Want to earn $70 for 5 hours work every now and then to add to your Disney fund? Part 2

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Why is this process taking so long? I faxed in my paperwork TWO weeks ago. I played phone tag with Jessica at SPI for four days. Finally talked to her today and now she's saying it will take 5 more days for the background check to come back! Everywhere that I've ever worked had to outsource their background checks and it took 24 hours.

This whole process is making me very frustrated! Jessica said that she really wanted me to get on with the company (I'm sure she says that to everyone) because I was "very persistent". You bet I am!

My credit union had a problem faxing the information so the lady said she'd give me a week to get back with her for a free refax. I emailed or "contacted" massconnections every single day to see if they had received my fax. Sometimes twice a day or more (only one day did I try to contact them 3 times.) Then when Jessica left the message on Monday, I called her back that night, four times on Tuesday (and emailed for a "quicker response"), and four times yesterday (Wednesday.)

After all this hassle, I'm wondering it there will even be events in my area. I've got at least 4 SuperWalMarts within driving distance, a SuperKMart, 3 Lowe's, a PetCo, and one regular Target. I'm just so frustrated!

Sorry...had to vent or I'd explode!

Oh I think this might not be the job for you lol - sorry to joke around, but 2 weeks is nothing - I think the average from sending paperwork in to actually seeing something at your door is about 6 weeks.

Something will go wrong on at least every other event, if not every single one. If things like that frustrate you, this will not be fun at all.

Persistence may prevail when all else fails... for everything except MC.
i hope I don't get "fired" but I've got to unbook this Saturday's Dove/Suave lotion event at Kmart. I've got the full blown head cold thing going on & absolutely no energy. Lack of sleep isn't helping either. I'm sending an email to Daniel. I hope they understand. :guilty:

Sorry you are sick! Don't worry about it, you definately are one of the top employees I'm sure, and they should be sending you a kit to comfort you for all you do for the company! Someone will grab it - Kmart is a good one since the kit is already there. I get to try out a new Kmart for that demo, I'll tell you how it goes - maybe you'll be glad you got sick :rotfl2:
Daniel replied back & said the event needed to run & to book it for Mon or Tues. Obviously my brain is affected because I didn't even think of that. duh. I booked it for Mon. Hopefully 2 more days will be enough to get better. It started Tues with a sore throat. These suckers always last a good week (or 2) with me. I have 4 events next week & 2 of them are grand openings in the morning 40+ miles from home. :rolleyes: I hope I don't wear myself out or catch any more germs. Luckily the lotion event will be easy to start with.

Stay away from me you sick people.:headache:
So, tell me about flu shots? Will I get "sick" after getting one? If so, when? Do I have to be fully recovered from this cold before I can get one? Where can I get one besides my doctors office?

Its been 15 yrs or so since I've gotten one. And I think I was the sickest that winter than other years. (my banking years)
So, tell me about flu shots? Will I get "sick" after getting one? If so, when? Do I have to be fully recovered from this cold before I can get one? Where can I get one besides my doctors office?

Its been 15 yrs or so since I've gotten one. And I think I was the sickest that winter than other years. (my banking years)

Hope you're feeling better soon. My DH is finally recovering after being sick with a cold for a week. No, you will not get sick from the flu shot. For some reason my arm was itchy in the injection area last year, but that's the only side effect I've had. In my area, several pharmacies are giving the flu shot for around $24.99 and will also take your health insurance. I'm not sure if this web site will have your location, but give it a try.

"Oh I think this might not be the job for you"

Actually, I was told that my "continued persistence" and "steadfastness" while showing extreme professionalism and remaining calm is why this would be the perfect job for me!

I was just letting off steam. It ain't no big deal. LOL
Do I have to be fully recovered from this cold before I can get one?

Maybe a health care professional will chime in here, but I would wait until I was well to get the flu vaccine. While there are confirmed flu cases already for this season, peak season usually starts around mid December.
So, tell me about flu shots? Will I get "sick" after getting one? If so, when? Do I have to be fully recovered from this cold before I can get one? Where can I get one besides my doctors office?

Its been 15 yrs or so since I've gotten one. And I think I was the sickest that winter than other years. (my banking years)

would be a good place to look about info on the flu shot.

It's usually best to be completely healed from a sickness before getting a flu shot, but the best advice is to talk to your doctor if you're concerned.

It's possible to feel ill after receiving the flu shot but actually getting the flu from the shot is rare.

Many store pharmacies will have flu shot clinics available. Usually a sign of an upcoming one will be posted thru out the store. Also, your local community health center/clinic or county health departments usually offer quick and cheap flu shots. Sometimes even "drive thru" clinics are available.

It's a smart bet to get a flu shot for most healthy people. Plus, remember the commercial "You're not just flu-in' yourself!" LOL
"Oh I think this might not be the job for you"

Actually, I was told that my "continued persistence" and "steadfastness" while showing extreme professionalism and remaining calm is why this would be the perfect job for me!

I was just letting off steam. It ain't no big deal. LOL

If you want to know if there are jobs open near you, we can look up your zip code.
So, tell me about flu shots? Will I get "sick" after getting one? If so, when? Do I have to be fully recovered from this cold before I can get one? Where can I get one besides my doctors office?

Its been 15 yrs or so since I've gotten one. And I think I was the sickest that winter than other years. (my banking years)

My target had flu shots this past weekend. Some people do get a minor illness after a flu shot I never have but it is possible. Remember the flu shot is not a guarantee that you won't get the flu.

Hope you get better quickly.
i got my kit.

it has 3 jar of facial line relaxer. no brochures. and it looks like 1 box of sample product. inside the box is a small facial line relaxer and a small tube of wrinkle serum.

could you experienced people please tell me how i am suppose to demo this?

the instructions say to use a q-tip and put some facial line on one end, let customer apply, then use other end of q-tip and use the wrinkle serum. but i don't have wrinkle serum (except for what is in this sample size box).

also, this kit was sent to my house. do i take it back home with me? or do i leave it with a manager? i do not really see where it says what to do with this kit.

i would love to keep this tablecloth, but won't if i have to leave with manager.

i really appreciate any help on this. thank you.
"Oh I think this might not be the job for you"

Actually, I was told that my "continued persistence" and "steadfastness" while showing extreme professionalism and remaining calm is why this would be the perfect job for me!

I was just letting off steam. It ain't no big deal. LOL

Hey we all let off steam here! I totally understand you are ready to jump in more money to add to "The Pig". Call em and Call em again, your persistence will pay off. Hey I can be found letting off steam that I keep missing opportunities to work too. IT's all good ! Welcome to the demo world!!
eagles The actual product, in this case the makeup, leave with the manager. Since this is opened and used I would throw it in the garbage. As far as napkins,cups tableclothes keep for future events.

Any other questions ask away.
Hi Guys:wave2:

I was accepted about 2 weeks or so ago with SPI, MC and received my "welcome" packet in the mail with my MC Card. When do I receive my MC Table, Hat and Apron? I would like to book an event for this Sunday, but I don't have these supplies, so not sure if I can do it. Everything else I would purchase at the store. It says I would only bring my MC Table as a backup, but would need the apron and hat. I have a black apron, but not a hat. It is for Organic Chips and Salsa. I have my 1st event booked next Saturday, but I don't think my table will come with that will it? It is the L'Oreal at Wal-Mart and I haven't received anything.

Thanks guys!

Well, update - I got my starter kit this afternoon - a day too late to book that event this morning- however it is already gone of course. The kit was going to be delivered to the store - so I only needed my starter kit. Oh well, I have 2 other events scheduled for the next 2 weeks. :cool1:
Anyone get the email about winning $1000? I just sent it out to 41 of my family & friends. I said its the company I work for, you don't need to read anything or sign up, just click it & I get entered if 20 of you click.

lol.....lets see how I make out.

Some of them were the Arizona relatives near Phoenix. Most of my friends & family won't be interested in it so I'm not worried. They don't live here anyway. Or near any of you all either. lol
Got it. Not interested--too many people around here now.

By the way I can't get into the ebooking site now. It went down around this same time last night. Were there any new bookings when it came up last night?
Got it. Not interested--too many people around here now.

By the way I can't get into the ebooking site now. It went down around this same time last night. Were there any new bookings when it came up last night?

I can get in. And there weren't any new events here, but we don't have ST here.
I received a kit today for the University Skincare event that I unbooked 2 weeks ago. Do I need to drop it off at the store, or will the person who picked up the event be sent a kit?
I received a kit today for the University Skincare event that I unbooked 2 weeks ago. Do I need to drop it off at the store, or will the person who picked up the event be sent a kit?

When my dad died and I had to cancel, I brought my kit to the store, even though someone else booked as soon as I unbooked and probably received a kit. I think it's better to be safe, especially since they've added so many warnings to the event instructions lately.
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