience getting a steroid shot in my lower back last week.... to absolutely no avail (as I anticipated). I have a follow up this week where a further course of treatment will be determined. Unless the Dr. has some magic pixie dust up his sleeve it looks like surgery is a definite probability. Ugh. IF it has to be done, I want to get it over and done with asap. Sooner it's done, sooner it's over with.

BUT, until then, I'm still abusing my body as much as possible..... :) :) :)

Ya'll have a GREAT week!!
Jim-I was hoping you had some good news, saddened it wasn't. Good luck.

Jeremy-when is the 100 miler on the bike? ;)

Thanks All for good thoughts.

Three day post surgery and what a difference!!!!!

As I mentioned, the iodine pre surgery did seem to help and I will continue with it.

The parathyroid tumor, right side, in my Dr's. words was "huge". It is gone, benign and I started to feel better Friday night.

Only a section of left lobe had to be removed because of blocking off passageway. I can breathe better! :woohoo:

It is absolutely crazy how I have better movement and less pain in my right shoulder now. I have less pain and more strength in my entire body. Unbelievable is all I can say.

I questioned my Dr. after surgery, I was his first patient at 7:15AM, and with his OK I got out Saturday morning for a 26 mile bike ride. Sunday I was out at 0336 for a 5K walk then a 11 mile bike ride in afternoon. Got caught in a downpour 1.5 miles from home. The rain came down so heavy I had to jump in the pool to dry off. :lmao: This morning I did a 16 mile bike ride. Kathy asked Dr. today when he called to check-in on me, about me swimming, but he said no-go for 2 more weeks. Hoping be able to do the local Sprint Tri 7-13.

Stay well all.

McFlurry John
Jeremy - Sounds like you're enjoying the new bike!!!
Jim - Sorry your back is bothering you so much.
John - What wonderful news that you're feeling great! Glad the surgery went well!!!

Here's my update: Training for NYC is going well. I'm up to 16 miles on my long run. The heat is bothering me a bit but I'm learning to slow down and increase my walk breaks. Fundraising is harder than I thought but I'm 20% to my goal and I have to just keep sending out emails.
No Glass Slipper Challenge for me since we just bought DVC (at the Grand Floridian) and the agreement was no February trip. My only upcoming Disney races are the 10k and full marathon in January.

Amanda-great job with the distance. Exactly correct dealing with the heat by slowing a bit and lengthening the walk. Enjoy your DVC. :thumbsup2 Kathy and I went in back in '97, enjoyed many years but got back into RVing with the motorhome so we sold.
John- great to hear the surgery went well.

Amanda - Sorry to hear about no Feb trip. But congratulation on buying into DVC. I've been an owner at OKW for 12 years this September.

AFM - I did a 20 mile bike ride yesterday, 100 is still a long ways off although I am thinking maybe 50km by the end of the summer. Then today I did 4 miles run/walk. I'm pretty beat this evening.
Happy Independence day to you all!

Jim what was the outcome from your follow up with doctor? I'm really hopeful that he/she had some pixie dust. It's possible, right?

John so so pleased to hear that surgery went well and I hope you're still feeling the benefit from it.

Amanda 16 miles sounds huge at the moment. How's the heat doing now where you are?

Jeremy I think after your cycling and running, being tired is OK :yay: 50km by the end of the summer would be a great achievement.

Me I've been awol again sorry! I have a good excuse I promise! I had a kidney stone.... So i can officially say that kidney stones are not my friends and they are not welcome! My doctor laughed and said that I must have the body of an old man :eek: It's meant that I haven't run for 2 weeks and 1 day! That's my longest run of no exercise at all for a really long time. Stone has been evicted and I've finally stopped being sick/passing out so hoping to be back out there soon. Meant to have a 10k next saturday... hmm.

On a really happy note.... i've just ordered my first ever sparkleskirt :dance3: Obviously in WISH colours ready for November :)
Kate-Thanks from ALL!!! Glad the stone has passed. Now, as Willie Nelson sings, "On The Road Again"

AFM-early birthday bicycle ride today. Next Wednesday I'll be 63 so I went out and doubled my age + 2 for good measure.

Be safe and have fun training to all.

BTW- could have used a McFlurry or 2 today. Even rode past a McD's but I was on a mission.

McFlurry John
Oh no Kate! Sorry about the kidney stone. I hope you're on the mend...

It's been HOT here. I overslept this morning (which was heavenly since I'm usually up at 5:30am) and ended up running in the afternoon. I stuck to the treadmill because it was SO hot and humid. At least I was out of the sun. This weekend is my first attempt at one mile repeats. Should be interesting in the 90F heat and humidity! Obviously I plan to wake up early. I only have to do 4 x 1 mile with 5 min walk in between. But I'm supposed to running at 10:50 pace which is quite speedy for me.

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY to all of the American Warriors!

John- that's one crazy length bike ride! Do you not have a mcflurry holder on your handlebars? That would be perfect!

Amanda- seriously 90!!!! I can't imagine running in that, never mind doing repeats! Take care :) (lie ins are always wonderfully magical aren't they!)
Kate~ glad to hear you're on the mend! Good Luck getting back out there. Did you get a sparkle light or tech? I love my sparkle tech! (can't decided which to get next! LOL)

John~ Happy Birthday in advance! (DD#2 and Nephew birthdays on Monday) Wow what a distance for your ride!

Amanda~ good luck on those mile repeats! hot and humid isn't my friend either. Although yesterday I got out before there was too much heat just really humid. (my hanky gathered dampness hanging on the outside of my skirt before I even used it.)

As for me I'm working in getting back on a workout schedule. Our Xfit trainers have been running us ragged on Mondays which makes it hard for my old legs to get out and run on Tuesdays. Today our cardio is swimming- that I can handle!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Kate~ glad to hear you're on the mend! Good Luck getting back out there. Did you get a sparkle light or tech? I love my sparkle tech! (can't decided which to get next! LOL)

I went for the spotty green one (lucky charm) sparkle tech. I've never had one, but am toying with the idea of running as tink in all my wish stuff. Have some green wings and green glow bangles too.... We'll see how hot it is in November. Might change my mind!

Your Xtraining sounds intense, but amazing. How lovely to have someone to mix up your training a bit.
I'm a huge fan of my sparkle tech skirts!!! :love:

I did my mile repeats starting at 5:30am. It went pretty well although I did them faster than I was supposed to. No injuries so I suppose no harm done.

Happy July 8th Warriors!! I was terribly neglectful not wishing you all a Happy Independence Day, or as my British wife's side of the family would say "Happy Getting Rid of You Bloody Colonists Day!!!

!Been terribly absent for a while...... My lovely luscious Bride and I just returned from a 10 day "staycation" at our soon (but not soon enough) to be retirement chateau in Celebration. Had some nephews and wives/girlfriends visit for a few days. Did NOT go to any Theme Parks (thankfully..........heat, tourists, crowds, rain......did I mention heat, rain, tourists...... And crowds??), but we DID go to the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit that just opened at Kennedy Space Center. Very. Nicely. Done. I highly recommend it. Being the rocket nerd that I am, and having grown up in the area, it actually brought a bit of a tear to my eyes.

Not much going on here. Been running some. It is VERY hot and pretty humid down here. Ran twice in Celebration, then the company arrived and that was that. 6 miles today.

Ya'll are all doing great! Keep up the awesome work. If ya' can do it in the summer, you can do it anytime!!!

Oh, btw, As the Dr. put it, I've pretty much "come to the end of the road" as far as my back is concerned. The steroid shot did zippo for me ( but the Lidocaine with it gave me a pretty numb a** for a couple of hours ;-) ), so next week I am having surgery to get some extra hardware installed in my lumbar spine. It's a good news/bad news thing......... Bad news: I'm getting surgery! With all the inherent risks, yada, yada, anesthetic, etc., intubation, REALLY sharp knives, etc............ Good news: it's reasonably not super duper major and I should only have about a 6 week recovery, depending on how cooperative and patient of a patient I am. Hopefully I will be able to go home that evening. If I'm first in line (which I have requested), and I'm an awesomely awesome patient I may get to go home that evening. Next morning at the latest. This bodes well for not missing the ToT or the W&D in the fall. :-D.

Buuuuuuuut enough about me. Ya'll keep at it.

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