waterpark protection for casts etc


<font color=darkcoral>Right now I'm an inch of nat
Aug 16, 2003
i'm posting this here as i asked about this a few months back and no one had a solution( i have a sore i can't get wet) my dr recommended this product and it works great and can be used for swimming, showering etc.
it's call dry pro by drycorp( www.drycorp.com ) and is basically a rubber inner tube like boot you put over the area, pump out all the air so it creates a vacuum and can then swim shower ect and the area underneath stays completely dry. it works fantastic! i know it comes in full and 1/2 legs and i am guessing arms as well. you can leave it on for 45 mins at a time so you'd have to remove it occasionally at a waterpark etc but i thought i'd pass it along. the 1/2 leg i got was $40 including shipping. it's heavy duty and has a grippy sole so it doesn't slip when you walk.
they also have some that cover prosthetic devices
This was originally posted in Theme Park Attractions and Strategies and moved here.
actually i posted it both places as i had asked both places so sorry if i shouldn't have
i'm posting this here as i asked about this a few months back and no one had a solution( i have a sore i can't get wet) my dr recommended this product and it works great and can be used for swimming, showering etc.
it's call dry pro by drycorp( www.drycorp.com ) and is basically a rubber inner tube like boot you put over the area, pump out all the air so it creates a vacuum and can then swim shower ect and the area underneath stays completely dry. it works fantastic! i know it comes in full and 1/2 legs and i am guessing arms as well. you can leave it on for 45 mins at a time so you'd have to remove it occasionally at a waterpark etc but i thought i'd pass it along. the 1/2 leg i got was $40 including shipping. it's heavy duty and has a grippy sole so it doesn't slip when you walk.
they also have some that cover prosthetic devices

thanks for this! i am having knee surgery next week, and just said to my DBF last night, how on earth am i going to shower? i have had plenty of casts and even 1 knee surgery before, but can never seem to keep it dry. i will definitely be looking into this. thanks so much!


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