Warriors WISHing for Spring!


<font color=red>Has three great loves: Mickey, Po
Mar 30, 2004

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything.You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

Smaller Support teams for the WISH racing team - please go to the thread to be placed on a team. We do this to keep the numbers to a manageable state and to spread out to all the smaller teams to try to keep it equal.

2011 Warrior Team Members:

Carrie/wtpclc (team coordinator)
Britney/Princess Bmoney
John/John VN
Lily/Tiger Lily 03
Carrie - Sorry to hear about things going bad on the job front. Glad to hear things are going a little better for you. BTW I know some of the groups have gone to annual threads, I was wondering if a seasonal thread might workout out well for us. Dec-Feb would have been the Winter thread and we had 7 pages. March-May could be a spring thread (if you can change the title of this thread).

Lily - Sorry to hear about your dog.

JimB- While I can feel sorry for winter being over for you. I'm ready for Spring. We're currently in the cycle of alternating cold and warmer days. Colds and flu are going wild.

AFM - I've been fighting off a cold. Tuesday was a the worst day. I still made it to work though and tried not to infect any of my students. I felt better yesterday and went out for a long run. I forgot to change my real long run workouts on my Garmin so my walk run ratio was what I had done in October: Run 1:15/Walk 2:15. But since I was still getting over the cold that was probably a good thing. I knew how far I wanted to go but decided to play it a little bit by ear. I ended up doing 9 miles. Before I got sick, I was planning on doing 10 mi. so it was pretty close. I still want to get at least one 10 mile run in this month and get some taper in before my half April 3rd.
Jeremy - Name changed. Thanks! Good job on your 9. Hope you are 100% soon! Remeber, it's better to be fully recovered than get teh miles in. This coming from someone who did o a half on no olonger than a 7-miler. Not ideal, but better than staying injured or runnign through illness and ebing sick longer.
Carrie - Thanks for the advice. Right now, their calling for rain tomorrow and Saturday so I'll probably not be able to get any serious distance in until at least Sunday. So hopefully that will give the the time to finish healing. Classes finish for the quarter on March 15 and I don't need to go back until March 28. Which unfortunately lines up with what I hoped would be the beginning of taper. Right now, my running goals for the month are in no particular order except the first 1:

1. get healthy
2. 10 mile long slow run
3. 6-7 mile tempo (race pace) run.
4. 1 more track work day. 5-6X800
Carrie, great to see you here. Sorry that life is taki9ng so much of you away from us these days.

Jeremy, yeah, you need to get well and if you don't get that 10 miles in, let it go. You know you can do the event and finish well. Perhaps if you give yourself the time to feel better you will have your best event ever. Hope so anyway and it is possible.
Welcome back Carrie! I'm sorry for all the stress you've been through. I'm sending good vibes on the job search. And thanks for starting the new thread!

I'm one month away from my 2nd 1/2 marathon. My training is going ok. I'm supposed to run 12 miles tomorrow but I'm a little worried about how I'm going to be done in time to take my daughter to ballet at 10:30am!!! :thumbsup2 I'll go as far as I can until 10am when I need to shower and get dressed. Ah, the compromises we make! :lmao: My longest run before the Disney race was 10 miles so this is all just gravy anyway. I know I can finish and I don't care very much about the time...yet! I'm happy that I'm sticking with this and I'm hoping to get to a full marathon by January.

Our lives are crazy right now. We're renting our house and are in negotiations to possibly buy it. The previous owner passed away 5+ years ago (at the age of 96) and so we're dealing with an "estate" instead of a single person. It makes everything take longer. Plus the house needs TONS of work (original 1928 windows, 1950's kitchen, no air conditioning, etc.). It's a fabulous house (charming tudor with 5 bedrooms, high ceilings, lovely details) just very outdated. This weekend we'll look at some other houses in our neighborhood for comparison and see. Wish us luck!

Good luck with buying the house. Hope it doesn't take too much longer.
Doing house chores as workout. Tired after steam cleaning rugs and furniture in living room.

Hope everyone is moving somehow.
Lily: More :hug: for you. We had to put down our 14 year old sheltie two years ago this week... he died 10 years after TO THE DAY (both on March 11th) that we had to put down my favorite childhood pet, a mischevious rabbit who thought he was a dog (he had free-run of the house, walked on a leash, obeyed commands, etc.). I didn't realize the date correlation until later in the day, after Sparky had been put to rest... I took it as a sign and it brought me a lot of peace to imagine my silly rabbit "taking care" of my timid, quiet sheltie. :goodvibes I fully believe that our pets wait for us and all we can do is miss them, until we see them again.

Amanda: I hope everything works out with the house! Getting a new house without having to move? AWESOME! :woohoo:

Carrie: Hope things look better on the job front! Job hunting is NO FUN, even when you don't really need the money!

AFM, I'm having some lower back issues that are making moving tough. I had a real problem on Friday (as in, pain radiating from my shoulders to my knees and I couldn't bend down to pick up DS, and I was home alone until DH got home from work) but it's doing better since then. I decided to trade in my planned 60 minute run for a 60 minute snowshoe for less impact (and more fun!). I love that we don't have to deal with snow on a daily basis here, but we can drive 45 minutes east and we had 6-8 ft of untouched powder. It was a beautiful warm sunny day and the mountains were gorgeous after getting a fresh coat of snow last week. It's days like yesterday (and days where we get to whale watch during our beachside long runs) that make me never want to move back to central Canada. :lmao:
Well welcome to spring hey! It's lovely to have a shiny new thread.

Carrie it's great to see you! I hope things are becoming a bit clearer on the job front. not a nice time so make sure you give yourself some special care and cuddles when you need them!

Jeremy your action plan sounds wonderful- we'll all preach that health comes first, yet we all know that in similar position the running shoes just somehow find their way on to your feet!!!!

Hey Lily hope you're doing ok poppet, been thinking of you. Hmmm steaming and cleaning houses definitely count as heavy workouts.

Amanda Your life sounds wonderfully manic! Are you finding the house hunting/bargaining enjoyable or stresful?!?! I hope it's the first. You're doing incredibly well to get long runs in, if you got 12 then great, if not 10 is quite normal i think. Great to see you doing so well.

Sarah How's your back going? I saw on facebook that you were in trouble- callum could've had a field day! Your home sounds stunning- beaches, whales and snowfall- what a perfect combination!

Me training WILL BE OK (if i keep saying that it'll come true right?). I have physio booked in for thursday to keep on top of everything and am hoping to get to 17 this weekend, then 19 and then taper. Not what I had aimed for but that's the nature of the beast. On a positive note i've downloaded 'The Long Run' an audio book about a fireman from new York who was involved in a horrendous accident and his journey back to his initial goal of completing marathons. Running 15 miles on saturday was so much better listening to this, i need distractions clearly. Very moving story so far though!

Cake sale tomorrow to raise more funds for Asthma UK (I'm running London for them) and some frantic creme egg cosy knitting as they're selling super fast and I'm a super slow knitter!!!!
Hi Warriors

Kate - This winter's seems to have been tough on everyone training. I'm not where I was hoping to be either. But like you say it's the nature of the beast, especially when it tough to train indoors.

Sarah - Will pray your back continues to improve.

Amanda - How did the 12 miler go. Hope the house buying goes well. We have a house across the street that's been empty for 6-7 years being tied up in an estate, it's not even on the market right now.

AFM - I did something stupid and ran 3 days in a row. None of them were long but they were all taxing in their own way. I also registered for the Disneyland half. Registration his 90% full so I decided I would wait any longer for airfare to come down.

Friday - Run canceled - Rain
Saturday - Though we had a break in the rain. Went out with my brother. We started out much too quickly, Rain picked up, decided to cut it short and do what Galloway calls his "Magic Mile". Ran 1 miles with short walk breaks each lap in 10:35. Galloway uses the magic mile to project race finish. The Mile times projects a 2:45 half marathon. Since my long run's haven't gone as plans I'm thinking about starting conservative at a 2:55 pace and it things feel good running a negative split. Which is possible because while fairly flat the first half is slightly uphill and the secong half is slightly downhill (almost an out and back).

Sunday - Tried a new potential race run/walk ratio 1:30 run/1:00 walk. It wasn't a big change from the 1:30/1:15 I had run before but enough different I don't think it's going to work. I also went out too fast on a couple of run interval that were slightly uphill.

Yesterday - Did 3 miles. Did 1/2 mile warmup. 2 miles slow running with no walk breaks. 1/2 cool down. I'm currently looking at possibly trying run a 5K in May without walking (even though I'd probably be quicker with walk breaks).

Today - I'm was feeling the results of 3 running days. Not really hurting but sore. I'd supposed to rain tomorrow and Thursday so I might not get out again until Friday.
Keep up the good work everyone
Hi Warriors

Wishing everyone the best with their training.

Carrie - thanks for the new site
Jeremy - see you at DL and use the rain as some needed rest
Sarah - hope the back gets better.

My DH and I signed up for the 1/2 at DL. We have been trying different methods of walking for me. Need to get a little faster so that I can enjoy the sites at DL. I also just got a new pair of Brooks adrenaline shoes and trying to get comfortable in those.

Hi Warrior

Kathy - I'm hoping to make it to some kind of meet. Right now I'm planning on vacation being Sept 3-13. Hopefully you can find a way to pick up the pace at least a little. Looking at last years course map, it looks like Disneyland most of the Disney stuff is in the first 5K then you have a more normal race through Anaheim until the last mile or so.

The weather was cold so I decided that this week would be the tempo run. Especially since my legs were rested from having not ran since Monday. The Good news, I did a 6.2 mile tempo run at a 12:43 pace. Right now I think my goal time is 2:50-2:55 (12:59-13:20 pace). So a good tempo run overall. The bad is horrible positive split. The first 5K was at a 12:24 pace and the second 5K was at a 13:04 pace. Although some of that can be explained be the slightly downhill first half and slightly uphill second half. I'm going to need to either really watch my speed at the start or put in a slightly longer walk break to compensate.
Good evening Warriors

Hopefully the good training days are just around the bend as the weather should be getting better. For those with injuries, be careful by not rushing your progress.

Jeremy, got out with Kathy for a short after work walk today. She picked up the pace at the end and held 14:30 for a short distance. Plenty of time to work on extending the pace before DL.

I think this http://running.competitor.com/2009/12/training/understanding-your-natural-running-pace_7280 is an interesting article to read.

Stay healthy everyone. :thumbsup2
Happy Saturday Warrioirs!!

I nice temperate day here in NE Florida. Started off cold, but warmed up quickly.

I did the Gate River Run 15K in Jacksonville, FL this morning. It started at 0830 and about 45º, and was over 60 within the first 45 minutes. I wore a long sleeved compression shirt over my race shirt, and had to shed that at about mile 4. Was getting very warm. I lost a bit of time getting untangled from spandex spaghetti, but otherwise it went very well.

It's called the "River Run" because it crosses the St Jouhns River. Twice. The first bridge is relatively short (coupla' hundred yards). The second is over a 3/4 mile long and is about 200' tall it it's center. I negotiated it without significant difficulty, but did slow down and give some time back. But over the top I literally CAREENED down the backside going as fast as I safely (sorta') could.

Final time was 80:58 (That sounds sooooooo much faster then saying 1:20:58). 8:34 pace. For me, that's a pretty quick pace I was hoping to break 80 minutes, and probably lost that messing with my shirt, but that's ok.

I see where a bunch of you are heading to the DL 1/2. Color me envious. I went last year and it was one of the best events I have done. Ya'll will have a great time! Hopefully I will return in about 2-3 years.

As an aside, I don't know if ya'll heard, but Sally Meyerhoff, 27, a world class marathoner & triathlete was killed last week while on a bike training ride. Bummer. BIG Bummer, esp. since it appears she ran a STOP sign. Those of you on bikes, PLEASE be careful!!
Thanks for that interesting article John! I found it very helpful!!!!
I'm totally envious of those doing the DL 1/2. I would love to go but my middle child is starting kindergarten the day after Labor Day and it hardly seems fair to her to try to rush back from the West Coast. Another year....

I had to take an easy week after tweaking my hamstring a bit on my long run last weekend (I "only" made it 10.5 miles before it was time to run off to ballet class with the girl). I'm feeling much better and should be back to normal next week. And my daughter's class is wearing Snow White ballet costumes for the upcoming recital so there is a Disney connection!

The house buying is stressful. The estate has suddenly decided they need a re-appraisal before further negotiations. In the meantime there's a house 2 blocks away which we can afford. It's smaller but has upgraded windows and central a/c - not inexpensive upgrades that are needed in our current house. My DH is still hoping we can work something out to stay here but I'm thinking a smaller but more up-to-date house sounds just fine (and there is a perfect spot for my treadmill in the finished basement so no worries about that! ;) ). Que sera, sera.

I'm 90% sure that I'll be signing up for the FULL marathon next January. I'm a little overwhelmed by the mileage needed for the training runs but I also know that I'm as stubborn as they come! :rolleyes1

Hi Warriors

Amanda - Sorry to hear about the tweaked Hamstring. Having a cutback week was probably the right thing to do. Hopefully you can get out to DL sometime. My problem right now is with WDW Races. This year DL is during summer break. In 2012, the school calendar changes and I'll be able to do WDW in 2013. Hopefully you'll get a late start some year.

Jim - Congratulation on the 15K

John - Good to hear about Kathy. I know I need to work on my walking pace more than I have.
Amanda congratulations on saying those forbidden words- you ARE signing up for wdw full!!!! WHOOOOOOOO go you! Sorry about your hamstring, but made up for you that you managed to get 10.5 miles in before ballet :D That's a great run.

Jim that really is a cracking time for 15k- how's your back holding out. Really sad news about the triathlete- shows how dangerous it can be to try to save a bit of time and losing concentration.

Jeremy it's great that you are even aware of how your times split. I know I have a huge positive split when I run too, unfortunately if I start slower I just finish even slowrer! Very poor pace management on my front I'm sad to say.

Me I did 17.1 miles at the weekend and averaged 8:59/mile although almost died at the end! Taped myself up and that held pretty well. Still sore but do-able. it's just exhausting though running that far! So I'm pushing on to 19 this weekend and then will see if I can get to 21 the week after. :scared1: On a happier note I hit my fundraising target this week so that side of things is more relaxed.

I will be posting a set of questionnaires on the board soon to do with my Masters- I would really, really appreciate it if you could spare me some of your time :hug:
Happy Warm Tuesday Warriors!!

I think Spring is finally here (for good this time)!!

A nice warm day in NE Florida. After my 15 K on Saturday I decided to take it easy on my legs for a bit. I knew I had run hard (Hard meaning LITERALLY hard, as in slammin' my feet down on the ground), because my insteps on my feet have been kind of tender for a couple of days.

Yesterday I did a lot of weights and core work at the gym, then went BACK later when my DW wanted to go, and just walked slowly (about 3.6 mph on an 8º incline for a while). I remember now why I do not like treadmills.

Today I decided to take a nice short bike ride. That was the plan....... I have not been out on my road bike for a few weeks and wanted to see if I could stilll stay upright for a bit. I seem to be reading nothing but news lately about people getting whacked on bicycles, so I've been kinda "gun shy" about biking on the open roads.

Took the bike out, felt really relaxed, just kept pedalin' and by the time I got home I had done 35 miles. Not a real fast pace (right at 2 hours for the whole thing), but for the first ride in a while I was not unhappy. THEN my DW got home from work & decided to go walking in the local park. She walks at about 14-14:30 mile pace. I find it easier to run than to walk fast. Very odd, but put in 4 walking mile this afternoon.

So much for rest. Maybe at work tomorrow. :rotfl::rotfl:

Kate - Nice pace for 17.1!! My back is holding together. Sort of. Trying to do more core exercises to strengthen the muscles down there. Actually, it has been pretty good (mostly) the last few weeks. Thanks for asking! :)

Sounds like everyone is working hard! You Guys Rockl!!!!!

Ooooh!! OooooH!! News Flashes!!
1. My DW and I registered for the W & D 1/2M Relay today!

2. Yesterday, after MANY years of procrastinating, I solo'ed an airplane (again)! Finally! ANother 6-8 hours and I will finally be a pilot!
Thanks Jeremy!
Kate - WOW! You are speedy!!! Great job.
Jim - That's great about the W&D. I was trying to convince DH (he's signing up for the Disney 1/2 in January so the short leg would be a great warm-up) but it's not realistic. And great news on your flying!!! One of the anesthesiologists that I work with a lot is a pilot. She does these great charitable flights where they take cancer patients to big medical centers.

I had a good mid-week run yesterday. No pain! This weekend is supposed to be 14 miles. I'm going to have to wake-up really early so I can get the kids off to their activities. I haven't registered for the FULL yet because Disney promised a discount code that they never sent me. I emailed them yesterday and once I get the $20 off code, I'm signing up!

Hi all

Today was a great day, temps in the 60's. I got back from my 10 mile run. I had my parents drop me off 10 miles from the house along a local trail and then I ran home. I tried my new plan but being a long day I did run .1 mi./ walk 2:00. It was a slight net up hill route especially in the first 5-6 miles, about 100ft. My overall average pace was a 14:30. and this time I had fairly negative splits for at least the first 9 miles. The last mile was through town so slightly more positive because of traffic. I'm feeling a little bit better about the half marathon April 3rd.


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