Water used in ice machines


Stranger from the outside
Apr 2, 2002
This might be a dumb question but is the ice in the hotel ice machines made from drinking water?

I'm going back to All Star sports this year and wondered if I could fill my water bottle with ice and drink it as it melts?

I put the ice from the food court machine in cola last time, but was wondering if the ice near the rooms was OK. I didn't risk it last time.
I remember asking something similar a while ago about drinking the water from the taps (faucets!) in the hotel rooms - that wouldn't necessarily be drinking water in many places.

I seem to remember the replies were along the lines that the US regulations on drinking water are much stricter than in the UK and practically <b>any</b> water there is safe to drink, especially in tourist areas.

In view of the fact that such a large % of many soft drinks in the US is ice, I'm sure it must be drinkable.

Maybe some-one else has knowledge about this?
I have never heard of any problems with any water in the US - certainly most people would be putting that ice into their drinks, not around the cans like we are, so it is expected that you would be drinking it.

Some people have complained that they don't like the smell - I think it's a little chloriney - probably to make it reach those high standards, but I'm sure it's safe.

I think that you can be absolutely sure that it is safe. In the USA they are very scared of being sued so an icemaker that made unsafe ice would have to be labelled as such. In reality they are just not going to have unsafe ice because the americans love to fill their drinks with it.
Here is the American view of our water in resort areas. Our family travels quite a bit, and always drink the tap water and use the ice machines. If the water comes out of the tap, it is supposed to be safe everywhere here. This is especially true of ares with a municipal water supply, where the water is filtered, chlorinated, and tested before use.

If the taste of chlorine bothers you, bottled water doesn't have chlorine. It can get expensive though, to buy enough water to keep you hydrated in a hot area like Florida.

I found some refillable water bottles from Rubbermaid that have filters in the caps. They take out the chlorine so the water tastes better. Also, I think the water at WDW can taste odd sometimes. These filters remove that taste too.

There are water fountains throughout the theme parks where you can refill bottles with chilled water. Also, the food courts have ice machines and chilled water taps where you can fill your bottles as well. This water is all safe to drink, as is the tap water in your hotel room.
Thanks for the information, Joanne :D

That's very reassuring to hear!
Thanks for all the advice, I suppose I've just got used to only drinking from taps marked for drinking. I certainly didn't have a problem with the flavour of Disney water 4 years ago - but I only used drinking fountains as I was unsure of the other water. It will certainly make life easier to be able to drink the water from the hotel room tap.

PS the only place I found the water undrinkable was at Kennedy Space Center.


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