WDW Servers average $76,000 per year!!!

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I would hope so. :) My response was meant to be funny. Probably wont be seen that way. ;)

If this post surprised so many people they'd be shocked to know what a stripper actually brings home! :scared1: LOL

Oh I know!!!!! Some of those girls can rake in the cash here in New Orleans!!!! They can easily bring home a grand on a good Friday night. There are strippers who use the money to pay for law school. I am all about morals but you have to give the gals who put themselves through law school by bumping and grinding some credit :rotfl2:
I think it was a gentle hint. It is harder to read long posts not separated into sections or paragraphs. Doesn't matter who writes 'em it is just harder to read. So there may be some great points in the post, but many may skip it because it harder to read.

Those who write in all caps have gotten similar feedback (all caps is like yelling at someone in online communications). Heck I had that conversation with my mother some years back...however I still can't seem to get her to stop yelling into the cell phone...but its mom right.

Keep in mind Mods are DISsers too. They have a "job" to do here, but they also get to post and have the same love for Disney as many of us do.

This one has gotten emotional. Let's try to focus on the what rather than the who. I know I learn a lot more that way and enjoy the site so much better.

Sorry if this comes off too preachy, but it felt like a "timeout" was in order.

Oh I know!!!!! Some of those girls can rake in the cash here in New Orleans!!!! They can easily bring home a grand on a good Friday night. There are strippers who use the money to pay for law school. I am all about morals but you have to give the gals who put themselves through law school by bumping and grinding some credit :rotfl2:

Yeah....they make some killer cash. I'd never do it either! I've known a lot of girls that did it though.

Speaking of New Orleans, are things back up and running good yet? You see things on the news about it here and there but a resident would know it a lot better...it's a gorgeous place!
First, let me say here, THE MODS ARE NOT SLEEPING.. ;) (notice the winking smilie)

We are reading this thread and will continue to moderate it, hopefully it will remain open and the discussion will continue nicely. If you would like to bring the discussion back to what the servers make at WDW, then please do so, otherwise we will consider it off topic discussing what others make for a living and will lock this thread.
Yeah....they make some killer cash. I'd never do it either! I've known a lot of girls that did it though.

Speaking of New Orleans, are things back up and running good yet? You see things on the news about it here and there but a resident would know it a lot better...it's a gorgeous place!

The tourist places are up and running again. Many of the areas are back to normal but anything in New Orleans East is still trashed. :scared1:
It is going to take years and years to rebuild everything that was lost. After the storm, it looked like a nuke went off in my city :scared1: 100's of miles all around just GONE.
We lost part of our roof and a few windows ... then smaller things like our wooden privacy fence. We were very lucky to have good insurance!
First, let me say here, THE MODS ARE NOT SLEEPING.. ;) (notice the winking smilie)

We are reading this thread and will continue to moderate it, hopefully it will remain open and the discussion will continue nicely. If you would like to bring the discussion back to what the servers make at WDW, then please do so, otherwise we will consider it off topic discussing what others make for a living and will lock this thread.

Howdy! OT but....
Not that I want to report Pumba for breaking the TOS rules for a personal attack but I do have a question....
What If there is a post I would like to report that a mod made? Would it do any good? I mean wouldn't they just get the report sent to them? Just curious how that all works :thumbsup2
I would definitely think that a WDW server would make GREAT money. I know when we dined at V&A in 1999 our servers got a $50 tip on a $250 dinner. And that was a check for 2 people. Granted V&A's is a smaller restaurant and they serve less people per night than Chef Mickey's but if they have to wait just 5 tables of 2 between the 2 seatings per night, they've already cleared $250 right there.

I can definitely see why people would wish to wait tables at WDW. That's way more money per year than I make now.
I would definitely think that a WDW server would make GREAT money. I know when we dined at V&A in 1999 our servers got a $50 tip on a $250 dinner. And that was a check for 2 people. Granted V&A's is a smaller restaurant and they serve less people per night than Chef Mickey's but if they have to wait just 5 tables of 2 between the 2 seatings per night, they've already cleared $250 right there.

I can definitely see why people would wish to wait tables at WDW. That's way more money per year than I make now.

and it may seem like that as you live in KY. I am sure servers in KY don't make near that amount... but you have to look at the cost of living. I am not educated on the cost of living in KY but I am sure it is less than the cost of living in Florida. Someone who makes 70-80K may be living the same lifestyle as someone making 30-40K in KY. Am I making sense?
The tourist places are up and running again. Many of the areas are back to normal but anything in New Orleans East is still trashed. :scared1:
It is going to take years and years to rebuild everything that was lost. After the storm, it looked like a nuke went off in my city :scared1: 100's of miles all around just GONE.
We lost part of our roof and a few windows ... then smaller things like our wooden privacy fence. We were very lucky to have good insurance!

Wow! :scared1:

My kids saw a show on it at IMAX a few weeks ago and want to go for a visit. I was just reading your thread on your mother daughter trip. Sounds like so much fun! Your little girl is going to have the time of her life! princess:
Wow! :scared1:

My kids saw a show on it at IMAX a few weeks ago and want to go for a visit. I was just reading your thread on your mother daughter trip. Sounds like so much fun! Your little girl is going to have the time of her life! princess:

Yeah, I prefer not to see the IMAX version as I saw the REAL thing :rotfl2: :rotfl2: no need to live it twice :rotfl2:
Once was good enough for me!!! :thumbsup2
The serivce industry took a huge hit and is still having a difficult time getting back on its feet.

We are extremely excited about our upcoming trip. We will make sure to tip our server so nobody spits in our soup :laughing:
You can report a post by clicking on the triangle on the left side of your post, below where you name is. It will be seen by administration as well as the moderators..
Just returned from a week vaca at WDW. Every TS meal we had our server recieved a $60 tip. This was an 18% tip for 14 person ressie. I can totaly see a server clearing $200- $300 a shift.
Howdy! OT but....
Not that I want to report Pumba for breaking the TOS rules for a personal attack but I do have a question....
What If there is a post I would like to report that a mod made? Would it do any good? I mean wouldn't they just get the report sent to them? Just curious how that all works :thumbsup2

If at any time you would like to report a thread/post there are 2 ways to do it. There is a triangle at the bottom of each post. Clicking on that reports the post.

Here is the link to the DIS Guidelines. It also lists the email to send a message directly to admin.

I am sorry you took offense to my earlier post, it was not intended to be anything other than constructive. A very long post is very difficult to read. I am sure there was valuable information in there, but the lines all ran together for me.
and it may seem like that as you live in KY. I am sure servers in KY don't make near that amount... but you have to look at the cost of living. I am not educated on the cost of living in KY but I am sure it is less than the cost of living in Florida. Someone who makes 70-80K may be living the same lifestyle as someone making 30-40K in KY. Am I making sense?

The real estate and property taxes are higher but other than that its pretty much the same. My uncle lives in Orange Lake, FL and we have friends that live on Merritt Island, FL. And real estate has only increased in the last 6-7 years. When we first started traveling to Florida we looked at buying a house there because the real estate was so much CHEAPER than here in KY. But then they had a real estate boom and prices shot up. (A boom that many are in trouble for now). I wish we had bought real estate when we looked in 1999 & 2000. We could've afforded it then--can't afford it now! Crazy prices!
The real estate and property taxes are higher but other than that its pretty much the same. My uncle lives in Orange Lake, FL and we have friends that live on Merritt Island, FL. And real estate has only increased in the last 6-7 years. When we first started traveling to Florida we looked at buying a house there because the real estate was so much CHEAPER than here in KY. But then they had a real estate boom and prices shot up. (A boom that many are in trouble for now). I wish we had bought real estate when we looked in 1999 & 2000. We could've afforded it then--can't afford it now! Crazy prices!

We had the same thing happen to us after Katrina!
Houses that were still standing shot up 200%
We thought about selling our home to make a profit but DH said... then where would WE LIVE? Oh yeah... forgot about that one :rotfl:

I have family who live right outside of Orlando and its a lot more expensive living there than it is here.
praline3000 said:
Just because a good WDW server can make 76K before taxes doesn't mean your shouldn't tip them what they deserve.
Yes! That's EXACTLY it!!!

OneTreeHillAddict said:
Last time I checked this was a board where people talked to one another about things concerning Disney. I was not aware we were being graded on grammar and word structure. Do forgive me for not being perfect PLEASE PLEASE!!!
Graded? Hardly. But when you go to all the trouble of writing about the equivalent of a newspaper editorial* on any subject, and posting it online - don't you want people to READ it?

I love to read. I read the backs of cereal boxes if there's nothing else around. But hundreds of words with no visual break? Nope. Can't do it. Too confusing. Some excellent points may exist in that post, but I'll never know.

loveswdw said:
but if they have to wait just 5 tables of 2 between the 2 seatings per night, they've already cleared $250 right there.
Clears? Not even close. Is tipped? Sorta. But using Victoria & Albert's - you have more than one server per table, therefore the tip is split. They still have to tip out other employees. They still have to report earnings and pay taxes; therefore, the amount tipped and the amount cleared are different. And of course, this assumes every party tips 20%.
If at any time you would like to report a thread/post there are 2 ways to do it. There is a triangle at the bottom of each post. Clicking on that reports the post.

Here is the link to the DIS Guidelines. It also lists the email to send a message directly to admin.

I am sorry you took offense to my earlier post, it was not intended to be anything other than constructive. A very long post is very difficult to read. I am sure there was valuable information in there, but the lines all ran together for me.

I think prehaps it may have just been a misunderstanding...so hard to tell someone's tone of voice on a discussion board...lol!;) I knew what was meant...:hug: :scared:
It' all the same to me since members of the Brennan family owns both.

Yeah I know. My fav place the family owned was Mr. B's Bistro as it was the same food...just a more casual place to dine but its been closed since Katrina. I wish they would open it :sad1:
Back OT for just a minute, seriously, I don't think it is a slam to say that servers at WDW make good money. For me, a Mom of teenagers, it is refreshing to know that a living wage can be made with hard work, dedication and not necessarily a high priced education. That said, I would be seriously surprised if the $76,000 pre tax were not true. All tables of 6 or more are auto grat at 18%, all DDE is auto grat at 18% regardless of party size, and all DDP and DXDDP are at least 2 full courses for each person, DX three--just at Jiko alone my family of four pre-tipped OOP check was around $180 (one app, 4 entrees, 2 wine, 2 softdrinks) so my tip was $36 and most others dining that night were at least that. Sure that is signature dining, but have you seen the price at LeCellier--one credit and the steak prices are on par with Jiko so the tip would be as well. There are enough auto grat measures in place to help prevent the "stiffing" and even out the lower tips.
I certainly don't begrudge or even think this was intended as "look how much they get, so you dont need to tip", but rather "hey, look at what a decent salary these servers make, this could be better than my current job." Maybe even a "don't think of them as poor servers but of hard working professionals who make a decent living wage"-- or maybe even a "don't turn your nose up at them because they chose to be in the service industry."
As a teacher my salary is scrutinized frequently, I am offended when it is published and blanket satements are made about how we all earn too much money. I would answer the server makes X with the same response as I give when I hear how "rich" I am--we all make choices and if you want to teach you will get what I get--believe me it isn't glamouous and I will never be rich, but I hopefully will never go hungry and I will be able to provide for my family doing something that I love doing and hopefully making a difference. Hopefully the same holds true for servers at WDW. They work hard doing something many of us wouldn't want to do and they are compensated well for that. I'm glad they are because when I go out on vacation I want to be treated well and served by professionals who care about what they do.
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